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Queen of Crows - Conquest Morrigan Guide

Solo Conquest
38 4 69,437
by Mytharria updated March 9, 2025

Smite God: The Morrigan

Build Guide Discussion 10 More Guides
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The Morrigan Build


Build Item Conduit Gem Conduit Gem
Build Item Gem Gem

Full Build

Build Item Archmage's Gem Archmage's Gem
Build Item Book of Thoth (Evolved) Book of Thoth (Evolved)
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Helm Of Darkness Helm Of Darkness

God Aspect Activated

Aspect of Mischief

Confusion no longer Stealths you but on refire, you swap positions with your clone.

The Morrigan's Skill Order Notes I like to put 3 points in my 3rd ability, Confusion, after maxing out my Dark Omen. This gives us enough time to dump our kit before teleporting out with Aspect of Mischief since the teleportation/swapping window increases with the rank of Confusion.


I like to put 3 points in my 3rd ability, Confusion, after maxing out my Dark Omen. This gives us enough time to dump our kit before teleporting out with Aspect of Mischief since the teleportation/swapping window increases with the rank of Confusion.

Deadly Aspects

1 X Y
Deadly Aspects
2 11 12 13 14

Dark Omen

2 A B
Dark Omen
1 3 6 7 9


3 B A
4 8 10 15 16


4 Y X
5 17 18 19 20
Deadly Aspects
2 11 12 13 14

Deadly Aspects

1 X
Summon the power from all three of your forms, then activate again to deal Magical Damage and Stun enemies in front of you.

Damage: 90 / 145 / 200 / 255 / 310
Damage Scaling: 90% Intelligence
Stun Duration: 0.8s
Cone Angle: 45 degrees
Cooldown: 12s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80

Additional Notes:
  • The buildup for this ability does not break Confusion's Stealth.
Dark Omen
1 3 6 7 9

Dark Omen

2 A
Fire a wave of dark magic, dealing Magical Damage and marking enemies.
  • The mark deals Magical Damage when that god is damaged by any god ability or Doomsayer.
Initial Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160
Initial Damage Scaling: 45% Intelligence
Mark Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160
Mark Scaling: 45% Intelligence
Minion Damage: 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320
Minion Damage Scaling: 60% Intelligence
Range: 11.2m
Radius: 0.8m
Cooldown: 7s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
4 8 10 15 16


3 B
Create a phantom clone of yourself and become Stealthed and gain Movement Speed.
  • The clone will walk to your target location
Movement Speed: 30 / 32.5 / 35 / 37.5 / 40%
Buff Duration: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Clone Lifetime: 10s
Cooldown: 15s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80

Additional Notes:
  • When the clone is damaged, it will appear as an illusion. It will change appearance and lose its health bar.
  • The clone grants vision around itself.
  • Taking damage while stealthed breaks the effect.
5 17 18 19 20


4 Y
Select a God in the current match to transform into an exact copy of. Gain access to their abilities and items for 10 seconds.

Cooldown: 120 / 115 / 110 / 105 / 100s
Cost: 100

Additional Notes:
  • If the God you transform into has an Ultimate Cooldown longer than this Ultimate's Cooldown, use the transformed targets Cooldown instead.
  • You will copy all their abilities and items, all with no cooldown.
  • You will copy their ability ranks. If your level is different to the transform target's it will use the order they ranked their abilities, filling with Auto Skill as needed.
  • If you are in the middle of firing an ability when the transform times out, you will de-transform the moment that ability fire ends.


Only FOOLS follow the RAVEN...

I am Mytharria, a Morrigan "one-trick" with over 170 stars on her across my PC and PS accounts. I've been number one on console consistently for over 4 seasons, and I've had it steadily ever since transferring to PC about a year ago. This guide will be an in-depth manual on how to play The Morrigan, my FAVORITE god. (if you couldn't tell)

Pros / Cons






Aspect of Mischief Tips

Clone Placement
If you are trying to gank or rotate into a fight and you're fighting someone with a dash or leap, you can position your clone in a way to flank them, while walking towards them to get them to use their mobility near your clone. Once they burn their movement near your clone, swap places with it, and engage on them. This can be a very easy way to get free kills on unsuspecting enemies.

Helm Of Darkness + Confusion
Helm of Darkness DOESN'T break upon teleporting with Morrigan's Aspect of Mischief. This means you can have both STEALTH and TELEPORTATION. You do this by throwing out your clone, pressing your Helm Of Darkness, and then pressing Deadly Aspects, followed by Confusion once more to swap places with your clone while stealthed. After priming your Deadly Aspects, be sure to wait a second to allow the sound cue of your ability to finish, that way the enemy won't be able to hear your 1's sound cue as you teleport. This technique is VERY deceptive and makes it appear as if your clone has "despawned" but in reality, there is now a stealthed Morrigan in their midst.

Transformation Mechanics

Transformation Mechanics

What casting-type should my Transformation be on?

If you put Changling on normal casting, it will require you to DOUBLE TAP your ultimate key to transform. I recommend using INSTANT casting so that you can transform on command. To pre-select your target, HOLD DOWN your ultimate key, and then right click the target that you would like to have selected. When you want to transform into them, just tap your ultimate button once and you'll transform into them. To transform into a situational character, you can just hold your ultimate key down, hover over them, and then let go of your ultimate key once they are highlighted blue.

Why do I sometimes get the wrong transformation?

Sometimes, when you open your target selection wheel, even on instant cast, any mouse movement will instantly change your target. Either play it slow and manually hover over your target, or just wait a frame or two before moving your mouse after hitting your ultimate key. Otherwise you're playing Morrigan Roulette. (it's not very fun)


Item Explanations

Why Chronos' Pendant?

Morrigan abuses Chronos' Pendant's passive really well due to her high CD Ultimate. She also can poke very well due to her 2 being on a very low CD, but it doesn't do too much damage unless you or another teammate procs the debuff applied to the target. This is why I build Chronos' Pendant, and time my 2's so that I get the Chronos reset while my 2 is on cooldown to get maximum value out of the item.

Why Conduit Gem over Sands of Time?

Morrigan's early clear is some of the best in the game, giving her VERY good early pressure that's better than most characters in the game. Additionally, her passive Doomsayer increases her clear dramatically, so using this in tandem with Conduit Gem helps bolster this pressure to push your leads even further. [.

When should I buy Divine Ruin?

After the pen nerfs/anti-heal buffs Divine Ruin is a pretty appealing option, but unfortunately you don't really have space for it in this build as giving up any of your items is either too much of a damage or too much of a CDR loss. But if you ABSOLUTELY need it and your main transform isn't going to be building any anti-heal, you can go Divine Ruin in place of Soul Gem.

Why do you get Book of Thoth?

After pen nerf, the removal of the majority of flat pen, and the TTK (time to kill) changes in S2, The Morrigan has a lot harder time one shotting back-liners until HYPER late game. Book of Thoth helps with her one shot potential A LOT especially when combined with Archmage's Gem and Soul Gem.

What if I don't want to use Aspect or Helm Of Darkness?

If you don't prefer to use Aspect of Mischief in tandem with Helm Of Darkness, you can swap it with an Obsidian Shard or even a Soul Reaver if they have a very HP-heavy team comp.

Damage Combo

Main Damage Combo
This is your main bread and butter combo, 70% of the time you'll be doing this combo, with the other 30% just either being poking and kiting, or instantly transforming on the outside of a team fight. Other times you can 2 to mark them, THEN you can go for this combo, which is more overall damage. But sometimes being able to 2 prior to engaging is a luxury that you CANNOT afford.
Tag n' Swap
This is a combo normally for chasing down speedy targets, especially when you have a transform with a gap-closing ability such as Fenrir's Unchained.
Fake Out
This combo is mainly used when you're trying to all-in your lane opponent. You throw your clone out towards the enemy (try to aim it out of the minion wave as it can be body blocked by minions), apply Dark Omen, then swap with your clone as it approaches the enemy and follow up with a swift Deadly Aspects and Polynomicon auto. After this, follow up with a transform of your choice using Changeling to finish them off. This also works if you're NOT using Aspect of Mischief. Just remove the initial clone deployment part of the combo.

Core Gameplay


Most games you're going to want to get as much poke damage in before you dive/initiate. Spam your 2nd ability, Dark Omen at max range and hit whoever is the most pushed up without putting yourself out of position. If no one else is proccing the mark from Dark Omen consistently, try to aim for the same targets that you marked previously to get the bonus damage.(since this is HALF of your damage) I would also recommend timing your Dark Omen to be on cooldown right as your Chronos' Pendant is about to proc as this will remove a second off of your already 4s cooldown ability. After the enemy team either decides to initiate a fight, or your team starts to push in, you can then to assess the situation and think about whether you can get close enough to use Deadly Aspects, or if using Changeling immediately would be more impactful.

Game Phases

Game Phases

Early Game
Morrigan's early game clear/pressure is very good, be sure to use this time to obtain a small lead. You should focus on positioning well and getting as much farm as possible. Try to secure mid camps with your jungler if you're mid, and if you're solo, make sure to get your back camps/chest camp on cooldown if you're not getting pressured out. Don't miss too many waves, you do this by prioritizing wave over something like going for poke on the enemy mid. Since you only have 1 clearing ability, Dark Omen, if you waste it on poke, the enemy mid-laner can easily out-clear you and shove a wave into your tower. Get a Ward or two whenever you can, as being caught out as The Morrigan on this map is a death sentence due to the long pathing you'd have to take around walls. Morrigan also gets outpressured by many of her mid lane matchups due to the nature of her waveclear: she has to stand in front of the enemy melee creeps to hit the entire wave with Dark Omen. This makes her an easy target for ranged and AoE mages like Vulcan or Agni to poke down WHILE clearing waves. To avoid this, let them clear wave first while you just max range poke the melee minions. The recent buffs to Conduit Gem make this even easier.

Mid Game
This is around 3-4 items (including starter.) Around this time you can have a lot of impact on the game. Morrigan excels at farming and rotating quickly, so you can easily push a wave and rotate over to an objective. You should still be prioritizing getting the rest of your build online, but depending on the transformations you have available to you, you can play a lot more aggressively. For example, if you have a Susano transform you can easily bait the enemy mid-laner after clearing the wave, resulting in free kills, or at least free relics most of the time. Since Morrigan's power spikes mainly revolve around your available transformations, it's going to vary greatly from match to match.

Late Game
Once again, Morrigan is entirely reliant on the transformations she has access to in a given game. Her playstyle is also reliant on both teams' compositions. If you see that you have an Odin, and Hun Batz, it's best to try to dive a little more with your Hun Batz to utilize a delayed double Fear No Evil. Since this ultimate gets HEAVY DR and the enemy is most likely to beads/aegis the first Batz ult, it's better to delay your ultimate slightly to capitalize off of the opportunity created for you. Sometimes when the enemy team has a very peel-heavy composition such as Artemis, Geb, and Aphrodite, it might not be easy for you to get your damage off in a dive. In this scenario, it would be best for you to play back a little more and spam poke and play more as a traditional backline. Depending on relic usage by the enemy team, you can either clean up the enemy team with something like a Artemis or Thanatos transform, or swap into something like the enemy Poseidon to burst down their backline while they're CC'ed by your frontline. I like to think about how a team fight will unravel in a given game and calculate my playstyle/transformation accordingly.


Transformation Tips

Transformation Tips
Most of your transformations that you'll be spamming are gods that have a high impact ultimate that are also very quick to impact a team fight. Due to Morrigan ultimate only lasting 10 seconds, you're going to want to get the most out of your transforms. A few examples of some good all-around transforms are Hun Batz, Achilles, and Hades. These transforms allow Morrigan to dive easily with her transform after using her Deadly Aspects and Polynomicon combo. One thing to note is that Changeling is NOT CC-immune. You can get stun-locked out of your ultimate very easily. You also cannot use Purification Beads with your ultimate selection wheel open, so if you start transforming and you think you're going to get CC'ed out of it, it's best to pre-beads.

There are some specific situations in which you need specific transformations. For example, Morrigan doesn't have much objective secure so if an objective is being contested by the enemy team or the enemy team has started an objective, you can transform into the enemy Ra to try to secure/steal it. Another example is transforming into Thanatos to quickly rotate and gank the enemy ADC that is invading your team's purple buff. A thing that I like to do before every game is to identify every good or situational transformation in the lobby. Do they have any global transforms? Any secure transforms? Who's going to be my comfort/safety transform?

Worst Transformations
- Mordred you don't have any Wrath upon tranformation, meaning you essentially don't have an ultimate.
- Yemoja Not necessarily a BAD transformation, but you don't have ANY Omi upon transformation meaning you have to immediately use Yemoja's ultimate to regain half of your Omi. It's a very big downside, but if you play around this fact you can make this transformation work WONDERS for your team.

Morrigan Montage

Only FOOLS follow the raven...

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HARESOOYAA_3 | May 22, 2024 8:52pm
Can you make a solo build also?
HARESOOYAA_3 | May 21, 2024 11:24pm
Good builds and guide
CookieTheBest | March 19, 2024 2:41pm
This build made my dad come back, 10/10
Mytharria | March 21, 2024 8:43am
Still waiting for mine, glad that yours came through. <3
Mendar (1) | September 24, 2023 11:34am
Wow! Thank you so much! I've been playing The Morrigan for a few days now ever since i saw SOT invent the "solo morrigan". It's really cool to see someone use HIS build and help little tiny noobs like me.
Kylooo | September 24, 2023 9:17am
zzz no alternate timeline bad build
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 24, 2023 11:32am
Well you may not agree with the starter / upgrade of choice here, but the build creator did take the time to explain exactly why they go Gem / Chronos / Deso rather than Sands etc.

"Morrigan abuses Chronos Pendant's passive really well due to her high CD Ultimate. She also can poke very well due to her 2 being on a very low CD, but it doesn't do too much damage unless you or another teammate procs the debuff applied to the target. This is why I build Chronos Pendant, and time my 2's so that I get the Chronos reset while my 2 is on cooldown to get maximum value out of the item."

Also why they don't like Gem early:

"Morrigan's early clear is a lot worse than most mages as her clear has recently been nerfed, and her 2 is her only ability that you're using on wave most of the time. Conduit Gem helps relieve some of that issue by giving you a bunch of extra true damage. Conduit gem also helps you secure mid-camps a lot easier as Morrigan's secure is lackluster compared to most mages you're going to be fighting in mid-lane."

I appreciate the time taken for these explanations.
Mytharria | September 24, 2023 9:27am
A_FlapJack (1) | September 24, 2023 9:13am
add rat to synergies he's fire please ty love you
Mytharria | September 24, 2023 9:16am
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