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Welcome to my first SmiteFire guide!
Odin can be a very versatile character in many game types, with a shield ability, a slow, a leap and his ult that can be used to save allies or to hinder enemies escapes!
Any questions, suggestions or feedback please dont hesitate to comment!
Lunge can be used both to escape and attack and is going to be vital in almost any fight! thankfully Lunge has a low CD but still keep an eye on the battle and only use when you need to!
Raven shout:
Raven shout, as you will find, although being a shield ability will often be one of your main sources of damage as when the shield times out it will let out a damage blast to any enemies in the near vicinity. Raven shout shield will also explode when you land from lunge!
Gungnir's might:
Gungnir's might unfortunately is to low powered to be used particularly offensively however, on you first swing if an enemy is hit they will be slowed for a short time which is incredible for cleaning up those weak enemies. it also hit everything in its arc so is useful for pulling minion aggro early on to support your weaker comrades.
Ring of Spears:
Ring of spears may not seem all that useful at first but you will soon come to love it! when used correctly ring of spears can save the lives of team mates, spell certain doom for you opposition and well just hinder your enemy to no end! if you or you teammate are weak and being chased ring of spears can block an entire lane on joust (need to confirm on other game modes) and so long as your enemy doesn't have a leap they can no longer chase. It can also trap enemies in a given spot and so when coupled with say Vulcan's Ult can immediately drop weak gods to nothing and even wipe guardians down to very little health!
Main damage combo
--> repeat until safe!
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