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Shock Damage Cerberus

5 3 24,649
by Smallsplat updated February 19, 2022

Smite God: Cerberus

Build Guide Discussion 7 More Guides
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Cerberus Build


Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Talisman Talisman
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion

Core Items

Build Item Sentinel's Embrace Sentinel's Embrace
Build Item Amulet of the Stronghold Amulet of the Stronghold
Build Item Breastplate of Determination Breastplate of Determination
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth

Final Item

Notes Contagion for anti-heal,
Spectral Anti-crit,
Hide Anti- AA,
Warlock's if your snowballing already.


Contagion for anti-heal,
Spectral Anti-crit,
Hide Anti- AA,
Warlock's if your snowballing already.

Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff


Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Whats the deal?

Whats the big deal?
This build runs with two core ideas:
  • Book of Thoth lets us turn defence mana items into damage items
  • All the defence mana items are physical defence focused
So, we build heartward to turn Phys into Magic, our favourite mana defence items, and the magic book of thoth to become a brawly, unkillable tank that is the rallying charge behind teamfights!

This build is a huge stat builder but severly lacks the utlity of other builds. In turn, its weak against high defence or high CC gods, but shines against a team of squishier gods. Build whern raw damage and burst survival is more important, else seek other builds (ones that run Stone of binding and spear of the magus!)

This guide talks about the build, not about how to play Cerberus!

Full Item Discussion and Breakdown

Core Items:

Amulet of the Stronghold

Amulet of the Stronghold lets us turn our Phys-heavy build more magical by directly turning 10% of our Phys into magic, getting this 1 item give us up to 120 Magic def by itself.
Breastplate of Determination

Breastplate of Determination Is by far the strongest Mana defence item with insane stats and the abilty to further support our lack of Magical Defence, not to mention the 20% abilty cooldown.
Hide of the Urchin

Hide of the Urchin Is a hybrid item that just gives us a fat amount of survivalbity. +450 hp and 51 of both Def is a ton of chunk.
Book of Thoth

Book of Thoth is our secret weapon when it fully stacks, with 10% of our mana turning into damage;

Final/Flex Items:

Contagion Classic Anti-heal item, while giving us 25 power. It is the weakest invidual defence item, and given cerberus's passive, isnt nessasary unless you have some healing heavy opponents.
Hide of the Nemean Lion

Hide of the Nemean Lion Is probably best-in-slot, due to hunters and warriors being in every game giving its passive use. It also gives us the strongest defences, and 20 Power.
Spectral Armor

Spectral Armor Has the best stats but the worst passive due to being fundamentally useless unless an opponent is running Crit. 60 prots, 200 hp and 30 Power however is super strong.
Warlock's Staff

Warlock's Staff Doubles down on damage and stacking with a whopping 175 damage when fully ramped up, 225 HP, and a little bit of Pen. High risk, but pushes you up to near 300 power.

Starter items:
Sentinel's Embrace

Sentinel's Embrace Just makes us unkillable. With a defencive item in the 6th slot, we push about 300 Phys 250 mag defences, while packing around 300 power. Combined with heartweard, we're gifting up to 30 Phys and 50 mag, making us an anckor in teamfights. Its passive money generation too makes this invaluble and should be picked up in 99% of situations
Tainted Steel

Tainted Steel And its upgrades, Tainted Amulet and Tainted Breastplate are great agressive items if you need to double down on anti-heal and a team is more Magi heavy, epecially Amulet stacking with Cerbs passive.
Sigil of the old guard

Sigil Of The Old Guard is a great way double down on this builds fat stats with an 18% damage mititgation, not to mention the extra damage. Its worth building with a magic-heavy team and you dont think money will be a big issue.

Build Order

Universally, I woudn't upgrade Amulet to its T4 until Breastplate is online.

The Standard:
Best for slower games where farming stacks is an inevitability.

The Damage Rush:
Best for Faster modes like Slash where building stacks needs to happen faster

Magic heavy:
If you really like this build but you end up on against 4:1 magic heavy team

Phys heavy:
When you get that dream matchup against a Phys heavy team

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DV-8 (35) | February 20, 2022 12:49pm
Not sure what game mode or role this is for. Either way, I don't like the idea of building a stacking item so late into the game as a tank. I feel that you would be better off with one of the flat pen items.
Smallsplat | February 23, 2022 10:59am
Maybe! However cerb comes packing with a ton of penetration, 30 flat pen with the breath is enough to scare the squishies and the entire build is based around running book. Even not stacked, 7% mana conversion is a ton of initital magic damage (118.5 power ramp to about 260) for fairly cheap!

I've been running this in Slash primaraly with overwhelming success (66% winrate in 12 games, always posotive), often rivaling top damage by a few thousand while mitigating a ton of damage, however I can see it fitting into Conquest as a support, with a chunky starter and the roaming/lanefill mid-game for stack farming.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 23, 2022 12:09pm
Couple thoughts:
  • I agree w/ DV-8 that a flat pen item might be great to bridge the gap a bit for the early game and your damage potential. I don't know if you max your 1 or 2 first (probably dependent on if the enemy can interrupt your 2's channel), but if you consider picking up a recently buffed Stone of Binding as a first item, that will provide some early flat pen equivalence, not only for you but also for your teammates...especially in a teamfight mode like Slash. Sure, you won't be as tanky early game, but its stats are really strong for the price.

  • I also agree on Book of Thoth being weird picked up so late. I get your concept here, but if you get BoV and Heartward online, I think you've got enough tankiness at that point that if you're set on picking up BoT, you could get it before Hide of the Urchin.

  • I get your focus on mana to increase BoT's function, but I think you're overlooking an item consideration. Pretty sure Ethereal Staff's mana steal could also apply to the BoT passive, and if you're doing really well in the match and don't need one of those counter items, it's a fun offensive-focused one that still gives you some added health.
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