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Smite Scylla Season 4 Pentakill Build

2 1 18,395
by ThePoisenYT updated October 18, 2017

Smite God: Scylla

Build Guide Discussion 34 More Guides
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Scylla Build


Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon


Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff


Build Item Rangda's Mask Rangda's Mask
Build Item Sands of Time Sands of Time
Build Item Soul Stone Soul Stone


Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Belt of Frenzy Belt of Frenzy
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings


Hi everyone and welcome!

I'm ThePoisenYT or shortly ThePoisen,a guidemaker and youtuber.I will keep this guide short but detailed.Scylla is my second main god so I know pretty much a lot about her.Enjoy reading!

Video to see how build works


My opinion

Shoes of the Magi I always buy these ones beacuse they really add a lot of power.And your early poke is amazing.Well not that amazing but compared with Shoes of Focus it is.And maybe 1/2 secs lower cd doesn't really help much.

Spear of Desolation After getting this item Scylla shows her burst potential.At this point your Crush is probably maxed and she can do 400/500 dmg with just this.

Obsidian Shard Cheap item it doesn't have much power but 33 precnt penetration helps a lot if you play againt tanky enemies.

Rod of Tahuti This is just a must buy nothing else to tell about it.

Soul Reaver High power and nice passive.

Polynomicon I love this item so much on every mage.It has cool and short passive that hits 100/600 damage depends did you build all items and when did you buy this.So try to hit your Sic 'Em after it one basic attack and use Crush you will do so much poke damage that they will either fight you and die or have to back to base.I recommend buying this even if its last item you buy.

You can also use optional items depending on what they have or if you need more poke/utility. If you see Hel or Artio, buy Divine Ruin; don't even buy boots, just buy this.But in Arena or Clash.Do not recommend buying this in Conquest first.


Aegis Amulet It's 2017 this is just a must have.If you are any god in smite just buy this.

Purification Beads What are Beads? OH that thing you buy to annoy Ares and Fenrir.Poor little Fenrir!

Blink Rune Frenzy Heavenly Wings These are fun relics to use when you want to ult.They are optional so pick your favourite.

Starter Items

Rangda's Mask I included this item beacuse it's not that bad,15 penetration,10% cooldown,10% movement speed.It will take time to get penetration though.It helps if you have problems with escaping or you want to annoy enemy team with that extra movement speed.Not the best item but it does give nice stats.

Soul Stone Sands of Time These are basic starter items in Conquest.But saw people buy them in other maps as well.


Scylla Skills

Quick Learner Her passive is what makes her do more damage than other mages.Whenever you can try to get a kill either with your ult or Crush.Build these Stacks they really help a lot.

Sic 'Em Scylla crowd control skill.When you max it try to hit grouped enemies and it will root them.After use ult if their beads and aegis are down.

Crush Max this ability over other ones.This gives you early clear or poke.Late game this skill can hit 1k/1.3k dmg.Basically one shot anyone except tanks.

Sentinel Your escape or to chase low hp targets.And also can use it to see where enemies are it has really long range.Free ward but cost mana!

I'm a Monster Best and most fun Scylla skill.Try to ult low targets first beacuse you can use it as long you are getting kills.Late Game she can shot anyone almost especially in long conquest matches where you get Fire Giant,buffs,potions.


To be continued!

Thank you all for reading!
I will continues editing so feel free to leave feedback like others did.

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Duotem (10) | October 11, 2017 7:37am
Your items for the most part seem fine but your build order is all out of whack. Boots, desolation, obsidian, tahuti, polynomicon should be the order if youre sticking with your core. Spear of Magus doesn't play well with the rest of your build as you already have so much pen youre dealing true damage to all but the tanks. So having a different item like soul reaver/Estaff would serve both your role going into late game which is to 1 shot a carry before they get damage off as well as swing into tanks.

The way it is now the enemy defense scaling is going to **** all over your actual damage per rotation of abilities which will cause you to lose games you shouldnt
PeterRow | October 14, 2017 11:21am
Totally agree with Duotem.
If you gonna stack, you gotta build it first (Book of Thoth for instance) than boots, than Poly. After that you get pen and tahuti at the end. You need the early burst and sustain from lifesteal earlier in the game and Spear of Desolation cost way too much for early game thus your ennemies will have advantage on you with cheaper, more efficient builds. And Deso isn't useful at all at that point in the game so, it's just non-sens.
ThePoisenYT (1) | October 11, 2017 8:24am
I will definitely change it.And yea spear doesn`t really fit.
boogiebass (46) | October 10, 2017 6:49pm
Some more constructive feedback from me:

ThePoisenYT wrote:
You can also use optional items depending what they have or if you need more poke or utility.If you see this hoes Hel or Artio buy Divine Ruin don't even buy boots just buy this.

I'm assuming your sentence meant to say:
"You can also use optional items depending on what they have or if you need more poke/utility. If you see the hoes Hel or Artio, buy Divine Ruin; don't even buy boots, just buy this. I'm not making fun of you by correcting your sentence. It's important to have good grammar because your sentence was a bit confusing at first, and I had to reread it a few times.
Technotoad, please correct me if I left anything out, as I am not on mobile right now.

Going by my interpretation of your sentence, I don't think it's a good idea to forsake that +18% movement speed by ditching boots.
The way you word it, it seems like you advocate starting the game with Divine Ruin, instead of boots, if healers are present on the enemy team (Or did you mean to sell boots for Divine Ruin late game)?
I would suggest replacing one of your penetration items ( Spear of the Magus in my opinion) with Divine Ruin.

I think Scylla relies on penetration from a single hit, largely due to her ultimate. So I think Obsidian Shard is the core penetration option for you.

Lastly, is this a build for conquest? Why are you advocating Rangda's Mask?

Otherwise, your guide looks visually good. Please continue to work on it. Looking forward to your edits!
PeterRow | October 14, 2017 11:27am
Yes exactly. Pen items for scylla are Magi's shoes, Obisidian Shard and Spear of Desolation (late-game). Because her damage is burst, and with Poly burst also, Shard is definetively the best pen item for her. She doesn't do ticks of dmg, or dmg on long term, she just does high dmg bursts so Spear of the Magus is pointless. Also you wanna build Tahuti at the very end, so that the passive is more efficient and it's way to pricey for mid game. Look for my guide on Scylla. My build is Book of Thoth, Magi's Shoes, Polynomicon, Obisidian Shard, Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti. It has proven to be the greatest build on her (from my gameplay atleast, so imo).
boogiebass (46) | October 15, 2017 1:09pm
PeterRow wrote:
Yes exactly. Pen items for scylla are Magi's shoes, Obisidian Shard and Spear of Desolation (late-game). Because her damage is burst, and with Poly burst also, Shard is definetively the best pen item for her. She doesn't do ticks of dmg, or dmg on long term, she just does high dmg bursts so Spear of the Magus is pointless. Also you wanna build Tahuti at the very end, so that the passive is more efficient and it's way to pricey for mid game. Look for my guide on Scylla. My build is Book of Thoth, Magi's Shoes, Polynomicon, Obisidian Shard, Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti. It has proven to be the greatest build on her (from my gameplay atleast, so imo).

Oh hey Peter! I remember seeing you in a few games. Next time I see you, I'll say hi.
ThePoisenYT (1) | October 11, 2017 8:23am
Thank you for fixing my english.It`s not my mother language so I struggle a bit with it.But at least I made you laugh.Will fix it as soon as I get home.It needs more work I agree.
Technotoad64 (46) | October 15, 2017 12:58pm
ThePoisenYT wrote:
Thank you for fixing my e¹nglish.²It`³s not my mother language⁴ so I struggle a bit with it.²But at least I made you laugh.²Will fix it as soon as I get home.²It needs more work⁵ I agree.
*English. It's
*language, so
*it. But
*laugh. Will
*home. It
*work; I

¹"English" is a proper noun and must be capitalized.
²At the end of a sentence, you must insert a space (or two, if you prefer) after the punctuation.
³This (`) is a "backtick". It's used for programming. Contractions are marked with an "apostrophe" (').
⁴"So" is what is known as a "coordinating conjunction". A comma is needed at the end of the word preceding it.
⁵This is a run-on sentence. It can be fixed by separating it into two sentences, inserting a semicolon, or adding a conjunction. I recommend the semicolon in this case.

BTW, well done, Lt. Esq. boogiebass.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | October 10, 2017 10:58am
Here, Poisen, I'll give some feedback.
  • Your starter choices are generally fine. I don't think I'd go with Rangda's Mask, though, because she's not an early game god that can take advantage like others.

  • Shoes of the Magi is her general movement of choice, at least in Conquest. In teamfight modes where you get to start at level 3 or 5, I might go Focus just to use abilities more often.

  • Spear of Desolation is a solid item overall. At this point, you have your ult and if you're able to hit it well, you'll get some minor use out of the passive. The base stats are solid in any case, especially combined with Magi. 30 flat pen is going to equal true damage for some squishies. The only negative about this is the cost...2,600 gold is a bit high. Normal item in this 2nd spot is Book of Thoth, but I can see this being an alternate for'll just have to manage mana more carefully.

  • Polynomicon...well, I can see the use, if you can get basics off after you Sic 'Em. But the added damage is really better once you've built more power. I think in many cases, she'll be better off with a more standard lifesteal item...either Bancroft's Talon or Pythagorem's Piece, perhaps...and both of those have higher lifesteal.

  • Rod of Tahuti...okay, so you have 30 flat pen, and when targeting squishies, you don't really need any more pen. We've seen Tahuti picked up earlier in some games, but it's best when you're fed and can afford it more's an extremely high cost, and just for that reason it creates a significant delay in your power curve. Personally, I'd delay this just a bit, get it 5th.

  • Your last 2 items are high pen items... Obsidian Shard and Spear of the Magus. Do you understand the function of how Spear stacks, and how it reduces the effectiveness of Shard? If you understand this, you'll be hard-pressed to argue for both of these in your build, and especially even having Spear in your build to begin. It's not a great item for her. Stick with Shard, and get something else in place of Spear. And normally, I'd say get Shard BEFORE Tahuti (but again, depends on various factors).

  • So with Spear out of the way, it opens you up to get another these cases, probably Chronos' Pendant for the CDR. Or, you could get Soul Reaver and do a late switch of Magi for Focus, giving you at least a little more CDR, since you have so little.
Based on the above, I personally wouldn't prefer to use your build in the order you list, and I wouldn't get Spear of the Magus at all. Hope this explanation helps.
ThePoisenYT (1) | October 11, 2017 8:27am
Thank you for feedback.And yea the build doesn`t make sense now.
boogiebass (46) | October 10, 2017 6:52pm
Yup I agree that different lifesteal items are better for her and Obsidian Shard should probably be gotten before Rod of Tahuti.
ThePoisenYT (1) | October 11, 2017 3:36pm
Fixed it i didn't notice i put it after Rod of Tahuti
Gulfwulf (81) | October 10, 2017 1:43pm
Leave it to Bran to post something other than no.
Wetheliwars | October 10, 2017 8:58am
ThePoisenYT (1) | October 10, 2017 9:06am
No what? Tell me what you don`t like.
Gulfwulf (81) | October 10, 2017 10:27am
I agree with Poisen here: just saying no doesn't help further the conversation any. In fact, it grinds it to a complete halt. You're not helping any with your lack of elaboration and, quite frankly, you haven't given anybody a good reason to even agree with you. If you want us to consider your opinion, you should elaborate on it by pointing out what parts you don't agree with and offer suggestions on how they can be approved. Speaking of opinions, mine is "yes".
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Smite Scylla Season 4 Pentakill Build
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