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Xing Tian: What Goes Up, Must Come DOWN! (S5 Ranked Joust! Updated!)

20 3 348,114
by CaptElfimis updated February 26, 2018

Smite God: Xing Tian

Build Guide Discussion 18 More Guides
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Xing Tian Build


Build Item Guardian's Blessing Guardian's Blessing
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Auras FTW

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty

Bridging the Gap

Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Celestial Legion Helm Celestial Legion Helm
Build Item Dynasty Plate Helm Dynasty Plate Helm

Standard Finish

Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

Situational Alternatives

Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Jade Emperor's Crown Jade Emperor's Crown
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes

Standard Support

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

ADC Issues

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Jade Emperor's Crown Jade Emperor's Crown
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

Counter Mage Counter

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord


Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation

Xing Tian's Skill Order

Furious Roar

1 X Y
Furious Roar
1 8 11 12 14

Hook Slam

2 A B
Hook Slam
2 4 6 7 10

Sky-Cutting Axe

3 B A
Sky-Cutting Axe
3 15 16 18 19

Whirlwind of Rage and Steel

4 Y X
Whirlwind of Rage and Steel
5 9 13 17 20
Furious Roar
1 8 11 12 14

Furious Roar

1 X
Xing Tian shouts from his chest with great force, damaging enemies and reducing their Basic Attack damage. Enemies also take damage over time based on their max health.

Ability Type: Line
Damage: 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 210 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Damage (DoT): 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5% per second
Damage Reduction: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%
Duration: 4s
Range: 45
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 14s
Hook Slam
2 4 6 7 10

Hook Slam

2 A
Xing Tian first launches an attack with his axe, knocking the opponents into the air before slamming them into the ground and rooting them.

Ability Type: Cone, AOE
Axe Damage: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 (+25% of your Magical Power)
Slam Damage: 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 (+45% of your Magical Power)
Root Duration: 1.6 / 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 2s
Radius: 25, 20
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Sky-Cutting Axe
3 15 16 18 19

Sky-Cutting Axe

3 B
Xing Tian leaps forward, dealing damage to enemies when he lands, and he may leap again within 4s. While in the air, Xing Tian has increased protections, which are refreshed if he connects with a target.

Ability Type: Leap
Damage: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+30% of your Magical Power)
Protections: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
Duration: 6s
Radius: 12
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 15s
Whirlwind of Rage and Steel
5 9 13 17 20

Whirlwind of Rage and Steel

4 Y
Xing Tian spins and hits enemies with his axe, hooking them and spinning them on it up to three times in succession, before throwing them. Deals damage on the hook, on each spin, and on the throw. Targets who fail to be hooked will still take damage while in the area.

This ability has a casting time of 1s.

Ability Type: Radius
Damage: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 (+35% of your Magical Power)
Max Damage: 125 / 225 / 325 / 425 / 525 (+175% of your Magical Power)
Radius: 20
Cost: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


CaptElfimis here with a completely revamped version of my Xing Tian guide for Season 5 Ranked Joust Only. I have not and probably will not test this build set in other modes as many of you know I primarily focus on Joust! <---3 seasons strong and I promise this will never change, If you would like to test these builds in Conquest(and others) by all means go for it.

Season 5 Itemization is .... interesting to say the least so definitely read the items section carefully and understand what/why you are building it. Item synergy between teammates seems to be much more apparently useful than it has in previous seasons.

I am no longer heavily active in the SmiteFire community as I got my CDL back in August 2017 and life on the road bears little time for online gaming, However I will be as active as possible from here going forward as my schedule has become a bit more normal now.

Pros / Cons

Not much has really changed here since Xings initial entry to the Smite Roster. I feel no real need to expand heavily on this section

-High Sustain
-Team Fight Domination
-Heavy Lane presence
-CDR will exceed Purification

-Early game mana burner
-Ult can be predictable and easily dodged
-Aggression leads to high focus and being cc chained while teammates are picked off
-Heavy Silence/Combo breaker comps will completely negate your kit

Items (100% Changed from s4, READ)

Shoes of Focus

Heartward Amulet


Stone of Binding

Stone of Gaia

Mantle of Discord

That's really the bulk of it and a large part of this will come down to counter building which as a Support is vital to the success of your team. Make sure you are only taking situational items that have a positive counter otherwise you are wasting potential in the build over something that is better in slot. There are some other notable items that are useful on Xing Tian but for what we are trying to achieve here, this is pretty nice.

Skills (Not much has really changed here again, skip if you're familiar with his kit)


This is your passive and it's quite useful so be mindful and keep and eye on it.

This skill shoots out in a line and hits everything in it's path, it applies a Damage over Time effect and reduces enemy BASIC attack damage only, NOT skill damage. Be sure your DoT effects don't snipe teammate kills, it can be easy to do in hectic situations and you just have to practice timing. Remember, the goal here is support to feed your teammates, your going for the assist.

This will be the bread and butter of our support. It roots the enemy and offers quite a good bit of damage. It can be used to engage a fight or pull someone off an ally and has considerable damage on top of it's root. Even with a non-damage build, the ole' 1/2 from Xing hurts, Hook Slam then hit them with a Furious Roar while your teammates quickly clean up the wreckage for easy kills.

A unique double leap that is can be aimed anywhere, it's useful for starting or leaving a fight as well as making quick tower dives to finish off a low health enemy and diving back out. It is vitally important to understand that you can use basic attacks and another skill IN-BETWEEN leaps if you're quick enough. You can leap-roar-leap, this is really good to practice and master as not many players can/will do this and the enemy will not expect this unorthodox chain of attacks.

This is your ult, it will scoop up any enemy caught in it's path and toss them in the direction you are facing. Aiming is important with this. It's amazing for setting up ult combo kills with deadly precision, however Purification Relic is a quick block.


I will try not to get super long winded on this section, but I feel it some what necessary to explain and detail a few things here.

Early Game

Push for the red camp for your adc asap. If unchallenged here then quickly clear the minion wave and hit your blue camp. Quick teams with good communication can easily hit the early level adv. doing this. The 2 camps plus first wave will give you the initial boost to get your team to lvl 5. first and being able to ult the enemy team before they have the ability to heavily retaliate can be a very good early game close.

Carefully study your enemy teams support, the key you want to look for here is how passive they are. Harass and bully often and early to test this and it will give you a good indication of when you can push and when you should back off. Typically passive teams that like to turtle the tower can be brutally punished by Xing Tian players, just be clever and dont get set up because smart will players will bait your over confidence if you get cocky.

Mid Game

Maintain a strong lane presence and bully them back as often as you can. By the 12-15 minute marker, you should effectively be able to knock down the enemy tower and secure the Bull King (FG). In the event that your team is losing then you need to heavily defend at your tower (or phoenix if you're really down) and go for the ult set up. Joust can quickly flip on a single deicide. Knowing when to push and when to retreat when your behind is vital to gaining the upper hand and changing the game. Even if your down to your Titan with less than 50% hp, you can still win with proper planning and a well executed deicide.

Late Game

By this point the enemy team should fear you as much as they fear your adc. At full build your ability to maintain heavy harass, CC, and do dmg will be respected and feared by a wise player who does not wish to die a swift death. Push the Titan heavily with everything your team has to offer if you're ahead. Xing Tian is massively advantaged as a bully when his team is winning.

A word to the wise on Joust gameplay in general

Objectives win the game, not kills. DO NOT GET CAUGHT UP IN THE CHASE.
I see this all time, your at the Phoenix taking it down and the enemy guardian tries to bait your team off on a chase, DON'T lose your focus, stay on that objective as it counts for way more when it comes to winning.


I heavily debated on adding this section but I feel like it will be a positive addition to the guide overall and can help people further understand Xing Tian as a support for Joust. I will be adding a few basic match-ups here, not the entire smite roster however that being said if you feel like something should be different here or added then by all means feel free to let me know and I will consider it after review.

Support Match-ups:

Easy/No Contest:
Spoiler: Click to view

Average/Slightly Challenging:
Spoiler: Click to view

Difficult/Very hard to counter:
Spoiler: Click to view

Athena Tier:
Spoiler: Click to view

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ThePerfectPrism (56) | February 8, 2018 11:21am
Just wanna point out your Matchup section forgot to include Athena
CaptElfimis (5) | February 27, 2018 8:33am
Added Athena in, Thanks for catching that. It was pretty late when I did my update and saved Athena for last for a reason haha.
Gulfwulf (81) | February 10, 2018 10:47am
And relic choices.
CaptElfimis (5) | February 27, 2018 8:34am
Added Relics to the build section, it's not always something I remember to add to guides because I literally think of them as common sense like "Oh okay, that comp so I need this relic"
XxKingGengarxX | March 9, 2017 7:02am
I highly recommend the "IF YOU CAN BE EARLY AGGRESSIVE AND HAVE A POWER CARRY (RISKY)" build on Conquest, first time using the build on conquest and went 15-0-19. I carried my team. People were scared to fight me.
CaptElfimis (5) | March 29, 2016 10:15am
G00DANG wrote:

Like the guide. I personally play **** as Xing Tian, cant really get to grips with his play style but you have a solid build and decent guide. I have upvoted but I know something I would have appreciated reading would have been a few paragraphs outlining how he should be played etc, and a bit more detail into combos.

You have also focussed on an aura build which is my personal favourite support build, but as pointed out to me a few days ago its currently outclassed at present by auraless builds. Maybe worth trying;
shoes of magi, Breastplate of Valor, Bulwark of Hope, Winged Blade, Mail of Renewal and finish with a cape of some sort. That will help maximise your defence, cool down and crowd control. You could also swap in Ethereal Staff if you fancy more magic power?

I definitely plan on adding more to this guide, including combo's and detailed game play similar to my Ne Zha guide, so fear not, it will be on here when I have time to edit.

Auraless are definitely taking the spotlight currently but I really wanted to see if there was a viable God/Build combo that could effectively hold down the lane as pure support and Xing Tian does so beautifully in joust because of the narrow lane and confined spaces of the map.

Thanks for stopping to give it a read and checking it out, it's always appreciated!
CaptElfimis (5) | March 29, 2016 10:12am
Loukasarts wrote:

Thanks so much! No one else seems to want a support build on xing tian and build more aggressively, I've made a few little tweaks to the build to fit me personally but I'd recommend this to any xing tian that wants to be the supportive tank rather than the offensive one everyone else wants to build.

Thanks for giving it a read and trying the build. Xing Tian is a very good support tank imo with Aura's because of the way his kit works. Rather than going hyper aggressive, you take the aura's and go hyper defensive and it works both ways One of the many reasons Xing Tian is one of my favorite guardians. He has much more versatility than he gets credit for.
G00DANG (3) | March 28, 2016 6:11pm
Like the guide. I personally play **** as Xing Tian, cant really get to grips with his play style but you have a solid build and decent guide. I have upvoted but I know something I would have appreciated reading would have been a few paragraphs outlining how he should be played etc, and a bit more detail into combos.

You have also focussed on an aura build which is my personal favourite support build, but as pointed out to me a few days ago its currently outclassed at present by auraless builds. Maybe worth trying;
shoes of magi, Breastplate of Valor, Bulwark of Hope, Winged Blade, Mail of Renewal and finish with a cape of some sort. That will help maximise your defence, cool down and crowd control. You could also swap in Ethereal Staff if you fancy more magic power?
Loukasarts | March 28, 2016 5:15pm
Thanks so much! No one else seems to want a support build on xing tian and build more aggressively, I've made a few little tweaks to the build to fit me personally but I'd recommend this to any xing tian that wants to be the supportive tank rather than the offensive one everyone else wants to build.
CaptElfimis (5) | March 25, 2016 7:11pm
Sw1shaaSweet wrote:

Dude awesome build I have been destroying kids in joust thanks to you! Well I haven't been destroying my team has thanks to my buffs!

Glad you liked it man, I went through several variations of Support Tank builds after his nerf before settling on this as a final build. Thanks for checking it out!
Sw1shaaSweet | March 25, 2016 5:08pm
Dude awesome build I have been destroying kids in joust thanks to you! Well I haven't been destroying my team has thanks to my buffs!
CakeSlapping (29) | January 12, 2016 2:08am
You say xing's only con is being mana hungry?

I would recommend you try out using soulstone as a starter item. This item will essentially solve your mana problems early game, as long as you keep it stacked.

My xing start is soulstone, Boots, blink, a Healing Potion and a Mana Potion. This start will give you the mana sustain to stay in lane MUCH longer than the current start you have in your build guide. Also having blink from the start means that as soon as you hit level 5 you can blink-ult to secure an early kill, putting you ahead in lane.

One last thing, you say in your description of Pythagorem's Piece that it gives you 15% lifesteal, but it actually gives you a total of 25% lifesteal due to it's passive.
RunicCross | January 11, 2016 11:10pm

1st of all I'm just going to reply to your last point, as you seem iggnorant enough to ignore everything I've said because I haven't 'tried' it. You don't have to play a build when you know statistically it's going to be terrible and only going to put you behind. I'm not saying it's bad because "i wouldn't do it" I'm saying it's bad because it's bad. To say the builds I have been using are "not working at all" is quite a overstatement, considering I have quite a large success rate. You also have to take into mind that the builds I used are in Conquest and Arena mainly, and not against low elo players.

1. Just buy boots, then start shroud? Way more efficient and you still get the tankiness you want early, hes already got good base stats early to not die.

2. Gameplay doesn't straight up tell you how to play a god, step by step. It gives you tips, insight on how YOU want the player to play with this build, do you want them to be the initiater? Peeler?

3. You don't need to get tons of protections in the start is what I'm trying to say, spread it out so you can get the most efficiency out of your build. Get hide, boots, power item, spirit etc. More power, still tanky and you'll do a hell a lot more.

4. Win ratio means nothing, sorry pal. You can't say 'this is the correct build' because I have a 65% win ratio. I've pretty much explained this in the other comments.

So yeah, you can say what you want. But when it comes down to it this build is trash in comparison to a normal start. It's a selfish and greedy build. I'm open minded to things that can work, and I am sure any good player will abuse your early start and snowball from there. I asked for you to take these with a pinch of salt, and think about it. I wrote them harsh as I did mention so I clearly got the points across, sorry if it hurt. Good luck in updating the build!

Okay you repeatedly say the build is trash and, aside from your comment about Obsidian shard vs Spear of the magus, you keep harping on the start. Are those the only issues you find with the build or is there more? Because saying the whole build is trash is a broad and rather damning statement.
Covertactician (4) | November 18, 2015 3:38pm
CaptElfimis wrote:

1. Yes there is plenty of better starts than Cloak at rank 1, however there is a point to rush building the Spirit Robe instead of wasting gold on something like Vanguard or Shroud.

2.A Gameplay section is good only in theory because in all honesty you can't "really" tell someone how to play a god. That is something they need to go through themselves and test through trial and error. Not everyone is comfortable with every god, for instance I absolutely hate Scylla and yet there are plenty of players who are really good with her, all the guides in world will never help me play her better because i just dont like the way her kit operates. Thus Gameplay seemed like an over all redundancy when the skills section is included with tips on how to use them.

3.Spirit Robe + Hide early equals high defenses, damage mitigation, CDR, and stack building for Hide which allows for very early and aggressive harrasing which is the point. A god and it's build comes down to a matter of how well you play in conjunction with your teammates and while you may think these "weak" i've carried games with them as well having a 65% win Ratio with Xing Tian using these builds.

4.Everyone is welcome to their own opinion and at the very least I appreciate you stopping by to read the guide however condescending your opinions and tones came across, at least you checked it out. Not every build is for everyone but to say that it's "Trash" and "Nothing but bad builds" is simply false, you don't get 27-5 on a guardian with a bad build, nor a 65% win ratio.

5. Did you actually test these builds in game or just read the guide and make comments?

**Edit** Looking at your play history now, you didn't even try them and yet you sit here and say how bad they are so now i'm not really interested in what you have to say about it since you didn't even try them, you literally just read something and went "Oh, this has to be bad bc i wouldn't do it" and further digging through your recent match history on your Xing Tian builds looks like the way you are setting him up isn't really working for you at all, I expected more tact, open mindedness, and respect from someone who is rated Diamond I.

1st of all I'm just going to reply to your last point, as you seem iggnorant enough to ignore everything I've said because I haven't 'tried' it. You don't have to play a build when you know statistically it's going to be terrible and only going to put you behind. I'm not saying it's bad because "i wouldn't do it" I'm saying it's bad because it's bad. To say the builds I have been using are "not working at all" is quite a overstatement, considering I have quite a large success rate. You also have to take into mind that the builds I used are in Conquest and Arena mainly, and not against low elo players.

1. Just buy boots, then start shroud? Way more efficient and you still get the tankiness you want early, hes already got good base stats early to not die.

2. Gameplay doesn't straight up tell you how to play a god, step by step. It gives you tips, insight on how YOU want the player to play with this build, do you want them to be the initiater? Peeler?

3. You don't need to get tons of protections in the start is what I'm trying to say, spread it out so you can get the most efficiency out of your build. Get hide, boots, power item, spirit etc. More power, still tanky and you'll do a hell a lot more.

4. Win ratio means nothing, sorry pal. You can't say 'this is the correct build' because I have a 65% win ratio. I've pretty much explained this in the other comments.

So yeah, you can say what you want. But when it comes down to it this build is trash in comparison to a normal start. It's a selfish and greedy build. I'm open minded to things that can work, and I am sure any good player will abuse your early start and snowball from there. I asked for you to take these with a pinch of salt, and think about it. I wrote them harsh as I did mention so I clearly got the points across, sorry if it hurt. Good luck in updating the build!
CaptElfimis (5) | October 9, 2015 3:45pm

Thanks for checking it out, just keep in mind that your primary focus isn't going to be kills but Assisting your teammates and pushing. You have to plan and time your kills with Xing Tian but ultimately its more beneficial to feed your allies, also, late game is where your kills where come from, early game not so much.

Let me know how you tweak and what works for you! I'm always interested in variations and different approaches.
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