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The Complete Guide To Horus's Counters And Synergies.

6 2 13,418
by AnimeWeeb0 updated April 10, 2021

Smite God: Horus

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Horus Build

Horus Threats

Tap each threat level to view Horus’s threats


Horus Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Horus’s synergies



Welcome to the Horus counters and Synergies guide.

I noticed that a couple of the Horus guides right now are missing out on detailed descriptions to their synergies and counters. So I made this guide entirely for counters and synergies.

Also a friend on Discord asked me.

Some of the descriptions I have gotten lazy on so I might change them later.

Please note that I am only explaining possible problems Horus players could encounter with different gods. So just because I have a god listed as a Horus counter, doesn't mean that you are useless against them.

I would appreciate feedback, disagreements, agreements, and such that could help me improve this guide.

If you want to see me suffer through this again then give me an interesting god to do this on and Ill maybe do it.

What I rank the Gods counters/synergies based on.

I rank counters based on how much this "Issue" affects your gameplay.

I rank synergies based on how much it helps Horus or the allied god.

My Sanity

I dedicated 2 and a half days to this.

It takes me like 20 minutes at most to try and think of some combos.

But being the lazy guy I am, I take like 4 hours breaks every 6 gods.

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Falcrus (3) | April 9, 2021 4:25pm
Some detail: horus can not teleport fenrir enemy. I managed to teleport fenrir in ult with enemy but after landing enemy was in at the point of departure
AnimeWeeb0 (2) | April 10, 2021 12:46pm
Oh is that so? Ill be sure to change that, thank you for sharing this detail with me.
Big Damage (37) | March 22, 2021 11:44pm
I don't think just because you can't knock Jorm up that it makes him a huge threat. When you use your 2 > 1 combo with Horus you're looking to keep your target still for as long as possible so your team can either put some damage in or escape.

Yes using your 2 > 1 combo stops him being knocked up but it actually puts him in a worse position because he is slowed and taking more damage from your allies, still completing both of the aforementioned goals.
Falcrus (3) | March 23, 2021 4:13pm
Jorm is big threat for Horus since Jorm gets less damage from him. Horus will lose dogfight for that reason and because have less offensive ability
Big Damage (37) | March 23, 2021 9:55pm
I'm pretty sure the same amount of damage is dealt but there is just no visible knock up and just Jorms passive, which means that Horus would be dealing more damage because the final "gust" of his 1 would be hitting Jorm while his passive is on, increasing damage taken by 15%.
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AnimeWeeb0 (2) | March 23, 2021 8:51am
You make a good point. Thank you for sharing this with me, Ill change the threat real quick.
Big Damage (37) | March 23, 2021 12:36pm
No problem. If you're stuck and can't quite decide the spot for some of his match ups feel free to message me, Horus was my main Support throughout S7 :)
Falcrus (3) | March 22, 2021 2:28pm
Okay it really strange to see that Horus have low or none interaction with other CC gods like sobek, cerberus, hercules, fenrir etc. This game is based around cc and CC is very important stuff, getting enemy in cc for a 4-5 sec is deadly for anyone. It is more strange that despite that fact Horus have a lot of strong CC both of them are very short-ranged and easy to dodge, which makes using other more guaranteed and effective (like sobek or serqet or cerberus has) cc good as initial of long and strong CC chain

So it also strange to see a lot of gods who can interact with him low or none, since Horus is Team core character designed for combinate his gameplay with everyone. Horus may interact with interesting (more than low or none) way with everyone.
And also do you think that my guide are "right now are missing out on detailed descriptions to their synergies and counters"? Yes, that part still in WIP and not finished, but I interesting is that blaming, and should I have done it before?

But still upvote cuz I understand how hard it to describe and test so many gods and how big this work
AnimeWeeb0 (2) | March 22, 2021 4:37pm
I'm actually testing a couple of these out as we speak. But if you can help me speed this process up by giving me a video it would certainly help me out a lot. Thanks for your feedback though.

My friends are also on a month and a half vacation so I am just relying on random people to hopefully play the gods I want to test and listen to me.

Update: I updated Sylvanus, Cabrakan, Sobek and Fafnir. I will eventually do more later but right now I need to rest for a bit.

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AnimeWeeb0 (2) | March 22, 2021 12:22pm
2 days and a half I put into this. Its pain....

Anyways whats the Jing Wei combo?

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The Complete Guide To Horus's Counters And Synergies.
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