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Season 3 Vamana Solo Lane Conquest

13 1 229,557
by Bolt21LA24 updated October 25, 2016

Smite God: Vamana

Build Guide Discussion 15 More Guides
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Vamana Build

Typical Start followed by wards after 1st back

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Typical 1st buys & buy in order based on situation

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Armored Cloak Armored Cloak
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope

Final build in most games

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Armored Cloak Armored Cloak
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Hastened Fatalis Hastened Fatalis

If you don't like armored cloak because you jut stay in lane and farm or you are just feeding

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer

If your struggling to stay alive or your the teams only frontline

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Armored Cloak Armored Cloak
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer

If your versus a team that relies on getting in your face to do damage

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade

Tele is standard and get Curse first if you are trying for 1st blood

Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment
Build Item Cursed Ankh Cursed Ankh

Vamana's Skill Order

Clear The Path

1 X Y
Clear The Path
2 15 16 18 19

Armored Umbrella

2 A B
Armored Umbrella
1 4 6 7 10


3 B A
3 8 11 12 14

Colossal Fury

4 Y X
Colossal Fury
5 9 13 17 20
Clear The Path
2 15 16 18 19

Clear The Path

1 X
Vamana opens his umbrella in front of him and sprints forward, doing damage to all enemies and knocking them into the air.

Ability Type: Dash, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 14s
Armored Umbrella
1 4 6 7 10

Armored Umbrella

2 A
Vamana infuses his umbrella with his armor, reinforcing it while he strikes forth, doing damage to all enemies in a cone.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage: 85 / 135 / 185 / 235 / 285 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 13 / 12.5 / 12 / 11.5 / 11s
3 8 11 12 14


3 B
Vamana spins an umbrella out in front of him, hitting everyone in its path for damage and slowing your enemies' attack and movement speeds. After reaching its destination, the umbrella returns back to Vamana, hitting everyone in its path again.

Ability Type: Line, Slow, Damage
Damage: 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Attack / Movement Speed Slow: 25%
Speed Slow Duration: 3s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 13s
Colossal Fury
5 9 13 17 20

Colossal Fury

4 Y
Vamana grows to an enormous giant for 5s gaining immunity to Crowd Control, Protections, Physical Power, Physical Lifesteal, a stacking shield that cannot exceed 1000 Health, and his Basic Attacks now damage all nearby enemies. His Movement Penalty for Attacking, Backpedaling, and Strafing are reduced by 20% while in this state. Successful attacks on enemies also provide stacking Movement Speed for 3s. When Vamana is in Colossal form, taking damage from gods increases the duration to a max of 9s and Vamana can pass through player made walls. You may cancel his giant form early.

Ability Type: Area Basic, Buff
Protections: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45
Physical Power: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45
Physical Lifesteal: 30%
Shield: 0.9% of Maximum Health per .2 second
Movement Speed: 3% stacking 5 times
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s


Use teleport early on to hurry back to lane to not miss exp and avoid tower damage. Also if you are ahead and recall the same time as your opponent or kill them you can rotate to help your jungler steal camps or help mid lane. Then you can use your teleport to come back to save tower when needed. I don't see many people do this and I thought its worth mentioning.

Curse can be bought first if you want to get a kill early. This is great to counter a Guan Yu or Chacc who depends on healing when trading and you can catch them off guard and go all in on them. Later in the game make sure to use this right before you Ult so you chase your target.

I will try to keep this up to date as more changes to Season 3 come.


This guide was created because I really enjoy planning Vamana, but it was difficult to find a right build since all other guides on the site are currently very old. I hope to help new players learn how to play Vamana and discuss with other Vamana players what builds work for them. Everyone has a different play style so no one play style is the correct one.

I highly recommend getting the Lil Mana Skin and voice Pack for this God. It has some funny lines/taunts to use in lane and a Baseball Bat is more fun to smack gods with than an umbrella

Important Notes

MY BLUE BUFF!: Your blue buff is yours and belongs to you and no one else. Fight your jungler for that blue if they try to take it. And while your at it take the enemy Blue buff too. Only if its safe of course. If you force your enemy out of lane take their blue buff and run like hell. Vamana's abilities cost a large amount of mana as you continue to level them. You need mana to clear the minion wave and fight your opponent. When you are around 200 mana you should conserve it. With recent jungle changes you can have blue buff quite often, every 3 mins.


Basically your ult will last longer the more damage you take while using it(min 6/max 16 seconds)
Also 20% of your Physical Protections into Damage. This is why I recommend building tanky.

Charges/Knocks up your enemy into the air. Its best you save this to chase someone for a solo kill and using Umbrellarang to slow them first to engage instead. Also great to disrupt enemy to save teammates. When chasing cancel this ability after you charge through them turnaround and start smacking them.

Your strongest one hit reliable ability, Just got nerfed a bit but it not a big deal and I still max it first. Standing to the side on the minion wave and the using Armored Umbrella is how you should clear the wave with ease and also make sure to harass your enemy.

3 Second Slow! This is maxed first This can be used to clear you minion wave if you hit them in a straight line at max rank. Also its great to bully your enemy in lane. Make sure to try to hit them on your return and align yourself to get max damage.

Basically Massive Health Regen, Damage increase and Protection increase. AND CC IMMUNE!
Timing is Key: Learning when to ult is the only difficult part to mastering Vamana. It will take time and experience to learn when its a good time to ult. Generally you will ult during a large teamfight when you are at about half health. It takes about a full second for him to grow so don't hesitate. Ulting too early will make the enemy retreat and have you looking like a fool. You will always focus their carry or mage, whichever doesn't have a dash or jump. If they do get away just focus someone nearby at least. Cancel the ult if needed to use Clear The Path to catch the carry/mage. All other abilities are disabled during your ULT so use them all if you can before you do. Also its OK to ult early if you are trying to avoid CC to reach the back line.

Item Breakdown

Gives more Dmg for your Abilities and speed to dodge skills. This is better then Ninja Tabi IMO because this adds 40 damage to Armored Umbrella and you can clear the wave with ease after getting just boots.

Great first item to buy after boots in most cases. When laning against an enemy warrior or any physical God this is a great item because you get armor to protect yourself, CDR so you can use your abilities a bit sooner, and Mana which helps because Armored Umbrella cost 100 mana at max rank. Also thanks to your passive, Sleeping Giant, you also get 15 physical power from this item.

I really like this item right now since many of the Defensive items were nerfed in Season 3. We get some health, Mana, and 30 physical/magical protections. Also we invest in this item to get 30 more extra physical/magical protections as we get stacks from getting kill or assists. Totaling to 60 physical/magical protections at max(10) stacks. The only time I dont build this is when I am extremely behind or my team fed everywhere else and I need something more instant protections wise. This should usually be built 3rd and no later then fourth so you can get those stack ASAP.

Some more health and a lot of magical protections to survive that mage in mid lane. The passive on this item is just sooo good we cannot past it up. The extra shield will help you stay alive if you waited too long to use your Ult or maybe your ult is on CD and this shield may just save your life. Also it can catch your opponent off guard when trading with them and you can go in for the kill knowing your shield will pop to help you out. Always pay attention if your opponent is also building this so you don't over extend and take into account that they will have a shield too.

I highly recommend you do not build this early unless you are just dominating your lane. This will give you some extra damage and Health to stay alive, but we build this because the passive will reduce the amount of damage hunters do to you since you reduce their attack speed and it will help you stick on them every time you hit them with a basic attack. This is extremely helpful for when you Ult because you cannot use any abilities or relics when you are Big. Also combined with Hastened Fatalis it makes it very easy to stick to your opponent and maximize the damage you can do when you Ult.

I find this item to still be very good on Vamana in most cases. The movement speed buff Vamana got in Season 3 makes him the fastest Warrior in the game and this item pushes him towards Mercury territory. Attk Spd is good to help you get more smacks in when you are in your Ult and combined with Frostbound Hammer you can stick to people like glue.

A bit more armor and a lot more health to help your regen when you ult. If you are being chased this can slow your enemy if they basic attack you 30% of time. Also a great buy if you see the enemy Hunter building a lot of attk speed. Also great when you are going against Warriors like Bellona or Ravana who depend on getting basic attacks on you to maximize their damage. Hunters may try to kite and life steal off of you while you focus them and when they get slowed this is when you can close the gap if you missed your Umbrellarang.

This item is very cheap and gives Vamana a lot things he needs. Health helps his Ult's regen and you stay alive.Movement speed makes him even faster to chase people, especially when he is in his Ult. Some extra attack speed to get some more smacks in and CCR which will max you out at 40% combined with Bulwark of Hope. Great item versus an enemy team with several slows and also good to get get if your behind because you cannot afford to buy much else.

Relics are free and it is better to get curse to counter healing then this, but is worth getting if they have multiple healers on their team or if your Mage refuses to buy Divine Ruin

With hunters building high attack speed this will help you survive them. A situational item to be bought versus more then one basic attack focused Gods

Gods Vamana Hates

Coming sooon

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MagentaLatern | October 26, 2016 7:49am
Like all solo gods, there is never one correct build and leveling order for all situations. Umbrellarang is a much safer clear tool, so if you're in a losing matchup such as Chaac, leveling it could get you out of the early game. However, Armored Umbrella has much greater burst potential for free poke and faster wave clear. This wave clear comes at the cost of standing next to the wave, and potentially taking a lot of free poke.

To clear it up, Vamana's role in teamfights is like that of a Ravana or Osiris: kill the backline. Vamana is suited very well for this as he has chasedown, a slow, free burst, and the ult. With frostbound OR fatalis (never both) you can easily chasedown and kill squishy backline targets.

For builds, there's never a need for Hastened Fatalis and Frostbound Hammer. They're different ways to accomplish the same thing: sticking to targets. The stats are not enough to warrant getting both of these items. It may be easier to stick on the backline, but you're potentially a lot squishier without an extra defense item. Your damage is also less than it would be if you had a damage item like executioner instead. Hide of the Urchin is also a situational item. If you're ahead it's a great pick, but otherwise it's usually better to go for damage specific defense items, as it takes a while to stack and get value out of.

Overall, great build. Just could use a few changes :)
iReauxbot (11) | July 22, 2016 1:39pm
IS this dude even viable at all
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 22, 2016 2:33pm
The guide creator hasn't even logged into SF since this post. I'd say Vamana himself is viable, probably mostly considered balanced at this point.

When I was considering gods for Solo lane, Zilby actually suggested Vamana to me. He's a fairly safe pick, good dash, dangerous and healing ult, and in combination with Bluestone Pendant, he has okay clear. This guide suggests using Armored Umbrella as your main clear, but it's probably not the best choice.

Umbrellarang actually has higher damage at all levels if you get both hits, and you only have to get in front of the wave to throw it...with Armored Umbrella, you need to move to the side of the wave to hit all minions, exposing you a bit more.

I don't know if Zilb is just a superior player overall, but he goes way less tanky and much more aggressive with basic attacks rather than abilities. If Z sees this, he can confirm or revise the build suggestion, but I think it's something like...

Bluestone Pendant, Warrior Tabi, Frostbound Hammer, Hastened Fatalis (??? I think my memory might be off here...not sure if he suggests this at all), Hide of the Urchin, Qin's Sais, The Executioner. Okay, really not sure here. please?
iReauxbot (11) | July 22, 2016 4:16pm
I think a lot of the guides on here need to be revised or looked at again.
Im trying to learn the character but im not sure what his strengths and weaknesses are. Usually I can get a feel for a warrior and tell. Not with this guy. Ive built him tanky and wasnt really doing much outside of slowing and knocking up people..
While Bellona is literally whipping *** and chasing them off.
Im also seeing the Hastened Fatalis being used a bit more than Frostbound Hammer. A bit more. Not completely. whys that? Im assuming because movement speed is more important now
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GameGeekFan (50) | July 22, 2016 2:48pm
Well he is a warrior guys. He can help peel in the backline of his team keeping his teammates safe. But he is a good pick for picking off enemies in the backline as well. His dash is a knockup that can chain into many abilities, and his ult is good for that as well. He can be very viable with the right setups and good team comps, but he doesnt fit everywhere.
Lucian117 | October 11, 2015 10:33pm
Did no one else notice the last sentence of the armored umbrella description? o.o
gatygun (2) | October 7, 2015 3:27am
In my opinion the damage of vamana with this build is simple to low, he can't really catch up with people that well and will remain turtling around while doing not much. Unless your team nails a enemy down but yea any god can finish that one off then.

Either you have to go for more burst damage and drop defenses or have to sacrifice a little bit defense and go the reflect way.

Items i would change:

I think you should swap out for

Also change for

Get also

Reason for this is.

The slow is kinda needed to really nail people down, the biggest issue is that vamana can't catch players when they walk away from you in a straight line. Which happens all the time. The slow + fatalis + boots will make it possible to tail them 24/7. Otherwise you are more likely to not hit them at all in your ult.

The trade off is about 27 physical damage loss + 55 physical defense lose but gain 50 hp.

Because we chance another item, the lost damage and physical defense isn't as bad as it sounds read the next item for more info on this.

Now about the other item:

You lose 150 hp ( that's 100 hp in total if you calculate the other item with it ) from your current build.
Gain 20 physical defense ( lost 55 from the other item, so that's a total of 35 defense on loss ).
And you gain a 20% all damage reflect item.

In total stat wise you will lose 100 hp / 35 physical defense / 27 physical damage.
You gain a 30%% always slow and you gain 20% reflect damage.

Now get the following active:

The 20% reflect damage shouldn't be underrestemated. It hits for a lot. If you combine this with the reflect active you gain about 60% damage reflect solution which is insane. If somebody hits you for 3000 damage he will get 1800 damage right back at him. This basically means they will kill themselves before they kill you even while you don't do any damage.

Most of the gods will freak out as they see they can't run away from you while you maintain doing damage on you and simple try to burst you down which will only result in them getting killed even faster.

Example: anubis wants to ult you, run up to him use your ult he will use his ult and aoe circle to try to burst you down before you burst him down. he will pretty much vaporize instantly because of reflect, or when a ares pulls you and kulk has only 40% of his hp left but decides to ult on ares pull, just push reflect and boom he's dead no matter where he stands on the battle field, as reflect will always hit.

Another example is loki, you see him go stealth and open on you, fine just push reflect and hit autoattack 2 times and he's dead. The moment they realize your damage output they will back off and run away, but they can't as you got a a always working slow now + enough movement speed to tail them until they die.

But even if you do not ult, the damage you do will mainly come from reflecting damage.

If you do not like this type of play style then i would advice to drop more defense in favor of more burst.

But that's another build.
GodofSmite | September 6, 2015 9:06am
Nice build !!!
Bolt21LA24 | August 14, 2015 8:48pm
AresWars57 wrote:

Thanks you soo much :D I want play Vamana but like you said there is no recent build and your's is really REALLY great ;)

Glad to hear i was of help to you. Good luck on your games. It took me some time to learn the best times when to ult and his damage output but with practice I think he good/fun to use
Bolt21LA24 | August 14, 2015 8:46pm
Starlinger wrote:

Vamana is super underrated in non-rank games! He is always very intimidating mostly because not many people know that he even exists, and let's face it- a huge baby-man is always scary! Great build!!

Thanks and I have been using Vamana recently in ranked and its good so far, best part is he is never banned. After i play several ranked games with him i will add how I feel he does vs other solo lanes.
Bolt21LA24 | August 14, 2015 8:41pm
Estidien wrote:

Vamana sees way more action from the smite veterans in Ranked gameplay. He never stopped being viable and in fact he's a pretty solid counter to the current solo meta picks.

Pretty nice guide all things considered!

Oh and by the way swap out Gem of Gaia for Stone of Gaia

FIXED thanks
Estidien (30) | August 13, 2015 9:56am
Vamana sees way more action from the smite veterans in Ranked gameplay. He never stopped being viable and in fact he's a pretty solid counter to the current solo meta picks.

Pretty nice guide all things considered!

Oh and by the way swap out Gem of Gaia for Stone of Gaia
AresWars57 | August 13, 2015 9:40am
Thanks you soo much :D I want play Vamana but like you said there is no recent build and your's is really REALLY great ;)
Starlinger | August 13, 2015 7:08am
Vamana is super underrated in non-rank games! He is always very intimidating mostly because not many people know that he even exists, and let's face it- a huge baby-man is always scary! Great build!!
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