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The Path to Justice

22 2 35,925
by tyrr updated September 13, 2021

Smite God: Tyr

Build Guide Discussion 12 More Guides
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Tyr Build

Mask Start - Physical

Notes These items are a great beginner set for Tyr. This is not a build you'll see success with all of the time, and the mask strategy may go out of meta soon, since it just received a nerf, but if you are going up against a physical solo laner and are new to Tyr, this is a build that will serve you well until you get better. Cooldown. Is. Key. You NEED cooldown on Tyr. The Sledge will help you get more protections, and also deal a lot of damage to enemy Gods in the process. Pridwen helps a lot with you already huge survival, since when you ult, you get a shield. This is an awesome beginner build for Tyr. It's very simple.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.

Gaia is also included as an interchangeable item with pridwen in my opinion if their team is knock up heavy.


These items are a great beginner set for Tyr. This is not a build you'll see success with all of the time, and the mask strategy may go out of meta soon, since it just received a nerf, but if you are going up against a physical solo laner and are new to Tyr, this is a build that will serve you well until you get better. Cooldown. Is. Key. You NEED cooldown on Tyr. The Sledge will help you get more protections, and also deal a lot of damage to enemy Gods in the process. Pridwen helps a lot with you already huge survival, since when you ult, you get a shield. This is an awesome beginner build for Tyr. It's very simple.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.

Gaia is also included as an interchangeable item with pridwen in my opinion if their team is knock up heavy.

Build Item Fighter's Mask Fighter's Mask
Build Item Warrior's Axe Warrior's Axe
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Mask Start - Magical

Notes This is the same build as before, but this time with pest. This is again, another beginner Tyr build against magical starts. You need pest against most magicals now due to the vampiric shroud strats. You'll notice that this build does not have a lot of power, and that is because your threes upgrade passive will gift you the majority of your power that revolves around this build. Use it wisely, and just try to survive against the magical solo. You most likely won't be killing them until you get anti heal.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.

Gaia is also included as an interchangeable item with Genjis in my opinion if their team is knock up heavy.


This is the same build as before, but this time with pest. This is again, another beginner Tyr build against magical starts. You need pest against most magicals now due to the vampiric shroud strats. You'll notice that this build does not have a lot of power, and that is because your threes upgrade passive will gift you the majority of your power that revolves around this build. Use it wisely, and just try to survive against the magical solo. You most likely won't be killing them until you get anti heal.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.

Gaia is also included as an interchangeable item with Genjis in my opinion if their team is knock up heavy.

Build Item Fighter's Mask Fighter's Mask
Build Item Warrior's Axe Warrior's Axe
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Bluestone Start

Notes This build is not the best, but again, it's a beginner friendly bluestone start. Bluestone has gotten nerfed, which has caused Tyr to drop in this way of playing him. But, don't be fooled, it can still work. By not having Sundering Axe, this build makes you a little more squishy, which is where Mantle of Discord comes into play, helping you survive fights, and possibly turning them around.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.

Gaia is also included as an interchangeable item with mantle in my opinion if their team is knock up heavy.


This build is not the best, but again, it's a beginner friendly bluestone start. Bluestone has gotten nerfed, which has caused Tyr to drop in this way of playing him. But, don't be fooled, it can still work. By not having Sundering Axe, this build makes you a little more squishy, which is where Mantle of Discord comes into play, helping you survive fights, and possibly turning them around.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.

Gaia is also included as an interchangeable item with mantle in my opinion if their team is knock up heavy.

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

The Legendary Speed Tyr

Notes This is a legendary build. Speed Tyr is such an effective strategy to those who are good Tyr players, since it allows much faster positioning to get to the squishies on the enemy team. Not only that, it allows you to fight slow heavy comps very well due to Wing blades passive. Witchblade is also good to have in a meta that is so centered around bows and attack speed. Hide of the urchin if you can get is stacked will be of use to you and your squishiness.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.

You don't have to build Leather Cowl, but it is a very fun item to do with this build. Do NOT think this build will get you a lot of success if you do not know how to utilize Tyr and his kit properly. This is a more advanced Tyr build that requires much more mechanical skill than the others.


This is a legendary build. Speed Tyr is such an effective strategy to those who are good Tyr players, since it allows much faster positioning to get to the squishies on the enemy team. Not only that, it allows you to fight slow heavy comps very well due to Wing blades passive. Witchblade is also good to have in a meta that is so centered around bows and attack speed. Hide of the urchin if you can get is stacked will be of use to you and your squishiness.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.

You don't have to build Leather Cowl, but it is a very fun item to do with this build. Do NOT think this build will get you a lot of success if you do not know how to utilize Tyr and his kit properly. This is a more advanced Tyr build that requires much more mechanical skill than the others.

Build Item Leather Cowl Leather Cowl
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Counter to Crit

Notes I put three starter items here, since with the knowledge of the other builds, you should know that you can pick whichever start you want.

This build revolves around stopping crit, while also doing damage. When against crit comps, it's best to stay in their face and peel for your squishies while they do the damage for you. You can try to get a cc, burn some beads, but focus more on being a wall for your team. You have spectral for a reason.

This build has a lot of interchangeable items. So you can pick and choose to your liking. Relic dagger is highly recommended here, since blink is effective in taking out ADCs, and especially ones that have crit, since you can get them out of fights easily.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.

Gaia is also included as an interchangeable item with shifters in my opinion if their team is knock up heavy.


I put three starter items here, since with the knowledge of the other builds, you should know that you can pick whichever start you want.

This build revolves around stopping crit, while also doing damage. When against crit comps, it's best to stay in their face and peel for your squishies while they do the damage for you. You can try to get a cc, burn some beads, but focus more on being a wall for your team. You have spectral for a reason.

This build has a lot of interchangeable items. So you can pick and choose to your liking. Relic dagger is highly recommended here, since blink is effective in taking out ADCs, and especially ones that have crit, since you can get them out of fights easily.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.

Gaia is also included as an interchangeable item with shifters in my opinion if their team is knock up heavy.

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Warrior's Axe Warrior's Axe
Build Item Fighter's Mask Fighter's Mask
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Bruiser Tyr

Notes This build is mainly for people who are looking to do a lot of damage, and pick off squishes that are weaker against you. I do not recommend you building this if you are looking for success, this is more of an aggressive play style build, and one that has been nerfed quite a bit in the past. Just make sure that you understand how to play the character before trying to utilize builds like this.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.


This build is mainly for people who are looking to do a lot of damage, and pick off squishes that are weaker against you. I do not recommend you building this if you are looking for success, this is more of an aggressive play style build, and one that has been nerfed quite a bit in the past. Just make sure that you understand how to play the character before trying to utilize builds like this.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.

Build Item Warrior's Axe Warrior's Axe
Build Item Bluestone Brooch Bluestone Brooch
Build Item Fighter's Mask Fighter's Mask
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Ancile Ancile
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield
Build Item Caduceus Club Caduceus Club
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Tyr Support

Notes Tyr support is something that works quite well, so I recommend you try it out sometime. This build again has a lot of interchangeable items, but the main ones you want are sledge, spirit robe, and gauntlet.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.


Tyr support is something that works quite well, so I recommend you try it out sometime. This build again has a lot of interchangeable items, but the main ones you want are sledge, spirit robe, and gauntlet.

Any item that stacks with Tyr's unyielding passive can always be built in the right situation and you will see success. Just because I do not have them listed does not mean I do not know this. Build what you wish, I am not the best builder.

Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Tyr's Skill Order Notes Let's talk about our leveling guide here. Please note, this is just my personal preference. Once you get your power cleave and fearless leveled up, your change stance and your ultimate is mainly up to you in how you wish to level it.

A lot of you young justice givers out there may be thinking, why should I level up my power cleave instead of my fearless if my fearless does more damage? It's simple my friend, sustain and cooldown.

Damage is not what matter on the solo lane, it's about how long you can fight. How damage does matter, is how often you're able to put it out, and still fight with your minion wave. That being said, the power cleave ability has a shorter cooldown, and in your defense stance, can heal you for stacks up to three. That is why you need to upgrade the power cleave in order to play Tyr correctly on the solo lane. If you level your one, I suggest you stop, and try leveling the two for a game, see how well it goes for you.

Trust me. I've been doing this for a long time.


Let's talk about our leveling guide here. Please note, this is just my personal preference. Once you get your power cleave and fearless leveled up, your change stance and your ultimate is mainly up to you in how you wish to level it.

A lot of you young justice givers out there may be thinking, why should I level up my power cleave instead of my fearless if my fearless does more damage? It's simple my friend, sustain and cooldown.

Damage is not what matter on the solo lane, it's about how long you can fight. How damage does matter, is how often you're able to put it out, and still fight with your minion wave. That being said, the power cleave ability has a shorter cooldown, and in your defense stance, can heal you for stacks up to three. That is why you need to upgrade the power cleave in order to play Tyr correctly on the solo lane. If you level your one, I suggest you stop, and try leveling the two for a game, see how well it goes for you.

Trust me. I've been doing this for a long time.


1 X Y
2 4 8 11 12

Power Cleave

2 A B
Power Cleave
1 3 6 7 9

Change Stance

3 B A
Change Stance
13 14 15 16 17


4 Y X
5 10 18 19 20
2 4 8 11 12


1 X
Tyr charges forward, immune to Knockup, damaging enemies.

Assault Stance: Tyr pushes all enemies along with him, hitting them 2 times and knocking them up in the air.

Guard Stance: Tyr hits each enemy only once, passing through and knocking them up in the air.

Ability Type: Dash, Knockup, Damage
Assault Damage: 40 / 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 (+55% of your Physical Power)
Guard Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Range: 40
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 15 / 14.5 / 14 / 13.5 / 13s
Power Cleave
1 3 6 7 9

Power Cleave

2 A
Tyr makes a massive melee attack, hitting all enemies within a 180 degree cone.

Assault Stance: Enemies that are knocked up in the air are knocked away.

Guard Stance: Tyr heals himself for each enemy hit (max 3).

Ability Type: Area, Heal, Damage
Damage: 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+65% of your Physical Power)
Healing: 15 / 35 / 55 / 75 / 95
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8s
Change Stance
13 14 15 16 17

Change Stance

3 B
Tyr changes between Assault and Guard stances. Changing stances refreshes the cooldown on Fearless and Power Cleave. Tyr gains benefits depending on his current stance, and also gains half the benefits of the opposing stance.

Assault Stance: Gain Physical Power.

Guard Stance: Gain Protections.

Ability Type: Buff
Assault Stance: 12 / 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 Physical Power
Defense Stance: 12 / 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 Protections
Cooldown: 9s
5 10 18 19 20


4 Y
Tyr leaps through the air, bringing indiscriminate justice upon all enemies in the target area, and Slowing them with additional effects depending on what stance he is in.

Assault Stance: Deal additional damage.
Guard Stance: Stun enemies hit.

Ability Type: Leap
Assault Damage: 250 / 375 / 500 / 625 / 750 (+120 of your Physical Power)
Guard Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 (+120% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 30%
Slow Duration: 3s
Guard Stun: 1.5s
Radius: 25
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s

Tyr Threats

Tap each threat level to view Tyr’s threats


Tyr Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Tyr’s synergies


Introduction to Law

Welcome to a full, complete guide of the warrior Tyr, starting with the basics, and ending with the more advanced ways of playing this God. Tyr is a warrior in Smite, who has the main strength of being able to control the enemy team with his large cc abilities. Being a beads burner character, Tyr can quickly dispatch of squishies if they do not respect his fearless by using their relics. This can set up for some reasonable kills with your jungle, or your mage. For starters, this is my first guide, and well, probably my only guide. I'm making this because I have around 200 hours on the God of Justice, and I see a lot of other Tyrs making mistakes and having a rough time with him. Before going forward, I will explain a few things below:

- Tyr is a god that relies on healing in order to stay in the fight on lane against many matchups, if you hate healing Gods, Tyr is not for you.
- Tyr is not an S tier God. He is average at best, doing one thing, but doing it very well. If you want to do very well in high level ranked play, Tyr may not be the best warrior for masters.
- Tyr is a god that mainly revolves around the starter item Bluestone, which has recently been nerfed by Hi Rez, but is being buffed again in the mere future. If you do not like bluestone gods, do not pick up Tyr.

With those facts out of the way, let us discuss the basics.

The Basics of Law

As said before, Tyr is a warrior that focuses on being able to apply pressure through cc and relic burning. Tyr's main source of damage is his fearless ability, and his power cleave. While Tyr only has two abilities, he can stance switch with his third ability, and use the same abilities again, but with different effects. Let's go over what each ability does below.

Fearless (Attack)
Fearless is a dash ability that can push a God into mid air, hitting them twice before letting them free in the air. This is what fearless does in his attack stance, and is the main source of damage you will see when playing him.

Fearless (Defense)
The fearless ability in his defense stance is also a dash, however, instead of catching them into a cc chain of two hits, you instead knock them up once. The dash does not end when you knock them up, you will continue to move at the same speed for a small window afterwards. You will use this fearless usually to finish off enemy Gods at low health, or to get away from a fight at low health.

Power Cleave (Attack)
The power cleave ability is what you will use to maximize your damage with your fearless combo. Once catching an enemy God in your fearless dash, you will then use the power cleave to knock the enemy into the air just a tad bit more while in your attack stance. Power cleave can be used to finish off enemies, not just combo with your fearless, remember that.

Power Cleave (Defense)
The power cleave ability in your defense stance however, functions very differently. This is what you will use to stay in the fight, and keep pressure on the enemy team. This ability will heal you when you hit an opponent, or a minion. Keep in mind, when Season 8 was released, healing was changed, so in order to get the full healing out of this ability, make sure you are in combat with another god if possible. The strength of this ability is not from hitting one enemy god with it, but hitting multiple, and, usually, the minion wave along with it. The healing will stack at three stacks, healing you for a very good amount. What makes his healing strong, is that it's instant. There's no delay like Hercules, where you have to fight in order to get more health back essentially.

Change Stance (Ability 3)
The change stance ability may seem like it's worthless, however it is one of Tyr's most important abilities. Like most stance changing Gods, this ability will give you a passive effect upon leveling it up. Unlike most stance changing Gods however, this ability when leveled up changes the way Tyr performs quite drastically. When leveling the ability up, you get a bonus power while in attack stance in this order: 0/18/26/34/42/50, and when you are in defense stance, you get bonus protections, both magical and physical, in this order: 0/18/26/34/42/50, which is almost a free mantle of discord. This is huge, and allows Tyr to get away with a lot of funky builds.

Lawbringer (Ultimate)
Perhaps one of the most underrated ultimates in the game. Tyr's ult not only allows him to jump over walls, and traverse lanes with ease to catch opponents and squishies that are hiding in the backline, it also puts on a devastating three second slow. On top of the damage that it does, and the slow, it can be used through walls, and can be used to starts fights when your blink relic is down. To top it all off, this ultimate can save you from fights that you are going to die to, allowing you a quick escape, and can even be used to finish opponents off that have escaped through walls or have made distance on you. This ult can also be used to bait certain Gods' ults out, since you become cc immune in it.

Unyielding (Passive)
Again, like I said before, perhaps one of the most underrated passives in the game. Tyr's passive, unyielding, allows him to not be affected by stuns, taunts, intoxicate, and mesmerize effects for no longer than a second. Not only does this help Tyr and his kit drastically, it also stacks with other crowd control reduction effects, making stuns and such last less than a second. This passive is insane, and should not be something you take lightly. Use this to your advantage whenever you can, your opponent will most likely, if not always, underestimate the god you are playing as.

With the basics of Tyr's kit out of the way, let's move on to the intermediate knowledge of Tyr that you will need to know in order to play him to his full potential.

Blinking to Justice

Tyr is a God who relies heavily on a relic called blink. It's by far his best relic, similar to Hercules, he needs it in order to properly set up his combo to output damage. There is never a game, even when I am Tyr support, that I do not buy blink. When I first began playing Tyr, I was able to wait till level twelve to buy blink, because of my patience. However, as you get better, I recommend always buying blink on this God. It's simply, too good.

Situations that you will need blink in are almost every team fight. Upgrading blink early on, may not be a bad idea. Blinking behind a God, and pushing them into your tower is your greatest strength on lane. Use this to your advantage, enemies will always underestimate a low health Tyr, thinking they're safe to stay on your lane and flaunt their victory over you with their minion wave. Do not let them stroke their ego in front of you, blink behind them, and push them into your tower. If they somehow kill you, they will most likely, is not always, die with you.

Outside of lane, Tyr needs his blink relic to blink onto squishies that are hiding behind the backline, and push them out towards your team so they can confirm the kill. If the squishy refuses to beads, then they will die. If they beads, they will have no beads up for you next combo, or for your teams kits.

With the last paragraph in mind, Tyr is a team focused God. He needs his team to follow up on his blink relic combos late game, they have to help you confirm the kill.

This is not an easy thing to get used to, and you will miss blink combos sometimes. I still do, even with around 220 hours on the God. It happens. And if you're just learning him, it will happen a lot. It's hard to get used to, but when you do, I promise, you will feel satisfied.

The Lawbringers Art of War

I will let you in on a secret, my young Tyr player. Tyr can cancel his fearless by using his power cleave in the middle of his fearless dash. This is one of his most effective tools, that no one seems to do when they play Tyr. Most notable in his defense stance, if you use your fearless, and then press your power cleave activation key, you will cancel your fearless early, still doing the damage and knocking them up if you hit them with your fearless, but cancelling the animation early, and allowing for faster damage from your power cleave. This can be used to get healing faster from minions in your defense stance, and even to confirm a kill extremely fast without having to swap stances, ult, or use your relic.

This does not just have it's perks in your defense stance, it can also be used in your attack stance. If you fearless and miss, and are about to fearless your way into a tower, press the power cleave activation key, and you will stop in your tracks, power cleave, but not go into the tower. It can be used as an emergency brake, something that has saved me multiple times when I make the mistake of playing too aggressive. Not only this, it can be used to confirm a kill faster, as mentioned before, by only using one fearless proc in your attack stance, cancelling it early, and power cleaving them to death

This does not just apply to fights, either. You can use this tactic to get totem faster, to clear camps faster, to get objectives faster. It's a very very very powerful tool, because the enemy will never see it coming. Learn it, adapt to it, learn how to curve your way into them with your power cleave, and kill them with this tactic. It will not let you down.

Law of the Lane

Think of this as a bonus chapter. This is just some simple tips to help you when you are first learning Tyr on the solo lane. First thing is first, always start with your two as mentioned earlier. It has a shorter cooldown, and while it may do less damage, you do not make a mess of your buff. You can clear it in a calm and patient way, without using too much mana. Once you arrive at lane, take note of Tyr's auto attack chain, how it works, how fast the autos are dished out, and how much damage that they do. You will be relying on your autos for the first couple minutes of the game, like any warrior. Once you hit level two, this is where things begin to take a turn for Tyr.

Hitting level two is an instant wave of stress for your opponent. He is an extreme force to be reckon with at level two, the fearless combo hurts most solo laners a lot. you need to learn how to properly turn quickly, and up your reaction time, to not only hit the enemy solo laner and the wave, but do it in a way where they do not expect it. Most warriors focus on the minions, which is something that you will have to do as well. But thanks to your massive cc chain and your insane damage early game, you can clear the wave faster than most warriors, and not only that, you can damage them too if you position yourself correctly. This is huge, since the art of Solo Lane is clearing wave faster than the enemy. You take that power away from the enemy solo laner, and you have won the early game.

Totem of Justice

Tyr's totem clear is not the best, which may be an issue at times, since Tyr is a rather mana hungry God in the early game. What you need to understand, is that it's not as bad as you may think. Many Tyr players think that it's only possible to hit Totem of Ku in your defense stance. They are wrong. Positioning is key here, since you can allow yourself to hit the Totem of Ku while using the attack fearless, hitting it for one tick of damage. You can then use the previous art I have explained to cancel the dash early, and use your power cleave to clear it even faster. You may be thinking this isn't as important. Trust me. You will need it against certain matchups, and getting totem helps your team in ways you may think don't matter, but really do.

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NewJor-g1495 | February 14, 2022 8:48am
Hi, I was starting to play Tyr in the Solo and foud your guide (maybe its time for an update on the build hahaha) but what Suprpised me the most was that I find a guide that was so dedicated to a god,that I really enjoyed reading it. And I was kind inspired by your work so I decided to create an account just for leaving this comment and maybe start making guides too for some gods I think I mastered.
Big Damage (37) | February 15, 2022 6:25am
If you need a cookie cutter Tyr build, try this one at the moment!

Bluestone Pendant ( Bluestone Brooch upgrade) > Breastplate of Determination > Gladiator's Shield / Relic Dagger > Bulwark of Hope / Pestilence > Hide of the Nemean Lion > Mantle of Discord

Relic dagger is a nice option for spamming blink fearless combos, or just stick with glad shield for better trades in lane. Pestilence over bulwark for antiheal.
tyrr | February 15, 2022 5:05am
Thanks man, glad I was able to inspire you to make better guides than I did.
I made this when I was very tired and very new to making posts on Smitefire, and this is actually the only thing I made on here, since I was on a huge hiatus from Smite, since the game was not enjoyable for me.
After reading this though, and seeing around 21,000 views, I will be making a new guide in the future with updated Season 9 builds and tips.
Thank you for your support. Kind words mean a lot to me, even if it's about Smite, and Tyr.
Stay safe.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 15, 2022 8:32am
Oh ****, he is still around! Looking forward to seeing a new guide!
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Branmuffin17 (401) | February 14, 2022 8:56am
Hey, this person hasn't been logged onto the site since October, so not sure they're coming back.

If you're looking for updated Season 9 builds for Tyr in the meantime, try Big Damage's builds:
Big Damage (37) | February 15, 2022 6:22am
Ahhhh I haven't updated that one yet!!!

I'm getting there slowly!!
Big Damage (37) | September 14, 2021 12:48pm
First of for feedback, I love all of the written content you have put in. Lots of good points on the "hows" and "whys" of things. Accurate threats and synergies, good write ups into abilities and combos instead of just copying the ability description like some people do. Can really feel that you put effort into how you wrote it. BUT. This is a biiig but...

I would say that there's a lot of improvement that could be made on the organisation and presentation of each build, like having way too many items in some of the lower builds while also just having big grey walls of text in the notes and written guide can be a bit hard on the eyes to read and off-putting to some people, even if the content is great.

As for the builds themselves:
  • The builds definitely overdo it with the amount of CDR in pretty much all of them. Usually just a Breastplate of Valor is fine early game as you have a blue buff giving you 10/20%, while there are definitely way more valuable items that Tyr can pick up instead of just focusing on CDR.
  • The Sledge is a fine item in general for early game, however I feel compared to other options for Tyr it isn't really necessary. The health and prots are kind of lackluster and the item falls off mid-late game.
  • Gladiator's Shield is an option I like on Tyr early if I'm going aggressive and I can pick up some more CDR in an item like Relic Dagger, Witchblade or Genji's Guard. Generally in a solo build you will have 2 or more physical prot items, but excluding Void Shield from one of those 2 slots is kind of criminal, you can do fine with only 30% CDR on Tyr so swapping that for Void is highly recommended.
  • Honestly on Tyr I would rather pick up more prots late game than Stone of Gaia. It is a fine situational item but in general late game you wont always need its passive to do your job compared to other situationals, a nice "fill" item I like is caduceus shield which gives a good balance of base stats and increases Tyr's sustain from his 2.
  • Besides the full speed build, I always pick up a Winged Blade (and often a Relic Dagger) in every game as it just makes my time much easier and then can bulk myself up with health and protections around those items to be super annoying, I understand the Leather Cowl for the movement speed however you really diminish your late game potential if you don't have a good starter upgrade like Sundering Axe. Overall besides the Cowl the speed build is usable.
  • Onto the Support build, it's quite solid, I would personally rush The Sledge and skip the Shifter's Shield completely so you can get more supportive items, maybe even a Blackthorn Hammer instead of The Sledge as you aren't getting any items with solid mana sustain.

For reference, here is a couple builds of how I would personally do Tyr for a cookie cutter on patch 8.9

Solo - (Axe/Mask nerf, Bluestone buff) Bluestone Pendant ( Bluestone Brooch at level 20) > Breastplate of Valor > Relic Dagger > Winged Blade > Void Shield > Bulwark of Hope

Support - Sentinel's Gift ( Sentinel's Embrace at level 20) > Blackthorn Hammer > Gauntlet of Thebes > Pridwen > Sovereignty > Winged Blade
tyrr | September 14, 2021 2:38pm
I agree 100%, the Cowl build is more for the laughs, I don't expect anyone to seriously use the cowl and expect good success from it, if you wanted to use the speed build you'd just change up the starter imo

The builds do go overboard with CDR usually, that is an issue, and for the most part, I'm not a very technical builder, I build what I like for the most part, this guide was mainly more focused on how to play Tyr rather than build him, since that is where I shine the most

I plan to make another Tyr guide in the future, since I literally didn't know how to actually use the site when I made this (lol), mainly in inserting pictures and such. That's why the text looks boring, since I didn't really know what I was doing, and didn't really want to focus on making it look pretty opposed to just making the guide. I'm making another guide on another God, and plan to make it look way better.

Some of the builds have a lot of items for the reason that I was adding more options for people to look at, I didn't really feel like making a bunch of builds since I was busy with something afterwards, so the end did get rushed a bit since the information I wanted to get out there pretty much was done, that being all of my tips on playing Tyr, and his synergies and such.

Thanks for the feedback though! Will 100% take it into consideration the next time I try one.
tyrr | September 13, 2021 6:04pm
Give me some feedback if you don't mind. This was my first ever guide.
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 14, 2021 10:24am
Hey Tyrr,

Welcome to the site (at least with regard to contribution)!

In reading through your writeup, it's clear you're very familiar with Tyr. While I don't play Tyr (pretty much at all) and I'm not a solo main, (oops *edit*) your builds need work. Biggie already commented on those builds, I hadn't looked at them too closely and realize you majorly overcapped CDR among other things, which is definitely an issue. I won't comment further on the builds since Biggie covered them well.

With that said, I have a couple of suggestions:
  • Your writeup is a wall of gray. There are some simple tools at the top that you can easily use to help emphasize titles or key words...bold, color, etc. It would help break up the monotony and make it more pleasant to read without being too time-consuming.

  • Your "counter to crit" section looks like a full build (and is when you read your notes) but also comes with a bunch of situational items. Rather than have a full build w/ a bunch of situationals in one huge listing (that can be confusing to someone just glancing), perhaps you could take out the build and just talk about situational items that can help, and where you might slot them into one of your base builds.

  • In your abilities writeup, I know you've kept it simple and that's fine if you want to keep it that way, but I would say some of the writeups are situationally incorrect...for example on Fearless (both Assault and Guard stances, in which I'd use these terms rather than "attack" and "defense"), you state basically what the ability explanation does. However, depending on what distance the enemy is when you start attacking, you might not hit them 2x in Assault, and you might not "continue to move at the same speed for a small window afterwards."

    You might go a bit more into the details of those, and you might also offer some tips on how to use the abilities as well as possible.
Anyway, appreciate your contribution, and hope you keep it up!
tyrr | September 14, 2021 2:44pm
Writeup is grey indeed, since this is actually my first time making a guide, so I'm still getting familiar with all of the tools, and didn't actually want to risk it making it look nice over the colorful presentation and such.

As for the abilities, I kept it simple since I wanted this to be able to be looked at from a new Tyr players perspective. Assault stance and guard stance, attack stance defense stance, doesn't really matter what you call it, since they mean the same thing for the most part, and it sounds more friendly. I'm not being a teacher or professor here, I'm just trying to be nice and explain things in a friendly manner.

And yeah the counter to crit section tbh, not very helpful. I joined Smite in Season 7, and back in Season 7, there was a counter to crit full time almost, that being spectral (it wasn't very good back then), and thorns. They then nerfed thorns, so now in my opinion there really isn't a way to combat the crit meta. However, my weakest strength in terms of any God, is my build actually. I haven't taken the time to properly learn what to build in a technical way. I've mainly focused on learning the God I'm playing, and the matchups they have.

Thank you for the feedback though, I'm going to make another guide in the future, I hope you're there to see if it gets any better!
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