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Rain that Glows | Ra Season 4 Build and Guide (V.2.11) (Completed)

17 1 397,328
by overld1 updated November 20, 2017

Smite God: Ra

Build Guide Discussion 71 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Ra Build


Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Alternate Start

Build Item Sands of Time Sands of Time
Build Item Uncommon Staff Uncommon Staff
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion


Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff


Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver


Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff


Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation

Final Build (Healthy Mage)

Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Final Build (Standard Ra)

Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Final Build (Glass Canon)

Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Ra's Skill Order

Celestial Beam

1 X Y
Celestial Beam
1 3 6 7 10

Divine Light

2 A B
Divine Light
4 15 16 18 19

Solar Blessing

3 B A
Solar Blessing
2 8 11 12 14

Searing Pain

4 Y X
Searing Pain
5 9 13 17 20
Celestial Beam
1 3 6 7 10

Celestial Beam

1 X
Ra summons a moving beam of intense light from the sky, doing damage to anyone caught under the beam.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage: 95 / 155 / 215 / 275 / 335 (+100% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10s
Divine Light
4 15 16 18 19

Divine Light

2 A
Light starts to emanate from Ra, stacking a Slow every .5s on enemies near him, and twice as fast on enemies facing him. After 2s, the light detonates, doing damage, applying another Slow stack, and increasing the Slow duration. Any enemies facing Ra at the time of the explosion are also blinded. Additionally, Ra cleanses himself of Slows and becomes immune to Slows for 0.6s when activated.

Ability Type: Circle, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+70% of your Magical Power)
Slow per Stack: 5%
Detonate Lifetime: 3s
Radius: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Solar Blessing
2 8 11 12 14

Solar Blessing

3 B
Ra summons a pillar of blessed light that persists for 6s. Allies inside the blessing have increased Protections and Power and are Healed every second. Enemies are damaged every second.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff, Damage
Damage per Tick: 20 / 32 / 44 / 56 / 68 (+25% of your Magical Power)
Heal per Tick: 12 / 24 / 36 / 48 / 60
Protections: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Physical Power: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Magical Power: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
Radius: 20
Cost: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90
Cooldown: 15 / 14.5 / 14 / 13.5 / 13s
Searing Pain
5 9 13 17 20

Searing Pain

4 Y
Ra calls on the power of the sun to decimate his foes in an extreme blast of heat in front of him, doing damage to all enemies unlucky enough to find themselves in the path. Enemy gods take additional damage based on their maximum Health.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage: 400 / 475 / 550 / 625 / 700 (+110% of your Magical Power)
Additional Damage: 5% of target's maximum Health
Range: 120
Cost: 90
Cooldown: 80 / 75 / 70 / 65 / 60s


Hello everyone and welcome to the only and the "best" Season 4 CQ Ra guide. In here I will discuss the Mid lane role of CQ and explain the builds and Ra himself. So I hope you guys like it and I will see you guys later.

Pros / Cons of Ra

Ra - Pros & Cons
..... Pros .....
- Great Mid-Late game
- Has healing
- Has movement speed buff
- High burst damage
- Can hit through walls
- Safe pokes
- Very good lane clear
.... Cons ....
- Weak early game
- Very squishy
- Mana hog w/ bad build
- Needs good accuracy

Credits to xZeroStrike for allowing me to use this code template.


Passive - Speed of light
A buff that gives you extra movement speed. This passive helps a lot for Ra being squishy. So on each ability cast you do you gain a extra 6% movement speed. So if you are in tight situations that you need to run away and retreat, just pull off some abilities that could get you out. This passive works well with two items that you could get for Ra. Rod of Asclepius and sprint. Don't be afraid to use your abilities it could probably save your life.

Ability 1 - Celestial Beam
A ability that deals damage in a line. Ra's beautiful lane clear and one of his two abilities that hurts a lot. This ability makes Ra so good in mid lane able to clear lanes in one ability cast. This ability is also good to do pokes or trying hit something on the other side of walls. Soul Reaver is a great item for this ability making you dish out damage excessively.

Ability 2 - Divine Light
A area ability that slows and damages nearby enemies. This ability helps Ra in multiple ways. First is the slow this helps Ra to do multiple things, escape, pull of abilities, or be just be annoying. Now the blind part what makes this ability interesting. Allowing you to pull off ganks at right moments, or give you just enough time to tailgate it out of there. There are a lot of possibilities you could do with this ability.

Ability 3 - Solar Blessing
A area ability that deals damage enemies or heal allies. Ra's heal allowing you to heal multiple allies at once for insane amounts mid - late game is crazy. This ability works beautifully with rod of Aesculapius, for healing for insane amounts. This ability could use as a poking or boxing ability allowing to deal damage and heal at the same time. Well place solar blessings could help your team out a lot.

Ability 4 - Searing Pain
A line ability that deals massive amounts of damage. The snipe Ra's ultimate allowing you to wall bang, snipe, no scope low health gods like COD. This ability does massive damage in a line to minions, and gods, this ability also make you CC immune for the duration. This ability could also go through walls, and this ability has insane amount of range for a line ability. This ability is fun to use to kill gods while they're recalling, they just get salty. So if you know how to aim this ability could wreck someone's day.

Ability Combos

Ra - Combos
To execute this combo successfully, activate Divine Light when near an enemy. While Divine Light is charging, move closer towards the enemy, causing them to end up inside the Divine Light effect's circle. Dodge as many incoming attacks while moving closer towards the enemy. As soon as Divine Light has "detonated", use the slow and, in some cases, the blindness to have an easy shot with Celestial Beam.
This combo is specialized to fight off ganks or box a enemy. When you first get ambushed pop Solar Blessing if the enemy get's close to you they take damage while you get healed and gain bonus protections. Second, pop Divine Light this will ofrce the enemy to make adjustments allowing you to take a advantage. The slows and the blind on his 2 helps you to get away or fight longer. Then pop Celestial Beam to major amounts of damage. Then low just AA them to claim the kill.

Explaining the Builds

Warlock'S Sash
Warlock's Sash
Grants the player with extra health, mana, and power

Always get this item first if you want to build Healthy or Standard Ra.

This is one of the more important items to get for Ra. Ra is one of the very few mages that doesn't have a mobility move that could go long distances. So for Ra's squishyness and immobility this item works well with. Also the extra mana helps his mana hog situation pretty easily. This item also gives insane amount of power when this item is fully stacked

This item does take time to initiate so if you just farm in early to mid game fully stacking this item would be no problem.

Shoes of Focus and Shoes of the Magi
These items grants the player extra power and movement speed.

It determines what build you're going for if it's Standard or Healthy Ra build this second. If it's Glass Canon then build this first.

Boots are the easiest items in the game to explain. Shoes of Focus's purpose is allow you to solve your Mana hog problem in early game also the extra CDR helps you to burst out more abilities. Shoes of the Magi's purpose is having a great power buff early game while still having movement speed and also adds some pen for early game.

These items are very important on Ra and should be picked up right away when you have the chance.

Obsidian Shard
This item grants the player extra power and protection penetration.

It doesn't really matter when you buy this item I do prefer getting this as your 3rd or 4th item depending on the build.

This item is the basic of pen where you almost everyone that is a mage is building this item. This item also gives insane amount of power that helps mid game when you buy this item. This item is the magical version of Titan's Bane.

Chronos' Pendant
This item grants the player extra power, MP5, and CDR

Try to build this item as your 4th or 5th slot.

This item did got nerfed in this season for cost increase makes it really expensive to get. Still with the 20% CDR still attached this item is still important for cooldown reliant mages. Like Ra himself he's all about pulling off abilities quicker to keep him alive and support his team. With this new passive now if you time your abilities just right this helps shave off your cooldowns by 1s. This helps a lot especially one second feels like ages in MOBAs. This item is still a required item for Ra but now it needs to be build at a later period of time due to cost.

Rod of Asclepius
This item grants the player extra health, movement speed, power, and buffs all nearby healing including yours.

Obtain this item when you think is needed.

The most important item for all magical healers. How this item helps Ra spefically here's how. The extra power allowing to do more damage and that's important for Ra. The next being health well that's really important for a god that's really squishy this item works well with warlock's sash having +800 Health when fully statcked. The extra movement speed is key for him that also helps him with Speed of Light passive, when having boots, rod and fully stacked Speed of Light you gain extra 46% movement speed allowing to escape much more safer from high mobility gods like Thanatos or Serqet. Then the items passive helps Ra's slow DoT heals make them worthwhile by late game could heal for almost 200 per tick. Late Ra's heals could heal for much more than Hel's.

Rod of Tahuti
This item grants the player extra power, and mp5.

Obtain this item last in certain build mostly this item is built for your last insane amount of power.

The last hurrah that's what I picture about this item. I usually build this item last just for that last power spike what I need to finish a build. The passive of this item what triggers people the most. For example with my Glass Canon build all the six items with the rod's passive gives me 612 power. So this item could wreck someone's days and this items also gives you extra MP5 allowing you to sustain even more.

Ethereal Staff
This item grants the player extra health, mana, and power.

For Healthy Ra I get this item 5th due to that Rod of Tahuti is usually should be the last item.

Ethereal Staff is a more direct version of warlock's sash you don't get that much power as warlock's sash, but if you are building health this item could give you quite a bit of power. Now the deduction of the mana with the replacement of CCR would help with squishy mages and now with the passive got buffed this item is now a worth buy in season 4.

This item does not cooperate that well in the other build and I still prefer warlock's sash over this item.

Soul Reaver
This item grants the player extra power and mana.

Build this item at the 5th slot in the Glass Canon build.

The main burst damage comes from this item. The two abilities that works best with this item are Celestial Beam and Searing Pain. The passive of the item allows your main two ability do massive damage instantly. This works when low health enemy gods are backing. Or doing a extreme poke on them to force them to retreat to base. The extra mana a course helps Ra's mana issue. Also the extra 100 power helps big time in late game.

Spear of the Magus
This item grants the player extra power and magical penetration.

Build this item at the 2nd or 3rd slot in the Glass Canon build.

With the price increase with Obsidian Shard this new replacement would help with the glass canon build. Now with the buff to Pythagorem's Piece this item works beautifully with this build. With the 30 protection reduction at max stacks makes this item worth getting to burst someone with your kit.

Credits to BranMuffin17 for lending me this code template.

Explaining Situational Items

Breastplate of Valor
Grants the player physical protections, mana, and CDR

If used in a build put this as your 4th or 5th item.

This item is situational for Ra and mid laners in several ways. The first is if you build enough mana and cdr with Shoes of Focus and Chronos' Pendant as your 1st and 2nd item, then breastplate is unnecessary. Second reason is the enemy team comp if the enemy team is not all or 4 physicals then this item is not necessary if the enemy has 2 or 3 physical enemies then this item is unnecessary. Those are the two main factors when you don't build Breastplate of Valor. The only times you need to build this item is overwhelming amounts of physical gods in a match. And if your build doesn't have enough mana or cdr.

Bulwark of Hope
This item grants the player extra health, magical protections, and CCR

If built put this item as your 4th or 5th item.

You buy this item in s similar fashion how you would pick up Breastplate of Valor. First if you feel like you're lacking health and getting squished on then pick this up. If you have warlock's sash bought then this item becomes unnecessary. The second reason again is team comp if the enemy team is magical heavy or cc heavy then this item becomes a must.

Don't forget about the health shield this helps if you're trying to run away at low health.

Spirit Robe
This item grants the player protections, CDR, and CCR

If built put this item as your 5th or 6th slot.

When you see this item's stats you think this item is a must buy, but that's not always the case. Here's the reasons when you should pick up this item. First, team comp if the enemy is again CC heavy then this item a must buy for the CCR and it's passive. Second, is the CDR if you built Chronos' Pendant and Breastplate of Valor then this item is not necessary. If you don't have cap CDR then this item is perfect to fill that gap.

The passive only triggers when you get hit by a hard CC so slows, and blindness does not effect this. Also the passive also a cooldown so be careful who you're facing.

Mantle of Discord
This item grants the player extra protections, and CDR

If you build this item put this as your 5th or 6th.

There are two situations when you should pick up this item. First, you have barely any CDR in your build. For example if you only have Chronos' Pendant or Shoes of Focus then Mantle of Discord is a perfect buy. Second, team comp once more but the certain team comp I'm talking about is burst, burst, and burst. Meaning the enemy could kill a mage or assassin with 2-3 seconds when they gang up on that person. So if you're that you going to die in two seconds then this item's passive could save your life.

The item's passive work like wrath but adds a bonus effect that makes you CC immune for a couple of seconds. This helps you to find a team member nearby or pop sprint to book it.

Explaining Relics

Purification Beads
Grants the player CC immunity for a couple of seconds.

Get this relic if the enemy is heavy CC based.

This relic doesn't need that much explanation. When Purification Beads is activated you become CC immune for a couple of seconds. This item is crucial to counter bunch of gods ults like Ares and Xing Tian. While Ra does have a CC immunity move but you stand in place while have some movement if you pop beads. And as Ra being a squishy mage this is a must pick up item for Ra to survive in almost every game.

Aegis Amulet
Grants the player damage immunity for a couple of seconds.

Get this relic if the enemy has executions, lots of bursts, and global ults.

This relic comes handy on lot of situations. When Aegis is activated you become damage immune for a couple of seconds. This relics could counter multiple gods like Thanatos, Ao Kuang, Nu Wa, Neith, and Loki. This relics helps Ra just like that due to lack of mobility burst damage based could shred him very easily. So having that extra damage immunity for couple seconds could help you in a long run.

Heavenly Wings
Grants the player extra movement speed for a couple of seconds.

Get this relic for emergency situations, and if the enemy teams has a lot of slows.

This relic is squishy god's dream allowing them to get 40% movement speed in a instant. Allowing them to go record speeds making them a speed demon. This relic could help counter gods with insane slows. With Ra's limited movement speed this relic allows to break that limit.
Meditation Cloak
Meditation Cloak
Grants the player and other teammates health and mana.

Get this relic if you want to as a support role.

This relic is not that hard to explain. When you activate this relic it gives players health and mana based of their maximum. This relic is helpful when your teammates needs a flash heal during a team fight when your Solar Blessing might not able to do the job.Grab this relic if you want to play as a supportive Ra instead.


  • He could poke you easily with Rain Fire.
  • It's hard to get close to him due to Path of Flames.
  • His stuns could stop you by performing abilities and actions.
  • He has lot AoE making it easy to hit you from any distance.
  • You have a safer and better lane clear than him.
  • You have more sustain than him due to Solar Blessing.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure him a lot in lane.
Against: Hard

Ah Puch
  • He could poke you easily with Undead Surge.
  • If you get too close to him he'll burst down your health with his combo.
  • His slows could make you a easy target.
  • He has lot AoE making it easy to hit you from any distance.
  • You have a safer and better lane clear than him.
  • You have more sustain around early - mid game than him due to Solar Blessing. Late game his passive becomes a unending self heal.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure him a lot in lane. Due to lack of mobility.
Against: Hard

  • He could poke you easily with Grasping Hands.
  • If you get too close to him he'll burst down your health with his combo.
  • His slows could make you a easy target.
  • You have a safer and better lane clear than him.
  • You have more sustain around early - mid game than him due to Solar Blessing. Late game with lifesteal involved he'll have much more sustain than you.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure him a lot in lane. Due to lack of mobility.
Against: Medium

  • She has more sustain than you.
  • Her ult could counter your ult.
  • You have a safer and better lane clear than her.
  • She needs to get close to you to deal damage so if you stay at a distance you'll have a bigger lane presence.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure her a lot in lane. Due to lack of mobility.
Against: Easy

  • She has more mobility than you.
  • Her Moonlit Waltz could counter your ult.
  • Her ult could bring a lot of pressure if she hits you.
  • You have a safer and better lane clear than her.
  • She needs to get close to you to deal damage so if you stay at a distance you'll have a bigger lane presence.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure her a lot in lane.
Against: Medium

  • He has more damage potential due to his basics.
  • His ult could counter your ult.
  • His Stop Time could bring a lot of pressure if he hits you.
  • You have a safer and better lane clear than him.
  • He needs skill shots to take you out so if you could predict his moves you could counter him.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure her a lot in lane.
Against: Medium

  • He has a scary presence due to his ability combo.
  • His Death From Below could counter your ult.
  • His Pillar of Agony could bring a lot of pressure if he catches you.
  • He could easily pressure you with his combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • You have a safer and better lane clear than him.
Against: Hard

He Bo
  • He has a scary presence due to his ability combo.
  • His Waterspout could counter your Divine Light.
  • His 1 and 3 combo could bring a lot of pressure if he hit you.
  • He could easily pressure you with his combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • You have a safer and better lane clear than him.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure him a lot in lane.
Against: Hard

  • she has a scary presence due to her ability combo.
  • She has a lot more burst than you.
  • Her 1 and 3 combo could bring a lot of pressure if she hits you.
  • She could easily pressure you with her combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • She has multiple forms of sustain allowing to stay in lane longer.
  • You have more range than her so hitting her from afar could help you widdle down her health.
  • You have a safer and better lane clear than her.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure her a lot in lane.
Against: Hard

  • she has a scary presence due to her ability combo.
  • Her 1 and 3 combo could bring a lot of pressure if she hits you.
  • She could easily pressure you with her combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • She has same range as you for her 1 and 3 so clearing lanes could be risky for you.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure her a lot in lane.
  • You have more sustain than her allowing you stay in lane longer.
Against: Hard

  • He has a scary presence due to his ability combo.
  • His 1 and 2 combo could bring a lot of pressure if he hits you.
  • He could easily pressure you with his combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • His abilities are very precise so he / she could probably miss some abilities
  • You have more range than him so allows to to poke at a safe range.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure him a lot in lane.
  • You have more sustain than him allowing you stay in lane longer.
Against: Medium

  • He has a scary presence due to his ability combo.
  • His 1 and 3 combo could bring a lot of pressure if he hits you.
  • He could easily pressure you with his combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • His abilities are very precise so he / she could probably miss some abilities
  • You have more range than him so allows to to poke at a safe range.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure him a lot in lane.
  • You have more sustain than him allowing you stay in lane longer.
Against: Medium

  • She has a scary presence due to her ability combo.
  • Her 1 and 2 combo could bring a lot of pressure if she hits you.
  • She could easily pressure you with her combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • Her abilities are very precise so he / she could probably miss some abilities
  • You have more range than her so allows to to poke at a safe range.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure her a lot in lane.
  • You have more sustain than her allowing you stay in lane longer.
Against: Medium

Nu Wa
  • Her 2 and 3 combo could bring a lot of pressure if she hits you.
  • She could easily pressure you with her combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • Her ability are very precise so he / she could probably miss some abilities
  • You have more range than her so allows to to poke at a safe range.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure him a lot in lane.
  • You have a better lane clear than her allowing you to pressure her.
  • You have more sustain than her allowing you stay in lane longer.
Against: Medium

  • He has a scary presence due to his ability combo.
  • His 1 and 3 combo could bring a lot of pressure if he hits you.
  • He could easily pressure you with his combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • His abilities are very easy to hit so he / she could hit abilities very easily.
  • You have more range than him so allows you to poke at a safe range.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure him a lot in lane.
  • You have more sustain than him allowing you stay in lane longer.
Against: Medium

  • He has more mobility and CC than you.
  • His 2 and 1 combo could bring a lot of pressure if he hits you.
  • He could easily pressure you with his combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure him a lot in lane.
  • You have more sustain than him allowing you stay in lane longer.
Against: Medium

  • She has a scary presence due to her ability combo.
  • Her 1 and 2 combo could bring a lot of pressure if she hits you.
  • She could easily pressure you with her combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • Her abilities are easy to hit so he / she could hit abilities easily.
  • You have more range than her so allows you to poke at a safe range.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure her a lot in lane.
  • You have more sustain than her allowing you stay in lane longer.
Against: Hard

  • She has a scary presence due to her auto attacks.
  • You have more range than her so allows you to poke at a safe range.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure her a lot in lane.
  • You have more sustain than her allowing you stay in lane longer.
Against: Easy

The Morrigan
  • She has a scary presence due to her ability combo.
  • Her 2 and 1 combo could bring a lot of pressure if she hits you.
  • She could easily pressure you with his combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • Her abilities are very easy to hit so he / she could hit abilities very easily.
  • Her three could bring a lot of pressure in lane making you panic and waste abilities making you to waste mana.
  • You have more range than her so allows you to poke at a safe range.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure her a lot in lane.
  • You have more sustain than her allowing you stay in lane longer.
Against: Hard

  • He has a scary presence due to his ability combo.
  • His 1 and 2 combo could bring a lot of pressure if he hits you.
  • He could easily pressure you with his combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure him a lot in lane.
  • You have more sustain than him allowing you stay in lane longer.
Against: Hard

  • He has a scary presence due to his ability combo.
  • His 3 and 1 combo could bring a lot of pressure if he hits you.
  • He could easily pressure you with his combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • His abilities are easy to hit so he / she could hit abilities easily.
  • His 2 is annoying to deal with trying to push or clearing a wave.
  • You have more range than him so allows you to poke at a safe range.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure him a lot in lane.
  • You have more sustain than him allowing you stay in lane longer.
Against: Medium

  • He has a scary presence due to his ability combo.
  • His 1 and 3 combo could bring a lot of pressure if he hits you.
  • He could easily pressure you with his combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • His abilities are easy to hit so he / she could hit abilities easily.
  • You have more range than him so allows you to poke at a safe range.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure him a lot in lane.
  • You have more sustain than him allowing you stay in lane longer.
Against: Medium

Zhong Kui
  • He has a scary presence due to his ability combo.
  • His 1 and 2 combo could bring a lot of pressure if he hits you.
  • He could easily pressure you with his combo making you tower hug making you lose potential experience and gold.
  • His abilities are very easy to hit so he / she could hit abilities very easily.
  • You have more range than him so allows you to poke at a safe range.
  • Your 1 and your 4 could pressure him a lot in lane.
Against: Hard

Mirror Match

So this is a interesting topic to talk about. Stuck in mid lane as Ra against Ra, so what do you do. So that's what I'm going to talk about in this chapter of the guide, and explain how to pressure a other Ra in mid lane.

Items are one of the few things you need to know if you're in a mirror match against a Ra. So some common items that would be a good against a Ra are Divine Ruin the healing de-buff would be really good in early - mid game. Gem of Isolation is a other good item this helps stacks with Divine Light allowing to pressure the other Ra and possibly get a confirm kill. A other good item is Pestilence. It's good to have protections and it's passive helps against the other Ra due to the decreased healing.

This is where things start to get crucial and precise. Fighting a other Ra is all about aim and precision due to two of his most damaging abilities are precise and delayed skill shots. During fights you want to bait the enemy Ra to waste his/hers abilities. This fight is about who has the better aim, but there's ways around this. Getting items that slows your enemies helps a lot for example Gem of Isolation and Horrific Emblem are good choices to help slow down your enemy and help to confirm the kill. In a basic sentence who ever has the better aim wins.


So Ra is a classed as a beginner god due to his permanently free status. As one of the five free gods he is really fun to play. Due to how many possibilities you could do with this god. Want to do damage, support, or tank Ra you could do it easily. Ra is a amazing support mage that is really fun to mess around with. This is just few example builds that you could go Ra with that fits with him well. So I hope you like this build and guide for Ra and I'll see you guys later.

Update Log

10/3/16 - Published guide for Season 3.

10/25/16 - Updated the Pro / Cons of Ra and the build section, updated the item section, and updated build explanation section.

12/16/16 - Updated the Ability section.

1/12/17 - Updated the Item Explanation section so is much easier to read.

1/17/17 - Added a Situational Item Explanation section to help people when you should buy certain uncommon items.

1/19/17 - Updated Build for Pre-Season 4 and Updated the Item Explanation section.

1/30/17 - Updated the Ability Section.

2/1/17 - Updated the Builds and added a skill sequence.

2/6/17 - Updated the Item Explanation to show Chronos' Pendant expect Pythagorem's Piece.

2/7/17- Removed the Pros / Cons of the build, moved Pro / Cons of Ra, and Ability Explanation to the top. And adjusted the Pros / Cons of Ra.

2/8/17 - Added the Relic Explanation section. Also fixed the backgrounds on the item explanation and situational item explanation.

3/22/17 - Updated Explaining Relic section, the explaining item section, and the ability combo section.

5/10/17 - Added a Match-Ups section put Agni and Ah Puch to that section.

5/31/17 - Updated the Match-Ups section added Anubis, Aphrodite, Chang'e, Chronos, Hades, and He Bo to that section.

8/31/17 - Added a Mirror Match section.

9/15/17 - Fixed the alignment of the ability icon in the abilities section. And fixed the spacing on the match-ups section.

10/3/17 - Added Hel, Eset, Janus, Kukulkan, Nox, Nu Wa, and Poseidon to the match-ups section.

10/19/17 - Added Raijin, Scylla, Sol, The Morrigan, Thoth, Vulcan, Zeus, and Zhong Kui to the match-ups section. Fully completed the guide so all the sections are done with info and BBcode.

11/8/17 - Fixed the Match - Ups section.

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Technotoad64 (46) | December 29, 2017 6:09pm
I never did quite finish those corrections...

And I started in September!
overld1 (18) | January 10, 2018 9:48am
LOL do I have that many mistakes or is my guide long as hell.
Technotoad64 (46) | January 10, 2018 12:12pm
Loquio45 | November 14, 2017 7:40pm
Hello! Quick question?I keep seeing on abilities order example:celestial 6 and 7 again. I am not able to choose it again unless I choose another ability beforehand. So how is it in guides to have this?
Branmuffin17 (401) | November 15, 2017 12:51am
I'm not sure what you're doing, but I can 100% guarantee you that the leveling instruction overld1 lists works. You can have 4 points in 1 skill once you hit level 7. You just can't max it out at level have to wait until 9 to have the capability of maxing a single skill.

You're doing something incorrectly, I'm just not sure what. This may be a stupid question, but do you have auto-leveling turned off? Or is the game leveling you automatically?
overld1 (18) | November 15, 2017 10:25am
I think I'm understanding his situation. I believe that he had Auto-Level for a while and finally turn it off. He probably doesn't understand how leveling abilities work. A common issue to new players.
boogiebass (46) | November 14, 2017 7:55pm
I see you posting this question on multiple guides. Can you take a screenshot and show us? Get Ra to level 6, show us that Celestial Beam is at the 3rd rank, as stated in this guide. Next get Ra to level 7, and see if you can upgrade it to rank 4, as stated in this guide.

Show us a screenshot and we may be able to help you further
overld1 (18) | November 6, 2017 10:24am
This is kind of late, but I want to bring this up. Thank you everyone for 250K views on this guide! This guide went through a lot, but now the guide is fully completed. I don't know what's the next goal is (probably hitting 300K views) on the way I'll think what's the next goal is for the guide. Otherwise thank you all for making one of my most successful guide of all time and becoming one of the greatest Ra on this site!
overld1 (18) | October 19, 2017 1:54pm
Updated the guide. The match-ups section is finally done. With this update of the guide every section of the guide is completed so now the guide is complete. SO if have any constructive criticism for me. Shoot it out I'll gladly do any necessary changes that needs to be fixed.
Technotoad64 (46) | October 21, 2017 1:24pm
In that case, time for me to finish that proofread.
overld1 (18) | September 18, 2017 9:08am
I forgot to state this last week. This guide is now a year old! Thank you everyone that gave support to this guide and help made the guide one of the greatest Ra guides on this site. Now let's see if we could get 250K views or a Quarter of Million. So shine on everyone and thank you.
Technotoad64 (46) | September 18, 2017 11:47am
Are you going to update this guide again any time soon? If you are, I will hold off on finishing the proofread until you do.
overld1 (18) | September 18, 2017 5:54pm
I'm not sure yet at the moment, but when I have the chance I'll PM you.
overld1 (18) | August 31, 2017 1:41pm
Wow look three months later and this guide got a update exciting!
Technotoad64 (46) | August 31, 2017 3:13pm
Would you like a proofread?
overld1 (18) | September 1, 2017 8:03am
Sure why not you are the grammar lord here.
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overld1 (18) | August 11, 2017 8:26pm
Finally reached 200k on this guide. Thank you guys so much for making this milestone come true with this guide.
boogiebass (46) | August 12, 2017 12:18am
yup you deserved it. keep up the good work.
overld1 (18) | August 12, 2017 8:31am
Thx :)
Kriega1 (143) | July 11, 2017 2:55am
I do not recommend Spear of the Magus on Ra especially when you seem to be picking up Rod of Asclepius. You use Ra's 3 for healing/protections not offense, get Obsidian Shard instead. Also you list Warlock's Sash as a core item yet is not in all your builds. One last thing you call Chronos "her" in the matchups section.
boogiebass (46) | July 22, 2017 5:51am
Lol. Chronos being called "her" really got to you eh?
GameGeekFan (50) | July 22, 2017 8:46am
Don't you dare hate on his femininity Kriega. Chronos is a beautiful woman.
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overld1 (18) | May 10, 2017 8:27am
So I have a question for anyone could answer so I'm stuck right now and I don't know what to do with this guide. So I want the community to help what should I add to this guide to make it more exciting and more informative.
END_LORD | July 10, 2017 4:29pm
Starting item options. What to go with at the beginning and explaining it's pros and cons. For example: what are the pros and cons of going vampiric shroud, boots, and 4 of each pot compared to going sands of time, uncommon sash, and one pot?
overld1 (18) | April 5, 2017 9:05am
Thank you everyone for the 100k views on this guide. This means a lot to me to be able to share my knowledge about Ra. I will keep sustaining this guide from time to time if necessary changes need to be applied. Thank you guys for the support you've given me. Especially Zero and Bran for helping me with the coding for this guide.
xZeroStrike (46) | April 5, 2017 10:18am

Not an issue!

Draisaitl (7) | March 26, 2017 9:50am
The healthy mags build (I build Spear of Desolation instead of Ethereal Staff. It's only 100 gold more expensive and it appears to be stronger in most situations, particularly with the extra penetration) is OP as ****. Great guide, +1 from me. :)
sunny108108 (3) | March 1, 2017 5:16pm
Nice build of ra!
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