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Tyr in the jungle

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by Kapitan Jaszczur updated June 17, 2018

Smite God: Tyr

Build Guide Discussion 21 More Guides
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Tyr Build

Notes Standard start of a game for jungle i think. Assassin's blessing for that heal from jungle monsters and boots for mobility. Warrior tabis are quite good, but if you feel you need more survivability reinforced shoes are also nice. But if you choose them then armor should be diffrent than Spectral. Breastplate of Valor is great, but i prefer Midgardian or Soverenity because it has a ton of life on it.


Standard start of a game for jungle i think. Assassin's blessing for that heal from jungle monsters and boots for mobility. Warrior tabis are quite good, but if you feel you need more survivability reinforced shoes are also nice. But if you choose them then armor should be diffrent than Spectral. Breastplate of Valor is great, but i prefer Midgardian or Soverenity because it has a ton of life on it.

Build Item Assassin's Blessing Assassin's Blessing
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Notes Depending on the enemy team i start with Spectral or Bulwark with my defence. Bulwark is a must have - ton of life, protection, cc reduction and nice passive that can, and will save you. Anyway we need both items.


Depending on the enemy team i start with Spectral or Bulwark with my defence. Bulwark is a must have - ton of life, protection, cc reduction and nice passive that can, and will save you. Anyway we need both items.

Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope

Notes Last defensive item. One of this four. Depends on the enemy team. Gauntlet is my favorite of them all. Great protections, good amount of life and the stacks gets completed really quickly. Urchin is a great choice only if you can stack it quickly imo. If your team is loosing badly it might be hard to get those stacs.
Mantle of discord is for the rich ones. A loooot of protections and great passive that rewards you for good and dangerous dives. Spirit robe is when you want diffrent physical armour and need cdr.


Last defensive item. One of this four. Depends on the enemy team. Gauntlet is my favorite of them all. Great protections, good amount of life and the stacks gets completed really quickly. Urchin is a great choice only if you can stack it quickly imo. If your team is loosing badly it might be hard to get those stacs.
Mantle of discord is for the rich ones. A loooot of protections and great passive that rewards you for good and dangerous dives. Spirit robe is when you want diffrent physical armour and need cdr.

Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe

Notes Great, all the defensve items you'll need are already bought. Till the end game you'll be tanky, with a good amount of life.

My first choice for dmg is Jotunn's. Nice power, a bit of mana and penetration and 20% cdr which we lacked a lot.

The crusher is nice also. A bit more penetration and nice passive - it's always a great sight when the enemy dies after he outrunned you (hard when you play as Tyr :))

Titan's Bane only when the enemy team is super tanky.


Great, all the defensve items you'll need are already bought. Till the end game you'll be tanky, with a good amount of life.

My first choice for dmg is Jotunn's. Nice power, a bit of mana and penetration and 20% cdr which we lacked a lot.

The crusher is nice also. A bit more penetration and nice passive - it's always a great sight when the enemy dies after he outrunned you (hard when you play as Tyr :))

Titan's Bane only when the enemy team is super tanky.

Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

Notes It all depends on the situation and enemy team.

Masamune if you need more protection and health, similiar with Shifter's shield.

One of those two hammers if you lack life. Blackthorne for cooldowns, Frostbound for irritating enemies ;)

Hydra's is nice because after our combo we always have time for that at least one basic attack.


It all depends on the situation and enemy team.

Masamune if you need more protection and health, similiar with Shifter's shield.

One of those two hammers if you lack life. Blackthorne for cooldowns, Frostbound for irritating enemies ;)

Hydra's is nice because after our combo we always have time for that at least one basic attack.

Build Item Masamune Masamune
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Blackthorn Hammer Blackthorn Hammer
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament

Tyr in the jungle

I like Tyr because of his passive, two dashes and a huge leap with his ult. With good play, he's almost immpossible to catch and run from. But what hooked me the most is his CC. Herc on the other hand has a bit better version of Tyr CC kit, but he lacks the mobility. Here is my version of Tyr

Pros / Cons

+ mobility
+ CC
+ Every stage of the game he can be really usefull
+ JUNGLE! You got it right, this build is for jungle Tyr

- You need to watch your cooldowns
- Very easy to miss your combo


Here is something that many will not agree with me. I always builds full CC reduction on Tyr. Why, you might ask, his passive already does that! But here's the thing, You will feel this 1 second. Sometimes really hard. But with full CC reduction it's always not more than 0.6 second. After that every cc is the same -> action interrupted. You don't care if it was a stun, root, disarm or mesmerize. Your current action was interrupted, that's all and immidiately after that you are ready to go.

So this is my usual build for Tyr.

Other builds have much more protection, but imo it's not needed because of Tyrs 3 and the defensive stance. It's enough, you should better get more life.

If the enemy is super annoying, like i high pen hunter or assassin, use nemean, too much power/protection/attack speed - take according item.

Even though we are in the jungle, we will be in the center of all team fights, and we will stay there till it ends (in our victory :))

Creeping / Jungling

What i love in jungling Tyr is the ability to get the first blood. Just a bit of cooperation with any lane, and you (or the one in the lane) gets the easy kill. It's not easy to oneshot someone early in the game unless... You get that guy under tower. That's where the blink and cooporation comes in. Just ask someone to play safe, under tower. Thats all. After a while the enemy will get close to the tower. Blink, 1, 2, first blood.

If they also play safe, no worry, get to duo lane, try to blink and 1s the enemy hunter to your duo. If pushed nicely, first blood for your team.

If someone is already pocked hard and play safe under tower, that's where you come. Early dive is a thing for Tyr. You need to get the enemy position really good. What you want to do is to blink under his tower and quickly push him outside of its range. If done correctly, you'll get one hit from the tower. If the other guy from your team don't black out, he should finish the enemy god with you.

Team Work

What is your role exactly? It's not the normal jungle, your dmg will not be great. Your survivability will be, on the other hand. You are build like a semi-support, that roams the jungle.

Actually you have only one job - carry the enemies in and out.
In to your teammates, to kill them, out of your teammates, to save them.

Whole game you'll be like - You! Come here! We will now kill you!
Or - Oh no no, we don't want you here, go back to your place and get off our adc!

With that build Tyr is a great teamfight starter. With full ccr you can just blink 1vs5, dash, and ult out. Why do that? Why waste your blink AND ult? So the whole enemy team can get on cooldowns too. It's risky, many times you'll die, but! But if your teammates are not potatoes, they will clear all the enemy gods.


So to sum it up, a love to get into the center of the whole mess that teamfights sometimes are. With this Tyr i have both, protection and damage. Ofcourse other tanks are out of question, we hunt the hunters and assassins. With absolute full combo there's not much left.

Guide to kill with Tyr: blink, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 and 4. Or in human language - Blink, then push, then cleave, change the stance! and again cleave, then dash and jump if needed. Almost like dancing :)

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GlockInDaSock | November 29, 2022 7:44pm
Zagbok | June 19, 2018 4:02am
I think everyone gave you some good suggestions on what to build instead. The early game cdr is a good thing to have since you are utilizing him as a jungler. As someone mentioned earlier Hide of the Urchin should be built early tto gain stacks earlier. Also you mentioned more CC reduction, I can understand youe stance on why, but just so you know Tyrs passive only works on certain CC abils,the hard CC abils, like intoxicate etc... So you dont benefit from his passive on other CC abils, this is why you feel like he gets hit hard by certain CC's because he is. Also try the Talaria boots, the extra mobility and regens help a lot, though you loose some power it's not a huge amount, compared to the movement speed you get and as you stated, it's hard to run away from Tyr, these just make it so much harder to escape him and makes it easier to close gaps without having to use your abils.
SkyPirateShini (4) | June 18, 2018 6:52pm
Why is Jungle Tyr becoming a thing? Had one in my last conquest match and now there's a guide for jungle Tyr here. Was this a pro thing that happened recently?
boogiebass (46) | June 18, 2018 8:02pm
No. it's not a thing. You'll eventually see jg Ra or Artemis in your games too.
Gulfwulf (81) | June 19, 2018 5:39am
I've played a few times with a guy who ran Art in solo. He never called out his role and invariably died the most.
boogiebass (46) | June 18, 2018 1:55pm
@kriega/bran is heartseeker good on tyr? Hes abiltiy based but im not so sure thats the best item.. i figured since OP is getting warrior tabi first, hed appreciate the movement speed item second for the large map. Yay? Nay?
Branmuffin17 (400) | June 18, 2018 2:46pm
The more power you build, the better, to take more advantage of the passive damage boost. That said, even if you build Trans and other items like Kriega is suggesting, I'm not sure I'd do it. Tyr jungle is a bit wonky to me in the first place. I understand the concept, and I'm sure he's fine in casuals, but still.

In any case, the things I'd focus on first would be CDR and power/pen. It can fit, but I think I'd prefer other items.
boogiebass (46) | June 18, 2018 4:14pm
Its wonky to me too. I have no idea how to approach this.
xmysterionz (72) | June 18, 2018 9:39am
Ok, you should be new here Kapitan, so Hello first of all.

Seeing your build I don't know if you want a Jungler or a Support. Thebes is a general support item and should never be used in jungle as rule. Hide of the Urchin should be build earlier maybe as an 3rd item to you stack it and starts to get a little shield while out of combat, the other two is ok depending what you are fighting and be the last item.

Bulwark of Hope is OK but if you are a jungler, I do understand Tyr dies very fast without defenses,BUT you should rush DAMAGE ITEMS FIRST, since you will need to gank and having a very powerful early game can make things easier for you. Take advantage 'cause enemies won't have so much damage at early game.
Also the two hammers you recommend does not combine with Tyr. Tyr does not use his basic attacks often so Frostbound Hammer is kinda of useless and if you want cooldown and mana just go to Transcendence and not Blackthorn Hammer.

And just remember to get at least 30% cooldown as soon as possible to cast your skills often and keep ganking the lanes ;)

Also consider do bruiser items such as Void Shield
Kapitan Jaszczur | June 18, 2018 4:54pm
At first jungle, but then he becomes someone in between. Also what i've foung during my plays with tyr, the earlier he gets protection, the easier he is to play. Also his basic dmg on skills early usually is sufficient in oppose to defence. After building those 3 defence items he can manage some hard shots till the end game. And in the end game, when you start the fight in offensive stance, it's super important to qucikly finish combo, even at the cost of missing some shots, because at the defensive stance in the late game he is easly more than 200 physical and magical defence. I build damaging items at the end, because the enemy also gets more life and protections etc. end the basic skill dmg is not enough. Also my way of playing the jungle is to give the kills to the others by pushing the enemy to your teammates. Defensive items early are important for me to be sure i'm safe even if i make mistake.

Cooldowns... eh. They are super nice but i prefer ccr especialy on tyr. It's anwered in my guide why. Combining both takes a huge toll on either life, protection or dmg easpiecially early.

Frostbond hammer only if your team have problems with catching up, and Blacktor is not for mana but life although transcendence is actually much better item that i forgot about completely
Kriega1 (143) | June 17, 2018 11:50pm
Tag for removal.

(Blackthorn hammer, frostbound and support/solo items listed for a "jungle build").
boogiebass (46) | June 18, 2018 9:07am
In this kind of situation, it would be more insightful for you to tell the OP how to improve his gameplay and be a better jungler, as it seems he is actually trying to write a guide.

Maybe a better approach would have been to link him to some of the pro jungler channels you have on your home page, if you didnt feel like explaining in depth what is wrong with his guide.

Yes, blackthorn, thebes, and frostbound are bad items on a jungler, bit he does have viable options in the build as well.

I can see some stuff he mentioned in the guide working for low levels of gameplay, but more experienced players will easily punish this.
Kapitan Jaszczur | June 18, 2018 5:00pm
It's especially good style of gamplay with lower levels of player because it's super easy to pick them and push them to your team, but in higher level of gamplay it's still viable, although much harder. Because players are simply more cautious and the map is fully warded 100% of the time, yet still almost no one expect lvl 3-4 tower dive which is possible here. Blink and dash qucikly. If done correctly you'll get just one hit from the tower, and an enemy outside of it.
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