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Sinking Ships Trying to Eat the Crew - Scylla

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by KamikazeKitty updated January 6, 2015

Smite God: Scylla

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Scylla Build

Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Scylla's Skill Order

Sic 'Em

1 X Y
Sic 'Em
3 8 11 12 14


2 A B
1 4 6 7 9


3 B A
2 13 16 18 19

I'm a Monster

4 Y X
I'm a Monster
5 10 15 17 20
Sic 'Em
3 8 11 12 14

Sic 'Em

1 X
Scylla sends two hounds forward, damaging, rooting, and crippling the first enemy hit.

At max rank, two additional enemies nearby the first target will also be hit.

Ability Type: Line
Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Root Duration: 1.75s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10s
1 4 6 7 9


2 A
Scylla creates a magical field that Slows enemies. After 5s it detonates and damages enemies, dealing 30% increased damage to Minions and Jungle Camps. Scylla may activate the ability again to detonate it early.

At max rank, enemies in the area also have their Magical Protection reduced, and targets hit by the damage retain the debuff and are Slowed for 1s.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage: 100 / 155 / 210 / 265 / 320 (+85% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 30%
Max Rank Debuff: 15% Magical Protection Reduced
Radius: 20
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 10s
2 13 16 18 19


3 B
Passive: Scylla gains MP5.

Active: Scylla summons a Sentinel to the target area, granting vision of enemies for 5s. Scylla may activate the ability again within 5s to move to the Sentinel location.

At max rank, the vision is granted through line of sight blockers, and placement range increases.

Ability Type: Ward, Leap
Passive MP5: 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16
Vision Range: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80
Summon Range: 70
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 15s
I'm a Monster
5 10 15 17 20

I'm a Monster

4 Y
Scylla reveals her true nature, becoming immune to Crowd Control for the next 6s, and gaining movement speed. She may make one powerful attack during this time. If she kills an enemy god with the attack, she gains another 6s and may attack again.

At max rank, the movement speed bonus doubles.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage Per Hit: 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 (+120% of your Magical Power)
Movement Speed: 35 / 35 / 35 / 35 / 70%
Range: 60
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s


Hey, this is Kitty here again bringing you a new guide to Scylla. As of right now I have one other guide for Artemis that is up, but I like to be a somewhat versatile player. I'd say that ADC is my favorite/best role, but being flexible is a good way to have more fun, especially when that one person auto-locks Neith without calling a role, you know who you are!

This guide is my suggestions and preferences, not to be viewed as a "Build this to pwn n00bs" type of thing. If you try my build and like it, Awesome!, glad I could help; if you try it and decide you don't want to play that way, hey at least you had an open mind and are trying to learn and I give you kudos for that. If you want to make any suggestions please be respectful as it's just a game and I know there are other ways to play it.

Without further rambling, here is how I play Scylla - the crazy, terrifying, hilarious little monster.



    Serious burst damage
    Good Escape
    CC Imunnity with Ult
    Root with Sic 'Em


    Squishy Mage
    Very Susceptible to CC
    Abilities are SLOW


Quick Learner

Gives +20 Magical Power (MP) for each ability at rank 5.
Basically gives you +80MP at Level 20.

This is great because at level 9 you can skip a point in I'm a Monster to max Crush and give yourself +12 Damage to Sic 'Em and +16 Damage to Crush which may not seem like much, but considering you can use those abilities 9 times between ults, it's worth it.

Sic 'Em

Scylla sends Ajax and Achilles forward to root and cripple an enemy, at max rank two additional nearby enemies are rooted.

I don't max this first because it just doesn't do the damage, the extra root is nice, but not worth sacrificing the damage of Crush. Also note that (at least with normal casting on) you cannot hit someone with the root and use I'm a Monster before the root runs out.


Scylla creates a magical field that slows enemies. After 5s it detonates and causes damage. Scylla may activate the ability again to detonate it early.
At max rank, enemies within the field have their magical protections reduced and targets hit are slowed for an additional 1s.

Max this first! It has great scaling and this is how you will clear minion waves in one hit (or almost). The debuff is excellent if you have a teammate that can CC an enemy within the magical field. The issue is that it takes some time to hit the ground from when you activate the ability, giving the enemy time to escape it. Considering a lot of mages that play mid lane (Ra, Anubis, Nu Wa, Posiedon) don't have a true escape, you can poke them with this and hit some minions.
Obviously the greatest way to use this is to throw this under them, hit the enemy with Sic 'Em then pop it for the damage. This way they take the protection debuff when hit by Sic 'Em and are rooted for you to be able to hit them with the damage from Crush. Generally at full build this ability alone will do 50% or more of an enemy gods health (tanks not included).


Passive: Scylla gains MP5
Acitve: Scylla send Zoey to guard a location, acting as a ward. At max rank, Zoey grants vision through line of sight blockers and placement range increases. Activating the ability again teleports Scylla to the location of the sentinel

This is your escape. Period. You take a hard hit and the enemy still has some abilities, spam 3 and run. This is a great utility though, if you think you might be getting ganked but want to push forward, throw this through the wall to see the other side. It does have a fairly long cooldown though, so don't use this offensively unless you are 100% certain you can get the kill.
In arena if I use this ability it's because I'm at or below half health and I just go back to well, no worries about cooldown.

I'm a Monster

Scylla reveals her true nature, becoming CC immune for 6s and gaining movement speed. She may make one powerful attack during this time. If she kills an enemy god, she gains another 6s and may attack again. At max rank, movement speed doubles.

Did someone say deicide? Seriously though, this move hits harder than almost any other ability in the game. Wish I had it on video :( but you can 1-shot enemy gods with this. with my build this will hit for 1500+, just ask the Mercury that got 100-0 in Joust by this, heehee. Some people continually complain that Scylla is OP, and I completely disagree with that. She does absurd damage yes, but her abilities are slow and her CC is very limited. I'm a Monster takes a second to hit from the time you click your ground target, making it quite easy to escape it. Most gods can simply walk outside of the attack range of this, unless they are slowed. Any god with an escape can get out of the attack area easily. It's only OP when you are working as a team to CC enemies for Scylla to eat, and that's really just good teamwork, not OP god status.


Pen boots, penetration is good on mages, especially since gods don't normally have magical protections.


warlock's sash











God Match-ups

These are all my personal preferences/findings, if you have any suggestions please include your reasoning so I can properly review and make revisions. They are listed alphabetically, not by difficulty, but I used colors to help distinguish the difficulty better.

The biggest thing you notice is that I don't think there is an "Easy" opponent with Scylla because she has a fairly weak early game. Her CC is only a root and a slow, both of which can be countered easily. For the most part, gods I've labeled as Hard are going to be able to push you aggressively and possibly keep you under tower a lot. Gods labeled as medium are going to be able to keep up with your lane clear early and possibly out-sustain you in midlane. If you can outplay one of the "Mediums" they might seem like an easy, but I'm basing these picks on equal skill levels. Essentially once you get to late game many of the gods go from Medium to Easy-Medium simply based on the amount of damage you will do.

Wall of Text


Scylla is a fun and rewarding god to play in my humble opinion. It's easy to do a lot of damage, but it's not that easy to hit all of your abilities. When you start playing Scylla you might have a hard time, you will probably get focused a lot. Just play her safe when you start and work on landing her abilities and not being greedy. Work on timing your ultimate with teammates CC and you should do fairly well.


V1.0.0 Initial Guide finished - 12/11/2014

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Sinking Ships Trying to Eat the Crew - Scylla
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