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Greetings! I'm DecimusBrutalis, and have been a MOBA player (namely League of Legends, but also DotA 2 and Heroes of Newerth, with a probable inclusion in Heroes of the Storm) for quite some time. I've found a nice fit in with Smite, a purely skillshot based game, which I find more fun and skill-requiring to play.
I've been a member on Smitefire for multiple months now, boasting the second highest reputation amount among current members at this time (Second only to the only moderator, HiFromBuddha, from what I know), as well as having three guides that have all been homepaged, two achieving the top spot.
But enough about me.
Scylla is the epitome and embodiment of a glass cannon mage. She's basically Anubis. What separates her from other mages (and other people in the game), is she is the only god in the game with a reset based on assist or kill (in this case, kill), with her ultimate. This allows her, when fed, to chain kills together, decimating a teamfight. Her
Sentinel, however, separates her from possibly higher DPS mages like Anubis, by actually having a very solid, near instantaneous escape. Her pure damage, utility, and safety, make her the burstier, mage form of Neith - no downside is present. This is leading me to believe that while not explicitly overpowered, Scylla is easily a top tier pick that can't be punished easily.
I mainly play arena, but this guide is, as you'll see, definitely tailored for Conquest. However, every single item, skill order, etc is 100% the same in Arena. 100%. Take this for both.
Without further ado, let's get started.
-Insane Burst Damage
-Utility in the form of Magic Protection Reduction, Roots, Cripples, Slows, and Vision
-Only god in the game with a form of Reset, leading to insane cleanup capability
-Relatively easy to hit abilities - big targeted areas
-Passive is basically a mage form of Xbalanque - passive damage is perfect!
-Even if behind, spells provide nice team presence
-High base damage and decent scaling leave her relevant all game, early to late
-Very mobile with Sentinel, for both chasing and escaping
-Later game can clear waves easily, leading to sieges or siege defense
-Ultimate can destroy a team, or in dire situations, even be used to escape
-Very easy roaming capabilities with Sentinel going through walls, and roots/slows
-Abilities, while having a huge hit radius, are very slow
-Passive is useless until level 10, and becomes semi-irrelevant as end-game is reached
-Some full-rank bonuses are underwhelming
-Needs to max 1 over 2 for harass/kill potential, but leads to low early-game waveclear
-Can easily die before ult finishes
-Ultimate is only marginally easier to land than Ao Kuang's
-Ultimate wind-down duration after timed out or missing is a very vulnerable immobile period (I've personally died while waiting to come out of it)
-If falling behind, damage can become irrelevant
-No sustain built into her kit whatsoever. Mages like Ra or Chang'E can destroy her in lane
-Very very weak against very mobile champions with how slow her shots are
-Moderately mana hungry
-If you miss your shots, you're done, as she has nothing that melds well with auto attacks, and will lose in sustained fights against many people, including Chronos, Freya, Nu Wa, He Bo, etc
-Moderately long cooldowns
So numbers wise her cons outweigh her pros. Her pros, however, are better in quality.
Summary: Pros include usefulness all game, safety, heavy burst damage, decent sieging, and stupidly good teamfight presence. Her cons are no synergy with auto attacks, low early game waveclear, a useless pre-10 passive, weakness against mobility and those that can survive her rotation, and difficult to hit skillshots. In my mind, a skilled player removes those cons entirely, and will wreck a teamfight.
Quick Learner
Scylla gains 20 Magic Power for every maxed skill, and each skill gains an effect at max rank
I'll review what these effects are under each specific skill. Useless early game, so you're playing without a passive for a while. The added effects are hit and miss, and the bonus power is a decent addition but at 6 items, basically negligible. However, it does combo with Rod of Tahuti, leading to +100 Magic Power, which is very decent.
Sic 'Em
You shoot a moderate speed, ground-traveling pair of hounds for a decent damage, rooting the first target hit. This also cripples them. Note, this is the first person hit, so it will collide with minions for an underwhelming effect. The root and cripple increase a quarter second each level for a max 2.25, which is a very solid amount of time and guarantees a Crush follow up. But it is relatively slow, and thus easy to dodge, however it is slightly hard to see so they might not pay attention.
At max rank it also hits 2 nearby enemies as well, and since level 10 is the first available skill to max, you might start getting into partial teamfight brawls. Rooting 3 gods in an early teamfight for 2.25 seconds is a nasty thing to bring to a teamfight. *Can* be undervalued compared to Crush. See next section.
Very slow moving air projectile that lands and creates an Isis-like circle on the ground, slowing them, and lasting 5 seconds. You can detonate it for its damage. This is your major waveclear, and easiest to hit harass. The closer you are to where you're launching it, the quicker it'll arrive at it's target location. You can combo a Sic 'Em into this for your harass potential. Note that early game, since you max
Sic 'Em first, is relatively low, but lowers the minion health pretty substantially for last hits.
At max rank, it reduces enemy Magic Protections by 25% (HUGE. Free Obsidian Shard), and reslowing them for a second. Note the reduced protections are applied while it's on the ground, not as a debuff after detonation, so it provides some tactical advantage to not immediately detonating the Crush. Now technically if you're expecting a very prolonged laning phase and are against a pushing god, you can max this first. This will leave you without a maxed Sic 'Em until level 14. Or you can just take a couple points in this and max
Sic 'Em as normal, but the +20 power for quickly maxing something is substantial early game.
Passively grants you a mediocre amount of MP5 (but still noticeable), provides vision when placed, and allows reactivation for a teleportation to the hound head. Each rank in this increases the passive MP5 and increases the sight radius of the hound head. This is your solid escape tool, with a root and slow also factored in, you can escape any bad situation.
At max rank, the head sees through Line of Sight (The head's vision itself), and you can place it an AMAZING (sarcasm intended) 5 more units further. It's really really mediocre and I find it exceptionally underwhelming. Since this is not a damaging ability anyway, there's no possible argument to not max this last.
Honestly, this ability won't be used for vision 90% of the time, as you're giving up your DEFINITE escape for the CHANCE at seeing a jungler in a random spot over a wall. It's so not worth using it unless you're using it for the dash. And besides, if you're in a spot where you can get ganked, why would you want to see your impending doom coming instead of using your dash to get out of there? You now have no escape. Good going smart guy. :)
I'm a Monster!
You become pure terror, letting loose those wicked little hounds under your dress, gaining 35% movement speed, and enabling one use of a (rather small) circle targeted attack that will nuke anyone hit. The radius is about how small a Mercury's level 2 Made You Look is, or slightly smaller than Artemis's
Suppress The Insolent. If you're brand new and checking her out, I really can't describe it too well, but it's about a god and a half wide. If you kill someone with this, the duration refreshes and one more instance of the ultimate may be used. Killing two gods at once only grants one refreshed usage, but you can kill all 5 gods in a row. The nuke is substantial and slightly less damaging than an Ao Kuang, but I've literally oneshot people with it from full health, so it's nasty. I've personally also gotten a one-hit quadra kill with it. It's possible to aim well, but note, the cast time for the usage is very high and very dodgeable. Practice with it!!
Maxing this ability grants double the speed bonus, for 70% movement speed. Kind of meh, but you can only max an ult at level 20 anyway, so it doesn't matter.
My best suggestion for this ability, is unless you're very comfortable on it, do not use it alone. Try to wait for a teammate to use CC in conjunction with it, like Pillar of Agony or
Mummify, or something else. Just make sure it isn't too short a duration or they'll just get out of the CC before you can even start your ult.
This section is for the order you use your skills in. In general, there's really not much argument here.
First option:
General, flexible, jack-of-all-trades rotation:
Sic 'Em to root the enemies. Throw in your
Crush while they can't escape, and under your discretion immediately detonate for damage or leave it for any magic-using teammates to make use of the 25% protections reduction (if you don't really have any magic-using teammates it's so not worth it), then
I'm a Monster to clean up kills.
Sentinel can be used to chase down stragglers afterwards or flee if you started losing the fight.
Sic 'Em -->
Crush -->
I'm a Monster -->
Second Option:
It's hard to hit them due to their speed, or your team is heavy on magic users/you have the leisure to set this complicated set-up, up.
Crush first. Leave it sit under the opponents for the slow it has on them, and the reduced protections. Your allies can make use of this. Use your
Sic 'Em on the slowed, easier to hit enemies, which benefits from the reduced protections. While Rooted, Detonate your
Crush under them, then
I'm a Monster to clean up stragglers, same as before, with the same ideology behind
Crush -->
Sic 'Em --> Detonate
Crush -->
I'm a Monster -->
And one final thing to mention, is a rank 3+ Sic 'Em is long enough to root them, IMMEDIATELY ult, and ult them before they are unrooted. This, however, requires IMMEDIATE reaction - so know if you're going to hit them or not! At rank 5, it gives about a quarter of a second of pause before you activate your ult with the increased timer.
Just know, that since you'll likely be using Sic 'Em into
I'm a Monster WITHOUT using
Crush, they may not die unless not at full health to start, so you might not get a reset. But it is a guaranteed hit. And sometimes that's all you need - a point blank crush is easy enough to land to secure.
EDIT: Now they nerfed the root duration. Note that you CAN still land the sic'em + ult combo, BUT it has to be a rank 4+ sic'em, and that's with a good internet, or else you simply WILL NOT have time, and they have the ability to escape. In theory, the aoe is still big enough to land it before they move out, as their escape is probably too slow, but they could have combat blink and, in your haste, you might have not centered it perfectly. But this combo WILL still work.
Mouse over the icons to see the item details specifically.
Remember, once you leave the well, you cannot sell back an active. These choices are permanent.
Aegis Amulet - Solid damage avoider, can let you stall for cooldowns or completely avoid nuking ults you can't avoid like Release the Kraken or if you're caught in a bad spot Spirit Tempest. Remember, it's usable while CC'd, so this is a lifesaver. Also note it reduces post-activation damage for a brief period, so it can let you survive burst even after you come out. And even though they can surround you and just wait, it can buy your teammates time in a fight.
Aegis Pendant - same as above, except you CAN move during it, CAN be CC'd during it, still can't use skills, but can't use it while CC'd. Better against a team with no CC possible so you just run away without taking damage.
Purification Beads - for when you don't need to avoid damage, but avoid a CC that leads to death. For the newbies, a few things to pay attention to:
No Escape,
Pillar of Agony,
Fear No Evil, etc. Just pay attention to particularly hard to escape CC that will ruin you or separate you from your team.
Combat Blink - Lets you be a little more flexible in your positioning, and theoretically it's your best escape mechanic. However, it's on a much longer cooldown than other actives, so in rapid teamfights it's not possible to use as a failsafe.
Enfeebling Curse - not only gets those pesky melee off you (sometimes they're so fast that there is no escape, blink or not), and even cripples their attack speed! It's the only defensive that helps the rest of your team, too. It's also the only defensive that actively hurts them!
Sprint - not the most ideal and I don't suggest it, for *Scylla*. It allows you immense speed and helps cover more overall distance than combat blink on a shorter cooldown, but it's harder to escape with. However, you are immune to slows. The downside is no hard CC immunity, and the bonus passive of no movement speed penalty for auto attacking is kinda wasted on you. Still not a bad option if you're not in fear of hard CC.
Ok so I've gone over mathematics, what do you do in lane?
Level 1, take that Crush. Try to aim it so it not only clears the archer line (possibly the soldier minions as well), but harasses the enemy too. Honestly, level 1 goes by very quickly, and unless someone is GROSSLY out of position, will not result in much. Try to shove the wave very hard and get level 2. If you get a chance, weave in auto attacks on the enemy to get some damage on. But never underestimate the minions. They hit hard hard hard early game.
Level 2, you'll have your Sic 'Em. If you did better at pushing, you're level 2 before them. Really try to land that for an immediate follow up into
Crush. Even with the rather bad base damage, that's a lot of damage. If they hit level 2 before you, try to be very cautious as they have a big advantage on you.
Any time past now, you can call for jungler help, as your root is nasty even at this level. Additionally, boots are not finished yet, so it's easier to lane.
Level 3, you just level Crush again, for more harass and waveclear. If you land it at this point, they still have very little health, and this can easily land in a kill. If you can use it in a way to clear the wave and leave the enemy alone for a
Sic 'Em, your minions can tear them a new one.
Level 4 you finally have your Sentinel. Now you don't have to play so safe, but with jungler help, you can chase for a kill. Only
Agni is quicker than you, and only because you have to double cast the ability - you're still 'faster' than him. Any other mage cannot escape your aggression, but they MAY expect it. Call for a jungler gank and get that root, and you're seeing a dead duck. I'm legitimately under the impression that
Scylla is the most jungler-cooperative mid in the game. Anubis has a decent stun too, but he's not mobile enough to follow up well enough. Scylla is. At 4, you have your best gank potential in the game.
Level 5, you're both getting your ults. You probably win the trade, though. While at level 4 you hit your gank peak, level 5 you hit your 1v1 peak. Most mages will not have an ult that can go toe to toe with you, and if you land it, you either kill them or they're leaving lane. I'd suggest going very aggressive if you hit 5 before them, because they still likely do not have rank 3 boots to dodge the ult very well, but remember: if you miss, you have about a second to a second and a half period where you have to "wind down", VERY similar to how vamana's ult wind down works. If they hit 5 before you, depending on who you're facing, you can be in a very rough spot. Nowadays they're making people with easier and easier to hit ults, so an Agni or
Poseidon or
Chang'e can really ruin your day. All in all, in the level 4-5 range, you seriously need to be ON YOUR GAME. This is the most influential level range in the entire game for you - sure it can end very anticlimatically, but a big play here can make or break your laning phase.
Past level 5, just play it by ear. You have all your abilities, everything just starts getting averagely ranked up by now, but you still synergize better with junglers than any mid in the game save Chang'E with that nasty ult. So if you see them pushing up hard, just work with it and call your jungler for help. Remember, you're ranking up Crush first, so you can hold your own but they may still outpush you from it's natural 'meh'-ness. Let your jungler know this, and repeatedly gank an overextended enemy. Eventually your single target damage will outshine theirs, and if they're too far pushed up, you can just hard engage on them, and they won't be able to escape. Past level 10, your farming will start escalating quickly, and you'll both outduel and outfarm the enemy. Remember, base damage increases may not mean as much as the magic power scaling, so you WILL still clear waves!
If you start falling behind, when the enemy mid laner backs, clear your wave and roam. He most likely won't call you missing right away, you have a solid root and slow, and a surprise factor. If you're daring, ult and walk into lane behind them, and aim a shot. They might not see you, so you might get a free ult hit off, even if it does kill them for the refresh the damage is nasty! Seriously, if you start falling behind for some reason, roaming is definitely a way to come back into the game. You're most likely more mobile than your enemies, so take advantage of it.
In mid-game skirmishes, most likely you're not fighting a full team. Take this opportunity to slow the enemy and get off a full-rank Sic 'Em to root all the enemies, leading to a quick kill. There's not much to be said about mid-game skirmishes, as they're not very consistent in what exactly happens. Just play it by ear, and treat it as a multiple-person lane engagement. Most often these will lead to a Gold Fury or Tower seizure, not a Fire Giant or major push. Still very important you pay attention to your skills, though, as wasted skills can lead to a bad fight.
In the end game, every fight matters. Gold Fury is a forgotten objective, as a major Fire Giant buff will lead to a win, or you will lose an entire lane worth of objectives, if not the game itself. This means you have to play your part better than your opponent or you may end up losing the game for your team. Not to make you feel the pressure, but you are the mage - one of the two carries - so if you fail at your job, your team loses almost all of its damage.
There are two ways you can have engagements for your team: you engage, or you're engaged upon. I'll try to go over both. Remember, there is a very big difference from a light engage without using ultimates, such as an Athena using
Preemptive Strike into
Confound, or a very all-in engage with ultimates like a
Fenrir using
Ragnarok. This should determine how much they've wasted and how important their, or your, engage is for following up.
If you're engaged upon, your team has most likely used NONE of it's cooldowns. Immediately Sentinel out if you're the one being attacked, let your team counter engage, and rejoin the fray to spend your abilities. If they spent ultimates chasing you, and you successfully peel away, they are at your mercy. If they used a soft engage, it can be repeated, so you should consider choosing the time when you need to react for the all in. In these engages, if you are NOT the one being attacked, lay down your
Crush in the area where their team will have to most traverse through. Assumedly, the person on your team being attacked is your Hunter if it's not you, so place it before them, slow the enemy, and get ready to root their carries. Remember, it's important to peel off the bruiser/tank frontline from your VIP, but you can't ignore all their damage, so you have to set up important target focusing. After using
Crush to slow the front line,
Sic 'Em on the backline damage doers, and let your team follow back up. Try to find a decent place to
I'm a Monster and start chaining kills. If you're ever focused, have those actives and
Sentinel ready.
If your team engages, do not follow up with Sentinel, no matter how much distance you want to close, ever. If they were to turn on you, you're DONE. DO NOT USE SENTINEL TO GAIN GROUND. Ideally the prefight consisted of you poking them more than they poked you, so you have a health advantage. Move up, and go through the rotation I gave you. Try to use your Crush on their backline, not their frontline. Since you engage, their frontline is on peel duty, not dive duty. For new players, this means their tank and bruiser has to use their CC to stop your team, not dive onto you and your hunter. The crush in the backline is to slow the damage doers and damage them heavily. Sic Em for more damage if possible, and ult for the mop up. If it goes awry or they're able to dive heavily, just Sentinel out of there to a better position. If you're engaging, though, likely you're in a better spot than them, so the fight should go well.
If you lose the teamfight, regroup. If you win, decide with your team if you want Fire Giant or a lane push. I suggest not pushing a lane if you will not get a phoenix, if this is very late game. Getting Fire Giant is more impactful than even two towers in a lane, as it gives you ridiculous sieging potential and teamfight power, meaning if they engage you win ANOTHER fight. The two towers may open up the map, but it doesn't do much else. A phoenix *may* be worth it, but only if you're doing well in the other two lanes as well, otherwise they can easily defend that lane.
So Scylla is a destroyer of hope, crusher of dreams, and winner of games. You do well carrying with her and get ahead, and you'll single handedly decide how the game goes. She's nasty at all points in the game, and if ignored, will ruin a team. Just make sure you don't use Sentinel wrong, make sure you hit your shots, and take advantage of your lack of disadvantages.
Good luck, you Monster Neith ;)
(To be added. This is for community stories of (hopefully) success with the guide)
3/7/2014: Guide Made. Scylla on release patch, no changes made yet.
3/7/2014: Updated Crush to main skill order for average or lower players. Changed Sic Em to secondary skill order for advanced players
3/7/2014: Added two community based sections.
3/9/2014: Revamped Laning phase for maxing Crush first, and added a section to Skill Combo about her
Sic 'Em +
I'm a Monster combo
3/30/2014: Updated Polynomicon Section. Nothing else, no real changes have occured to change anything else.
6/27/2014: Updated for Scylla nerfs D:
2/22/2015: Added small FAQ answer about Joust 3v3. Otherwise, build pretty unaffected
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this guide is outdated, and prices and stats have changed since then. Go to another Scylla guide.
But there isn't one. Except for "Scylla's Painlful Poly", which is somewhat incomplete.
He's been offline for more than a month, and isn't likely to be coming back. Hasn't said anything in the main Skype group, either.
Also, this guide is outdated, and prices and stats have changed since then. Go to another Scylla guide.
Nah I'd almost always either point skip at level 8 or skip putting a point into her Ulf at level 9. After a while of playing, I realized it makes sense on a lot of gods like Loki, Wukong, Athena, Bastet, Awilix, Arachne, etc. I can argue it's needed on a god like scylla. I'd suggest to just point skip at level 8 than to level your
I don't think I ever really reviewed this guide so after getting to that point, I'll try to help you With the rest!
On point with your build, in the past, cdr boots were not really an option but now with the removal of pen, you get cdr boots on almost all mages. Scylla is one of the few I still usually get power boots though just because of her bad early game. Both can work though, that's personal choice in season 2.
You might want to expand the parts of your itemization a bit. What I mean is that you could provide a start. Since you build into chronos, you'd want to start
On your main build, I'd delay tahuti and get some pen instead. It's relatively cheaper and will increase your dps by a considerable amount. With that stacking item, you don't really have room for
For actives I'd take out
I hope I helped with the build/skill order!
I disagree with a decent amount of what you say, but that's a playstyle difference. I'll add in more alternative items and whole different buildpaths, though.
Still very unconvinced on the point skipping; I've done a lot of testing on it from previous suggestions and just not come to like the power dip and decreased kill pressure it offers.
Otherwise, yeah, I'll put in more about the different build paths.
I don't think I ever really reviewed this guide so after getting to that point, I'll try to help you With the rest!
On point with your build, in the past, cdr boots were not really an option but now with the removal of pen, you get cdr boots on almost all mages. Scylla is one of the few I still usually get power boots though just because of her bad early game. Both can work though, that's personal choice in season 2.
You might want to expand the parts of your itemization a bit. What I mean is that you could provide a start. Since you build into chronos, you'd want to start
On your main build, I'd delay tahuti and get some pen instead. It's relatively cheaper and will increase your dps by a considerable amount. With that stacking item, you don't really have room for
For actives I'd take out
I hope I helped with the build/skill order!
You know, You can technically max out your first ability at level 9, by skipping leveling your ult for crush instead. Some say it's worth it due to the 20 magical power you get from your passive. It also has a shorter cooldown, which makes it more useable compared to the 90 second cooldown from Scylla's ult. It's already an insta-kill, why make it more excessive?
I don't find the ultimate an instant kill early on. You haven't had time to scale up your magic power through items. The extra ult rank is an extra 100 damage. The extra Crush rank is 50, plus 20 magic power is 12, 16, and 24. That's 102 damage, but it's spread out on 3 abilities, all of which you'd have to hit to make up for it. I personally like the huge damage spike you get at that time, since at level 9 you're just about finishing your first major purchase alongside boots, so you hit a huge power spike which allows you to seriously put out kill pressure with an ult charge.
It basically comes down to if you think you can hit with your ult, versus would you rather have more sure poke if you're less reliable, since crush has such a huge range. All in all though, your waveclear is solid at this point so it's irrelevant there, it all depends on how good you are with your ult, since the damage comes out to about the same.
Do this Build works for Joust 3v3? I am Dummie with Scylla, and just wanted to know
Yes, the build DOES work for 3v3. It's a pretty versatile build, you might want to build chronos pendant a tad later since the mana regen is less impactful in such a short map, and blue buff is pretty much a shoe-in. So shift that item later on in the build. Additionally, 3v3 is often decided by either someone one shotting you, or being CC locked to death (Since high CC gods do well in turning the fights into 3v2's), so consider swapping out Gem of Isolation for Magi's Cowl for that CC immunity, because you do 0 damage while dead or CC'd.
Otherwise, she plays very similarly to in Conquest or Arena. The only sad part, is the joust walls are too thick to
If you have any other questions, let me know :)