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Skadi - A Girl and Her Dog (Ranked Duel, 4.4)

4 1 37,913
by splitshot updated March 19, 2017

Smite God: Skadi

Build Guide Discussion 8 More Guides
Choose a Build: Ranked Duel Build - VS. Physical Power God
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Skadi Build

At the start

Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Death's Toll Death's Toll
Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet

Base Build

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Ichaival Ichaival
Build Item Hastened Fatalis Hastened Fatalis
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade

Situational item

Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais

Skadi's Skill Order

Piercing Cold

1 X Y
Piercing Cold
3 4 6 8 11

Rune Of The Hunt

2 A B
Rune Of The Hunt
2 10 14 16 18


3 B A
1 7 12 15 19

Winter's Grasp

4 Y X
Winter's Grasp
5 9 13 17 20
Piercing Cold
3 4 6 8 11

Piercing Cold

1 X
Skadi throws an icy spear forward, dealing damage to enemies and Slowing them for 3s. Kaldr's basic attacks deal double damage to targets afflicted by Piercing Cold.

Ability Type: Projectile
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 12s
Rune Of The Hunt
2 10 14 16 18

Rune Of The Hunt

2 A
Toggle: Skadi marks a target for Kaldr to hunt. While toggled on, Kaldr assumes Beast form, chasing and attacking the marked enemy. If a marked enemy dies Kaldr attacks other enemies nearby. When toggled off, Kaldr stops attacking and returns to Skadi, reverting to his Elemental form on the way. This ability can be activated at rank 0 and Kaldr gains new skills as it ranks up.

Ability Type: Pet Command
Basic Attack Damage: 50 / 50 / 57.5 / 65 / 72.5 / 80% of Skadi's
Rank 1: Kaldr gains a dash attack dealing 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110% Basic Attack Damage
Rank 3: Kaldr's kills heal him
Rank 5: Kaldr's attacks give Skadi 10% increased movement speed
Cost: None
Cooldown: 0.5s
1 7 12 15 19


3 B
Skadi freezes the ground for 5s at a target location. The icy area deals damage to enemies that touch it and continues to deal additional damage every .5s they stay on it. Gods who step on the ice are slowed and lose control of their movement while sliding across. Also, Skadi gains movement speed and Slow immunity while standing on the area and persists for 3s after it fades or she leaves.

Ability Type: Circle, Crowd Control, Damage
Initial Damage: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Damage Per Tick: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+5% of your Physical Power)
Movement Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Slow: 15%
Radius: 16 / 16 / 18 / 18 / 20
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 16s
Winter's Grasp
5 9 13 17 20

Winter's Grasp

4 Y
A snowstorm surrounds Skadi as she chooses a location for Kaldr to attack. If Kaldr is too far he will leap there.

Upon reaching the location a snowstorm also surrounds Kaldr. The initial hit of either snowstorm Roots enemies in the area and Kaldr is restored to full health. The storms persist for 4s while dealing damage to enemies every .5s.

Ability Type: Stim
Damage (Initial Hit): 45 / 85 / 125 / 165 / 205 (+35% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Per Tick): 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+10% of your Physical Power)
Root Duration: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Radius: 20
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90s


Hello, this is a guide to playing Skadi, so far just builds for ranked duel. I am currently placed in diamond god rank in duel with Skadi. She is fun to use and usually you will win (unless she gets banned which is normal from what I see). I will be adding other modes/builds to the guide as time allows.

*Skadi note, Kaldr will not benefit from attack speed and crit items, but will from penetration and power.

Quick intro to Ranked Duels

Ranked Duels are, obviously, a ranked matches. It is a 1 VS 1 ranked game. You have to be level 30 with 12 gods mastered to play, and the only gods you can use are ones you own and that are mastered. It is played on the Joust map. You start on level 3, with 1500 gold. There is 3 bans each before a Blind god selection (the enemy cannot see who you pick, therefore cannot counter pick you.) As far as what gods you should ban is up to you, who don't you want to fight against?, ban them. I typically ban Kali, Medusa and Bakasura. But ban whomever you want.

In ranked duel, it is 1 vs 1, so you want to sustain in lane, and go back as least often as possible. You also want to poke the enemy and try to make them go back more than you do. Clear minion waves quickly when the enemy is out of lane and try to hit Buff camps. If you have to you can hit the smaller Buff camp minion, then come back after clearing another lane wave to clear the main Buff Minion. Contest camps as much as you can, but be careful not to fall into a baited trap (more later on baiting). Go back only when the enemy is dead, or just they are recalling back too, and try to be in lane anytime the enemy is. It is all about sustain and getting experience early in the game. Poke as much as you can and stay alive.

*Quick note, Duel is pretty situational, so this is the typical build I strive for, But always counter buy when necessary.

Build(item) guide, Both Duel builds

For Duel, at the start I go lowest tier Boots with Death's Toll and Chalice of Healing with 2 mana potions. And I normally get Aegis Amulet to help, most times you will face someone with burst damage or heavy hitting spells. use this to negate most of it. Your relic is situational and dependent on your play style.
On first return (if you can sustain without being forced to go back) I would highly recommend getting full boots, and if you can afford it now, Ichaival or Silverbranch Bow, whichever enemy you are facing. This will effectively put you ahead of them. When/if they try to poke you or just box with you, you will be taking their power and giving it to yourself. Again I highly recommend these as your first two items.
From there, I go Hastened Fatalis to stay close, and to easily dodge the enemy's basic attacks. This combined with your first two items, as long as you haven't fallen behind in level/gold too much, should make you a lot stronger than your opponent.
Next is Titan's Bane, With the first 3 items, this will increase your damage output considerably. Pen FTW (people still use FTW right?)
Then go Wind Demon, Kaldr will only benefit from the added Physical Power, but we gave that dog his Penetration already. So this is all for Skadi. Crit and bonus attack speed. With your other items, you are killing the enemy quickly by now (if they haven not surrendered yet).
Next item, is up to you, I like to go either Bloodforge if I find myself low health after killing the enemy a lot, I will go this to give me lifesteal and that shield, so when I kill the enemy I can push a little instead of going back to heal. If I'm not getting to low of health I will take [{Deathbringer]] for obvious benefits. Otherwise I may go a defensive item (rarely though)

*The first 3 items, I would always get in this order. As for the others, swap around and swap out with whatever you choose. The First 3 items will usually secure the game for you early, or at least set the tone for the match that you aren't to be trifled with.

Abilities and Their use

Skadi has nice abilities, all of which do damage to the enemy, and can slow, cause another ability to hit harder, or make the enemy slide on ice.

Kaldr, The Winter Wolf is Skadi's passive, it is Kaldr her pet, usable by using Rune Of The Hunt

Piercing Cold is a line attack, good for clearing waves and great for doing damage. It combos with Kaldr in Rune Of The Hunt. Piercing Cold Does damage, causes the enemy to be slowed for 3s, and if Kaldr hits them while under the effect of piercing cold, Kaldr's attacks do double damage.

Rune Of The Hunt is a toggle-able ability that sends Kaldr after a target. Kaldr is Skadi's Dog, and does a percent of Skadi's basic damage, depending on the rank of the skill. Also depending on the rank of the ability, Kaldr will have bonus effects/abilities, like the dash attack for rank 1.

Permafrost is a ground target ability. It makes an area icy, any enemy god that steps on the ice will slide in the direction they were moving prior to touching the ice. It also does initial damage and damage over time. And grants Skadi bonus movement speed for a short duration when she steps on it. Great for setting up kills (more on that later)

Winter's Grasp is Skadi's Ultimate, It creates an area around both Skadi and kaldr that does damage, and when initially activated will root the enemy for a duration. It also restores Kaldr to full health and makes him invulnerable for the duration.

As far as my choice for Abilities, I may be a little off on the actual level for each. But at the start I put one point into each of my abilities. Then I work on getting Piercing Cold leveled up quickest. Then, I change it up a lot, I usually alternate between Rune Of The Hunt and Permafrost with Permafrost being the main focus. And get Ult whenever you can.


Permafrost and Piercing Cold can be used to easily clear waves and at least do some poke damage if not get them set up for kills. Permafrost is great for setting people up for a good pounding, Just cast the ice one them(or right in front so they walk into it) when they are moving towards you, causing them to slide at you, send Kaldr at them with Rune Of The Hunt and before Kaldr gets to them (quickly) hit them with Piercing Cold. Finish with Ult if needed.

Also Skadi is good at getting kills from baiting Buff Camps/Bull Demon, Clear the wave, go to Damage camp or Bull demon depending on time of the game, hide around corner where you can see them coming to camp, Cast Permafrost when they start coming across the bridge/hallway thing into the camp, while they slide hit them with Piercing Cold and Rune Of The Hunt and finish with ult if needed.

Permafrost is also a pretty effective at increasing movement for escaping or for getting to lane/buff camp faster, say if you know the enemy is at the camp or if they are pushing on tower. Just cast the ability in front of you and walk over it.

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Cooldillan (3) | March 20, 2017 4:36am
How dare you make a guide for skadi how dare you
splitshot | March 20, 2017 10:16am
lol yeah my bad
IceColdPappsi (13) | March 20, 2017 3:14am
Hi. Nice guide.

1. About bans, I'd suggest Freya, because she absolutely rekts, and Mercury, because he can get around Skadi's Piercing Cold slow and Permafrost's slide effect by dashing. On the topic of counters, Ullr is the closest matchup. It is very even, and can turn in a second. Ah Muzen Cab because of his immobility, and Hou Yi because of how easily you can bait and punish his jump.

2. Some tips about the kit itself. Permafrost now applies a lasting speed buff, so you can use it to get to lane quicker. It also works great with Bluestone Pendant because of the overlapping dots. Also, very situational, but when facing Loki, if you think he's gonna attack you, use Permafrost under yourself when he invises so he will slide and miss his basic, and you will the see the numbers pop, revealing his location. You can also use it behind walls to get rid of any peeping toms trying to gank you. Lastly, putting Rune Of The Hunt on quick cast will help you target people quicker, because when you let go of the ability, it is fired. And putting Winter's Grasp on instant cast helps you time it better, so that when you see Kaldr low, you can just press it instead of prepping it.

3. The build itself. I would suggest Warrior into Ich into Asi so that you get some quick pen, attack speed, boxing potential, power, and lifesteal, all in 4k gold. Crit is looked down upon, and while it can work, it would be better to get defense so you can survive longer. It is situational on the opponent, but BOV, Nemean, and Midgardian are all solid choices. An example build would be: Death's Toll>> Warrior Tabi>> Ichaival>> Asi>> Breastplate of Valor>> Titan's Bane>>sell DT for Hastened Fatalis/ Qin's Sais.

Upvote from me. Keep up the good work, and hope you enjoy your stay at SF.
-Fellow Skadi Main.
splitshot | March 20, 2017 10:16am
Hello, thanks for commenting. As for the Bans, yeah those are 2 i haven't really thought about since i haven't played against them yet, but I would hate playing against them so ill have to remember that.Yeah Bluestone Pendant is my next go to relic, I just cant ever pick between it and Aegis and find myself playing safer with the damage immunity, especially when they have a lot of damage spells or an ult that would kill me quickly. And I Have used a similar build with Asi before and it was a hit or miss for me. I play on console and I don't believe there are ways to set Auto cast or quick cast (unfortunately). Thanks for the constructive ideas/criticism though. I will have to try that build out.
CirclesAreRound (14) | March 20, 2017 10:35am
Bluestone is a relic now?!
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Anothny | March 19, 2017 5:35pm
I'd like some reasoning for the following
1) Why Aegis?
2)No def?
4)Bloodforge in a 1v1?
splitshot | March 20, 2017 10:00am
Hello, thanks for the comment. I do touch on all of these things in the guide, not so much on the defense but still.
the following is copy/pasted from guide:

"And I normally get Aegis Amulet to help, most times you will face someone with burst damage or heavy hitting spells. use this to negate most of it. Your relic is situational and dependent on your play style."

"Then go Wind Demon, Kaldr will only benefit from the added Physical Power, but we gave that dog his Penetration already. So this is all for Skadi. Crit and bonus attack speed. With your other items, you are killing the enemy quickly by now (if they haven not surrendered yet)." (though i dont know if your asking why i have it or why i dont explain it)

"Next item, is up to you, I like to go either Bloodforge if I find myself low health after killing the enemy a lot, I will go this to give me lifesteal and that shield, so when I kill the enemy I can push a little instead of going back to heal. If I'm not getting to low of health I will take Deathbringer for obvious benefits. Otherwise I may go a defensive item (rarely though)"

and for defense i guess just the magical build had one as situational, and the only statement i have is: *Quick note, Duel is pretty situational, so this is the typical build I strive for, But always counter buy when necessary.
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