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rofl copter swoosh swoosh
Tap each threat level to view Xing Tian’s threats
im just gonna start this guide off by saying XING TIAN IS BACK AFTER A WHOLE MONTH BABY!!! and to celebrate his return i will give you the guide on how to wash and dry the enemy team as everyone's favorite Washing machine.
The whole point of a washing machine is to be big and inconvenient to move so your 1st part will be hide of the urchin (xing is really good at building stacks so dont worry about stack items) to give you magical protection physical protections and health plus the early shield. the you getShoes of focus for the cooldown and then Stone of Gaia for the nice little regen which works in tangent with his passive btw. Then get Breastplate of Valor for even more cooldown and protections followed by Gauntlet of thebes for the health and more tankyness and finish it all off withMantle of discordfor yet again more protections Plus the stun at 30% health (which will never happen this build can 2v1 2 ymirs(tested btw)). this build should make you one tanky boi which means you are truly undying due to his passive with stone of gaia since you regen plus your passive giving you INCREASED hp5 by hitting abilities so basically 2 things healing you like a mofo. Damage items aren't needed because as everyone knows come endgame guardians do more than mages cause gee their scaling is perfectly balanced (SEND HELP) EDIT: Gauntlet and hide switched places so magical defense comes your first item will now be boots
This is your wave clear ability doing really big damage plus d.o.t damage afterwards. it travels in a straight line stopping at max range going through everything including other gods. they also lose basic attack power because damaging someone by nerfing them is fun. KHEPRI SURE KNOWS HOW IT FEELS TO GET NERFED ALOT
this is your second ability in which case you leap up knocking up enemy gods in front of you,then come crashing down rooting every god in radius making the enemy wish they weren't born in this generation. both the knockup and the root do damage so yeet yeet skeet on that neith.........
This is your 3rd setting where you can leap to a certain spot causing damage and then withing 3 seconds leap again like a demented game of leap frog. while in the air you gain increased protections which refresh if you connect the crashing down part. landing does the damage but you can leap pretty far Twice so he's good at escaping since it even goes through walls.
IS THE ENEMY PLAYING SO DIRTY THAT YOU JUST WANNA TAKE THEM ALL WASH THEM OFF AND THEN DRY THEM? Well thats where your ult comes in taking 1 second to startup making you cc immune then hooking everyone caught in your spin, spinning everyone 3 times doing damage each spin and then throwing them to the direction you're looking. this abilty alone makes you a threat not to mention that even if they beads the spins count as attacks so they still take damage.this abilty does it all, Waveclear,position enemys, setup combos, making this machine the most effective machine since the atom bomb.
your combo is usually gonna be blink into your ultimate then once they're thrown immediatly throw your one. then hit your 2 and pick off any survivors trying to retreat with your 3 to not only secure kills but to also make your enemy f7 so hard they call for Hi-Rez to remove xing tian for another month becauseONE MAN CANNOT HAVE TOO MUCH POWER MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Thanks for coming to check out my guide if you have any god suggestions or requests put them in the comments, if you know any other counters or combos leave those in the comments as well. also i will not be doing a khepri guide seeing as everyone already seems to have him covered if i do khepri it will probs be auto attack so just a heads up....... and remember.......**** MERLIN AND HIS PEWDIEPIE LOOK
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Overall, build achieved the goal, played to Xing's strengths and covers his weak mana pool, and has left a handful of opponents squeaky clean.
Sorry I don't only +1 the elitist few builds. This is more than just an elitist site even though it feels SUPER elitist at times. I'm sorry for being an average joe that likes this site for more than just builds.
I think the comment has carried the feelings from the original build, and of course Kriega doesn't have a sense of humor XD.
You absolutely don't have to +1 or -1 any builds in particular. Each member has their own preferences, so just keep doing as you see fit.
don;t vote on mediocre stuff (or if they lack the knowledge themselves)
and upvote on well detailed or good written guides/info
Solo: same start as support though you can swap out the blessing for
Full build:
Why not? You sell boots lategame, genji's + bov is good mana sustain + near max cdr. Lategame you're not going to prioritise blue buff and you can get power pot for the last 10% cdr. Alternatively you could just sell breastplate late for mantle if you get like a spirit robe or something later in the build. Maybe im not giving an ideal build idea though, since im thinking in terms of Chronos solo (where the cdr is greatly beneficial), but Xing can benefit from different items.
One almost core item I forgot to mention is
I probably would go Void Stone over Genji's though for Xing if you want to solo an enemy carry or you want the passive to help magical teamamtes.
Soul Reaver also works better with pen if you want to build it, also all of Xing's abilities are damaging (like Terra) so you could consider Reaver over E-Staff.
typical (bruiser/slightly damage focused) build for Xing solo: pen boots, breasplate, void stone, reaver, urchin, spirit Robe, sell boots for magus, sell breastplate for mantle lategame. This is just a generic bruiser example that focuses on anti-burst. If you want to go even more bruiser oriented you could get gem of iso (or E-staff) before reaver and swap urchin for reaver.
(Xing hasn't been appearing this season for the most part).
Edit: also I forgot Xing has a dot on his 1 which is great for magus.
We build differently because it depends on what the match itself dictates would be suitable, you can't just list 1 generic build and expect it to be optimal in every match. Just because you want to be indie with your builds doesen't mean it's going to be good.
Also if he's buidling Urchin after boots he must be absolutely fragging in lane. (Or is that before boots? Sigh...)
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Not always, but it is necessary against a standard team comp, or a team comp with at least 1 magical tank and 1 magical dps or 2 magical dps.
I forgot about Thebes, but there is still a problem, the magical defense is coming online too late with mantle and thebes being bought last. Switch order of Thebes and Urchin and I think the build would be better. Urchin on it's own just isn't going to cut it for magical prots for the early to mid game.
>has guardian's blessing
Also, there are diminishing returns on protections.
If that was a straight slope, super-high protections would be great. As it is, your sweet spot is usually somewhere in the realm of 200ish. At which point, you want to get more health and more mitigation if you're going for tanky.
Gaia is great for health, yes, and depending on game mode, the HP5 can be very nice. I consider Gaia a very strong item for a mode like Assault, especially in the absence of a team healer.
But you can get plenty of health through other items, and most of the other items will also provide more functional utility than what Gaia does. This build has no real counter function options in anti basic attack (e.g. Midgardian or Nemean), no anti-heal (Pest), no mitigations (Spirit or Oni), and no CC reduction (Reinforced, Oni, etc.).
In addition, no fun alternate items like Ethereal or Gem.
And I still advocate