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Welcome to my guide for Smite's resident Weaver, Neith. This goes over how to use her in the context of the Conquest Map. The suggested builds are also viable in the other modes as well like Clash, Arena and Joust. This flexibility is mostly in due to her being the most flexible hunter that Smite currently has to offer. She can be built many different ways and still be potent.
I have 3 suggested builds here for her. The most common build which puts a focus on her abilities rather then In Hand attacks. The second build which focuses on attack speed and the third which is a Crit build. All 3 are perfectly viable builds and each work slightly differently then the last, and each having their own unique pro's and cons.
In addition to her flexibility in her builds, she is also the most versatile god to be used in multiple roles in Conquest. While ADC's are generally hunters, of which Neith is in that category, she can also successfully be used in Mid, Solo, and to some extent, if you are feeling particularly saucy, in the jungle (I wouldn't suggest the latter two though as solo is generally a warrior for good reason).
The main reason behind her flexibility in the roles and builds is mainly cause of her Scaling on her abilities and her abilities themselves. She is widely considered to be one of the safest hunters to use cause of these things as well.
For this guide, I'll touch on the basics of being an ADC for your team as well as what to expect in the DUO lane as of season 4, patch 4. These things have been mostly constant over the past few patches so its unlikely to have these particular notes be antiquated by an upcoming patch.
In this guide, I'll also go over each of my 3 builds and give the pro's and con's to using each in their own separate sections. The most important thing when choosing a build to follow for Neith, is to use the one that works for you.
While being your team's ADC, there are several things to keep in mind and be aware of. This particular role can be quite difficult if you don't know what to expect and is widely considered one of the harder roles to be excellent in as you are expected to take care of many different aspects of the game and map.
At the start of Season 4, ADC's needed to have Early Clear and Neith is a popular pick for this reason as her first ability, Spirit Arrow, has the potential to take out a wave of minions in one shot with a basic or two on the tougher minions. A few other hunters have this early clear potential, mainly ability hunters with a few exceptions. The following hunters have the necessary clear to be top picks in both Ranked and Casual Queue's:
Ullr and
Cernunnos. Gods like
Ah Muzen Cab and
Chiron have fallen off a bit lately but are still decently viable.
Xbalanque can currently sustain in lane quite well with
Death's Toll, however, unless paired with a high clearing support he struggles greatly. The same is said for
Artemis and
Jing Wei specifically.
By level 5 or 6, as an ADC, you should be able to Hold Your Lane ON YOUR OWN! This is extremely important as your support can not, and quite frankly should not, be in lane past level 7 at the very latest. They have an entire team to support, not just you. As an ADC you need that solo farm anyways.
Depending on how much of a threat you are during the game, and specifically late game, you may be dealing with a multitude of ganks incoming from Mid and the enemy jungle. As such you want to pay attention to the VGS usage of your fellow players. They alone could provide key information for you to finish off that tower or get the hell out of dodge. Common targets for these early ganks are Artemis and
Freya as both of these goddesses late game are terrors to behold and can turn a failing team fight around in a split second.
Running with the threat of ganks coming from other lanes, and considering supports are now roaming earlier then ever, Wards are now the ADC's responsibility as well. This is especially true since they introduced the Chalice of the Oracle. There are key choke points and pathing areas that are common for wards to be placed at, usually the entrances to the duo lane. Having the chalice also ensures that you can always ward your rear giving you a bit of a safety net when you try and push a tower or take a different objective.
As an ADC, you are expected to deal massive amounts of player damage and damage to structures. Since this is the case, I will never suggest you build The Executioner over
Titan's Bane in nearly every case. The passive penetration growth from Executioner doesn't work against structures however Titan's Bane's passive will. This allows you to keep your penetration rate high while still being able to deal with Towers and Phoenix's.
Positioning is the last key factor when playing an adc. As Neith you probably have the best secure utility available and that is World Weaver. Not only does this give you an undeniable presence in the Duo lane, but also a global presence. Making that shot across map to a solo lane or jungle player that is recalling can be quite satisfying. For Neith you have a bit more flexibility concerning your positioning but it is still a critical aspect of being an ADC. You have the range and chase potential to do a lot of damage but if you start seeing red, you could end up falling into an extremely dangerous area and get collapsed on by 3 or 4 players. And even in some really bad cases, the entire enemy team.
If you use Neith in Mid Lane, please visit my Nox guide named Silence in the Darkness. That goes over Mid Lane basics and apply to Neith as well when played in that position.
Neith has several pro's and con's as a base and I'll go over those first then go over each of the 3 builds pro's and con's as each build gives her unique aspects to take into account.
To start with, and like I stated before, Neith is widely considered one of the safest hunters to use. Several reasons for this is that she has good ability damage, good In Hand attack damage, a nice self heal, great global presence and an escape ability that provides key aspects to her kit.
Her scaling on all her abilities is quite high and this is why people generally build straight power and penetration on her. A single Spirit Arrow at full build with an ability based build is VERY devastating. Even her heal and back flip have scaling on the higher end of the spectrum. Her basic attack damage scaling is 100% of her power, thus also giving her a good reason to build for high power.
Neith also has lots of utility to her kit. Including a straight line root, a potential for a very large area of effect root, a slow, an attack speed debuff and a stun. All of these things give Neith options to chase, slow down or stop an enemy in their tracks.
However, while she does have an escape that provides a key feature to her damage and kit, it's also one of the most predictable escapes in the game and is easily telegraphed. While considered a leap it cannot go over terrain walls but can clear player deployable walls such as ones from Ymir,
Terra and
The last con to Neith is that while her ult is a global ult, she has to charge and root herself in place to use it. For full effect she has to charge for 2 seconds or more making her a sitting duck for an enemy player who is lurking nearby to get some decent damage off on her.
Since Neith is so incredibly flexible to what can be built on her, I'll only explain the 3 builds I have here and why I chose those items in particular for each of those builds.
No matter what build you chose to go with, with Neith, being in lane is relatively simple no matter who you are playing against. Your first ability should be Spirit Arrow. This is of course your main form of clear. Just scoot past the front of the wave and let her fly.
Unravel is going to be your main form of poke and heal, and it can also be used to assist your clear. If you feel safe enough, you are free to place a weave in the middle of the lane with
Back Flip and detonate it over the wave with
Spirit Arrow. That will allow you to clear a bit faster then with just an arrow alone however it leaves you without your escape option.
Once you hit level 5 is when your fun begins as Neith. At this point you'll basically want to keep your back to the outter edge of the map while keeping an eye on everything across the map. A well timed World Weaver can net you an early kill or even a first blood if you are lucky. You can also use it to set up a kill for a team mate and get a nice early assist. This is her main tool to keep on par or ahead of the enemy. A global ult gives you a large amount of assists when used properly.
As Neith, you don't want to stay in the very back like most other hunters. She excels at being a bit closer to the action then most despite having a global ult. Her kit allows her to be more close range then most and once one enemy player dies, this is when she starts to exploit their death using the Broken Weave's left behind to starting dealing extra damage to the enemy while locking them down with large AoE root effects.
If you picked up Odysseus' Bow, getting several basics off in a team fight will start to wear down the enemy team as that chain lightning starts to tickle and scratch them. If you are using the high power builds, this chain lightning does a significant amount of damage and is nothing to sneeze at as it can often get a kill for you on those enemy players trying to hide behind their team.
No matter what build you chose to go for, your abilities will always play a key feature in any fight due to the sheer amount of CC and utility you bring. You have large roots, slows, attack speed debuff's and a nice stun if you chose to use your ult.
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+1 Link, I've already upvoted several of your guides.