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SMITEFire Community Guide to Kumbhakarna (Support)

25 6 112,036
by Hades4u updated September 25, 2020

Smite God: Kumbhakarna

Build Guide Discussion 45 More Guides
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Kumbhakarna Build

Starting Items

Notes This is the typical Support start. Hand of the Gods helps your clear at the Void camp to get you to lane ASAP.

Pick up your preferred potions; Multi Potions or Healing Potions are suggested.


This is the typical Support start. Hand of the Gods helps your clear at the Void camp to get you to lane ASAP.

Pick up your preferred potions; Multi Potions or Healing Potions are suggested.

Build Item Guardian's Blessing Guardian's Blessing
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Hand of the Gods Hand of the Gods
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion

Core Items

Notes There aren't any truly "core" items for ***bha, but these are solid, common choices.

Shoes of Focus provides early CDR and a good amount of extra mana, which is incredibly helpful for a mana-hungry god like ***bha. It can be substituted with Reinforced Shoes if you prefer the extra early tankiness, and depending on which CDR items you plan to build later.

Stone of Binding's passive is incredibly easy to apply to enemies with almost all of ***bha's kit. When you pick this up, it's best to get early in the match, as the 10 flat pen falls off later.

Gauntlet of Thebes provides a good balance of health and protections, and is one of the strongest general protection items in the game.


There aren't any truly "core" items for ***bha, but these are solid, common choices.

Shoes of Focus provides early CDR and a good amount of extra mana, which is incredibly helpful for a mana-hungry god like ***bha. It can be substituted with Reinforced Shoes if you prefer the extra early tankiness, and depending on which CDR items you plan to build later.

Stone of Binding's passive is incredibly easy to apply to enemies with almost all of ***bha's kit. When you pick this up, it's best to get early in the match, as the 10 flat pen falls off later.

Gauntlet of Thebes provides a good balance of health and protections, and is one of the strongest general protection items in the game.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes

Situational Items (Defense)

Notes Writeups on item choices are in the body of the guide below.


Writeups on item choices are in the body of the guide below.

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen

Situational Items (Bruiser / Utility)

Notes Writeups on item choices are in the body of the guide below.


Writeups on item choices are in the body of the guide below.

Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Staff of Myrddin Staff of Myrddin
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger

Relic Options

Notes Writeups on relic choices are in the body of the guide below.


Writeups on relic choices are in the body of the guide below.

Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Belt of Frenzy Belt of Frenzy
Build Item Cursed Ankh Cursed Ankh
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem

Example Build (Early Aggression w/ Binding)

Notes This build example provides 3 items with balanced protections, a good CDR boost in Pridwen, and team damage functionality through Stone of Binding and Void Stone.

You will be a bit squishy with Stone of Binding 2nd, so you can opt to purchase after Gauntlet of Thebes if preferred.


This build example provides 3 items with balanced protections, a good CDR boost in Pridwen, and team damage functionality through Stone of Binding and Void Stone.

You will be a bit squishy with Stone of Binding 2nd, so you can opt to purchase after Gauntlet of Thebes if preferred.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff

Example Build (Traditional Tank w/ Auras)

Notes This build direction is good for general support, providing some early CDR to more easily set up kills or peel for teammates. 3 items provide helpful auras to your teammates.

Spirit Robe provides additional CDR and situational damage mitigation, while Relic Dagger provides added utility for more relic use.

Replace Shoes late with Elixir of Speed and another item of your choice.


This build direction is good for general support, providing some early CDR to more easily set up kills or peel for teammates. 3 items provide helpful auras to your teammates.

Spirit Robe provides additional CDR and situational damage mitigation, while Relic Dagger provides added utility for more relic use.

Replace Shoes late with Elixir of Speed and another item of your choice.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger

Kumbhakarna's Skill Order

Throw Back

1 X Y
Throw Back
2 4 6 7 10

Groggy Strike

2 A B
Groggy Strike
1 15 16 18 19

Mighty Yawn

3 B A
Mighty Yawn
3 8 11 12 14

Epic Uppercut

4 Y X
Epic Uppercut
5 9 13 17 20
Throw Back
2 4 6 7 10

Throw Back

1 X
Kumbhakarna sleepily runs forward. If he hits an enemy he stops and deals damage. If the enemy is a minion, he throws them, dealing increased damage to each enemy they hit.

Ability Type: Dash, Damage
Damage: 95 / 160 / 225 / 290 / 355 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Flying Minion Damage: 95 / 165 / 235 / 305 / 375 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Range: 45
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 10s
Groggy Strike
1 15 16 18 19

Groggy Strike

2 A
Kumbhakarna smashes down, damaging all enemies in front of him, Crippling and Rooting them. This Root duration is not affected by Diminishing Returns.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 100 / 155 / 210 / 265 / 320 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Cripple / Root Duration: 1.5s
Range: 40
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 10s
Mighty Yawn
3 8 11 12 14

Mighty Yawn

3 B
Kumbhakarna lets out a mighty yawn that Mesmerizes all enemies in range. If awakened early, enemies are Damaged, have their Attack Speed and Movement Speed Slowed. Kumbhakarna may use this ability while asleep.

Ability Type: Circle, Mezmerize
Mesmerize Duration: 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 / 2.5s
Damage: 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 (+25% of your Magical Power)
Slow Duration: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Slow: 40%
Attack Speed Debuff: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Radius: 40
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 15s
Epic Uppercut
5 9 13 17 20

Epic Uppercut

4 Y
Kumbhakarna moves forward, stops at the first enemy god he encounters, and delivers a massive melee attack that uppercuts the enemy directly into the air. When the enemy lands, it deals area damage and causes Knockup to enemies nearby.

Ability Type: Dash, Crowd Control, Damage
Initial Damage: 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 (+15% of your Magical Power)
Landing Damage: 200 / 290 / 380 / 470 / 560 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Knockup Time: 2.2s
Range/Radius: 30 / 20
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 70s


Hey everyone, welcome to the SMITEFire Community guide to Kumbhakarna. In this guide, we'll be going over all the essential info you'll need to get started with our favorite sleepy Support.

This guide was written by community members like you! Thank you to the following SMITEFire members for contributing to this guide:

Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions if you have feedback on the guide. Without further ado, let's get started!


  • Every 240 seconds, ***bha resists fatal damage and instead falls asleep. During this time he can only be killed by basic attacks, but he can use mez to stun his attackers, giving his team time to get to him to save him or just be a distraction.
  • Remember that if you’ve saved the ability, Mighty Yawn can be used when you’re incapacitated. You can use it in an attempt to delay your death or apply the slow and attack speed debuff if there’s a fight going on around you.

Throw Back
  • This mobility ability is a quick dash that can be used for chase/escape, as well as minion wave clear, poke, and single target damage.
  • It is your main source of damage outside of your ultimate ability. When laning, hit a minion and send it flying in the direction you’re CURRENTLY FACING to hit other minions or enemy gods. Note that you can change your view direction mid-dash, and the minion will fly in that direction, rather than in the initial direction in which you dashed. This is helpful especially when enemies change directions or are not in the line of the minion you’re targeting.
  • For easy connection, use this after you’ve rooted an enemy with Groggy Strike, mesmerized an enemy with Mighty Yawn, or time it properly as an enemy lands from an Epic Uppercut.

Groggy Strike
  • This ability is a long windup line attack that provides a solid two-second root at all ranks and has a relatively low cooldown. Spam the ability to set up easy damage or peel for you and your teammates.
  • The windup on this ability is about 2 seconds, which means it’s easy for enemies to escape from its moderate range if they have mobility abilities ready to use. However, it also is a signature move with an easily identifiable audio cue and can force enemies to disengage from your teammates in fear of getting locked down.
  • Use this ability to set up your other abilities, as the root makes it incredibly easy to connect on Throw Back or Epic Uppercut.
  • This ability will “wake up” any enemy affected by Mighty Yawn.

Mighty Yawn
  • This ability provides no damage but has a moderate AOE in a circle around you. It can be used to disrupt channeled abilities, peel, and set up damage.
  • As this provides CC, mesmerize, it can be easily disrupted by any incoming damage to the affected enemy. However, this is not much of a loss, as breaking the mez applies a significant slow and attack speed debuff.
  • Be careful if you use it as a disengaging tool there is no damaging AoE or DoT affecting your opponents because the damage will break the mesmerize.
  • You can use this ability to set up all of your other abilities. Being a mesmerize, this makes it incredibly easy to connect. Try comboing this ability with Blink Rune to set up kills.
  • Remember that you can use this when you’re incapacitated.

Epic Uppercut
  • This is a mobility ability with a much shorter dash than Throw Back. It is used for the high base damage and is an incredible tool to peel enemies or set them up for further damage.
  • If needed, you can always use this as a secondary mobility ability to escape or chase.
  • Don’t be afraid to use this on any enemy. Although the base damage is strong, the displacement it provides can get a pesky tank out of a team fight for precious moments so your team can focus on a squishier character.
  • This ability provides CC immunity when cast and can be used to escape abilities like Ares No Escape and Da Ji’s Pillar of Agony.

Leveling Order

4 1 3 2

Epic Uppercut deals significant base damage and has a low cooldown for an ultimate ability. Its displacement is incredibly helpful for taking an enemy out of a fight for a couple of seconds and allowing time for your teammates to escape or prepare to secure a kill.

Throw Back or Mighty Yawn will be the second priority depending on your preferred function. Throw Back provides high base damage and is able to do poke damage from a distance when throwing minions toward enemies. Mighty Yawn can alternatively be prioritized for the mesmerize duration, slow duration, and attack speed debuff increases.

Although the first ability suggested to level is usually Groggy Strike, it’s also the lowest priority to max out, as it deals lower base damage than Throw Back, and no other attributes increase when leveling it.

Starting & Core Items

Starting Items

This is the typical Support start. Hand of the Gods helps your clear at the Void camp to get you to lane ASAP.

Pick up your preferred potions; Multi Potions or Healing Potions are suggested.

Core Items

There aren't any truly "core" items for ***bha, but these are solid, common choices.

Shoes of Focus provide early CDR and a good amount of extra mana, which is incredibly helpful for a mana-hungry god like ***bha. It can be substituted with Reinforced Shoes if you prefer the extra early tankiness, and depending on which CDR items you plan to build later.

Stone of Binding's passive is incredibly easy to apply to enemies with almost all of ***bha's kit. When possible, this is a great early item that comes cheap and can help your team secure some early kills.

Gauntlet of Thebes is a good balance with these other items, providing good health and high balanced protections.

Build Examples

Example Build (Early Aggression w/ Binding)

This build example provides 3 items with balanced protections, a good CDR boost in Pridwen, and team damage functionality through Stone of Binding and Void Stone.

You will be a bit squishy with Stone of Binding 2nd, so you can opt to purchase after Gauntlet of Thebes if preferred.

Example Build (Traditional Tank w/ Auras)

This build direction is good for general support, providing some early CDR to more easily set up kills or peel for teammates. 3 items provide helpful auras to your teammates.

Spirit Robe provides additional CDR and situational damage mitigation, while Relic Dagger provides added utility for more relic use.

Replace Shoes late with Elixir of Speed and another item of your choice.

Situational Items

Situational Items (Defense)

High physical protections, a healthy pool of mana, and 20% CDR make this an extremely useful item for a mana-thirsty god like ***bha.

Share some physical protection with nearby teammates. The HP5 is also very helpful for ***bha, as he has no inherent healing in his kit.

Useful when you are fighting against multiple basic attack gods like Erlang Shen, Hunters in general, Bellona, Kali, Bakasura...

Specifically purchased to counter enemies building crit items, cutting down their damage potential.

Provides physical protection and is built specifically to counter enemy healing / lifesteal items.

Useful whenever you face a magical duo and whenever there are 3+ magical enemies on the other team.

Provides magical protection and is built specifically to counter enemy healing / lifesteal items.

Provides magical protection, MP5, CDR, and CC reduction. It's more specifically considered when you want to support your teams basic attackers, and is also helpful when sieging objectives.

Although the high magical protection is helpful, it should be considered more strongly if you want CDR and are finding yourself running out of mana quickly, as the high MP5 will make sure you never run out.

Helpful against magical damage, but the bigger draw is the damage mitigation you'll gain when in larger teamfights.

Can be helpful late-game against teams high in basic attackers.

A very balanced item with multiple useful stats, including decent protections, CDR, CC reduction, and a passive providing situational damage mitigation.

An alternative to Spirit Robe, it provides high balanced protections, CDR, and a passive that can disrupt enemy play.

Standard late-game option for support players looking to spam abilities. The shield is also useful when you jump in a team fight, ulti someone and go for another person or it avoids taking damage from the person as soon as he lands on the ground.

Situational Items (Bruiser / Utility)

Steal health and mana from enemies for a long time, making yourself tankier. Since ***bha can also deal some decent damage, this is not a bad hybrid item for him.

Since he has damage potential on this item, not only will help his magical teammates but also him own damage.

This is a full offensive item but provides strong potential utility. After ***bha ults, the next ability he uses can be used again with no cooldown. With 2 strong CC abilities, he can choose 2 roots or 2 mezmerizes, giving a lot of team kill secure or peel function.

Specifically built to counter high amounts of slows in enemy kits.

Used to provide higher use of specific relics to help sway teamfights.


Standard 1st relic for more defensive supports that help in hotter situations keeping your ADC alive. Offering a shield higher than Meditation Cloak restores health and has an excellent upgraded level late-game that absorbs completely 3 basic attacks.

Standard 1st relic for more offensive supports that helps chase the enemy or run away when a threat appears. Can also be chosen 2nd.

Excellent 2nd relic option that allows you to blink + ulti and surprise an enemy before he uses Purification Beads.

An option as a 2nd relic that enhances your and allies nearby DPS. Useful in team fights or even when you want to rush an objective as quickly as possible.

Specific counter item to healing-heavy comps. Important to upgrade, as it provides increased damage against targets that have recently healed.

Specific counter item to basic-attack-heavy comps, as it provides a movement and attack speed slow. Useful to upgrade, as it also decreases affected enemy damage output.


Early Game

You’ll want to be a bit careful in the first two levels, but between the 1 and 2, you are able to deal poke/distance damage pretty well. By the time you hit level 3, you can situationally be a lot more aggressive, as you’ll have 2 CC abilities available, along with the damage from the dash.

You also need to be careful about managing your mana, as your abilities will quickly eat up your pool. Unless needed for peel or setup, it’s suggested to mainly focus regular use on the 1 and 2, and save the 3 only when really needed.

When you hit level 5, you can initiate a gank with teamwork. The ult displaces enemies for a significant time, allowing the Jungler and any other nearby teammates to close distance easily.

Mid Game

Provide backup for your ADC with body blocking as well as your crowd control to set-up attacks.

Once the 1st tier tower is destroyed, start to roam the map and help out Mid and Jungle.

Late Game

Become a nuisance to the enemy team. Act as a meat-shield for your allies while also keeping the highest threat targets locked down with your large amount of CC.

The mez -> root (3-2) combo is very effective throughout the game to isolate a threat and/or set up a kill for your team.


Thank you for reading this community guide to Kumbhakarna! If you'd like to contribute regularly to guides like this, just send me a Private Message. Everyone who contributes to one of these Community Guides will be credited in the guide.

If you liked the guide, don't forget to vote and leave a comment with your thoughts! If you have any suggestions, criticism or other feedback, comments of all sorts are appreciated. Good luck in your Kumbhakarna games!

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Branmuffin17 (401) | April 14, 2020 10:18am
Updated guide...let me know if things look good.
Kriega1 (143) | April 13, 2020 9:07am
Also add Horrific Emblem.
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 13, 2020 11:58am
I'm going to drop Myrddin. Will add Horrific. Will add alternate starts.
UPLAR (9) | April 13, 2020 2:38am
Groggy Strike should be levelled at level 1 as it has a lower CD than Throw Back and a root for early aggression; then for level 2 and beyond do your standard level order, levelling Groggy Strike last as usual.

This is because if you level Throw Back most
Kumbhakarna players use this on the wave and then do nothing for 13 seconds and this lasts while they wait to hit level 2.

Groggy Strike is excellent at level 1 as its great for setup and at level 1 the ADC/support won't have thier dash, thus the long wind up time is negligent.

I'd only level Throw Back at level 1 if you're ADC has weak clear such as Artemis.
boogiebass (46) | April 13, 2020 10:05am
100% agree with the groggy strike at level 1. Estidien/Salad taught me that one and my early support games with ***ba have been a lot better.
Devampi (105) | April 13, 2020 3:37am
Medusa has weak clear? I'm very very curious to know why you think this. Cause her acid spit has one of the best lvl 1 damages on her clearing ability
UPLAR (9) | April 13, 2020 9:57am
Focus on the actual comment and not an example
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xmysterionz (72) | April 13, 2020 6:11am
Medusa doesn't have a weak clear, it's reasonable. Weak clears are Artemis, Cupid and any other god that cannot hit the entire wave with his clear tool.
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Kriega1 (143) | April 12, 2020 2:43pm
Can you add this start if your adc has weak early clear: Guardian's Blessing, tier 1 shoes, 4 health pots and HoG.
DV-8 (35) | April 12, 2020 2:56pm
I second this
DV-8 (35) | April 12, 2020 2:58pm
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DV-8 (35) | April 7, 2020 12:36pm
I'm not so sure about Staff of Myrddin. If you're using it for Mesmerize like you detail in the guide, you're not really getting much after diminishing returns. Maybe like 1 extra second at max rank.

I suppose it could be useful in group fights though. Ult an enemy and then dive into the enemy team to double mesmerize. Might want to detail how to use it properly though.
Kriega1 (143) | April 12, 2020 3:40pm
You can mesmerise 2 different (or 2 different sets of) targets though so it won't necessarily be diminishin returns.
DV-8 (35) | April 12, 2020 5:50pm
That could work too. Even so I'm not sure if it's really worth the 3,000 gold investment on a Support.
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Kriega1 (143) | April 7, 2020 3:31am
1. Why is Pridwen and Breastplate in the same build example?

2. No mention of one of the best support items, Relic Dagger.

3. No Cursed Ankh mention for relics, even though healers/healing comps and backline divers like Set and Vamana exist.

4. Add Winged Blade.
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 7, 2020 8:38am
1. In the first (early aggression) build, Breastplate of Valor is purchased to get a significant CDR boost, since to that point in the build you have 0. This is one build example, and there are others we could display, but sequentially, the thought process:

- Reinforced for tankier base due to lower prots/no health from Binding.
- Binding due to high CC in ***bha's kit combined with allowing you/teammates to deal more early damage.
- Gauntlet to truly get his tankiness up with the high balanced prots and health.
- BoV for the significant CDR boost and mana pool.
- Void as balanced prot counter to BoV, along with added team damage in the aura.
- Prid to max CDR, and it has a very strong protection base for the passive to work from.

Alternatively, we could go with an example of Focus, Binding, Gauntlet, Spirit, Void, Prid, replace Focus with Relic. Can swap Prid and Spirit spots if preferred or get something else instead of Spirit. Also, I'm not prioritizing Potion of Power or anything on him. Maxing CDR is quite nice with ***bha, and so getting it in 2 items is fine IMO. Again, this is just one example.

2. I forgot. I added a bunch of alternative items to the base I was working from, and just forgot that one. Adding it.

3. I honestly don't want Cursed Ankh. I can add it, but there are just other items that I feel are higher priority, and while ***bha can get anti-heal (esp Contagion / Pest), if anti-heal is necessary, I hope other teammates get BBS / Divine. I acknowledge a Vamana ult can be significant healing over time, but for many of the others, you're blocking like 15% lifesteal from BF or something...decreasing that from 15% to 7.5% is NOT the biggest of concerns. The damage output they do is higher priority. And again, just personally prefer other relics to that.

4. Also don't like adding Winged. Feel he has higher priorities. With all the other item options, you feel Winged is important enough to take one of 6 item spots?
Kriega1 (143) | April 7, 2020 10:17am
Ok maybe Breastplate and Pridwen is not too terrible in the same build but I don't think it's something I would do.

My generic guardian support builds go something like this:

CDR / Tank / Traveller's Shoes > Thebes > Sov/Heartward/Lotus (obv not Lotus on ***bha) > Physical/Magical Prot Item > Pridwen > Mantle > Estaff or Situational. Build Order of 3rd/4th/5th item can be swapped around.


CDR Boots > Thebes > Relic Dagger > Sov/Heartward/Lotus > Physical/Magical Prot Item or Spirit Robe > Mantle > Estaff/situational.

Branmuffin17 wrote:
3. I honestly don't want Cursed Ankh. I can add it, but there are just other items that I feel are higher priority, and while ***bha can get anti-heal (esp Contagion / Pest), if anti-heal is necessary, I hope other teammates get BBS / Divine. I acknowledge a Vamana ult can be significant healing over time, but for many of the others, you're blocking like 15% lifesteal from BF or something...decreasing that from 15% to 7.5% is NOT the biggest of concerns. The damage output they do is higher priority. And again, just personally prefer other relics to that.

Cursed Ankh would just be for specific matchups, like Vamana and Set like I mentioned, not necessarily against sustain comps in general where you could just pickup contagion/pesti.

It's the upgraded version in particular that's strong against vamana, as his ult will auto proc it, letting the carries melt him after the active is applied to him, not counting other sources of antiheal. And yeah the solo can pick it up but if they don't the support should.

Branmuffin17 wrote:

4. Also don't like adding Winged. Feel he has higher priorities. With all the other item options, you feel Winged is important enough to take one of 6 item spots?

It's situational, not standard, just against teams with heavy slows.

And it has been picked up on him before:
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Branmuffin17 (401) | April 7, 2020 9:55am
Kriega, FYI looking for your further feedback here. Want a discussion and willing to adjust if convinced.

Honestly, I wanted to add more build examples (maybe I can do that on a different tab) just to show counter-building and stuff.
silentshell (5) | April 7, 2020 7:57am
Kriega1 wrote:
1. Why is Pridwen and Breastplate in the same build example?

2. No mention of one of the best support items, Relic Dagger.

3. No Cursed Ankh mention for relics, even though healers/healing comps and backline divers like Set and Vamana exist.

4. Add Winged Blade.

I haven't used pridwen on him myself yet, but it would make sense to me in the sense that you get your full cdr from two items. pridwen I feel would be viable since he will be next to targets pretty often if you want to get the full effect of his ult. This looks like a pretty balanced build overall.

I don't play conquest, but the only things i wonder about this build are the following:

1. I am guessing with khumba you aren't concerned with his damage, just getting the pen in for teammates and want the extra 100 health early due to having binding at the two? That early are you really going to be in a lot of danger to where he could get ganked easily early with his kit in play? Couldn't he work with Shoes of the Magi to give him some early power to take advantage of his cc as well? I feel like the your first 3 items are cheap enough where you should be able to get them close to schedule even if your farm isn't going as planned. From the looks of it, the whole build is cheap. I think the highest cost item on there is pridwen at 2400 gold. Really, boots and SoB are the only damage output in this build, and while i know you aren't really concerned with damage on him so much as the stuns, an 11 point difference in his basics at the beginning of the match would make a pretty substantial difference to his damage output through the course of the match since it would also affect the damage from his abilities as well. I wonder if, especially considering his kit, would the 100 health and the stacks for protection from the boots make THAT much of a difference vs that extra damage at the end of the match when physical defense will be 257 amd magical defense will be 218 by the end of the build? I guess that the time to stack thebes is also a concern and not having cooldown until BoV but coming back to the low cost of the build, specifically two items under 2k to start the build, I wouldn't think even in a more challenging match it should be too hard to get items online through each phase of the match. If I am missing something other than what I have brought up with my inexperience in conquest, my bad, but thinking it through i was trying to approach it from that thought process.

2. It is labeled as an aggressive build, and while i can understand the concept of fostering team aggression, though the cc, i have always felt like if you are using an aggressive build or at least when i do, i am more aggressive with the god i am using it on...not saying to foolishly get into fights, but in my mind aggressive builds are meant to push the other team, to try and bully them..whether in team fights or solo fights. In theory if more damage is getting through faster then teams/single opponents shouldn't be able to hold up in those fights. With Khumba's cc it seems like there are great opportunities to keep the passive going from SoB for long periods of tims so why wouldn't you want to take advantage of that for as long as possible while doing as much damage as possible. I know this is a support build but even without Reinforced Shoes at the first slot this seems to be a pretty tanky build
Devampi (105) | April 7, 2020 9:24am
Agreed with Bran.
If you do want a bit more damage onkhumba you will be grabbing Shoes of Focus because of the CDR. this will allow you to poke a bit more. it will make you a lot squishier however.

Also an addition to bran's gold spooling comment. It's also common for supports to be ~5 lvl lower then their highest team mate, since they will only get the gold they get sharing waves (and maybe a bit of camps). Which points to them missing quite some gold (also include the money you spend on wards). a cheaper build helps you keep up with the damage dealers a bit better. (also a reason why defense items are in a lot of cases cheaper in moba's) all in all you will probably still reach late game later then most of your other teammates
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Branmuffin17 (401) | April 7, 2020 8:51am
1. As Support, no, you're not all that concerned with his damage. You've got others that are building glass cannon that will do much better damage than you, and you can set things up so well. You'd only focus more on damage if you're steamrolling the enemy and weren't that worried about incoming damage. The whole of the early aggression build isn't for ***'s for the team.

No, Reinforced's health and prots wouldn't make that much difference at the end of the match, which is why you're replacing it late-game. Keep in mind, this isn't an Arena build, this is a Conquest build. The mindset is a lot different. You build items at specific spots of the build to get an advantage or help at that time, and your choices matter more because it takes longer to get items online due to lower gold spooling. You have to think about power curves, item costs, how those interact/balance, things like that. And of course, countering enemies. So early game, getting some prots online with Shoes when the enemy hasn't built any pen will help mitigate a good amount of damage, and even 100 health is helpful. Keep in mind it's also not just the prots and health, it also has nice early CC reduction.

2. The early aggression build is based around Stone of Binding, which is a team-directed item to help increase their early game damage. It's not about YOU being aggressive just because you do more damage by getting high power items. Aggression isn't just damage, it's a playstyle and pressure with regard to how you're bullying and threatening with your CC.

When you're Support, your main job is to set up kills, peel, and soak damage. Unless you're willing to build more for damage, then you're not going to be doing huge amounts. You have to dedicate a build if you want a much more significant damage impact...power, flat pen, % pen. You can do that and have fun in Arena, but don't build like that in Conq unless you're trolling.

In S6 and earlier, you had options to go more bruiser guard. Besides Binding (which was stronger earlier before the nerf), you had flat pen in Void, flat pen in Dynasty, CDR in Pythag's, etc. There's been a significant shift away from early damage by dropping magical flat pen and giving more items % pen.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | April 6, 2020 8:06pm
Hi everyone, the SF community guide for Kumbhakarna is now up! Let us know your feedback in the comments; we are always willing to consider various options and opinions, and can also add tips if you have something good to add!
xmysterionz (72) | April 6, 2020 9:02pm
Nice one. This one took a lot of time and discuss to came out.
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