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Attacker's Blessing not for conquest but for other roles.
I dont think Chiron needs a starter item.
Tap each threat level to view Chiron’s threats
First of all, English is not my main language so please excuse some of my grammar mistakes :)
Hi.. I'm not a high ranked(diamond and above) or pro player(cuz ı don't trust my current PC build and internet service for higher ranked platform). I'm mostly a casual and golden ranked player and I'm almost at 9 mastery level with Chiron. Tho I'm not an advanced competitive Smite player at the same time ı watch and follow professional players, analysts and educator streamers. And try to follow the current meta since 5.17 .
Chiron is a greek god/deity that classified as a hunter. And generally used on ADC & Mid Lane roles and also occasionally you can see him on solo lane too.
Chiron is an ability base hunter. Of course, his basic attacks matter a lot as all hunters but he is heavily dependent on his abilities.
He aint have much of CC (only slow on his
)but he has cc cleanse on his
and cc immune while activating
So he is kinda balanced in the trading cc department.
His kit is pretty straight forward ;
is for escape or engagement.
is his main clear and the main targeter for his
and this ability is his main execution and cc.
it's one of the best sniping abilities in the smite and probably one of the highest damage numbers ultimate for a physical ADC.
Also his ultimate has a great passive too. Chiron's own passive
and the passive of his
brings a great self-sustain.
And your passive kinda encourages you to build full cdr cuz yes spamming your 1-2 combo is good but also spamming this frequently kinda makes Chiron's passive useless.
So don't forget his basic attacks too.
And never forget the cleansing effect on your
. It can save lives.
Chiron is a pretty straight forward ADC and Mid Laner. The only difference is a bit more attack speed build for ADC and a bit more physical power for Mid Lane.
Chiron is a mobile god. Don't forget to rotate and help your team. Also because of the passive of your
if you're gonna use this against multiple people or engaging in a team fight make sure that you picked the ones that you can certainly kill. Cuz ıf you can kill someone with your ultimate you can't die at all. And even regain a lot of health too.
Chiron requires a bit more aggressive unorthodox supports. Cuz he ain't have a super good early or impressive late game. And he is ability dependent but those abilities are not high burst abilities (Ah Muzen Cab, Neith, and ANhur are better at this part imo)
- Ability Dependent and Mana Hungry
- You need to spam your ability but also spamming them so much kinda makes your passive useless. So there is a bit contradiction about his kit.
- His early game is not impressive (not garbage tho) and his late game not bright as other late game carry picks.
- His damage never been one of the best in his class
- His ult hard to land not hard as Ra's snipe but its still hard.
- You're a consistent damage source for almost all stages in game
- You've 2 cc immune ability
- You've a good amount of sustain and self-reliability
- Your escape and engage tool is one of the best in hunters.
- You're versatile god by both items and gameplay (not a top level versatility but still could make work many items)
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And about your question. In Pro-World yes those items crucial for most of the hunter/adc roster. But in casual or low ranked gameplay. Survivability and forgiving build is matter more ı guess.
Plus in terms of item changes. New Heartseeker (until its gonna nerfed) valued more than Titan's Bane. Titan's Bane passive changed and Executioner nefred. And After "Asi" announced. It become a guarenateed 3rd or 4th item for all physical adc picks. And İf you have Asi + Qin's Sais+Heartseekr+Crusher or some of these 4 Executioner and Titan's Bane could be overkill or even unnecessary.
IN Pro-Leagues, people have good ping and fps values. And they're fully traiend for their roles. So they basicly connects most of their basic attacks. Thats why in that meta (pro-meta) Executioner could still work even after its nerf.
But in casual and low ranked side of the meta. It could both work and not work. Nothing guaranteed.
But Crusher, Asi, Heartseeker are more forgiving via their stats and passives.
And last factor. Crit Builds its valuable again the last time crit was valid was Season 4 ı guess.
So Thats why old traditional adc items such as executioner tree (all of 'em) except asi and titan's bane kinda overlooked during this state.
But ı see your disappointment and you're totaly right from your perspective but ı also get it why people not prefer to build'em anymore.
without any % pen as a dps class you're not gonna cut it. in most cases you will be getting attacked by a bruiser/tanky solo laner trying to zone you away. Without executioner the teamfight will make sure your opponents adc (with an exe) kills your tanks while you're being zoned first before. Honestly with good play their solo laner even got a shot at killing you in a 1v1. yes you might deal another 200 hp before mitigations with you basic or abilities cause of
So yeah having at least a titan's bane or an executioner.
Also the only reason when you see
Plus in terms of item changes. New Heartseeker (until its gonna nerfed) valued more than Titan's Bane.
Uhm... you do know that Heartseeker only hits tanks hard if you have Titan's, right?
And After "Asi" announced. It become a guarenateed 3rd or 4th item for all physical adc picks.
Please tell me where you see Asi on Hunters every game 3rd/4th item...
And İf you have Asi + Qin's Sais+Heartseekr+Crusher or some of these 4 Executioner and Titan's Bane could be overkill or even unnecessary.
Couldn't be more wrong.
IN Pro-Leagues, people have good ping and fps values.
Not if they're not playing LAN like they are this season.
And they're fully traiend for their roles. So they basicly connects most of their basic attacks. Thats why in that meta (pro-meta) Executioner could still work even after its nerf.
Uhm dude, the nerf did nothing to it's pickup rate, it's a CORE item on almost every single hunter, for most builds. And not only is Executioner relevant for tanks but for objectives (gold fury/fire giant) and for the enemy titan.
But in casual and low ranked side of the meta. It could both work and not work. Nothing guaranteed.
That's not really saying anything.
But Crusher, Asi, Heartseeker are more forgiving via their stats and passives.
? What do you mean by that?
And last factor. Crit Builds its valuable again the last time crit was valid was Season 4 ı guess.
So Thats why old traditional adc items such as executioner tree (all of 'em) except asi and titan's bane kinda overlooked during this state.
Crit builds were valuable at the start of the season when they buffed crit and nerfed Nemean, then in patch 7.1 or 7.2 they buffed Spectral Armor and crit kind of fell out of meta.
Also crit or not, Executioner and Titan's still get built.
The basic builds we've seen so far for hunters this season:
Trans Builds:
Trans Qins:
Ninja > Trans > Asi > Executioner > Qin's Sais > Titan's Bane > Speed Elixir and Odysseus' Bow.
Trans Crit:
Ninja > Trans > Asi > Rage > Executioner > Deathbringer > Speed Elixir and Wind Demon.
Devo's builds:
Devo's Qins:
Ninja > Devo's > Executioner > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow > Titan's Bane > Speed Elixir and Asi or Toxic Blade or Rage.
Devo's Crit:
Ninja > Devo's > Executioner > Rage > Deathbringer > Titan's Bane > Wind Demon or Poisoned Star (Artemis) or Odysseus' Bow or toxic blade.
(Bloodforge builds fell out favor with Devo's buff)
Bloodforge Qins:
Ninja > Bloodforge > Executioner > Qin's Sais > Odysseus' Bow > Titan's Bane > Speed Elixir and Asi or Toxic Blade.
Bloodforge Crit:
Ninja > Bloodforge > Executioner > Rage > Deathbringer > Titan's Bane > Speed Elixir and Asi or Toxic Blade.
Pure Ability based build for Ullr/Skadi/Chiron/Neith:
Warrior > Trans > Crusher > Jotunn's/Beatstick > Titan's Bane > Heartseeker.
I wast meant, Executioner requires more pinpoint accuracy and Titan's Bane efficient on tanky enemy team comps. But in casual and ranked games people (tanks of the opponent team) are not tanky as their pro-league versions.
So thats why its understandable.
I aint deny that what you said for item choice are wrong or unefficient. But there aint 1 way to do things. And Majority of the Smite Community is about casuals and low level ranked players. Even Diamond and above ranked players more crowded than SPL players.
Casual and low ranked players needs more sustain and security in a way. So thats why asi can be seen in trans builds. You can avoid Asi in Devo Builds but for Trans builds its the only sustain option. In Pro League you have a support, jungler and mid that you can realy count on and train with hundreds of hours long.
In casual and ranked, you're mostly alone and support role one of the most overlooked and badly aproached role. And Jungler probably the worst part for the lower section players of Smite.
So thats why Asi is understandable. And Crit is understandable too cuz unlike to Pro League, many of the people you faced against aint know to counter.
And for solo laners a lot of Katana Tree İtems + 1 Magical + Physical Protection item kinda Bellona, Osiris, Achiles builds you would see :D Its hilarious. You can even see King Arthur with early Crusher + Ninja Tabi rush :D
But ofc its not ideal to make builds against these types of tanks. Im not consider these mostly. But as ı said before. Its certainly not requires pro-level standarts for beginner or low leveler players imo. But again, thx a lot for advices.
Also if I were you I would make a smurf or something just to get out of that bronze to gold MMR bracket.
Smurfing for a lot of people does not improve a lot. if you feel your stuck in rank X or Y.
The only reason to have smurfs is for streamers that don;t want to get recognized or streamsniped immediatly
or the bad kind of people just wanting to stomp noobs
I hope ı can rise a bit again. Cuz ı love my current account but yeah. I might need a fresh start. Thx again.
This doesn't mean off-meta things can't work, and it's super cool you're taking it well and being open to criticism.
And thx that you understand me. Smite is not just about being pinpointly on meta , but experimental, out of meta stuff also good too.
And thx again. I kinda start to love this community :D
So ill end with this: you do what you think is best. Hopefully you'll keep our advice in the back of your mind and you'll find it useful one of these days .
Most of your penetration from Asi and crusher will be negated by the supports sovereignty and gauntlet of Thebes.
Even worse if the enemy actually builds a protection item like mantle of discord
If enemy tank builds sovereignty and Thebes, and other enemies pick up mantle of discord, you won't even consider a Titan's bane/exe?
The penalty is you're wasting items for CDR.
this gives you a penalty of 10% CDR overcapped which equals 900 gold of wasted CDR (
But again thanx for the info about not stacking together . Im gonna change that.
I think
Hadeyan, I understand how you're presenting your builds, but "mid build" and "late build" is just not intuitive reading, especially when you've got separation. Just put all items in order of purchase, then include what you're replacing in the notes.
Also Ichaival has 30 Physical Power which is a good amount of it. But of course it could trade with many other options. Blood forge aint need stacking but needs agression for benefitting from its passive. And ı dont think Chiron is an agressive one. He is more like a pusher to me. But ı can see your logic.
Technically never list items out ofnpurchase order, not in what spot they show up in your smite inventory. At least that is preffered by most people here
Also yes it's more realistic, however most people read from left to right. Include the bit of intuitive listing and people could think it are 4 seperate builds.
Also it's quite easy to understand, however the problem is that my first guess (and probably a lot of other people that only looked at the build) would be to go from left to right cause that is what a lot of guides do here
You shouldn't buy a single crit item. To crits worth you will need at least 2 crits, if you buy less, crits will be so randomly that build another item would be better. Plus, I don't recommend crits on
Also I'd never get
You shouldn't buy a single crit item.
Unless you're an AA-based hunter, and that crit item is Rage.