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The Morrigan, Phantom Queen - S4 Joust Build

0 0 37,493
by MarshalAV updated March 2, 2017

Smite God: The Morrigan

Build Guide Discussion 19 More Guides
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The Morrigan Build

Core Build (Boots can be either Boot)

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Any of these can be 5th and 6th.

Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant

Example (My main one):

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff

The Morrigan's Skill Order

Deadly Aspects

1 X Y
Deadly Aspects
2 4 6 7 10

Dark Omen

2 A B
Dark Omen
1 8 11 12 14


3 B A
3 15 16 18 19


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
Deadly Aspects
2 4 6 7 10

Deadly Aspects

1 X
When activated, The Morrigan begins combining the power from all three of her forms. When activated again, they simultaneously damage and stun enemies in front of them. Jungle Camps take an extra +15% damage.

Ability Type: Charge Up
Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Stun Duration: 1s
Range: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Dark Omen
1 8 11 12 14

Dark Omen

2 A
Morrigan launches a wave of dark magic at her enemies that deals damage, deals bonus damage to minions, and Dooming them for 8 seconds. Doomed enemies will take bonus damage the next time they are hit by one of The Morrigan's damaging abilities, including her passive ability.

Ability Type: Projectile
Initial Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Minion Bonus Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+20% of your Magical Power)
God Bonus Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Range: 70
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 7s
3 15 16 18 19


3 B
The Morrigan creates a phantom of herself while becoming stealthed and increasing her Movement Speed. The phantom runs to the targeted area, deals no damage, and will die if it takes any damage. If the Morrigan attacks or takes damage, she will be revealed and lose her increased Movement Speed.

Ability Type: Stealth
Movement Speed: 30 / 32.5 / 35 / 37.5 / 40%
Duration: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Range: 80
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
The Morrigan selects a God from the current match and becomes a copy of them. She copies all of their current stats and may use all of their abilities for the duration. She retains her own Relics and cannot use Consumables.

The Rank of her abilities will transfer to the skills of the god she copies. This ability's cooldown will be increased to match the target God's ultimate if she uses it while transformed.

Ability Type: Transform
Duration: 10s
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 140 / 130 / 120 / 110 / 100s

Performance Report

The Morrigan is an insanely fun god to play.

My first few games I had no clue what to run, and performed rather poorly. However, about 20 something games ago as of now, I started using this build... and let me just say, it is magical (pun not intended).

Since then, I have played 22 games. Only 5 of them were losses, and I was still performing greatly in those matches (except for one).

If you want to know exactly:
K/D/A - W/L - Length
4/0/5 - Win - 13:31
20/4/12 - Win - 28:59
5/0/12 - Win - 12:17
8/6/9 - Loss - 26:02 (This match was not me or my friends fault. We tried the best we could, but we had a Thor in the game who was just trying to get an achievement the whole time so he ended up feeding a lot.)
16/1/8 - Win - 21:19
7/6/8 - Loss - 20:40 (Not anyone's fault in particular. I didn't perform too well, and our Nemesis fed the enemy a bit early on.)
14/6/5 - Loss - 25:54 (Had a greedy Apollo, but there was probably more I could've done.)
6/0/3 - Win - 10:24
3/0/11 - Win - 10:28 (Had a very good Apollo on the team this round.)
10/3/8 - Win - 18:43
9/7/7 - Loss - 19:51
9/2/15 - Win - 16:13
3/5/0 - Loss - 12:29 (Result of my poor performance.)
8/1/9 - Win - 14:33
4/0/7 - Win - 15:10
13/2/5 - Win - 19:56
14/3/7 - Win - 17:31
8/0/9 - Win - 10:01
4/5/5 - Win - 22:55 (Did badly this game. Probably used all my focus on the previous match lol.)
15/0/13 - Win - 13:43
5/0/8 - Win - 13:05
13/2/9 - Win - 19:25

So this data was using this build.

Compare this to when I wasn't using the build (Note: I can't see them, bringing them up based on what I remember. I can only 100% confirm the 0/13):
0/13/? - Yes, that bad.
3/9/? - Not great.
...and some other bad play.

So, as you can see, the performance has drastically spiked. I don't know whether it was a sudden burst in my skill with her, or just this amazing build. But I can tell you it works. So I suggest you try it.

Ability Info

Move info:

Her passive is pretty cool. Third shot in a basic chain basically shoots an exploding projectile that will apply DoT to enemies that will total up to 9% of their Max HP. A lot of times I've had kills that I never even thought would happen because of it.

Her 1 is a powerful ability that stuns, and later on will deal massive damage.
Be careful, as if you don't have it 'prepared' it takes a second to get ready, and when you activate it it will take a split second for the attack to actually happen. Use this to save allies, set-up a finisher with your 2 and a Poly-shot, etc. This is your main source of burst.

Her 2 is a good wave clear ability with some poking to it. Biggest thing about it is Omen, an effect that is applied to Gods that will inflict damage the next time they take damage from an ability. This can be your Passive, your abilities, abilities used while transformed, and abilities by teammates. Keep in mind, this is only abilities that deal damage. But, it's still some good damage. It can be a good idea to hit them with a 2 before your 1 if you can, that way when you hit them with your 1 it's almost like two sets of 2 damage combined with the 1, then hit them with a Poly basic. The damage is real. Also, If you are going to use your 4 to transform to deal damage, see if you can land a 2 on an enemy or two before doing so. That way, there is quicker kill-time, which means they may be killed when they otherwise wouldn't have been, or kill them fast enough so that you don't die.

Her 3 is a unique ability. Don't just cast this wherever, as it can be a very effective tool... either for siking the enemy out, getting away, setting up a 1, etc. In short, doing stupid things like sending the decoy straight out to them to try and bait a move won't work, unless they are just that dull. Also, keep in mind that the decoy travels in a straight line. Try to avoid moving around while you are standing still, or doing anything like that. The reasoning behind this is it can really give away whether it's a decoy or not.

Her 4... the most Uniquely (technically) un-unique ability. An ability with infinite possibilities. All you have to know is save it. It can be a complete game changer, whether it's pulling off a Double-Kill with a Janus snipe, killing pesky Ra with his own Ult, using the ever-so-skillful Neith Ult to secure a kill... and it's not just about damage and killing, REMEMBER. Do they have an Ares, Hades, or some other person that would be great in a teamfight? DO THAT INSTEAD. Don't always worry about damage. Worry about your team as well.

Early Game

Early Game you won't have the burst you do later on. At this point, it's best to just kill minions as much as you can.

If you have teammates, remember, there are several things you can do.
Your 1 still does a bit of damage, AND it stuns. Is your teammate in trouble? Hit the pursuer with a 1, it can easily save their life (this applies at any time in the game). The 1 obviously doesn't hit like a pebble, but it's not the late game truck it becomes yet. So, don't just charge the enemy and try to land the 1. Chances are, you are going to die. If you don't die, then getting the kill is just as likely as you surviving that reckless encounter. If they are really low enough for there to be a kill, don't charge with the 1. Instead, hit them with the 2 if you can, and see if that kills them.

Your 2 is going to be used to hit the waves of minions, and poke the enemies a bit. Be aware of the Omen effect, as it can confirm a kill that otherwise wouldn't be had.

Your 3 for now should only be used to either escape or sike out foes. You could be a little risky and use it to get close and set-up a fight with your 1, but still, not the best idea. Remember: YOUR 1 DOES NOT HIT HARD AT THE MOMENT.

Using your Ult is really just dependent on the situation.


I would consider this to be the time you pick up Tahuti, as the time to get the first three items isn't that long. You should have in under 8 minutes, if not less. So, this is the time when the damage really comes online. If you are ahead, this even means you might be able to start bursting people down.

In short; play cautious, but swoop in when you can and getting kills will be easy. Just be sure you don't try to take on some super-tank, or someone who can very easily kill you faster than you can even touch their booty with your 1.

Really there isn't much to explain. Pick your fights, and you'll be fine.

Late Game

This I would consider a match that lasts beyond 15 minutes, if it ever even makes it there.

Same rules kinda apply as the above, but by now you have something like Soul Reaver and Ethereal Staff. Your damage at this point will be insane, and often a simple 1 then a basic will be enough to secure a kill.

I realize now that the chapters past like Early are kinda bad. That's cause right now I'm really wanting to hop into another match. So, hopefully you can pick this build up, and rock the world with some MORRIGAN!

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newbiemj (12) | March 3, 2017 7:08am
Hey there MarshalAV. Those are some pretty good games with The Morrigan, so the build definitely works for you. I will give it a try as well sometime and see how I fare with it. I am sure the damage output is pretty incredible. I have something similar to yours: Pen boots, Hide of the Urchin Book of Thoth Polynomicon Spear of the Magus Rod of Tahuti, but recently went full damage and took out Hide of the Urchin and put in ethereal spear and did a fair amount of damage with it. I did die a few more times than usual because she is pretty squishy and no escape... got bursted down by Loki and Mercury in a joust match.

A couple of questions though. I know you have it as options but do you think you would exchange an item out and put in a penetration item for your main build? Or do you think the passives from Polynomicon Ethereal Staff and Soul Reaver would counteract the lack of penetration in your normal build? I just could see some issue with heavy protection guardians/ warriors but definitely have enough power to do damage to everyone else.

Lastly, have you considered a defensive item like Hide of the Urchin or something in the same tree spirit robes Mantle of Discord? I usually get Urchin second item, it does make your early game even weaker than it already is, but you can survive a lot more.

Otherwise, the build seems pretty good to me, as long as you aren't getting ganged up on or bursted down since she is pretty squishy and lacks a true escape. I'm not sure how the lack of penetration affects damage output, but I think the passives from Poly, Ethereal and Soul Reaver would make it less noticeable. I will let you know how I fare with it.
newbiemj (12) | March 6, 2017 8:06am
Follow up to my previous response.
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 6, 2017 10:10am
Pretty cool you did this, newb.

I had one thought that I wanted to express, and it's regarding Ethereal Staff. In PTS before S4 hit, it had no CD on the passive. Then it had a 3 second, and then I think it was changed to 10 seconds (there might have been a 5 second adjustment in-between).

In any case, I want to put something in perspective with this as a damage dealer. The 5% is magical damage, not true damage, so it's not directly comparable to Soul Reaver. Granted, it has a shorter CD, but if you want the closest comparison, it would be Qin's Sais. However, Qin's, for physical gods, does 4% as physical damage (close to the same %), but has 0 cooldown, activating with EACH basic attack that connects. 4% vs 5%, not the biggest difference, but 10 second the end, this really isn't much at all. The only way I see this being an effective damage item is for a tankier god that is going to continue in a teamfight for elongated periods of time...meaning a Guardian (not the greatest use), or a tanky mage (e.g. Hades, Zhong Kui, etc.), though I still think there are probably better items than this.

So...with that comparison out of the way (arguing it's not really a great passive for dealing damage), it would have to be a consideration of price and the rest of the stats that would make the item as a whole functional. 90 power is good, 200 health is okay, 20% CC reduction isn't bad...but for 2,700 gold? That's a bit steep, in my opinion. If they reverted the health to late S3 value (300 or 400 health, I think), and maybe gave it back the mana it provided, then yes, it would be a better item...or they took the CD back down to 3 seconds on the passive, maybe.

Anyway, in most cases, you're looking for burst damage...and Soul Reaver is going to be the better item for that, due to the higher %, as well as being true damage. I see that being best for Ao Kuang, since it can more quickly get his target to the execute threshold, but can still be functional for others. Sure, the CD is way higher, but if you take any damage, one encounter is going to be mostly what you can take before you have to back off and heal up some.

And if you mix Reaver and Ethereal, I think it takes up too much of the build where you have to sacrifice something else that's possibly more important. Shoes, Pen, Tahuti, Poly and Reaver seem to be consensus here as possibly core preferred that last slot is important for situational function.
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MarshalAV | March 2, 2017 2:29pm
I meant for this to be a build, but screw it. Whatever.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MarshalAV
The Morrigan, Phantom Queen - S4 Joust Build
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