Early Game
At the very beginning of the game Chang'e should not win her match-up against most warriors unless they underestimate her and get greedy. Auto-attack as frequently as possible to make up for her lack-luster starting clear. Your strategy is to hit everything with both your one and 3. I usually walk up to the wave and auto creeps until I can hit everything with
Crescent Moon Dance, then either run out of archer aggro if I'm feeling pressured or just
Moonflower Dance and finish the clear. (Don't forget to get split the blue buff experience with your jungler. It's usually worth running from first wave uncleared. Your goal is to get totems, clear waves as quickly as possible while poking the enemy solo. Don't forget to keep buying items with
Jade Rabbit as you can afford them and when you can't pick up a ward or two. Wards are essential as Chang'e is very gankable early.
Mid Game
As you get into the teens in levels you have reached the mid-game. Hopefully you have kept even in levels with the other solo, or if they couldn't out-poke you you got a level advantage from not having to go back to base at all. By this point you should have either
Breastplate of Valor or
Void Stone and should be able to evenly fight the enemy solo. (Quick tip: If the enemy is a mage you can get Cooldown boots instead since you won't have breastplate until later) With your heal, unless you are losing hard, you should be able to out-trade the enemy solo. When there is no kill potential, start looking for opportunities to rotate to mid. The idea is to look at the map and if you see enemy mid or jungle by mid with <60% health when
Waxing Moon is up or close to it. You want to clear the wave quickly close to their tower and then move through their jungle to get to lane. If you get kills you should also be looking for opportunities to group up for gold fury or Pyromancer. Just make sure you don't miss too much farm.
Late Game
Late game your goal is to stick to your team and heal and poke as much as you can safely. Be careful on your own because Chang'e isn't very fast and even with your 25% boosts on all your dances, (which you should use to escape and chase,) you are killable by a gank. When you have
Gem of Isolation your escape and kill potential go up by a lot. Look for 2-3 man ults of course but don't be afraid to settle for one person if it means closing the gap with the stun or killing them before they can escape. You hopefully won't be getting 1-shot by diving assassins at this point but remember even with your 2 up you can be locked down and killed. In fights you should prioritize healing your squishies and dealing as much damage to everything. You aren't gonna be blowing people up but you can get secures with your short cooldowns or ult and if you have
Soul Reaver you can definitely chunk their tanks.
i do like your build 2, but the only correction i'd make is replacing spear of desolation for another defensive or offensive if you want.
see, in solo lane you don't have a lot of kill potential, its a lot about farming and boxing / poking your enemy. so spear of desolation gives you penetration that is good, and gives you some cdr that is always useful, but the passive ends being completely useless at the end of the day! so why don't replacing
Personally, I don't go
My build usally goes:
Situational items are
In Solo then, if building BoV, you would probably NOT consider