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Spooky shape-shift lady The Morrigan

1 4 25,479
by Jascom updated March 15, 2019

Smite God: The Morrigan

Build Guide Discussion 10 More Guides
Choose a Build: We Are The Morrigan (Jungle)
We Are The Morrigan (Jungle) I am you but BETTER (MID) Spooky (SOLO)
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The Morrigan Build

Starting Buy

Notes I like to go doom orb on The Morrigan in the jungle right after boots so pick up Assassin's Blessing and Lost Artifact at the beginning buy along with two of each potions this feels like the best early clear to me and works well on her.


I like to go doom orb on The Morrigan in the jungle right after boots so pick up Assassin's Blessing and Lost Artifact at the beginning buy along with two of each potions this feels like the best early clear to me and works well on her.

Build Item Assassin's Blessing Assassin's Blessing
Build Item Lost Artifact Lost Artifact
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Core 3 Items

Notes The three items here Doom Orb, Shoes of Focus, and Chronos' Pendant are all very good on The Morrigan because they give her high power and high cooldown but you do still need some pen in there so you should pick up pen asap after these items are done.


The three items here Doom Orb, Shoes of Focus, and Chronos' Pendant are all very good on The Morrigan because they give her high power and high cooldown but you do still need some pen in there so you should pick up pen asap after these items are done.

Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant

Power Items

Notes Here are a list of other "power items" I like on The Morrigan for one reason or another. To start off this list is Spear of Desolation Which has high power with some pen and a little bit of cooldown reduction its all around a decent item for her. Next is Obsidian Shard this is the item you need if you want to do damage late game and it works very well at giving you the pen so you can still deal damage to tanks. To continue on is Divine Rune which is very useful especially if you need the anti heal which is great. Then there is Soul Reaver which gives you alot of power and burst potential this is a great item for a power spike. Finally we come to Soul Gem which also gives you a decent amount of burst and healing potential for both you and your team mates this is a great item and does wonders when needed.


Here are a list of other "power items" I like on The Morrigan for one reason or another. To start off this list is Spear of Desolation Which has high power with some pen and a little bit of cooldown reduction its all around a decent item for her. Next is Obsidian Shard this is the item you need if you want to do damage late game and it works very well at giving you the pen so you can still deal damage to tanks. To continue on is Divine Rune which is very useful especially if you need the anti heal which is great. Then there is Soul Reaver which gives you alot of power and burst potential this is a great item for a power spike. Finally we come to Soul Gem which also gives you a decent amount of burst and healing potential for both you and your team mates this is a great item and does wonders when needed.

Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem

Other Items

Build Item Celestial Legion Helm Celestial Legion Helm
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi

Example Build

Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon

The Morrigan's Skill Order

Deadly Aspects

1 X Y
Deadly Aspects
2 8 11 12 15

Dark Omen

2 A B
Dark Omen
1 3 6 7 10


3 B A
4 14 16 18 19


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
Deadly Aspects
2 8 11 12 15

Deadly Aspects

1 X
When activated, The Morrigan begins combining the power from all three of her forms. When activated again, they simultaneously damage and stun enemies in front of them. Jungle Camps take an extra +15% damage.

Ability Type: Charge Up
Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Stun Duration: 1s
Range: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Dark Omen
1 3 6 7 10

Dark Omen

2 A
Morrigan launches a wave of dark magic at her enemies that deals damage, deals bonus damage to minions, and Dooming them for 8 seconds. Doomed enemies will take bonus damage the next time they are hit by one of The Morrigan's damaging abilities, including her passive ability.

Ability Type: Projectile
Initial Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Minion Bonus Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+20% of your Magical Power)
God Bonus Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Range: 70
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 7s
4 14 16 18 19


3 B
The Morrigan creates a phantom of herself while becoming stealthed and increasing her Movement Speed. The phantom runs to the targeted area, deals no damage, and will die if it takes any damage. If the Morrigan attacks or takes damage, she will be revealed and lose her increased Movement Speed.

Ability Type: Stealth
Movement Speed: 30 / 32.5 / 35 / 37.5 / 40%
Duration: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Range: 80
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
The Morrigan selects a God from the current match and becomes a copy of them. She copies all of their current stats and may use all of their abilities for the duration. She retains her own Relics and cannot use Consumables.

The Rank of her abilities will transfer to the skills of the god she copies. This ability's cooldown will be increased to match the target God's ultimate if she uses it while transformed.

Ability Type: Transform
Duration: 10s
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 140 / 130 / 120 / 110 / 100s

The Morrigan Threats

Tap each threat level to view The Morrigan’s threats





The Morrigan is great and let me tell you why. Think about it she is really every god in the game if only for a short time period because she can turn into anyone on EITHER TEAM thats insane thats like having 2 adc's in a team fight which helps so much. If someone on the enemy team has a great secure ultimate just turn into them and you use it.


  • One of the best ultimates in the game.
  • Great Team fight potential.
  • Decent Burst damage.
  • Has a decoy escape.
  • Has an AOE basic attack every 3 attacks.
  • Thiccc Thighs
  • Very Squishy
  • Ultimate has a very long cooldown at low levels.
  • She only has 2 damaging abilities.
  • Her invisibility is easily countered with tick damage.
  • Her ultimate is one of the most complex ults in the game making it very hard for beginners use.



Items in Depth (Explanation)

There are many things in this guide more specifically the builds that should be talked about like the why and when for each of the Items. In this section there will be a brief summary of what each item does followed by an explanation and how to on the item. I will cover all of the items for each build but I will not do any repeats. Without further ado lets get it started.


Early Items

Power Items

Hybrid Items

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Kriega1 (143) | March 8, 2019 9:48am
Doom orb and chronos' pendant early game? Thats quite expensive. I wouldn't bother with the full tier 3 of doom orb early game, just get the tier 2 and upgrade it to the tier 3 lategame.

Also what the hell, Mantle of Discord third item on Morrigan Solo, and travellers shoes for solo???
Kriega1 (143) | February 27, 2019 12:37pm
bancrofts and typhons on Morrigan? Are you trolling?

Also don't build jade emperor's crown or stone of fal on Morrigan, ever.
Jascom (1) | February 28, 2019 6:35am
You're right I changed it Thanks man
Kriega1 (143) | February 28, 2019 6:38am
No you haven't, have you published the changes? or saved?
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xmysterionz (72) | February 27, 2019 11:03am
I am not an especialist on Morrigan but I don't think Bancroft's Talon is a core item on her.

You should also list at least 1 full build example instead of just sparse items
Jascom (1) | February 28, 2019 6:36am
Yeah i did i put in full builds for all of them thanks.
Kriega1 (143) | February 27, 2019 12:38pm
You don't have to be a specialist to work out how someone's kit functions
Vini_sds (13) | February 27, 2019 11:23am
It isn’t. Despite Deadly Aspects and Dark Omen being close range abilities, the best lifesteal item on her is Polynomicon, due to AA canceling.

Since Thoth’s nerf, Morrigan is better served rushing Chronos’.
Jascom (1) | February 28, 2019 6:37am
I agree on rushing chronos Pendent and I added Polynomicon thank you
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