Inevitably, all mortals must die. They cling to life with fevered desperation, for death is a cold unknown, filled with uncertainty and bleak, everlasting finality. Some accept fate with grace, others are dragged, kicking and screaming, though in truth, no mortal would go to Hades willingly. They are reaped by the nightmarish God of Death, whose grim visage strikes strange against the gleeful satisfaction he feels at performing his work. Thanatos is the very face of death.
Yet, to Thanatos, Mortals are easy prey. Their end is preordained, harvesting them but a game to pass the eons, but a God, a being beyond the mortal coil, now there is a creature Thanatos eyes with greedy longing. He despises the immortality other Gods covet. To him, it is a perversion and defiance of his very purpose.
But can a God truly die? As the Heavens clash and immortal blood spills on the Earth, Thanatos hungers to find out. War is but the preamble to death, a battlefield of souls rent from their bodies, listlessly waiting to be taken by the God of Death. A war between Gods, a war of this magnitude can mean only one thing. Thanatos is about to be very, very busy.
The build itself isn't too bad, but what's not good is the fact you're over capping CDR with
A build I like going with is
This lets you get your CDR on as fast as possible with
As for the guide itself, it's coming along nicely however if you plan to add more to the guide chapter wise, I can advise adding in a navigation table at the end of each chapter. Fix up the presentation with the abilities, make it look like a table perhaps? Also I think you should add an Items chapter so you can explain just why you chose your items.
Aside from that, it's looking good! Good luck for when you update it! :P