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Max out his ability damage along with good cool-down reduction
Sell boots for situational items late game
Bloodforge - Good lifesteal and shield passive on kills
Serrated Edge - Good pen and bonus power when on cooldown
Soul Eater - Lifesteal with good pen
Dominance - 20% Pen for your AA, good for attack cancels
Blink to an enemy while in stealth to burn them then apply the bleed from your stealth ability, this will one shot any backlines mid game.
Tap each threat level to view Loki’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Loki’s synergies
You still have one shot potential given loki's AA buff back to 100% but the rework for now--its best you just do these ability combos for successful ganks.
First, for GANKING
1>>AA>>2>>AA(if building crit)
Vanish before using your 2 when entering the lane. Enemies upon seeing your 2 will run away from the AOE and try to escape, thats where you would sneak behind them AA to get the bleed from your 1 and as theyre leaving do your 3 since it has range and can do BEHIND YOU damage.
Second, for TEAMFIGHTS
If youre going against your enemy jungler and mid. Put down your 2 to box in or disperse your enemies and pick off either target with your 3, if they decide to step into your 2 and take the blind and passive dmg then immediately do your 3 and do lots of damage when boxing with them. If you build Brawlers,Crusher, or Heartseeker; His 2 is great for range application so enemies cant heal from a distance when battling against Mages or Hunters
Last, the ULTIMATE combo
This is your all-in combo to fully kill your target.
Vanish to sneak up on them, activate your 2 to distract them and deter them away from escaping, immediately ult them to cripple and stun them in your 2 AOE zone, from there they will be blinded and take damage from your 3 and the bonus 20% passive damage. Boom, that final heavy strike from your 3 will finish them off
This rework is definitely changing up the way people approach Loki, some will hate it and some will be relieved. Majority will say its a buff and makes Loki a B-A+ tier God now. Loki mains will split over this but that was predictable. As a main myself, Its acceptable. Im not in love with it but its a for-the-better change in Loki's kit. Its just that theres so much MORE potential they couldve gave this loki rework but HiRez was afraid their playerbase is stuck with PTSD of old loki so its like they feel if they buff him then its back to the drawing board cuz people will hate it and say hes broken. As you saw in the notes below each ability, there were suggestions on how to improve the kit instead of just bumping dmg numbers but will HiRez listen? Not likely, whatever makes them more money. Loki's new kit couldve been alot better if they stuck with more Lore-wise abilities and more trickery and deceit instead of just this slow poke of a rework that barely covers any abilities of deceit. The Morrigan is more of Loki than Loki himself. And thats just sad. Who knows how theyll change him, im not holding any hopes but im still open for discussions on how to improve the kit.
The problems before still exist today, its just a whole nerf to his kit to slow down those problems. Noobs using new loki will experience the same they did back with old loki considering how easy his kit is to use and how easy it will be for experienced players to counter him. Loki can still pubstomp but higher ranks will know better to have picked a better jungler on their team to be 2 steps ahead.
i am gonna miss proxy laning to troll the enemy team...goodbye old loki
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I'll list the general items you should consider.
Build without Trans: Jotunn's -> Crusher/BBS -> Hydra's -> HS -> TB/Serrated -> Brooch/BF
Other combos or orders will work just fine also.
these are standard damage builds, how evet they aren't the best for him.
edit: the explanation and stuff is amazing, but i think the builds should be changed as if rn loki uses trans and other items.
Just as quick reference, here's an Incon game with him using 5 of the 6 items (and in roughly the same order) as Erin's build. And no, I don't think these item choices are bad.
Cosplayer, your universal comment about the build being bad (e.g. "these items are horrendous") again should be better clarified, because if I'm looking at your build, 4 of the 6 items are shared between your build and Erin's, and Erin does have notes for switching out Aron w/ either Crusher or Brawler's (with Crusher being one of the items in your build). Yes, to clarify, item order is important, and I feel Hydra's is better than Aron at this point, at least for
In any case, I hope you both can figure out how to be respectful and have a constructive discussion.
But what i said is probably the best loki build for jungle.
But apparently you enjoy being toxic by insulting others while being unable to actually explain your reasons and massively overgeneralizing your statements as many these days do.
****erErin, I would suggest changing Aron. While it was a strong overall item for junglers previously, power buffs to the various items that are currently core for Loki make
i recommend checking this out