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Warriors Path 2 : SunWukong Guide to Solo lane

1 0 6,539
by Wildstorms414 updated November 7, 2015

Smite God: Sun Wukong

Build Guide Discussion 5 More Guides
Choose a Build: Solo lanning Against a physical god
Solo lanning Against a physical god Solo lanning against Magical god
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Sun Wukong Build


Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion


Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal


Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Runeforged Hammer Runeforged Hammer
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick


Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail


Build Item Weakening Curse Weakening Curse
Build Item Shielded Teleport Shielded Teleport
Build Item Shell of Absorption Shell of Absorption
Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification
Build Item Heavenly Agility Heavenly Agility

Final Build

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield


Sun Wukong with the recent changes in the item has become a reliable solo lanner since he got his own decent wave clear . with Bluestome Pendant clears back archers with one hit at rank 3.

Iam a rank IX Sun Wukong (Tho there may be many X Sun Wukong out there and a better Sun Wukong player than me , so if any errors forgive me and teach me in comments <3.) and i feel this is one of the most balanced gods in the game.

Most of Sun Wukong builds are situation and randomized based on the comp , i.e auto attacking gods or Damage gods or Burst gods , hence this build is not certainly guaranteed for all comps but it sure works for most of the comps .

and are the most crucial items on Sun Wukong based on the Magical / Physical Composition.

Pros / Cons


+ is an excellent tool for clearing minions and providing lane pressure

+ Easily Playable since all his abilities are straight forward.
+ Easily Escape in tough situations with
+ Excellent harasser with
+ Tower Dive potential with


* Hard CC can interrupt the tower dive potential
* Intensive Mana usage
* If pushed out of early game , hard to come back in late game.
* Too much item dependent (i.e No no quick lane clear].



* This ability works best to get out of the toughest of the toughest situations alive. Early game maybe a little effective but late game its a perfect passive for team fights.
This passive paired with is a perfect combination of power , crits , defence.


* A Perfect ability to clear waves and also jungle minions faster. This ability paired with provides a decent poke and an one hit wave clear at rank 3.
This ability waves through the end of cast time , hence there's a minimal chance to miss this ability . I personally Max this ability first for poke potential and lane clearing.


* This ability is straight forward. Decent Damage , Decent slow, That's all , this ability pairs well after using for clearing wave early at lvl 2 or lvl 3, Or to stick on desired target for a longer period of time. I max this skill last for the reason that the slow doesnt scale as its ranked.


* Its a bird , no its a cat, wait what? its an ox?!. This ability is what makes Sun Wukong the king of solo lanners. Most solo lanners have one escape , or just one damage , or just one knock up ,or just a stun. Sun Wukong , however , Has all this in one ability, he has an escape , The bird form ( aka Bird of Nope ) , A Stun/Damage ability, Cat form , which deals more damage than all his abilities , and a knock up just to harass people in team fights. I max this skill second , because the damage and the escape potential is so awesome to ignore. Use Cat stun only after clearing the full wave , or if closer to enemy gods. If used next to a minion it will stun the minion and damage it and there goes your engage potential. I personally slow my target first and then use the Cat form ability to stun them. In team fight , come from the back line, Use OX form to Knock everyone , then instant cancel the ability when in the middle of team fight then follow up with others.


* The only heal Sun Wukong has in his kit. This ability paired with increases your healing and allows you to come back in full potential, However this ability is what makes Sun Wukong the best tower diver, i have seen most players not wait for the Decoy. Allow the decoy to tag the god, making the tower focus the decoy , if the decoy doesn't tag the god, the tower will focus you instead .


Items : Core and Beneficial Items


* These are Sun Wukong Core Items , His back line depends on this items.

a) - Movement plus power in one item also its cost efficient, i have seen people choose i cannot help to wonder why, Sun Wukong is a power based god and not an auto attack based god.

b) - 40 "MAGICAL DAMAGE" per second , Sun Wukong has the stick in target potential , which makes this item so good on him, The main thing people don't understand is the tick damage, Most solo lanners will build to counter you , If you are physical they will build Physical def , if you are magical they will build Magical def. This item's Tick damage is Magical tick damage and not Physical Tick damage, so early game if your enemy lane partner is building Physical Def this item wont be countered and will still continue doing 40 dmg per tick. and allows this item to work perfectly with Sun Wukong

c) - Health plus Mp5 plus Heal per 5 second plus Hp5, this item is one of the best items in the game to counter poke mages in the game. This item also increases the heal amount of since this ability heals based on health and so does the item.


* These are Sun Wukong Beneficence Items that all support in his build :

a) : Power , Pen and CDR . Perfect for Sun Wukong abilities to work out , and also provide decent damage to penetrate through the def .

b) : Even more CDR , but the best thing about this item is its passive. Just think of it as a Defensive where by more the kills/assist the more the mana or health you will get , hence perfect team fight item and is currently the best item in the meta right now.

c) : This item was just made for Sun Wukong Passive the combination is just so perfect. Lets do the math, Sun Wukong at LVL 20 with his passive will have 30 protections under 30% health, However Under 50% health Sun Wukong would have gotten 30 extra protections from hence when the passive procs he will have 30 prots from his passive plus 30 extra Prots from hence giving him 60 Prots , making him truly the king around.


* This are further items that allows Sun Wukongto stay in team fights.

a) : this item paired with and his ult will make Sun Wukong come back to team fights from 10% health to nearly 90% health in no time. A perfect active for him.

b) : This active plus proc plus Sun Wukong Passive proc , will not make his body undefeated , but will make him Unstoppable Invulnerable , while doing lots of damage to enemy .


Team fights

Sun Wukong Main role in team fights is to bring the poke damage in and also be an excellent front line allowing your back line (adc's and Mages) to do all the damage. You have to work as a guardian warrior in team fights. Use your Precisely in team fights, Know when to stun , Know when to Knock them up , Know when to retreat . When Below 25% hp ,use and to heal up. Remember never use your ult to engage or get a kill on a single person. Use it only when you need to tower dive and heal up, never and for gods sake , never use it for a single person kill its never worth. When engaging below 50% hp , use to take most of the damage, i.e can be 3 bombs , can be a , and that will deal minimal damage to you.

Conclusion and Ending <3

Again iam not the best Sun Wukong player in the world, so any errors any ideas or any mistake i made please comment <3.

My IGN is Wilstorms414, add me if you liked this guide or me <3.

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Wildstorms414 | November 13, 2015 11:06pm

Thanks, Iam working on Chaac atm , so my next guide will take some time
BestLokiEU | November 8, 2015 10:02am
Quite decent, I like this guide :)
Wildstorms414 | November 6, 2015 11:29pm
Thank you soo much for the response. I made a second guide to test the Codings out and formats. Ill now concentrate on updating my current guides like for Bellona and Sun Wukong . Hope you guys like the build <3
nanoyam (13) | November 6, 2015 11:27am
It's nice to see that you are so eager to do guides here in smitefire. I checked your first guide and like mentioned in comment above, you have improved and you did use some coding too.

I would recommend you to do some spell-checking. But something you might want to fix is that in Teamfights section you used Somersault which I think was meant to be Somersault Cloud.
Also using links instead of icons would make the guide easier to read. For example:
Use code [[Sun Wukong]] instead of [icon=Sun Wukong size=30]

Read your text with care. And hold your horses before doing a new guide. Focus on improving these 2 guides you already have and learn from your mistakes ;)
krookidwayz | November 6, 2015 7:19am
I see you have improved your guide making skill very quickly. The addition of tabs is very nice. Another great guide and build.
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