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(this start mandatory for all other variety of builds that ım gonna show)
IF this is too risky for you you can always go with
x3 + Hand of Gods
Penetration rush builds also can work with Ra but it will be a slow burn for him. He is a healer he need mana recovery so either Chronos Pendant or Doom Orb rushes are better for him.
Tap each threat level to view Ra’s threats
He is basicly a walking
. And his burst damage will ignore your heal-in time.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 65 [display_name] => Ah Puch [url] => ah-puch ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => He is basicly a walking [Icon=Divine Ruin size=25] . And his burst damage will ignore your heal-in time. ) 1
Thru late game he would've 3 ultimate level damaging abilities . So your protection & Heal buffs cant save you forever. And his ult easier then your ult and it hits way harder. He can punish you while you're ulting or healing in your healing chamber.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 13 [display_name] => Kukulkan [url] => kukulkan ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Thru late game he would've 3 ultimate level damaging abilities . So your protection & Heal buffs cant save you forever. And his ult easier then your ult and it hits way harder. He can punish you while you're ulting or healing in your healing chamber. ) 1
Too much utility & damage output to deal with. And his range is better.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 100 [display_name] => Merlin [url] => merlin ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Too much utility & damage output to deal with. And his range is better. ) 1
With anti-heal, Raijin's Raiju will wear your heal and proctections down ..
He has better escape and his ult is better to hit.
Only thing you got him above. your early clear is better and you can counter ult him while he is ulting.
But still he is very troublesome for you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 73 [display_name] => Raijin [url] => raijin ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => With anti-heal, Raijin's Raiju will wear your heal and proctections down .. He has better escape and his ult is better to hit. Only thing you got him above. your early clear is better and you can counter ult him while he is ulting. But still he is very troublesome for you. ) 1
Too fast, quick and accurate to track it. In early game he could be troublesome
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 51 [display_name] => Ullr [url] => ullr ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Too fast, quick and accurate to track it. In early game he could be troublesome ) 1
Tap each threat level to view Ra’s threats
He is the worst for Ra imo. You cant stop him.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 101 [display_name] => Jormungandr [url] => jormungandr ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => He is the worst for Ra imo. You cant stop him. ) 1
You cant stop him.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 69 [display_name] => Xing Tian [url] => xing-tian ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => You cant stop him. ) 1
Way faster healer than you. And her aoe damage and cc also way way better than you. She will outpace you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 106 [display_name] => Yemoja [url] => yemoja ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => Way faster healer than you. And her aoe damage and cc also way way better than you. She will outpace you. ) 1
He can trade blows and heals from range with you. But his ult is better for being support and his mitigattions and tankyness was ahead of you.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 58 [display_name] => Sylvanus [url] => sylvanus ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => He can trade blows and heals from range with you. But his ult is better for being support and his mitigattions and tankyness was ahead of you. ) 1
Tap each threat level to view Ra’s threats
He is the worst for Ra imo. You cant stop him.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 101 [display_name] => Jormungandr [url] => jormungandr ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => He is the worst for Ra imo. You cant stop him. ) 1
He has so many mitigations.So he can ignore your entire kit specialy with Pestilence and Oni Hunter's Garb.
Also you cant stop his assault too.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 53 [display_name] => Osiris [url] => osiris ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => He has so many mitigations.So he can ignore your entire kit specialy with Pestilence and Oni Hunter's Garb. Also you cant stop his assault too. ) 1
You cant stop him.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 69 [display_name] => Xing Tian [url] => xing-tian ) [scoreVal] => 1 [notes] => You cant stop him. ) 1
Since his ult is about execution. Our heal in time cant save us. Also he can interfere our combos or skills.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 94 [display_name] => Achilles [url] => achilles ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Since his ult is about execution. Our heal in time cant save us. Also he can interfere our combos or skills. ) 1
She will bully us. Not as agonizing as Osiris maybe but still we cant stop her for good.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 63 [display_name] => Bellona [url] => bellona ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => She will bully us. Not as agonizing as Osiris maybe but still we cant stop her for good. ) 1
Your clear and sustain is better but his base defensive stats & cc are much better.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 96 [display_name] => Baron Samedi [url] => baron-samedi ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => Your clear and sustain is better but his base defensive stats & cc are much better. ) 1
First of all, English is not my main language so please excuse some of my grammar mistakes :)
Hi.. I'm not a high ranked(diamond and above) or pro player(cuz ı don't trust my current PC build and internet service for high-ranked competition). I'm mostly a casual and golden ranked player and I'm at 10 mastery level with RA. Tho I'm not an advanced competitive Smite player still at the same time i watch and follow professional players, analysts and educator streamers. And try to follow the current meta since 5.17.
I try to cover my favorite god, Ra in form of every role he can possibly play. Ra is an Egyptian God. Actually he is the ultimate sky father of Egyptian Mythology and God of other Gods. His class is a mage and he is a ranged, magical character. He was among the original first release god line-up of Smite. He is mostly known for his healing ability, snipes, and speed in the Smite game.
People try to build Ra like every other "CDR&Burst Damage Hybrid Mage Build". But Ra actually built for close&mid range encounters more than mid to long-range. Yes his Celesteal Beam and Searing has very long ranges. But his other abilities more made for close quarter type. Remember that.
And you're fast as you use any abilities never forget that. And since you don't have any high mobility/escape abilities like dash or leap. You need mobility and cdr items proc&stack with your passive. Ra is not a hot top, broken meta god but he is never been weak or being at the backline of the meta too. He can function in every game mode at multiple roles. And he is very powerful right now. So it's a good time to learn him.
allows Ra to be a very maneuvery, utility heavy god.
is his main clear. One of the best minion lane clear and enemy pusher abilities. It can function over walls and other objects.
It's Ra's 2nd clear ability and also main cc. It slows the enemy and if you're looking at Ra when he do that, ıt will blind the opponent for a while too. Which is one of the most umique cc types in the game. This is also Ra's main close encounter asset.
is Ra's most appealing and branded ability. Its one of the most recognasible skills in all game. This skill is a very unique healing ability. Cuz you dont need to be near to your ally or attached to'em. Another uniqueness of this area heal is. Most of the healers needs Lotus Crown for make their heals more usefull and sustain heavy for their allies. Well Ra's heal is already has protection buffs. And due to recent buffs its also give 10 to 40 Physical & Magical Power boost too. And its can be stacked/proc with both Lotus Crown and
So your Ra's healing ability is soo hard to counter even with anti-heal cuz even if you can reduce the healing from it. There are still protection and power buffs. So Ra stay at the backline of the fight and buff & heal his allies and when he find opportunity at right position he can snipe. So about the snipe;
Is hard to hit, and its not adjustable ultimate until teamfight phase of the game comes up. But it has CC ımmunity and huge range which can function over walls. And in my opinion is the most satisfying ultimate when you hit from range. And if you're gonna hit multiple people with it ?! Its even better .
Btw Ra's ult aint has any reduction penalty on it(Like Anubis's). If you're gonna hit multiple people. You're gonna deal exact same damage to each of'em. SO if you have supps like Ares, Xing Tian, Cerberus, Geb, Sylvanus or Jungler's like Mercury, Da Ji, Ne Zha, Thor, Thanatos..
Your ult could be the endgame execution for multiple opponents. Also one of the best objective secure/steal ults. And if you wanna clear a crowded lane realy fast ? You can use your ult too.
Ra is pretty straight forward he aint have much of a combo but here we are.
Use your
to opposite directions (not far opposite but close enough) and misguided your opponent to the middle of the attacks. And try to minimize the mobility of your opponent then send
if you think you got him/her. This is risky but it's doable.
As Clash - Arena - Joust Mage:
Don't focus on killing people. Cuz Ra not one of the "serial killer" or "massive extinction" types of Mages. He is a utility & supports heavy god. Yes, he can deal damage but this is not Ra's peeling & authentic side. Don't play Ra like he is something else.
Help your teammates and made'em better. And once you picked Ra you must be the playmaker of the game cuz your assets and playstyle demands this. So call shots, gather your team. Mostly play as backline support or executioner. But thx to your self sustain you can charge on the enemy towards mid to late game when it's needed.
Ra is not Anubis, not Kukulkan, not Ah Puch, and certainly not Zeus. Don't try to play like him damage carry mage. Play him as a smart, cunny healer/sniper/booster.
Conquest // Mid Lane:
Ra is not a super strong mid pick right now but he is at a very good place currently. Especially after his recent buffs. In a "late-game teamfight focus team composition" he can shine.
Cuz you can easily survive thru late-game thx to heal&mobility. And your lane clear is great.
Ra is a type of character that rewards patience. Not laziness but patience. You have huge mobility and teamfight assets. Once you cleared your lane and near jungle camps. Rotate a lot. This is one of the strengths of Ra. Make your presence in every lane and support your team. Cuz Ra is kinda 2nd Support of the team more than an AoE mage.
You're fast but you don't have an instant dodge or escape so always ward your lane and be in communication with the team.
And don't use your
for lane clear or poke as much as you can. Cuz it's more valuable when you use it on yourself or allies.
Be patient in thru the early game, rotate a lot thru mid-game. And in the late game try to function as backline support/sniper of your team. Especially after recent buff, sieging enemy phoenixes would be much better and easier with your (Ra) existence. Just live thru that state of the game. And try to keep equal stats with your opponents in terms of level and gold.
Conquest // Support:
Most of the mages are not good support picks in my opinion. And Ra is not an exception too. He is not even one of the top mage support picks in the game. But if you "You can do with Ra ?" then I'll say "Yes" especially after the recent buff to his
As Support, Ra ain't offer any cc other than short burn slow and occasional blind. So you cant set up a gank or stop the enemy's gank attack. But what you can do is, outbox'em, outpace'em and constantly heal & buff you adc. Especially extra protection (even w/o Lotus Crown ) and power buffs would be sooo good for trading blows against the enemy duo.
Conquest // Solo:
Most of the mages are not qualified as good solo laners. And Ra is one of'em but as ı said for support role before. It's doable with Ra and especially after the buff to him.
you can box your enemy or stand against the boxing/zoning attempt from your opponent. Your clear is way better than most of the solo laners. The only 2 major problems are;
1st Your ult is not meant to function in that lane.
2nd Even tho you have heal, protection & power buffs from 1 ability, still you ain't have enough cc to set up a fight or stop a solo lane bully like Osiris, Bellona, or Achilles. Be careful on that and just focus on farm and poke for landing phase.
In late game be the mid lane Ra with more balls xD
- You don't have an escape tool but also you're not an immobile god.
- Your kit one of the most unique recognizable and always functioning builds in all game
- You're a team-friendly and teamfight/siege boosting God.
- Except for the first 3-4 levels there ain't any time in the game that you specifically weak.
Ra is good for almost the entire duration of the game.
- Behind the wall snipes! And even on multiple people!
- Yes you're mobile but you have no escape tools. Easy to jump on
- Slow abilities and items could kill your "mobility card" easily.
- Your most damage dealing skills are hard to hit.
- You're lacking enough CC.
- Ra is an old god and his kit ain't changed much. So many people know how to counter you or how to avoid you.
And for the last words;
Don't listen anyone, you're way better than Thoth!
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Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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ANd thats why itemization is more unorthodox. Nothing wrong with it.
If this game were just about 3 builds for each god. Then no one would've need a site like that. Or no one will try to experience new , wild things.
IF i did a Tyr guide thats totaly about attack speed and movements speed and full with "Rellic Dagger -Wind Blade Tree" items. You would burn me to the ground.
But soloortroll did that in SPL.
Even pro players tried weird staff. Like Barracuda used physical defense item at mid game. Or Nike jungle.. Idk many examples.
So thats Ra build is about my experience and expectations. If you think its not gonna work ? Yeah thats ok cuz Ra's support and solo chances are already low. Builds are mostly experimental.
I aint think we need to take this dead seriously.
Anyway. 3 month before a tyr build that has 2-3 item from that item tree would've roast here .. .But it did make it. Thats the point.
Let's start by removing pridwen and Jade emperor crown.
Jade emperor crown is usually an early game item which supports get (Ra support isn't good because he has no hard CC and his base stats aren't very tanky).
Pridwen is better if you get more protection items (best for your front liners with fast ult durations). You don't want to build Ra as a tank in serious games.
Jade emperor crown is usually an early game item which supports get (Ra support isn't good because he has no hard CC and his base stats aren't very tanky).
Supports can build Jade Emps, but it's much more common in Solo than in Support.
But definitely not an item for Ra, which I want Hadeyan to understand
And About killing. You shouldnt play for kill thats true but as all other mages . If you have conditions to kill then yes you should go for it. Ra is not Khepri or Sylvanus after all.
You say "i clicked on your build" .. I didnt put just one "build" .. Its many.
And about my win-rate dude. Win-Rate aint only relevant to knwowledge or skill. I played with a lot of my newbie friends. Also Smite's matchmaking not a great one. Plus Smite was my first MOBA. I had no experience on MOBAS and i didnt many MMOs too. So thats why my first 50-60 levels is all about figuring out.
PLus my guides not people make worse.. I had many positive feedbacks from people. And since i put a lot of effort. You have no right to say "you cant do this stuff".
This is just rude for no reason.
If you have specific improvements in mind, you should definitely make some suggestions.
Since the health on it got reduced it got it's rare niche use taken away.
Also, read your bio, you're not as old as me, and I like Metroidvania games too. My most recent one, which I blasted through and thoroughly enjoyed, was Ori and the Will of the Wisps. Couldn't get through Hollow Knight, though, for some reason.
Thx for the comment. I dont like Ori sadly. Its hard for nothing, lazy combat,unclear level design compare to the main character that so small.I never liked sorry :D
But Hollow Knight was a blast for me and ı also enjoy a lot with Owlboy. Btw ı deleted moonlighter after playing 4-5 hours :D Its not for me. My friends heavily suggests binding of ısaac series lately.
Btw anything about builds ?
Never really got into Isaac.
Regarding the builds, let's see. I personally would prefer the Chronos rush, so I'm in line with you right there. You've got a lot of builds listed, and I don't see a problem with any of them in general. You generally get some %pen, you're not overcapping CDR, etc. I DO think you could probably do away with a lot of the lifesteal though...
The argument also applies to Asclep, but in that specific case, I can still see its use, due to providing some MS and health to increase your survivability since you don't have an official escape ability.
He can get good use out of Doom Orb and Lotus, and I see you've covered your bases there.
I don't personally think that
Also don't think you should get
Shoes of Magi not just for lifesteal. It also has 25 more power. And ım already at %40 CDR. Ofc
and in his pen builds in general if you're gonna grab your 20% pen item as 7th item you're better of grabbing