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Neith ~ The Shooting Star Lingers

15 1 109,402
by Rinorim updated November 28, 2015

Smite God: Neith

Build Guide Discussion 38 More Guides
Choose a Build: Physical Mage / Control
Physical Mage / Control Auto Attack / DPS Split Push / Penetration
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Neith Build

Typical Items

Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

Starting Items

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Morningstar Morningstar
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Core Items

Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath

Offensive Items

Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

Defensive Items

Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin

Active Items

Build Item Greater Sprint Greater Sprint
Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification
Build Item Aegis Pendant Aegis Pendant
Build Item Greater Blink Greater Blink

Neith's Skill Order

Spirit Arrow

1 X Y
Spirit Arrow
1 4 6 7 10


2 A B
3 8 11 12 14

Back Flip

3 B A
Back Flip
2 15 16 18 19

World Weaver

4 Y X
World Weaver
5 9 13 17 20
Spirit Arrow
1 4 6 7 10

Spirit Arrow

1 X
Neith fires a shot that passes through everything. Each enemy hit takes damage and is Rooted. If the Spirit Arrow hits a Broken Weave, the Weave detonates, dealing an additional 100% of the damage and applying the Root to all enemies in the area.

Ability Type: Line, Root, Damage
Damage: 90 / 155 / 220 / 285 / 350 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Root: 1.6 / 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 2s
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 13 / 12.5 / 12 / 11.5 / 11s
3 8 11 12 14


2 A
Neith neatly unravels the world weaves, damaging all enemies in the target area, reducing their Attack Speed while increasing her own, and healing Neith for each enemy hit, up to 3. Any Broken Weaves in the area are removed, healing Neith an additional amount.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+100% of your Physical Power)
Attack Speed Buff/Debuff: 30%
Buff/Debuff Lifetime: 4s
Heal: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80
Weave Heal: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160
Radius: 20
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 15s
Back Flip
2 15 16 18 19

Back Flip

3 B
Neith back flips through the air, creating a Broken Weave as she leaps while damaging and slowing enemies in the area in front of her.

Ability Type: Cone, Leap, Damage
Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 30%
Slow Duration: 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 16s
World Weaver
5 9 13 17 20

World Weaver

4 Y
Neith charges up and fires an arrow across the entire world, seeking its target and passing through all obstacles. Enemy gods take damage and are Stunned. The arrow can be fired quicker for diminished results.

Ability Type: Target, Stun, Damage
Damage: 235 / 300 / 365 / 430 / 495 (+115% of your Physical Power)
Stun: 1.5s
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 100s


Recent News: Bluestone is slowly losing its place in my heart. Nerfed again

Note: There are three builds on this guide. For the majority of the guide I will be talking about build 1. Build 2 is a strong AA hunter build, and I have it listed, because although I don't like to use Neith as an AA hunter, many people do. Build 3 is also a personal favorite that allows you to drop towers/phoenixes incredibly fast and punishes the enemy if they have the nerve to forget about you even for a second.
Welcome to Neith!

Neith is not your typical huntress. Most hunters like to build attack speed and crit, focusing on their basic attack to win them teamfights, but Neith likes to think outside the hunter box. While she can build typical items and still have a decent impact on the game, you would be better off playing Xbalanque or Medusa.

The reasoning behind this is mainly because Neith has no built in attack speed/damage steroid like many other hunters. This is essentially Hirez telling us one of two things, she's a bad character, or use her differently!

I would like to point out something that a lot of people are commenting about already. This guide is not an AA, hold the mouse button to win, late game hunter-carry guide. This build turns you into a ranged burst-assassin that wins fights by controlling them. Therefore, I thought I should point out that this build works best in the solo lane as that is what it is designed for. In extension, I think Neith works best when she's not the main ADC of the team. Regardless of what you build on her, she'll never match up to other hunters in the far late game.

The Good and the Bad


* High burst from spirit arrow
* Excellent escape from back flip
* Extreme CC for a hunter
* Self healing from unravel
* Constant full map pressure with ultimate
* Strong lane control with broken weaves


Easy to kill if back flip is on cooldown *
Subpar boxing compared to other hunters *
Ultimate is weak in teamfights *


Understanding the skill sequence

Bluestone Pendant triggers extra damage whenever hitting enemies with an ability. This means that getting each of Neith's abilities online as early as possible is extremely important. The highest damage Neith can output requires all 3 skills being available to proc the item's effect. Even Back Flip does noticeable damage in early stages now.

What are Neith's skills?

Broken Weave

Neith's passive, Broken Weave, is often overlooked by players. It is kind of confusing until you've used it. What it does is when Neith is in a game, every god on the enemy team that dies leaves a small glowy circle (lasting 1 minute each) that can be triggered by Neith in two ways to great effect. Her Spirit Arrow can become an AOE attack, and her Unravel can heal Neith twice. In order to activate these effects, you have to hit a broken weave within the effect of either Spirit Arrow or Unravel. As a small side note, a Broken Weave can be created by the use of Back Flip.

Spirit Arrow

Neith's bread and butter skill. This skill boasts a large amount of damage coupled with a strong root. However, it is a pretty narrow skillshot, so hitting it takes some practice and luck. If used with a broken weave, the damage from Spirit Arrow as well as the root is transferred into a small AOE around the weave. As an added bonus, the original shot still counts, so you can "double dip" with this attack. It is possible to activate more than one Broken Weave with this attack, but you can only deal damage to each enemy one time from a weave per arrow. This means that even if they are standing between two weaves, they will only take damage from one.


This skill is what allows me to not place any lifesteal items in my build and still be comfortable. Unravel is an AOE targeted ability that Neith can use to heal and slow enemies' attack speed. It has a pretty considerable heal returning about 350 HP at max build if you hit three enemies within the AOE. If that's not enough, target a Broken Weave and hit 3 enemies, and suddenly you're healing around 700 HP! 9 second cooldown with max CDR by the way. Its attack speed slow is pretty significant at 30% and it lasts through 2/3 of the cooldown. However, regardless of how many weaves are used by this ability, it can only heal twice the base amount in one cast at maximum.

Back flip

Neith's Back Flip is her most versatile move. It does a bit of damage/slow in an AOE as well as planting a Broken Weave and moving her up and out of danger. It is important to note that Neith is not invulnerable or CC immune while using Back Flip. For example, Xbalanque's ult will stun her mid Back Flip if it ends while she is in the air. Back Flip can be used to jump out of Odin's arena as well as over one of Ymir's walls. A typical use for Back Flip is to run up a bit in lane and plant a Broken Weave. Be careful when doing this, because when your escape is on cooldown, your enemies might take advantage of it. It is important to note that only one Broken Weave can exist from Back Flip at any current time.

World Weaver

This is when we get to the fun part. World Weaver is a global ultimate that straight up deals a truckload of damage as well as a decent stun. To use it, you must have some type of vision on an enemy god, but you don't need vision directly from Neith. It takes a few seconds to charge the arrow to full power, but it can be released early for diminished, but still noticeable results. Once fired, World Weaver will track its target perfectly, but it will collide with the first enemy god that it hits, so it can be easily body-blocked by an attentive teammate.

How do we level them?

It always varies game to game, but I find the most efficient way to level up is to main Spirit Arrow, because its damage and root duration increase quite nicely. World Weaver should be leveled whenever possible for the same reason as Spirit Arrow. Unravel comes third because its damage and heal scale nicely with levels. It is very useful to have the 6 second attack speed debuff on an enemy especially if you are 1 on 1. Finally comes Back Flip. There are a couple reasons for leveling this skill last. First off, its damage could be noticeable if leveled up, but it's not often used for damage. Secondly, leveling it raises the mana cost of our escape, and that is a bad idea unless it provides a large amount of utility in some other way which it doesn't. Some could argue that the increase in slow duration makes it viable to level early, but I think the strengths of the other skills outweigh these benefits.

Notable combos

Back flip --> Spirit Arrow

Back flip --> unravel


Why do we choose these?

Build 1 when completed will give you 266.3 physical power, base attack speed, 0% critical chance, 0% lifesteal, 33% + 11 penetration, 2335 HP, 2210 MP, base protections, +18% movement speed, 40% cooldown reduction, and utility passives.

Build 2 when completed will give you 226.8 physical power, +55% attack speed, 50% critical chance, 15% lifesteal, 15 penetration, 1935HP, 2060MP, base protections, +18% movement speed, 0% cooldown reduction, and AA passives.

Build 3 when completed will give you 231.3 physical power, +25% attack speed, 0% critical chance, 0% lifesteal, 33% + 31 penetration, 2235HP, 2210MP, base protections, +28% movement speed, 35% cooldown reduction, and pushing passives.

What's so great about each item?

Item Classifications

The item's name is colored based upon its most desired property, and it receives *'s for all of its properties.

Physical Power
Attack Speed
Critical Chance
Movement Speed
Cool Down Reduction
Unique Passive

Physical Power
Bluestone Pendant ***

It's hard to believe that a starting item would give this much power, but it does. Bluestone Pendant is now a super poking item that works extremely well on Neith at level 3. Simply hit the enemy once with each ability every now and again and they will be quickly forced out of lane. This will also make clearing lane/jungle camps a breeze for Neith (not that it was a problem beforehand).

Transcendence **

In my opinion, Transcendence is an overpowered item. It gives 66.5 physical power without even factoring in mana from other items or from Neith's base pool. With this item, you'll never think about mana again, and you'll have amazing power at a short period into the game. World Weaver will pack quite a punch at this state of the game, so keep your eyes open for escaping targets.

Attack Speed
The Executioner ***

The Executioner provides great power and attack speed while giving Neith the protection reduction she needs to shred tanks. The combination of percentage reduction as well as flat reduction makes this item an exceptional pickup against squishy targets as well, because their low protections will suffer greatly from the flat reduction. Expect a large DPS increase once this item is picked up. The one downside to The Executioner is that it will not help your ultimate do more damage.

Critical Chance
Rage **

The pickup that more often than not signals the coming of Deathbringer. Rage bolsters the rate of critical strikes by an alarming amount. For each strike that doesn't crit, crit chance goes up by 10% to a maximum of 80% from Rage alone. This item is good, but it won't increase your DPS a ton until you get Deathbringer.

Deathbringer ***

This item will turn you into a DPS monster. If you pick it up after Rage, your critical chance is at minimum 50% and you will begin to crit more often than not. This pairs extremely well with Deathbringer, because it increases critical damage by 50%. Once you get this item, try to force fights, because your advantage is at its peak the moment you pick up Deathbringer.

Asi ***

Asi gives a little bit of everything we like: lifesteal, attack speed, and a good amount of flat penetration. Asi will give you the sustain you need to last in short encounters as well as farm to your heart's content. The lifesteal jumps when your health is critical, so remember not to necessarily run away when you're low. That might be the best time for you to strike back.

The Crusher ***

This item is very rarely picked up, because Brawler's Beat Stick has the same base stats but a different passive. There are a few situations where I like to pick this up. If your team is very good at prolonging teamfights, you can sneak a tower or maybe more with this item. The other reason you might pick this up is to force the enemy team to devote resources to stopping your push. This will give your team more room to farm. Don't buy this if nobody else in your team is building DPS.

Titan's Bane **

I like to call this item the tank shredder. It will cause a notable damage increase against enemies with high protections, however since it is a percentage, this item is far more efficient later in the game. Expect a sizeable increase in damage when you pick this up, but if you get it without other damage items, don't expect much. Also, this item pairs very well with flat penetration since Titan's Bane comes in to effect first. This makes all flat penetration much more valuable.

Frostbound Hammer ***

Once you get this item, you will be able to control skirmishes much more effectively. Landing a spirit arrow on a slowed target is not nearly as difficult as a quickly moving one. The extra HP is also nice, because it will help you survive getting bursted by mages or warriors like Odin. This item also makes it possible to land the Back Flip --> Spirit Arrow combo reliably, because the enemy is slowed too much to get out of the effect. You can also use this item to escape, simply tag the enemy with one strike and then run; repeat if necessary.

Spirit Robe ***

This is the compromise answer to your second CDR item. It provides nice protections, great CDR, and a passive that makes you not get blown away the moment your caught by hard CC. There isn't much to say about this item other than it's a solid pickup if your enemy has lots of AOE's or stuns. It can provide an extra few seconds of life against gods like Anubis, and those seconds might be enough to get off a Back Flip.

Hide of the Urchin ***

This item gives an extreme amount of survivability. The 10 stacks aren't very hard to build up especially with Neith. I typically only buy this item when the enemy team has a ton of AOE skills that I'm not going to be able to dodge without being absent altogether. This item won't turn you into a tank, but it will let you do your job without worrying about getting bursted by a god who's not even trying to kill you. Most people hate buying protections on hunters, but occasionally it can be the right choice to make.

Movement Speed
Warrior Tabi **

Not much to say here, but good choice of boots. They give a good chunk of power, but no attack speed or penetration. Build these if you want to go ability heavy.

Ninja Tabi ***

Again, not much to say. They're identical to Warrior Tabi except they have a bit less power and a small attack speed buff. Buy these if you want to go ADC or if you're trying to push towers heavily. Neith needs the attack speed as she has no ability based attack speed.

Hastened Fatalis **

I rarely buy this item on Neith, because I don't think she can utilize it very well, and she needs other items. However, it does fill one niche role very well if needed. It can allow you to dance around enemy towers while taking them down. This can come in very handy if you're getting attacked by one enemy god while finishing an objective. Essentially, I like to use it to buy myself time.

Cooldown Reduction
Jotunn's Wrath ****

This item is amazing; it gives huge CDR, good power, some mana (which boosts power a little more when combined with Transcendence), and decent flat penetration. I almost always buy this on Neith; it fills what she needs super well. If you're going CDR, always build this quickly.

Hydra's Lament ***

The aggressive answer to your second CDR item. Hydra's Lament fills 2 rolls. It has the 15% CDR that we desperately want, and it has physical power. What's really interesting is the 25% damage boost directly applicable after any ability. This works really well with Spirit Arrow because if you're not reeling from a previous basic attack, Neith is capable of instantly firing an attack after her Spirit Arrow. This makes Neith's Spirit Arrow into a mini-nuke if it connects. Keep in mind, the passive works on towers.

shield of regrowth Shield of Regrowth ****

Shield of regrowth is a very interesting item on Neith. It is the niche answer to Neith's second CDR item. I only buy it in one instance, and that is if the enemy team is assassin heavy. Neith's Unravel does not slow her movement speed, and it has a slight delay before it takes effect. This is important, because it allows you to cast it straight down while running away, and more often than not the enemy assassin will run into it giving you a huge speed boost to get away.

Winged Blade ****

This is the safe answer to your second CDR item. It doesn't require any reaction time since it activates automatically, and it gives you a little attack speed as a bonus. There are certain key gods where you will almost always want it. These gods are the gods with cripple slows: Ares and Poseidon. If you buy Winged Blade, those two gods lose almost their whole advantage over you. It's also exceptional for split pushing, because it gives you the CDR you want while allowing you to move around the map more quickly and giving you another safeguard to protect you from ganks.

Unique Passive
magi's blessing Magi's Blessing ***

I have a love/hate relationship with this item. It seems like a big commitment to pickup when it gives you lackluster stats and a 90s CD auto-beads. I only get it in two instances: the enemy has very few CC moves, but they're game changers, ( Medusa, Ares, etc...), or if I'm split pushing really hard. Paired up with Greater Purification and Greater Sprint, the enemy will need to be extremely tactical and devote a ton of resources to punish you for overextending. Don't build this item unless you really need it, because it's mostly a crutch in my opinion. You need other items.

How do we know when to buy them?

Following one of the three builds isn't always the way to go. Sometimes specific games call for specific items. (If the enemy team has only physical gods for some reason, buy Hide of the Nemean Lion or Midgardian Mail). The goal of the builds is to give a baseline to mold your playstyle around. Although I disagree with using Neith as an AA god, if you want to play her that way, start with build 2 and build items you find useful. Maybe you're going against a Geb and Hou Yi, instead of building Rage/ Deathbringer, go Deathbringer/ Malice.

Never lock yourself into one build for every game, the ability to adapt to each situation and see how the game is progressing is the mark of a good player. These builds I have listed are builds that I find to work on a consistent basis most of the time, so you'll always have some manner of success using one, (unless you are inexperienced, or your enemies are premade tryhards).

That being said, the typical way I would build Neith is to
0. Grab a Bluestone Pendant!
1. Always build Transcendence as your first permanent item, building active items as needed. (Don't be afraid to get actives early if it means the difference between surviving multiple ganks or not).
2. Build some form of boots after Transcendence, but if you are rolling in the dough, you can shift to your first offensive item if you want.
3. If you want CDR, buy Jotunn's Wrath no later than your third item. Your ultimate is amazing early, but limited in usefulness in the late game. If you're not going CDR, now is the time to pick up a lifesteal item.
4. If you want a defensive item, now would be the time to pick one up. If not, finish CDR or build penetration.
5/6. Finally, lock in to what your strategy calls for. (If you're split pushing, get The Crusher and escape actives, if you're going carry, build crit, and if you're bursting/supporting, finish those control items).

** When to build your penetration item(s) varies greatly game to game. You will have to make a judgement call as to when you need it/them. However, you should almost always work at least Titan's Bane or The Executioner into your build or tanks will be a nightmare to take down.

Remember that items sell for 2/3 of their value. If you need to switch rolls in the late game, it is possible to do so, but make sure you can fully convert before selling items. I don't recommend doing this very often, but I have won games by doing this, because it catches enemies by surprise.

Gameplay Structure

Solo Lane

This lane is our pride and joy, because it serves everything that Neith needs. In the solo lane, you level up much faster than a traditional hunter will and you get much more gold allowing you to stack Transcendence faster. The goal here is to make sure that you don't die at least until you've got the 1400 gold you'll need to get your big item. If you happen to die before then, you will be extremely far behind, because you'll have to sacrifice even more time to go back and get Transcendence.

Early Game: Start out by helping your jungler get their speed buff, and make sure they get you the mana buff. This will help your lane out immensely as you can just cast your skills whenever you want for the next two minutes. (This will allow you to harass heavily considering how strong Bluestone Pendant makes you in early stages.) Place a Broken Weave in the middle of the lane using Back Flip, (pushing it forward if you feel confident). Try to hit your enemy with Back Flip if you can, it does some damage at least. Placing this weave will make the opponent wary of clearing the lane, and it will set you up to clear your wave. If your opponent is playing safe, just clear the minions and harass with basics while they try to clear your minions.

While this is going on, please, please make sure to LISTEN and WATCH. Most junglers will want to gank you a couple minutes in, and they'll want to wait until you've used your Back Flip. You can use this as a kind of test to see who's around you. If you use Back Flip and your laning opponent moves towards you, it's time to gtfo, because you're about to get ganked. This is why you listen, because most junglers make some kind of noise (lookin at you Loki) if they're using an ability to go on you. (Smart ones won't reveal themselves until it's too late for you), and this is why you watch. Always look inward when you use Back Flip, because if a jungler is going to appear, it's going to be then.

Early-Mid Game: Snag Transcendence as soon as possible. Once you have enough money, simply clear your wave and back. You can stack it incredibly fast with all of the minion kills you'll be getting. Try to harass your opponent if possible, but don't towerdive, you will almost assuredly die unless you only need one more basic attack. Back Flip will not dodge a tower shot, so don't try to use it to do that.

Once you're level 5, look for good gank opportunities. Communicate with your team, because they will most likely be focused on what they're doing and won't assume you can initiate for them. This is why it's beneficial to get levels/gold early, because you'll have a decent amount of physical power by now making your World Weaver quite painful.

Mid Game: Try to get your tower down as quickly as possible, it's fairly easy to do unless your opponent has good clear as well. If you're winning your lane and able to push hard, you should consider getting Improved Sprint. Combined with Back Flip, you will have a hard time dying to anything less than a 3 man gank. If your team is doing well or equal to the enemy team, then you should push your lane as hard as you can to force the enemy team to make choices regarding how many resources to devote to you or your late game carry. If your team is not doing well, you'll have to make a physical appearance in teamfights instead of just ulting.

Mid-Late Game: This is where you can shine; this is right before most hard carries come online. You want to take advantage of this time as much as possible. Right now, your ultimate hits like a truck and you can either split push or roam and gank people easily. Try to have your team initiate a teamfight at the gold fury or something while you push your lane. This is an easy way to sneak a phoenix. Once you do that, you can start pushing other lanes and finishing off all other towers if your team hasn't done so already.

Late Game: Once you get here, it really depends a lot on your team to capitalize on the lead that you have gotten them to this point. (You did get them a lead right?) Your role will be more like a sneaking thief at this point, you can push lanes in the blink of an eye, and you can also defend lanes without spending much time in them. I cannot stress this enough, but make sure you do not die at this point, because if you do, the enemy team will almost assuredly take a phoenix/fire giant. You should have Greater Sprint and Greater Purification by now, so killing you should be nigh impossible.

At this point, you have enough power to rip phoenixes down in seconds. You want to get the outside lanes to push while your opponents are pushing the mid lane and your team is defending. You want your opponents to think that they have an advantage in a teamfight against your 4 teammates. Make sure to tell your team to try and survive the teamfight and extend its duration instead of trying to win the fight. You need the enemies occupied as long as possible. You can take all three phoenixes if your team occupies the enemy long enough, and even if they manage to kill your whole team, you can back and defend your titan because they will have no creeps to push with

Under construction

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bMATRIXd (1) | April 3, 2016 1:45pm
everything is great except for last item ,titan's bane, should be switched with shifter's shield as i put it in the physical power was greater than urs by like 20, also the basic attack damage went from 303-333, so it increses it by 30,which tends to come in handy when trying top get in,and out.
smigdit78 | January 14, 2016 3:55am
These builds are great and the guide is really detailed, although I have one change I would make (not sure if anyone else has said it), instead of the mana pot you get as a starter i would get a ward as the heal from her 2 and the mana from the buff diminishes any health/mana problems, a ward would be much more helpful; especially when/if you get to push their tower
Branmuffin17 (401) | January 13, 2016 10:45am
Nice guide, Rinorim. Good explanations and reasoning. +1

There's a ton of scrolling because you have a good amount of content. Have you considered using spoilers to make it more compact and allow people to more easily get to the content they want to read at that time?

Another thing, at least to me, is the item ratings/colored asterisks...I understand the idea, and trust me, I really appreciate the thought that went into this, but I'm not sure it's really effective for most people. As you get further down, you scroll past the color coding, and unless you memorize what each color means, it doesn't do much at that point.

So, what I'm talking about in the end is perhaps a lot of work, but you might consider reorganizing this section covering the core items, and then split other sections based on however you want...could be as simple as offensive items and defensive items, or perhaps, separate from core, have a section of items for each of your 3 main builds?

Just thoughts...if you like it the way it is, more power to you. Again, well done.
Devampi (105) | December 9, 2015 12:12pm
Bullfrog323 wrote:

That's what I thought, but if we look at those 2 accounts

First one has played Neith 37 times, with a kda of 2.39
Second one has played Neith 5 times, with a kda of 1.93

Even I am better than this with a kda of 3.27, and I'm nowhere near pro level.

in a pm he send me he said the one that wasn't played on for a month was an acc he ditched the other one was his according to him. So nevermind about the accounts
Bullfrog323 (27) | December 9, 2015 7:46am
That's what I thought, but if we look at those 2 accounts

First one has played Neith 37 times, with a kda of 2.39
Second one has played Neith 5 times, with a kda of 1.93

Even I am better than this with a kda of 3.27, and I'm nowhere near pro level.
Devampi (105) | December 9, 2015 4:57am
Guys don't care a lot about this guy look at his profile and you can see the Ego springing of even more then subzero's ego.

and also the game doesn't care about you going 6+ in kda it cares about you winning the game. I have seen games with adc having a negative KDA (mostly because others got the kills) however had the most player damage winning them the game.

EDIT: (I searched him on SG if I have the rightprofile: this guy is a silver 4 in a downwards spiral (taken from his competitive game thread)

EDITEDIT: I noticed it was the wrong account (however it was one of the names he stated in his first recruiting thread hopefully the right one from his last recruiting thread. he is a plat V
GameGeekFan (50) | December 8, 2015 3:09pm

I play Neith constantly. I have a 6+ k/d with her so i know her build. This is not a good build. None of these build are even that good.

Just because you have "a 6+ kd" doesnt mean anything. Excuse me but this isnt Call of Duty EnemiesLagAndYouWin.

I would be more impressed if someone used a ****ty build and went against pros and won. Without their team.

In case you would like to use numbers and actual reasoning? Cause that makes more sense than just saying something. Like how you would replace some items or level some abilities first.
Wolfman5665 (6) | December 8, 2015 1:23pm

I play Neith constantly. I have a 6+ k/d with her so i know her build. This is not a good build. None of these build are even that good.

Who are you to tell this person that their build is bad? Maybe it works for them?! Maybe they actually are skilled at the character and don't need to rely on what you think is the "best build" for Neith? Tell me, if you are SO good at Neith and can just go around demeaning others, why don't you just make your own guide if we are all below you?
Stuke99 (56) | December 8, 2015 10:52am

I play Neith constantly. I have a 6+ k/d with her so i know her build. This is not a good build. None of these build are even that good.

Would you care to elaborate why they suck?
FxkBoiiXpress | December 8, 2015 8:55am
I play Neith constantly. I have a 6+ k/d with her so i know her build. This is not a good build. None of these build are even that good.
carpetfood | December 7, 2015 12:11pm
Lol I like it, I tested it in a mid lane neith conquest against hel. They gave up and surrendered I KILLED HER LIKE 3 TIMES LOL!
Rinorim (5) | November 28, 2015 4:46pm
Thank you for your commentary Bullfrog323.

I agree that it is an early/mid game build, but it is a surprisingly strong one. The reason I like to build Neith this way is because her late game is not as strong as other hunters, so I feel as though we should capitalize on her strong points.

I've never been a fan of Heartseeker simply because Transcendence gives more power, and you don't have to play perfectly to retain that power. It is a lot more expensive though, so that is important to note. In assault though... I can see where you're going. I don't often think about Neith assault simply because I don't often end up using her in it.

In conquest, you can force games to end quicker if you have some team communication. There is no reason that a game needs to hit 30-40 minutes. You can also create space for your teammates with Neith so that they can be your late game powerhouse if needed.

Jotunn's Wrath gives some penetration, and so does The Crusher if you opt for those. I see your point though.

Backflip used to be one word, and it's been a while since I updated this guide. Thank you for the comment, I will incorporate that now.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rinorim
Neith ~ The Shooting Star Lingers
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