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everyone has their take on the perfect Odin build, some people may complain "build like a warrior, what the hell are you doing??" I get it often until end game..
anyways, main tip here that it took me awhile to learn, be patient and don't jump into a "bonfire" (group of enemies). beginning of the game is your chance to get out ahead (and focused on), or personally, I like to farm the Mage camp and watch the tower from the other side (normal/quick casting only) by holding the button (quick) or simply pressing the button to bring up your highlighting bracket (atk guide).. if you're new to Odin, the next tidbit will help tremendously, if you've been around- you already know what the suggested order of attacks are for this particular build...
ability 2 (Raven Shout)
ability 1 (lunge)
ability 3 (gungnir's might)
the ult timing depends on if you're greedy, or a team player. I drop my ultimate when I finish ^^ that attack order, so that my team can help build my power (Odin gains permanent physical power for each enemy God killed in his 'ring of spears,' this also gives you a chance to cool your jump down, or run away if you're low on hp. the other option would be to use ability order, you would want to change the skill sequence and get your gungnir's up sooner, as it would be the brunt of your attack early game (until your crit is attained.)
there's a handful of characters able to take you out, at least in the early game, due to you 'wall watching,' as I like to call it (the bracket highlighting), meaning it's easy to sneak up on you.. Loki is good at that...
my only other major issues have been characters with stops, not slows- but you're hit and you're not moving for a few seconds (chronos, neith, Anubis, Bacchus- to name the ones off top). you're built like an assassin, while you're much slower, your lunge can get you away from attacks, and your Raven shout doubles up as defense, as I'll explain in "run for your life or die!"
FREYA i don't know what the hell it is about her, probably the fact she piggy-backs other characters, meaning you're jumping in to a 2 on 1.
so, Orin's not as well known eluding, is actually pretty good (as long as you're not caught by a pillar by anhur or wall from Ymir.) you aren't fast, as previously stated so you have to be smart..
ability 1 (away from enemies)
ability 2
the Raven shout, while making your leap 80% stronger and usually the reason you get a kill, doubles up as a defense ability as well, it adds hp (for the duration of the ability,) and adds quite a bit, if someone is too fast and keeps catching you, look into getting [reinforged hammer] instead of [malice] so that while running, you can use gungir's and hit the enemy with a slow, should keep him off long enough to get to safety.
most people argue that the crit items could be used for penetration, or power - 'to be more effective..'
in your ring of spears, you only have your basic attack left, until cooldown, since this is a power and not all-around build, your cool-downs are slightly longer than desired, your basic attack should be hitting for 120 or so by the time you get your rings, quite effective when someone is trapped. reinforged hammer (if you have those pesky hunt/mages) would also help when you're in the ring, and the enemy decides to run in circles, without a slow its next to impossible to catch them.
pros -
*can kill squishy Mages and hunters in one leap, in the first five-ten minutes.
*you can clear minion groups in the first five levels as fast as kulkukan/ra
*assassin like play, with more health
cons -
*you're not an assassin, and your speed/ate speed shows it
*you get focused on, A LOT in joust
*first few levels are tough and you have to play smart, because of the boots not being acquired first.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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Having to buy 3 mana pots each time you back adds up, and makes your build even more expensive.
Also your build isnt subpar, I've seen much worse in ranked. Your first three items are solid for example.
masterricu thank you for getting a little more in depth as to why it is a subpar build, i do usually buy mana pods(3) every trip back, but forgot to list them, which is another fault of my guide. i did notice when i played on my friends ps, it was even easier to dominate and with this build went 19-2-24, while raven bomb does 8/10s of the damage, gungnir does 1/10 and my crit basic hits for about the same, and accounted for at least a third of my killshots.. so it's not me just blindly saying (use crit), in my experience, it worked and did so exceptionally.
Anhur is one of my favorite gods already and ive only ran him a handful of times, i'll use the crit on his guide when i learn how to properly use him..
so to steer the hectic conversation a little more (hopefully at least) in the direction i was hoping for, instead of the hydras, rage, and malice.. what would you see as a valid replacement without affecting the powerhouse? my initial thinking is stone of gaia, brestplate/ancile, titans bane? i dont know all the passives yet, still learning those. another thing i fell a victim to is being too farmiliar with certain item's passives- it makes me ignore others and go directly to what i know will work for how i play..
thank you both again for taking the time to read and critique my guide/build, especially for providing as much text as my guide did as to why it was jacked (lol, jk- the salt is not real here). i will try to make my next one better, and i'll actually read over the guide to build guides.. i saw a few guides that only showed mana/health/boots, didn't realize that was for the FIRST set of things you need.. figured the boots weren't a big deal becaue those are the ones i saw on the other guides, didnt realize they were the begining of the guide, not the whole build.. i basically wanted to hear "nice guide," and kicked myself in the mouth instead.
oh yeah, branmuffin i have no issues with keyboard controls, HL 1.3 - CS:S veteran.. when you couldn't just plug an xbox controller to your cpu. a large reason as to why i like consoles so much is the mouse.. ive never been fond of it.. and i use my controller.. if you use consoles, i suggest looking into a cheap xbox contller. youll never look back (i do still have to use a mouse for item purchasing but that's it's sole purpose.
No need to apologize, this has been a good conversation.
Regarding mouse/controller, I'm also an old HL, Quake CTF, CS/CS:S player, awesome! But for me, mouse has always been my friend. I do love and have an Xbox one wireless controller, but I use it for twin-stick shooters, platforms, and games like Rocket League. I need the precision the mouse gives me... The controller IS comfortable though.
And actually, I don't really use a standard keyboard. I have a Razer Orbweaver, and I use the thumb pad for movement, freeing up my fingers for abilities, relics, leveling, opening the shop, etc. That might be something you could consider, as the thumb movement really is great.
Odin is an ability based teamfight god. If you build crit on odin, your auto attacks will hit hard... sometimes; but your abilities will be lackluster as ****. And bird bomb is the best thing about odin's kit.
Odin is also very mana hungry, and while your build might work in arena where you can back whenever, it does not work in conquest.
Bird bomb using your build does 872 damage.
If you had build full pen trans odin, then bird bomb would hit for 1258 and your autos would do 401 damage consistently. And you would have over 2k+ mana and do more damage to tanks and towers. Youd also save 600 gold.
hydras I used for cool down, and the simple fact it was atk and not defense, since ancile doesn't have as much cool down as breastplate, i was thinking it would be too much of a difference, and "nerf" the potential power, by building defense.
and while I have heard this from EVERYONE (maybe I should learn to listen, instead of trying to teach haha), he is the only one I use it (critical chance) with, that isn't a hunter/assassin.. it is a slow swing, but when you're hitting for 350-450 every 6-7 hits, it is enough to chase someone down when you're waiting on cool down and finish the job.
I appreciate the input- and I will figure out how to perfect Odin on pc.. I'll get to editing this once I finish cooking dinner..
Interesting that you saw a decrease in K/D when you moved to PC. Perhaps the biggest difference in gameplay quality between console and PC is the use of a mouse to turn/aim quickly and accurately. I'd highly suggest you practice with keyboard and mouse, as you'll see a huge increase in gameplay quality once you get used to it.
But also, I believe the level of quality opponents is definitely higher on PC, so again, not surprised by the move to PC. It WILL teach you a lot more though, if you stick with it.
Just a further comment on've got the build location down...they're built last because they're expensive. But also, they're built last because again, it's about attack speed. Gods that are built around fast basic attacks will greatly benefit from crits, once they have enough other items that increase their attack speed significantly. Just getting crits without attack speed items drastically handicaps their potential.
Finally, building
Anyway, welcome to the site, and thanks for considering my comments.
First thing, I'd say it's important to clarify which mode you're talking about. The only mode you mention is Joust, and it's only once, in the last chapter (pros/cons). Based on your bulid and skill leveling order, I'd also assume it's Joust, Arena, or other mode where you start at level 3, and don't necessarily need to build starting items (e.g.
So, that said, you might want to correct some other things:
Now, for the build...there are some major issues here. I'm not saying it doesn't work in your situations, but it's really not optimized, especially when considering the god in question.
So I'm guessing, if this build works for you, you're probably playing on console, and/or you're still somewhat low level and not facing strong competition yet. Not meant as an insult, just guessing as to why this build is effective for you. It's important to consider the mechanics of the game in how you optimize a build.
One major combo you missed is actually initiating with Blink and dropping your ult first, to trap enemies when they're bunched up. Then, you can use your shield as needed, or use the 2-1 combo for damage, or start with your 3 if you've built
Another combo would be using
Going back to builds, a common Joust build would be something like
Anyway, hope this information helps.