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Sell shoes for elixir of speed and buy relic dagger.
Only buy one.
These items are good if the enemy team has two or more AA gods.
I don't consider Rod of Asclepius core because her healing is only 20% of her magical power and her basic attacks don't benefit from it. Still, it can help if you have another healer on your team and/or the enemy team builds considerable anti-heal (2 or more items that have it).
Genji's is a good alternative to lotus crown if you need more magical defenses because it has mana and CDR, both of which help with Yemoja's passive.
Magic shell is your go-to relic unless you feel you'll need the extra movement speed heavenly wings can bring; if you do buy that relic, forgo your potions to upgrade it to get the most use out of it.
Unlike other guardians, Yemoja is akin to
Khepri in that she's more of a mid to backline guardian, so you'll want to focus more on aura items that provide defenses, health, cooldown, and MP5.
Spirit Robe is in there because of the sheer amount of hard CC the enemy can bring; it can be swapped out for a situational item if not needed.
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I've tried auras, I've tried selective counterbuilding, shes pretty high matinence, and selfish as a guard. Her playstyle is that of high risk and reward in the aspect of putting yourself in a bad spot to peel/heal someone, it's that aspect of gameplay that's truly going to seperate good yemojas from bad ones, and with the typical support core, shes just flaccid all game with no real supportive quality passed those auras, and the occasional heal/ult. And the heal is such a low base that it MUST be stacked for any use at all without power to increase it.
I also updated my own builds/guide each one with her passive maxed and as much supportive auras as possible, and as a new guide writer I would be really glad if you returned the favor of glancing over my builds again looking for any hiccups or any loopholes I missed. Thanks!
I'm leaving the other items off to trim down the selection and make this not an "everything and the kitchen sink" type approach. I will add/change/remove items based on your feedback (mainly Bran's ;) ). Thanks for your feedback.
As such, you start identifying some major core requirements. In this sense, the early
But of course, you also have to worry about balancing protections, adding health, and finding utility wherever possible. As such, I do see possible situational use of
However, it also starts decreasing the space for other common utility items like
In this case, throwing out a huge list of items just because they're common support items might not be in the best interest of providing a universal Yemoja build. If it were me, I'd simplify the list of items somewhat. But that's me, and you can do it as you see fit.
I'd probably leave out Relic, Asclep, Emperor, Pythag, Genji (probably), and Prid.
But I'd also like to hear others' opinion on that setup.
I'd probably leave out Relic, Asclep, Emperor, Pythag, Genji (probably), and Prid.
But I'd also like to hear others' opinion on that setup.
I like genji's on her, but as you mentioned in response to my other post full cdr is a lot more viable in arena where I play. I haven't really tested pythag's yet. Maybe had it in a couple of builds but not enough to have a strong opinion on it. Pridwen I don't feel is necessary on her because her ult really doesn't benefit from it like a lot of other guardians might and she's probably not going to be as beefy, usually, as other tanks because there are the different omi considerations to balance with the way her passive works with cdr and mana where I don't think you are going to see her built with super high defenses. Relic I don't really see as a thing on her. Aslep..I had my highest healing in a match, about double what I had on any other build, with it but I think that was more a function of hitting more often with the heal and also focused on mainly healing that match and did 9.1k(the most I have seen healing on yemoja a buddy of mine went 4 lifesteal items and focused on healing and did 14k but that definitely would not work in conquest and though he did well that match not ideal in arena either.)
It's not just her extra omi, but her omi regen from the cdr. It seems more of the "selfish' items help her in that regard and it seems like kind of shooting any build in the foot a bit not focusing on those aspects of her kit.
I have had a couple of builds I have done decently with in my arena games where I went binding and void early before going bov and/or genji's but waiting for omi to use abilities really slowed things down. I kind of don't like the way they handle her ability refreshes as it is and it makes it worse if you aren't regening enough omi to use them when they come back up.
Some other things aside from the item choices I figured i'd see about getting discussion of based on my play in arena:
Something else is that it seems like probably part of the problem with not getting substantial healing and/or damage is that once you commit to using her 1 it limits you on using the 2 and vice versa. Even giving up on the 2 in matches where everyone is moving around too much for me to hit them with heals I think the best I have done damage wise is like 16k. I know guardians aren't really supposed to do a lot of damage compared to other classes but that still seems low compared to other guardians. Focusing on healing the best I have done is 9.1k but then my damage was only like 5.7k.
With her 1 I get they were trying to do something different but it can be a bit wonky trying to aim the bubbles. The secondary strike is not so bad but that you have to alternate between them is a bit frustrating. I like the bubbles but I feel like I am using the aiming to place the bubbles where I want them and they almost never fire off where my targeting is. Her bubbles have been more useful to me as an escape or for when everyone is clustered together. I really don't ever use her three unless I m about to die and I pop it in front of me. I might randomly be able to get an enemy with it to isolate but most of the time, no matter the placement it gets avoided.
With her ult, I haven't really seen consistent results with it either. A lot of times, even when someone is almost dead it seems like any damage to anyone in it is negligible. I know part of this is getting down the aim and getting them more centered in the ult, but even times when I get enemies smack dab in the emiddle of the ult they still get out or are hardly damaged and still live even when almost dead. Basically the only real consistent plus is that if placed right it keeps them all together for the rest of the team to finish off when they are low.
I would say that CDR is still vital for her despite only getting true cooldown reduction on the ult since it also increases her omi regen, which is very important imo. Just from playing her in arena, I feel like she needs the max omi regen to be viable. I am pretty much building the full 40% cdr in all my builds trying to get her omi back as quickly as possible. It can be enough of a chore waiting for her abilities to cycle as it is but then to not have regened enough omi to use them makes it more frustrating.