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One Shot Ra

3 7 14,269
by Kavkaz009 updated February 12, 2021

Smite God: Ra

Build Guide Discussion 12 More Guides
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Ra Build


Notes This is one of the best POWER BUILDS FOR RA! Please note, you’re going to be prone to damage so it is recommended you keep your distance from enemy gods! watch out for silencer Gods like Chaac, Isis ect... A lot of Damage, Damage, Damage! It’s fun to melt ppl and get that satisfaction! Try it out and you’ll see what I’m talking about!


This is one of the best POWER BUILDS FOR RA! Please note, you’re going to be prone to damage so it is recommended you keep your distance from enemy gods! watch out for silencer Gods like Chaac, Isis ect... A lot of Damage, Damage, Damage! It’s fun to melt ppl and get that satisfaction! Try it out and you’ll see what I’m talking about!

Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Typhon's Fang Typhon's Fang
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Ra Threats

Tap each threat level to view Ra’s threats


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Moreton22 (3) | February 15, 2021 4:49pm
Lose the book of Thoth, lose the Bancrofts, lose the Typhon's Fang - pick up a Starter item, and consider items such as Chronos' Pendant lotus crown Divine Ruin Charon's Coin Obsidian Shard Soul Gem
Big Damage (37) | February 15, 2021 10:54pm
Just a word of advice, when telling people to get rid of items and build better ones maybe try to explain why. Sometimes people get a bit antsy about people on the internet (who they also think to not know better) telling them what's right and wrong with their build.
Moreton22 (3) | February 17, 2021 5:32pm
I agree, however I do most of my commenting / building when I'm on my phone watching netflix 🤣 so to be honest, I don't always want to commit a whole heap of text to a build that most people aren't going to use (due to low rating) if OP or anyone else chooses to engage then I would be happy to explain, always.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | February 16, 2021 12:13am
Agreed, when someone builds poorly or inefficiently, there's likely a reason, and it's a good opportunity to educate. Telling someone what to build isn't exactly education.

That said, the suggestions you provide are generally very good.
  • The proposed build goes into Book of Thoth, which is an okay item for Ra because he likes the power and mana, but right now there are just better overall early items for him, including Chronos' Pendant or Doom Orb.

  • Ra has healing. Going into Bancroft's Talon and Typhon's Fang are just asking to be hard-countered by anti-heal, and he's not a brawling god that is going to get max use out of those items. Lifesteal isn't that strong on him to begin, because every single one of his abilities is AOE / multiple hit, meaning lifesteal other than his basics are going to only have 1/3 the actual lifesteal %. Not good.

  • Ra is a spam ability god. He wants to cast often, and Chronos' Pendant helps him do that due to the high CDR.

  • Lotus Crown is a great utility item, providing physical protection from an Assassin jungler gank (since Ra also doesn't have mobility). The heal easily procs the Lotus protections on yourself and teammates, providing good teamfight function.

  • Divine Ruin is a situational item, and best built fairly early (perhaps 4th latest, after Starter, Chronos, and Shoes). You only get it to counter enemy healing and lifesteal.

  • Charon's Coin and Obsidian Shard are both good % penetration items. You can pick up both but you usually only pick up one. Charon's has better utility, with the movement being nice. Obsidian is best for a burst function, e.g. hot ult snipes.

  • Ra can easily build Soul Gem stacks, but people will often build anti-heal against Ra, making the lifesteal portion of SG a bit weak. He'll still appreciate the CDR and situational bonus damage, but you can also consider Pythagorem's Piece as an alternative team oriented lifesteal type item. I probably wouldn't recommend it on him.

  • You really should pick up a starter in almost all modes due to their great early game function and typically solid late game upgrades. For Ra, again, he's an ability spam god, so the CDR starter Sands of Time will work well for him. Build that into the recently buffed Pendulum of Ages for high CDR and power potential. That combined with Chronos' Pendant will max your CDR, meaning items like Soul Gem aren't needed.

    Alternatively, you could go for the burst damage option, via Conduit Gem. You can technically go into either upgrade just fine. Archmage's Gem and Gem of Focus are sort of like the comparison of Charon's Coin and Obsidian Shard...Focus is like Charon's for the utility and variety of stats, while Archmage's is like Obsidian, focusing more on a single added burst of damage.
Other items not mentioned with good potential function include Doom Orb, and to a lesser degree perhaps Rod of Asclepius and Magi's Cloak.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kavkaz009
One Shot Ra
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