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The Doctor's advice - Anubis

4 1 11,418
by DrLadyfingersMD updated January 8, 2014

Smite God: Anubis

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
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Anubis Build

Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Hide of Leviathan Hide of Leviathan
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin

Anubis's Skill Order

Plague of Locusts

1 X Y
Plague of Locusts
3 8 11 12 14


2 A B
2 15 16 18 19

Grasping Hands

3 B A
Grasping Hands
1 4 6 7 10

Death Gaze

4 Y X
Death Gaze
5 9 13 17 20
Plague of Locusts
3 8 11 12 14

Plague of Locusts

1 X
A plague of locusts bellows forth from Anubis' mouth, smothering all enemies in the area and doing damage every .25s for 3s. Anubis is immune to knockback while channeling and moves at 50% speed.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 18 / 26 / 34 / 42 / 50 (+22% of your Magical Power)
Range: 35
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10s
2 15 16 18 19


2 A
Anubis fires a bandage projectile, mummifying and stunning his target.

Ability Type: Line, Stun
Stun Duration: 2s
Range: 70
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Grasping Hands
1 4 6 7 10

Grasping Hands

3 B
Anubis calls for help from the underworld as hands penetrate the ground and claw at his enemies, doing damage and slowing every 0.5s for 2s.

Ability Type: Circle, Slow, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (+35% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 25%
Range/Radius: 55/20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Death Gaze
5 9 13 17 20

Death Gaze

4 Y
Anubis focuses all of his energy into a piercing gaze, doing damage to all enemies in the path, every 0.1s for 3s.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+13% of your Magical Power)
Range: 70
Cost: 90
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


Welcome to my Anubis guide for Smite! Here I will show you how I play Anubis, what I buy, and why I do all of this. Anubis can be one of the most powerful gods in the game, and has strong potential early, mid, and late game.

This is a guide on how to play Anubis in the mid lane, as I almost exclusively play him there.

Pros / Cons

  • Extremely high damage all game
  • Good minion clearing
  • Great area of effect damage
  • Very squishy
  • No escapes
  • Can be mana hungry if not played correctly
  • 2 of his abilities he is rooted for the duration



His passive is very effective early game, but it's usefulness drops off very quickly. The amount of protections taken totals to 21, which early game, makes him do near true damage, unless they are building magical protection as their first item. This isn't really something you need to worry about though, because it is very rare for anyone besides a tank to go for early armor, and tanks are more than rare to see play mid lane.
Once the game progresses a little bit though, 21 protections become very insignificant, and his passive becomes inconsequential.

Plague of Locusts

This ability isn't very useful in early game, unless the enemy mid player is incompetent. When using it, it gives them a window to harass you while you aren't moving. This is more damaging than his Grasping Hands, but is less safe to use. I level this up second, because by now I need an ability to use in my combo if my Death Gaze is down, and this is very powerful. If Anubis is even the slightest bit ahead in levels, Plague of Locusts with Grasping Hands will simply melt enemy gods.


This ability is the key to Anubis' combo. It maximizes the time an enemy is stuck in his Grasping Hands, Plague of Locusts, and/or Death Gaze. Mummify can be a very difficult skillshot to hit, and takes some practice to master, but placing Grasping Hands below an enemy (who doesn't have an escape) will make it easier because of the slow Grasping Hands applies.

Grasping Hands

This ability is the backbone of Anubis' massive damage. In both ability combos I will describe, this is placed underneath the enemy to damage them while also using Plague of Locusts or Death Gaze. It can be used to slow an enemy to make Mummify easier to hit, but I would only recommend this if the enemy god does not have an escape. This way, you wont scare them out of your reach by placing grasping hands below them. I level this ability up first because of it's excellent harassment potential, wave clearing, and killing power.

Death Gaze

This is Anubis' most damaging ability, or his ultimate ability. Use this in a combo if the enemy has a decent amount of health at the beginning of the combo, or if the enemy has magical armor. If they can be dealt with through the use of Mummify, Grasping Hands, and Plague of Locusts alone, don't waste this. This can also be used to save him from any kind of CC (crowd control), as he is immune to CC for the duration of his ultimate. I would recommend getting Purification Beads if there is some kind of CC requiring a counter, but if they are on cooldown, you could use this to save yourself from a devastating ultimate from Ares, or Fenrir. He is not immune to damage however, so be careful when using this, as you are rooted in place for it's duration. It's long range can also be helpful in killing an escaping enemy who has very low health, and can't be caught any other way.


Book of Thoth

Cost: 3000
Mana: 125
MP5: 15
Magical Power: 100
PASSIVE: You permanently gain 10 mana per stack, and receive 5 stacks for a god kill and 1 stack for a minion kill (max 75 stacks). Additionally, 3% of your mana is converted to magical power.

I also start the game off with the first tier of Book of Thoth. The extra MP5 and mana will help me stay in the lane longer, and when it is completed it gives a nice boost to magical power.

Shoes of Focus

Cost: 1875
Magical Power: 50
Mana: 250
PASSIVE: +18% Movement Speed. (Speed does not stack with other boots). You gain +15% Cooldown Reduction.

After completing Book of Thoth I finish Shoes with Shoes of Focus. The cooldown reduction is very helpful on Anubis because of the lengthy timers on all his abilities, thus reducing the number of times you will be caught with no abilities.

Bancroft's Talon

Cost: 2400
Magical Power: 100
Magical Lifesteal: 12%
PASSIVE: You gain 1 additional magical power per 1% of your missing health.

By now I am going to be engaging the enemy in some way or another, and the 12% magical lifesteal this grants may not seem like much, especially if you are used to playing physical carries, but with Anubis' massive damage, you will regenerate a generous amount of health. Not only does this give lifesteal though, the 100 magical power is great, as well as the extra power for missing health.

Rod of Tahuti

Cost: 3320
Magical Power: 125
MP5: 15
PASSIVE: Increases magical power by 25%.

Rod of Tahuti is a must have on almost any magical damage character. It's 25% increase to magical power is massive, as well as the 125 magical power it grants. This item is next because by now I have enough magical power to warrant the % based increase this item gives, and I should also be racking in enough gold to cover it's rather high cost.

Spear of the Magus

Cost: 2150
Magical Power: 40
Magical Penetration: 15
PASSIVE: Enemies hit by your damaging abilities have their magical protection reduced by 10 and an additional 10% for 5 seconds (maximum 2 stacks).

After I have completed my Rod of Tahuti, I need to do something about the pesky protections the enemy will likely be building. Spear of the Magus is a very effective penetration item, especially on gods with ticking abilities, such as [[Anubis], and the extra magical power doesn't hurt either.

Hide of the Urchin

Cost: 2500
Physical Protection: 45
Magical Protection: 45
Health: 250
Mana: 250
PASSIVE: You gain +2 protections for each god kill or assist (max 10 stacks).

Now you're probably thinking "Doctor, you're crazy! Why would you ever want to build this item as a mage?", but hear me out. As you probably know, 2 of Anubis' 3 abilities are channeling abilities, allowing the enemy to unleash as much fury on me as they like. At this point in the game, teamfights should definitely be breaking out, so kills/assists should be abundant, allowing me to quickly stack up the passive. You would be surprised at the difference this item makes, it really helps Anubis unleash his abilities without getting punished as hard.

Situational item

The Hide of the Urchin can also be switched out for a more situational item. If the enemy is stacking heavy magical protection, an Obsidian Shard might be more helpful, where if the enemy is all physical damage, a Breastplate of Valor might be more useful.


Combat Blink

Cost: 900
Using this item will allow you to teleport short distances instantly, even when in combat.
Cooldown: 180s

Combat Blink is a must have on Anubis, and I buy it every game I play as him because he, like many mages, has no escapes, and can be destroyed by Odin's ult, for example. While the cooldown on this is very long (180 seconds), if you play Anubis right, you shouldn't be caught in a situation requiring an escape more often than that 3 minutes.

Purification Beads

Cost: 900
Using this item removes crowd control effects and makes you immune for 3s. This also reduces all god cooldowns by 5 seconds.
Cooldown: 90s

If the enemy team is stacked with gods like Ares or Hun Batz, with devastating CC, then I would recommend Purification Beads. I would also choose them if there is an at least semi-competent Fenrir on the enemy team, as he will know to focus you with his ultimate, which is an almost certain death. The cooldown on Purification Beads is 90 seconds, allowing you to negate the CC of one god's ultimate as often as they can use it. Purification beads also works well in conjunction with Combat Blink, as they can be used to remove cripples that would otherwise prevent Combat Blink from being used.

Aegis Amulet

Cost: 900
Using this item makes you invulnerable to damage for 2s, preventing you from taking action. After the invulnerability fades, you gain a 20% damage reduction buff for 4s. This can be used even while under the effects of crowd-control.
Cooldown: 120s

If the enemy team is stacked with gods that have very high instant damage ultimates, such as Ao Kuang, He Bo, Neith, Poseidon, Ymir, e.t.c., I would go with an Aegis Amulet. You could use an Aegis Amulet for the same purpose as the Purification Beads, but the cooldown is 120 seconds, making it less effective for protecting against CC.


Healing Potion

This consumable heals 250 health over 25 seconds.
These are used to heal yourself after taking harassment from gods or minions, and help sustain your health. I start the game with 4 Healing Potions to help sustain me until I can finish my Book of Thoth.

Mana Potion

This consumable heals 150 mana over 25 seconds.
These are used to restore mana, allowing you to continue to use abilities while in lane. I start the game with 5 Mana Potions to help sustain me until I can finish my Book of Thoth.

Elixir of Power

This consumable increases your magic and physical power by 25% for 5 minutes or until you are killed.
Once you have completed all your items, and no longer need gold for them, think about saving up for an Elixir of Power. It's very expensive, but also very powerful. 25% is a massive buff, and will put you well ahead of everyone else. After you have bought one though, you may want to play more carefully. You wouldn't want to lose your 3000 gold after a 20 seconds and a silly mistake.

Potion of Magicial Might

This consumable increases your magical power by 50 for 5 minutes or until you are killed.
If you cant afford the 3000 gold yet, buy a Potion of Magical Might, every little bit helps. The extra 50 power will also be increased by your Rod of Tahuti, turning it into 62.5 power.


Early game - Levels 1-6
  • Hang behind your minions, try to avoid fighting the other god if they have a minion advantage
  • You can hit the whole wave with Grasping Hands, if you place it properly
  • When trying to kill a god with an escape, Mummify into Grasping Hands into Death Gaze.
  • When trying to kill a god without an escape, placing Grasping Hands underneath them can make Mummify easier to land
Mid game - Levels 7-12
  • Play safe, try to farm as much and often as possible. Help your jungler with the side camps, or take them yourself if your jungler wont.
  • If the other mid laner leaves, you can either follow them and try to kill them, or push your lane. Always do one of the 2.
  • Use the VGS system to call when an enemy is missing (VF1/2/3), or when an enemy is heading towards a lane (VI1/2/3).
  • If you die, play safe. Anubis is just as strong late game as he is early/mid game.

Late game - Levels 13-20
  • By now teamfights should be breaking out, and you need to be present for these, as you're a large portion of your team's damage.
  • Avoid ganking alone. Use your judgement and common sense, be aware of where enemies and teammates are.
  • By now your Plague of Locusts and Grasping Hands alone should be enough to kill most carries and mages, don't unnecessarily use Death Gaze.
All game, every game
  • Don't be greedy. Greed is almost always, and should always be punished.
  • Play safe, but don't be afraid to take opportunities you are given.
  • You are a mage. You are very squishy. You have no escapes (until you have Combat Blink). Remember this.
  • Help your teammates if they are struggling. If you see the enemies diving your tier 2 tower for a kill on your ADC, go punish them for their greed.


Damage Buff

Go for the red buff as often as possible. Every time you see the red buff up in your jungle, grab it at the first chance you get, but please, never steal buffs from your teammates. That is one of the quickest ways to cause a fallout in teamwork, and your team will crumble. Don't just get your red buff though, if you happen to be in the enemy team's jungle, and you know you have time to get it uninterrupted, take it!

Speed buff

This buff isn't one you should be taking. Early game, it's generally the jungler's buff, and late game it's much better suited to a hunter or assassin, or basic attack mage. If you find it on the ground, and nobody is going to take it, it wont hurt you, but don't go out of your way to kill this buff, unless of course you happen to find yourself in the enemy jungle, and believe you have adequate time to kill/steal it safely. It can help with survivability, because of the movement speed increase, but it won't really help your damage output.

Blue buff

This buff is generally to be left for the solo/duo lanes. With proper mana conservation, you shouldn't need a blue buff to stay in lane, but if all other buffs are down, and nobody else is taking it, taking it isn't a bad idea. If you find yourself in the enemy jungle, and feel you have time to do so, killing/stealing the enemy's blue buff isn't a bad idea either.


Maximum potential

While this build may seem as if it lacks damage, believe me, it does not. Anubis melts through any god that dares to stand up against him, and this build only magnifies that. The penetration, raw damage, and durability of this build is unmatched.

Don't follow this guide

I know that you just read this guide, and your probably sweating in anticipation of trying this amazing setup, but I beg you, please don't use this. I really don't want to have to deal with anybody actually playing Anubis. I didn't write this to make my games harder, so please, go outside until you forget you read anything.


Please, feel free to comment and tell my anything you think could be improved about my guide or build. If you feel anything isn't explained well, please let me know, and I will try to find a better way to explain it.

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Subzero008 (112) | January 5, 2014 12:21am


Um, you put six items in the build, but later you talk about the sixth item being up to you. Seems like an error.

I think a good idea is if you put some kind of disclaimer saying that there is room for another item after/before/instead of Bancroft's Talon, perhaps for a Void Stone or Breastplate of Valor. After all flexibility is a good thing, right?

The build itself seems weird, but I guess it could work.

Item Explanations

Pretty good. I don't see any problems here.

Skill Explanations

All good. Anubis is pretty simple, so I don't expect an essay.


The general tips for each level are nice, but some tips are kind of vague, like "farm hard," or too generic, like "Use the VGS system."

I think this part can be improved if you put a section on his role in teamfights.


Good and clear BBC coding, Pros and Cons are good, and I like the small section on buffs, although I feel like you underestimate the survivability value of the orange buff.

I am rather confused about the part that tells you not to use this, though.


I like it. A good and quality guide all around, and it's a shame it has zero votes. Seriously, people need to vote more. It could use some expansion on the gameplay, but you put something at least.

I'll upvote. I hope you'll be expanding this.
Jordenito (66) | January 3, 2014 11:55pm
Your build is very liniar.
couple of things:

I'd suggest putting some situational items section. For example, beastplate of valor is an extremely good pick against heavy hitting physical gods. Another one could be Divine Ruin against heavy healers. Also, active items. They are extremely important, and Anubis is one of the gods who can't survive against enemies with at least have a brain without actives. I know you put some in your items section but you should also but in your build up top.

Your build is a stack city. Now, ultimately, it's not bad, needless to say, Anubis has a very good wave clear ability. But this build means that you will peak only late game. And sometimes you want dominance early-mid game already. I'd suggest putting another build without the amount of stacks.

Your build also lacks penetration. And yes, I'm aware that Anubis has built in penetration thanks to his pasive Sorrow but that's only 21 magical penetration at most and late game, if people build magical protection, which they will do if they aren't stupid, they are going to cut your damage in half. I'd reommend replacing some of your items with Spear of the Magus as it fits Anubis because all of his abilities tick a lot.

I wouldn't like to upvote nor downvote, but I do think that you should tweak your guide.
Also, while your BBcoding isn't bad, but you could make your guied a little bit more esthetic. I'm not saying it's ugly, but you can do better.

The rest of the build, the skills and fighting and rotation is ok.
Hope I helped you.
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The Doctor's advice - Anubis
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