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Squeezing/Loving/George May Or May Not Be Included. (Ymir Guide, S3 Solo/Jungle)

2 0 9,369
by DucksRock updated November 14, 2016

Smite God: Ymir

Build Guide Discussion 9 More Guides
Choose a Build: A Chill Challenger Appears! (Solo) (Variety's Build)
A Chill Challenger Appears! (Solo) (Variety's Build) Chillin' In The Jungle (Jungle, Duh.)
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Ymir Build


Build Item Mark of the Vanguard Mark of the Vanguard
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion


Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade

Other Options!

Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Celestial Legion Helm Celestial Legion Helm
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe

Full Build! (Sell DPH In Late)

Build Item Mark of the Vanguard Mark of the Vanguard
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Dynasty Plate Helm Dynasty Plate Helm
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

Actives (Always Rush Tele On Solo)

Build Item Frenzy Frenzy
Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Cursed Ankh Cursed Ankh
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Phantom Veil Phantom Veil
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Ymir's Skill Order

Ice Wall

1 X Y
Ice Wall
4 15 16 18 19

Glacial Strike

2 A B
Glacial Strike
1 3 6 7 10

Frost Breath

3 B A
Frost Breath
2 8 11 12 14

Shards of Ice

4 Y X
Shards of Ice
5 9 13 17 20
Ice Wall
4 15 16 18 19

Ice Wall

1 X
Ymir summons a wall of ice out of the ground that blocks player movement.

Ability Type: Line, Wall
Lifetime: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10s
Glacial Strike
1 3 6 7 10

Glacial Strike

2 A
Ymir smashes his club, doing damage to all enemies in front of him and slowing them. Applies Frostbite.

Ability Type: Line, Slow, Damage
Damage: 90 / 160 / 230 / 300 / 370 (+70% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 35%
Slow Duration: 4s
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 8s
Frost Breath
2 8 11 12 14

Frost Breath

3 B
Ymir uses his breath to freeze enemies in blocks of ice, doing damage and stunning them. Applies Frostbite.

Ability Type: Cone, Stun, Damage
Damage: 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25s
Range: 35
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s
Shards of Ice
5 9 13 17 20

Shards of Ice

4 Y
Ymir begins to freeze the air around him, causing shards of ice to grow on his back and Slowing enemies. After a 3s channel, Ymir erupts out of his frozen state, causing shards of ice to do damage to all enemies in his range. Applies Frostbite. Cancelling the ability decreases the damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Slow, Damage
Damage: 500 / 650 / 800 / 950 / 1100 (+150% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 40%
Radius: 35
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


My name is Ducksrock, and this is Ymir.

Ymir is one of Smite's original cast, he is really beginner friendly, and is a really old meme in the smite community because of his [vvgh]. Recently, Ymir has started getting pro play which established his role in the meta.

It may be surprising to hear, but that role is actually in Solo and occasionally Jungle. Ymir is actually a really good counterpick because of his ability to clear well, him being a damaging tank which is actually a lane bully, and using that in support is hard because most meta supports right now such as Fafnir or Terra have more team based buffs and utility and mobility, which Ymir doesn't have.

However, His main weakness still stands. he is really slow, which cripples his ability to engage. however, this stands as a smaller problem in the solo lane, because solo has a much smaller size and it is a lot easier to avoid getting caught out.

And in the Jungle, Ymir has really good clearing speeds and will be able to abuse the early game, particularly the phase before boots are purchased. his mass amounts of cc allow for good early trading and really good mid camps securing ability.

So, let's move on to the actual guide! enjoy!

Pros And Cons

As i have said before in the Intro, Ymir is a huge lane bully. the whole reason he started popping up in solo is that pros and people started using his ability to abuse the fact that getting close to Ymir is really dangerous once he has a couple points in his Glacial Strike, since he is able to outclear using it and deal tons of damage with the Frost Breath- Frostbite- Glacial Strike- Frostbite combo early on.
Ymir has one of the highest health stats in the game, standing at 510 plus 104 per level, which is a ton, and has a lot of physical prots that increase as the game goes on, 23 (+3.3) to be exact. his magical prot stat is pretty normal, however. like most gods, Ymir has 30 (+0.9) magical prots. this helps him be naturally pretty tanky and pretty hard to take down.
Ymir has a lot of cc tools, 4 if you count Ice Wall. most of them are light, however, it still gives him a lot of control on the battleground, and it's also great for Ymir especially since it makes it easier to catch up to enemies, even though you have really low ms. it's also really helpful early on in the pre boots phase, as it really limits the movement of your enemies and gives you the option to stick to them.
Ymir has one of the slowest base movement speed, along with having no mobility abilities, he has a really hard time engaging. which is really limiting for Ymir, because his only hard cc ability, Frost Breath, has a really small range. so he needs to get close to apply it which heavily limits him as a god, especially as a guardian, as his utility is harder to apply.
Ymir has a lot of cc and utility tools up his sleeve. however, he lacks hard cc. Frost Breath is his only hard cc ability, which has a 18s cooldown and has a pretty short range. this really harms Ymir, as he is unable to apply a lot of hard cc in a fight, unlike other supports. which makes correct target prioritization extremely crucial, and it connects with him being slow, as Ymir has no way to engage and apply Frost Breath unless he gets blink.
Lane Bully VS Slow
High CC VS 1 Hard CC
Pros VS Cons


This is a build consisting of Shoes of the Magi, Breastplate of Valor, Genji's Guard, Winged Blade, Void Stone and Mantle of Discord, with Mark of the Vanguard as a starter item and Dynasty Plate Helm as an item you buy early and sell later on.

Has a lot of protections, full CDR+ Genji's Guard, Early pen and team utility based items, complements Ymir's lack of escapes by having items such as Winged Blade and Mantle of Discord and has early pen to complement Ymir's ability to bully and punish.

As the name of the build states, this build is taken off of Variety's competitive Ymir solo games, which have mostly worked in his favor. as i have said before, this is a build that allows Ymir to bully early by letting his base damage kick in with early pen, and later on transitions into a support-ish teamfighter build.

Mark of the Vanguard is a starter item that reduces damage taken by 5, gives 10 physical protections and 150 health. mainly used in solo to reduce minion aggro damage and allow for a more aggressive playstyle.

Shoes of the Magi provides movement speed, 45 magical power and 10 magic penetration. this type of boot is usually picked by mages/high base damage guardians early on to let that base damage kick in.

Dynasty Plate Helm provides 15 magical penetration, 45 magical power and 30 physical protection. this item is mainly bought for early aggression as it has some flat pen and physical protections, and is sold later on in the game.

Breastplate of Valor or more commonly know by BoV is a cheap source for a lot of stats. it has 75 physical protections, 300 mana and 20% cooldown reduction. a really popular items for guardians, assassins, warriors and mages because of the amazing stats it provides for the low price.

Genji's Guard is a weird cooldown item. it reduces your cooldowns by 2s every time you get hit with magical damage, provides you with 10% cooldown reduction, 80 magical protections and 20 MP5. mainly picked up by warriors, guardians and sometimes assassins when they need magical defence.

Winged Blade is an item that provides slow immunity every 30s for the next slow you will receive, and when you do get hit by that slow you gain a movement speed boost of 20% for 4 seconds, it also provides CDR, Movement speed, Health and Attack speed, making it a very efficient counteritem.

Void Stone is an item that reduces enemies's magical protections when standing near them, while granting 40 magical power and 60 magical protection. this item is really good for magical tanks in the late game when peeling for the other mages, this also allows for some base damage to kick in as it is also a pen item.

Mantle of Discord is a very expensive luxury item, however, it is really powerful. once you drop down to below 30%, it unleashes a shockwave near you that stuns nearby enemies and gives you cc immunity. it gives both physical protections and magical protections, 60 each. it also gives 15% cdr. this item is mainly effective for immobile tanks that get punished really hard for positioning badly.

this is a build consisting of Shoes of Focus, Breastplate of Valor, Winged Blade, Void Stone, Spirit Robe and Soul Reaver, you start with Bumba's Mask, get Dynasty Plate Helm as a second item and sell it later on in the game.

This build is pretty different from the Solo one. it focuses more on cdr early on rather than pen. the reason for that is the mere fact that there is a lot more action going on in the jungle then in solo. between camp clears, lane clears, ganks, counterganks and midlane fights early on, Jungle has a got a lot more going on then in solo, which is why you need to have your abilities up way more often.

This build is based off of Cheryo's junglemir, however it isnt exactly it. i'm not exactly fond of Cheryo's exact build, but the idea behind it was used in this one, which is early cdr.

This build also has a lot of mana built into it early on, mainly to keep a regular amount of mana.
Bumba's Mask is a must have for EVERY jungler. it gives you hp back after killing camps, MP5 in the jungle, 10 true damage for each auto on a jungle monster and more damage with abilities on jungle monsters, plus, it also gives you a solo gold gain no matter if you had another ally with you, so yeah. this is core on every jungler. since it is a starter item, you sell it later on in the game.

Shoes of Focus are a part of the boot tree, they grant 18% movement speed, 10% cdr, 250 mana and 40 magical power. they are usually bought by mages, and sometimes guardians (guardians mostly get Shoes of the Magi or Talaria Boots).

Dynasty Plate Helm provides 15 magical penetration, 45 magical power and 30 physical protection. this item is mainly bought for early aggression as it has some flat pen and physical protections, and is sold later on in the game.

Breastplate of Valor or more commonly know by BoV is a cheap source for a lot of stats. it has 75 physical protections, 300 mana and 20% cooldown reduction. a really popular items for guardians, assassins, warriors and mages because of the amazing stats it provides for the low price.
Winged Blade is an item that provides slow immunity every 30s for the next slow you will receive, and when you do get hit by that slow you gain a movement speed boost of 20% for 4 seconds, it also provides CDR, Movement speed, Health and Attack speed, making it a very efficient counteritem.

Void Stone is an item that reduces enemies's magical protections when standing near them, while granting 40 magical power and 60 magical protection. this item is really good for magical tanks in the late game when peeling for the other mages, this also allows for some base damage to kick in as it is also a pen item.

Spirit Robe is an item made to counter cc. it grants 20% ccr, 40 protections from both kinds and 10% cdr. it also triggers damage mitigation when you get hit by a hard cc. this item is a cheaper and a bit weaker version of Mantle of Discord, it is usually picked up by Assassins, guardians and warriors who get caught out easily or as a counter to a lot of hard cc in the enemy team comp.
Soul Reaver is a burst based item, it grants 100 magical power and 300 mana. it also grants you the ability to deal 10% of the target's maximum health with an ability every 40 seconds. this item is usually picked up by mages and guardians.

Core Stats

Ymir has really high base damage, and in both roles (jungle and solo) needs his base damage to preform his main function, in both his lane bully and fast clear functions, he needs it to preform properly.
However, you will want early flat pen instead of percentage pen, as most of those percentage pen items are usually strictly magical power items, and flat pen items usually are a mix between flat pen and other stats Ymir needs. good examples of items like these are Shoes of the Magi, Void Stone and Dynasty Plate Helm.

Ymir has high base health and a decent amount of base protections. however, combined with him being caught out so easily and will easily die if he dosent have enough protections, that's why he's better off being built tanky with health and protections.
However, you wanna try to keep a balance between bonus health and protections, since they both work together to create a very strong level of tankiness. make sure you at least have 300 bonus health and a high amount of protections from both sides, but more phsyical protections because towers, minions and other objectives all deal physical damage.
buying Winged Blade is pretty much a must on Ymir and i will get more into that later, but it provides a sufficient amount of health. a good example for a physical protection item would be Breastplate of Valor and a good example for a magical one would be Genji's Guard, all of them are items that are really good for Ymir and provide him with other necessary stats.
Ymir has no mobility abilities and low base movement speed, which makes him vulnerable and really slow. this makes him unable to properly navigate in on the battlefield fast enough to compete against most other gods. even with boots, people will still be a lot more mobile then you.
so, Ymir has to take another mobility items to succeed properly in a ranked/competitive environment, so he can properly move with his team and be able to apply his cc. ironically, Ymir's base cc abilities are pretty short-ranged, so he has to get really close to apply them. you need boots, of course, your choice of boots depends on your role as i've mentioned before. the most popular and imo the most efficient speed item that is not boots that you can take on Ymir is Winged Blade, however, ritual dagger is pretty okay as well.
Ymir's only hard cc ability, which is Frost Breath, has a 18s cooldown. that explains why this is core for the most part, however, being able to use Ice Wall frequently is really good. we'll touch on that more in the Skills section.
since hirez reduced the ease you can get to 40% in, maxing out cdr usually requires building Breastplate of Valor and 2 more 10% cdr items. since Breastplate of Valor is a very cheap item that provides a wide amount of very useful stats for Ymir, including 20% cdr, so this is essential for most of the competitive Ymir builds. other valuable items for Ymir that provide that use are Genji's Guard, Winged Blade and Spirit Robe.
Next, let's take a look at Ymir's in game stats.

Seeing a pattern here? well, as you can see, i built the build off of his capabilities, and i took the stats and the pros and cons into consideration. we will now look at the rest of his stats and analyse what we can do with them and how they translate into the build.

Let's take a look at his protection stats, and by that, end the theorycrafting section with a little bit of a recap that contains more guidence.

Now, let's move on the conclusion.So, basically, let's quickly recap what i tried to say in this section. basically, i showed how i built this build from the ground up so you guys can also create a build that is suited for Ymir's needs.

First of all, you take his pros and cons and find his weak points you need to try to fix with your build and and the strong points you need to enhance. for example: Ymir is a lane bully, so he needs to be able to stay in lane and harass while taking minimal creep aggro, so you should rush physical protections on him.

Then, you look at the stats which should allow you to spot other things such as more reasons to rush physical protections on Ymir or why buy physical protections before magical ones.

For example: take my stats section. from seeing the amount of magical protections at the early game compared to the physical ones, i was able to conclude that rushing magical protections early is just overall worse, and that, added with my previous statements regarding that matter sealed the deal.

Hopefully, this will help you to design your own build. later in the matchups section, we'll talk about matchup based items.

Chapter Title

Ymir applies a debuff to all enemies that get hit in his damaging abilities ( Shards of Ice only applies the debuff once it did the damage) that makes the enemies that were effected by the debuff take 100% more damage from Ymir's autos, additionally, it also makes them deal 10% less damage.

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DucksRock (41) | November 20, 2016 7:47am
Looking to change my skills format, how does this card look to you?


still a super early version, just wanted to see what you think of it
Estidien (30) | November 20, 2016 4:22pm
That's pretty hard to read tbh. Same issue with some of the other parts of the guide, it just naturally makes me strain my eyes which can pull away from the information that's actually present. If I had to make a suggestion I would say tone back on the Thematic BBcoding a wee bit.

Like where you wrote "Penetration" I had to actually double check because I originally read "Punctuation" If you really want to keep that theme going maybe enlarge the text a little bit? Just my thoughts though.
Technotoad64 (46) | November 20, 2016 4:00pm
That's really hard to read.
xZeroStrike (46) | November 14, 2016 1:27pm
Everybody needs tables. Of both kinds.
DucksRock (41) | November 14, 2016 12:50pm
Since i didnt make it in time for the end, i decided to publish it anyway. ii'l complete it when i can.

i know there's the msitake here with the ccr and the cdr with Winged Blade, but feel free to look around if you wanna.

PSA: my vote goes for Prism and if anybody else will win i will riot harder then the ****ing democrats <3
ThePerfectPrism (56) | November 14, 2016 12:45pm
Hype as ****.

Guide is awesome, and I was priviledge to see it while it was still under development. May this be the best Ymir Solo/Jungle guide on smitefire FOREVER
DucksRock (41) | November 14, 2016 12:47pm
Thank you, really sad i didnt complete it in time but i glad i got to write it this far. my vote goes for you, prism. may the best guide (Prism's without a doubt) WIN!
xZeroStrike (46) | November 14, 2016 12:47pm
Ye mate, this guide is really awesome indeed. Well, didn't expect no less than this from Ducks with his OP Paint skills.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DucksRock
Squeezing/Loving/George May Or May Not Be Included. (Ymir Guide, S3 Solo/Jungle)
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