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Hello everybody this is my second attempt to make a god build. Now this is the build I prefer to use on Medusa as well as all of my other hunters NOW, the reason I use this build on all my hunters is because it gives me ridiculous damage in fighting and it makes me able to help the team out whenever I'm needed. This build does make you strong from start to finish and it's more burst than anything else. So with that said let's get started :)
1) Bluestone Pendant The main reason I buy blue stone is for the mana regen it gives. It's only 5 mp5 but it's good enough for me not to buy a
Mana Potion
2:Potion Of Physical Might : I buy this potion for the fact it gives me more physical power. It does take up quite a bit of your gold but it makes a difference for me in the match. Especially in the start. Fighting the minions with it makes a different too and it's visible. I've been able to take our many waves of minions just on this potion alone and having it gives me the advantage of not needing a lot of mana to spend when using skills.
3: Multi Potion: I normally buy this potion depending on the scituation. Since I don't have
Spiked Gauntlet as my starter item, it helps to recover some of the missing health since I don't have gauntlet. Also, when i'm low on mana it helps recover some of that quicker when I'm being impatient with
Bluestone Pendant.
Core itemss
Warrior Tabi: I always buy Warrior Tabi as my boots. Nothing else. The reason for this is the damage it gives. It's a +40 damage item, which helps when put ontop of the Potion Of Physical Might. Now I've got a better amount of damage to clear minion waves, and do damage to my enemies. They're also good for me since they do give movement speed. (obviously)
Bloodforge: It's a different item then what I usually buy, but recently I've been debating between
Devourer's Gauntlet and
Bloodforge. The reason being, is they both give damage. But, why i've been debating them is because i'm a pretty impatient person. And since Dev's is a stacking item, it takes longer to get the stacks. Although it is easier to get the stacks from dev's for the simple fact per kill including minions, Bloodforge gives a good amount of damage + life steal. I've also come to find there's only three stacks you can get off of bloodforge which makes it easier for it. The stacks on bloodforge increase physical power and lifesteal but only for a short amount of time. Reguardless the time limit, i've come to like Bloodforge much more than Devs.
The Executioner: The reason I buy The executioner is for the physical power increase along with some attack speed. Executioner also decreases the targets physical protection which gives a bit more damage against the enemy. Over all The executioner just makes me feel more powereful when fighting. I mostly find myself using The executioner as soon as I'm able to pick it up for the fact that, I love to be fast when i'm attacking. And hell who doesn't love damage.
Malice: I buy Malice for the crits. Crit crit crit. Plus Malice gives +50 physical power. But reguardless of the damage it gives, It's the item I use and feel most comfortable with when going into my crit items. I sometimes buy
Golden Bow When I feel like doing some split damage.(Since golden bow hits enemies in a radius). Now I will sometimes buy golden bow for this radius damage. However. Golden bow isn't useful when your enemies are always seperated. If that's the case I feel better with Malice.
Titans Bane: I choose titans bane as my primary source of penetration. Sometimes I will go into Jotunn's Wrath If i'm going up against a guardian who is taking a lot to kill. Jotunn's gives cooldown, mana, penetration, and power. Though it does give less penetration than titan's, it will help further on since it gives mana and cooldown. With Medusa's skills she is very powerful. The more I can use her skills the more I can do damage to the guardian or thanky character I'm going against. Even the characters that unexpectedly go into a tank build. (Bellona I'm looking at you)
{{Rage]]: Rage is the second critical item I'll go into also as my last item. The critical strike chance on rage is 30% which does give me some good amount of crit chance added onto Malice or even
Golden Bow. Now since I chose rage which also gives power, My critical chance with both crit items goes to 50 out of 100. It's pretty good if you ask me.
Hide of the Nemean Lion I mostly buy this item because of the deflect chance. Since I am able to deflect some basics attacks back to the owner, assuming they don't have magical defense (and nemeans deflects as magical damage) it could do a significant amount of damage to the enemy.
#Fun Fact about me
Sometimes in pvp it's funny to see Hide of the Nemean Liondeflect basic attacks and end up killing the enemy.
Shifter's Shield] I'll buy shifter's shield all the time when I need to. I get it for the 15 protections as well as the passive. The passive gives you +20 power when OVER 50% health. When under, you receive 20% protections. I use this when i find myself in a sticky scituation such as going against other archers. Why is this? Because considering they're ranged attackers, I like to use [[Bloodforge as my lifestealing ability to take as much health from minions. Since I have shifters, I can be a bit safer since I have protections when I'm low to take the health. Now this doesn't always work. Especially with characters like Neith who can shut down this tactic quickly just by using
Spirit Arrow.
Spirit Robe: I only buy this item when i'm going against a crowd control character such as
Ymir or
Sobek. Also it gives some cooldowns which allows me to use my abilities more freely. Of course i'm still careful with my abilities considering they do take mana.
Girdle of Inner Power: I don't always buy this, but when I do, i'm usually taking risks and trying to take down a structure. Scummy move I know, but I only do this when the game has come extremely close and I feel we could win. Now I use this item when I'm going against defense heavy characters or character who are just building wayyyy to much defense or health and I want to take them out as quickly as possible, especially if they're a nuisance to the teams performance. If I want to help up the entire teams attack performance I'll buy
Girdle of Support. I buy this when my team is heavily defensed and has barely any damage.
Beads of Purification I buy this mostly when I'm going against a CC character who is doing way to much. Characters like Ymir and
Thor are character I will buy beads for 100%.
Greater Sprint. Greater sprint is an item I'll gladly take when I'm in need of a quicker escape. Characters with high mobility such as
Fenrir or my baby
Awilix are character I'll buy it for especially in 1v1's. Why this is, is because of the fights. Normally i'm a risk taker. I'll kill off a god in a 1v1 and then go after the phoenix and do some damage to it. But when the god comes back I have to book it. Especially when they come after me. So I'd have to get away from them as soon as possible. Having them be able to catch up on me especially if they've build pure damage and penetration would mean certain death for me. I also use sprint to increase my jukes when i'm trying to escape a fight I engaged in and have little health as a result. Or i'll use it to catch up on a god who is running from me, but I know I can catch.
Weakening Curse I buy weakening curse if I feel the need to slow my enemies in ether a team fight or solo fight. When I have the chance I'll pop weakening curse to slow enemies at low hp from running away and attack them to either kill them or get them as low as possible. In team fights this is very effective especially in ganks when enemies are low but can run. Characters such as
Mercury or
Apollo who have good chances of escaping are character I use this on. Even characters with
Greater Sprint I use this on. Or sometimes I even use it to troll and slow enemies from running from me at full health. Then just widdle them down until they're too scared to fight and are forced to back. Even if I'm trying to escape, I'll pop the skill and go. No need to stick around anymore, Cya!
Above all I like using this build for the power it gives me. It also gives a good amount of speed attack wise which allows me to attack quicker. This build also helps me back up my team in fights or simple help myself escape a fight, win a fight, or just be Medusa in general.
10 points to Slytherin and I right?
High damage
Decent mobility
Good attack speed
Able to engage in fights and win.
Good CC immunity
Fair amount of crit.
Can take out/ lower guardians health
Increased skill damage.
Great early and excellent late game
Not ability reliable
Low penetration
Costs a lot of gold.
Low regen
Low health and mana
Low defenses without defensive items.
High cooldowns.
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And yes you overlooked a guide mostly because it's probably archived or something (I can't fins it while searching) but here is one of the best bbcode guides atm
Quick question, how are you guys linking the items your talking about btw? My BB coding is a little ropey. Is there a guide somewhere that I have overlooked?
You just put two brackets around the item name
Also @Devampi, most people level up
Hey there,
I must admit that I find your build very strange. To my understanding the passive from Malice can only trigger once every 3 seconds with additional crits resetting the effect and 3 second timer. This means if you have say a 1.5 attack speed and 50% crit chance then in the 3 second period you should land 2 crits but only one will receive the bonus.
If you instead run Deathbringer then all of your crits will inflict 50% more crit damage without any form of refresh meaning your DPS will increase.
Additionally cooldowns on Meduse are a big deal as her first ability allows her burst damage to increase and her 3rd is a great escape or chase skill. As such you may want to consider swapping Titans Bane for Jotuun's Wrath. Plus since The Executioner is already giving you percentage penetration on basics you really dont need the additional pen.
Lastly I noticed you have not given your build any chase. By this I mean hastened fatalis or frostbound hammer. The speed debuff or movement penalty removal from either items provides much more reliability at securing kills and while I know you may be getting chase actives I find it must less consistent to rely on Actives.
Oh and lastly, I know I said lastly before but this really is last. I saw you maxed Acid Spray before viper shot? That is useful IF you are focusing on minion kills over player kills as it provides a limited AoE over increases attack speed and a small buff to your basic attack damage. If your focus is minions over players then you really should consider Devourers as your fast minion clear should allow you to gain stacks quickly and as such gain better stats faster.
I feel like awnsering this.
you can build dusa like neith more like an AP carry but I won't recommend it as basic attack damage will be a lot stronger late game (also see a point I'm going to make in my review)
you see a lot of people not building chase on adc (except from sprint as sprint can still be enough) as other items can be a lot stronger.
last part a bit of math dev gives 55 power and 25% lifesteal fully stacked and bloodforge gives 55 24% fully stacked (and not even every instant) so I do agree on dev being better then bloodforge especially since you can easily clear waves and have enough time for it
Now that I have done that a small review
It has some nice things but also some bad ones.
1st it's not complete even as a god build. why? because you haven't explained your skill order.
on your skill order I would consider maxing out
on starter I do liek it a bit I do feel you will need an eraly kill to make up for starting behind. also would I sooner take some HP pots then a multi *** you won't need to spam a lot with purple and the pot.
on core items I don't see a lot with what I can't disagree on still I do like dev over bloodforge as it gives same stats fully stacked and 1% more lifesteal and it's 200 gold cheaper giving you more bang for your buck. I do miss
on offensive. well here I wouldn't get
On defensive. not saying the items are bad but shouldn't be build on adc as their defense is lifesteal. you need to be doing a lot of damage like mages and defenses lower the damage a lot.
so in general you start behind and get yourself behind another adc in several ways: the start, defensives and all tier 3 items. (and no deathbringer)
why the last point the meta build normally has either
so all in all the build for an adc position dusa isn't that wel as you will lack damage from crits (no DB and defensive items)) and are behind the other adc from the start of the game.
I must admit that I find your build very strange. To my understanding the passive from Malice can only trigger once every 3 seconds with additional crits resetting the effect and 3 second timer. This means if you have say a 1.5 attack speed and 50% crit chance then in the 3 second period you should land 2 crits but only one will receive the bonus.
If you instead run Deathbringer then all of your crits will inflict 50% more crit damage without any form of refresh meaning your DPS will increase.
Additionally cooldowns on Meduse are a big deal as her first ability allows her burst damage to increase and her 3rd is a great escape or chase skill. As such you may want to consider swapping Titans Bane for Jotuun's Wrath. Plus since The Executioner is already giving you percentage penetration on basics you really dont need the additional pen.
Lastly I noticed you have not given your build any chase. By this I mean hastened fatalis or frostbound hammer. The speed debuff or movement penalty removal from either items provides much more reliability at securing kills and while I know you may be getting chase actives I find it must less consistent to rely on Actives.
Oh and lastly, I know I said lastly before but this really is last. I saw you maxed Acid Spray before viper shot? That is useful IF you are focusing on minion kills over player kills as it provides a limited AoE over increases attack speed and a small buff to your basic attack damage. If your focus is minions over players then you really should consider Devourers as your fast minion clear should allow you to gain stacks quickly and as such gain better stats faster.