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YMIR SMASH YOU - Arena Ymir Carry

20 2 317,848
by waeKe updated March 26, 2015

Smite God: Ymir

Build Guide Discussion 6 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Ymir Build

YMIR LIKES(always buy first)

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade

PUNY ENEMY(buy one if 0 deaths)

Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver

YMIR CANNOT DIE(buy one if >0 deaths)

Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail

SMASH! HAHA(buy last if you want to carry)

Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

AN UNMOVABLE MOUNTAIN(buy last if you want to support)

Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin

SO TINY BUT SO GOOD(good actives)

Build Item Greater Blink Greater Blink
Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification

My preferred build

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Greater Blink Greater Blink
Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification

Super ultra glass cannon build

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Greater Blink Greater Blink
Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification

Support build

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Greater Blink Greater Blink
Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification

Ymir's Skill Order

Ice Wall

1 X Y
Ice Wall
4 15 16 18 19

Glacial Strike

2 A B
Glacial Strike
1 2 6 7 9

Frost Breath

3 B A
Frost Breath
3 8 11 12 14

Shards of Ice

4 Y X
Shards of Ice
5 10 13 17 20
Ice Wall
4 15 16 18 19

Ice Wall

1 X
Ymir summons a wall of ice out of the ground that blocks player movement.

Ability Type: Line, Wall
Lifetime: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5s
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10s
Glacial Strike
1 2 6 7 9

Glacial Strike

2 A
Ymir smashes his club, doing damage to all enemies in front of him and slowing them. Applies Frostbite.

Ability Type: Line, Slow, Damage
Damage: 90 / 160 / 230 / 300 / 370 (+70% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 35%
Slow Duration: 4s
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 8s
Frost Breath
3 8 11 12 14

Frost Breath

3 B
Ymir uses his breath to freeze enemies in blocks of ice, doing damage and stunning them. Applies Frostbite.

Ability Type: Cone, Stun, Damage
Damage: 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25s
Range: 35
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s
Shards of Ice
5 10 13 17 20

Shards of Ice

4 Y
Ymir begins to freeze the air around him, causing shards of ice to grow on his back and Slowing enemies. After a 3s channel, Ymir erupts out of his frozen state, causing shards of ice to do damage to all enemies in his range. Applies Frostbite. Cancelling the ability decreases the damage.

Ability Type: Circle, Slow, Damage
Damage: 500 / 650 / 800 / 950 / 1100 (+150% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 40%
Radius: 35
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


My name is waeKe and I play a lot of Smite. I am not level 30. I do not have every god mastered, I do not claim to be the best player in the world, but I think that I am pretty good at the game. Ymir is one of the oldest gods in smite, and he is still very competitive after all of this time. He has a lot of utility in every gamemode, and is very effective in arena. With his CC and damage, he is invaluable in any arena team. This guide aims to teach you how to play Ymir like a complete and utter beast.

Pros / Cons

+Great damage
+Great survivability
+Decent escape
+Great CC
+All damaging abilities slow
+Amazing initiate
+Great teamfight presence
+Great burst

-Poor boxing
-Escape relies on keeping enemies stalled rather than you getting further away
-Wall is easy to mess your own team up with
-Blink is required to make full use of your kit
-Your main damage abilities are easy to escape
-Wall clipping is weird right now


Okay, I know the build area is pretty confusing to look at, so I will explain it right here.

YMIR LIKES are the items you will always 100% of the time buy first no matter what, no exceptions.

PUNY ENEMY and YMIR CANNOT DIE are both third item and fourth items. You buy one over the other depending on how many deaths you have. You only ever buy both in the same box if you want full damage or full tankiness.

SMASH! HAHA and AN UNMOVABLE MOUNTAIN are the last buy items, and you pick one of the two boxes to buy last. You don't mix the two. You pick SMASH! HAHA if you want the end game blow everyone up, and you pick AN UNMOVABLE MOUNTAIN if you want to live forever and support your team.

SO TINY BUT SO GOOD are must buy actives.
Now onto the individual items

Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus should always be the item you spend your starting 1500 gold on. The movement speed, magic power, and cooldown reduction are too good on Ymir to not have. Pick these up always.


Winged Blade Everything on this item is great for Ymir. The 300 health just adds to your already good survivability, the 10% Cooldown reduction is amazing for Ymir, the more you can freeze poke, the better. The 10% Movement speed is incredible to add on to the 18% from the boots, especially in arena, where living and running is key. The 10% Attack speed lets you get that last little bit of damage you need to kill an enemy, as you can hit them for 130+ faster. The passive is incredible because it turns slows into speed buffs, which makes enemies trying to chase you with slows lose you, and you live. This item is incredible.


Polynomicon Polynomicon is my third item of choice 99% of the time. This turns your freeze poke into a freeze poke destroy. This is the item you want if you are looking to burst down an enemy faster.


Soul Reaver The reaver is an item like the Polynomicon, but I choose Poly over it because it can proc more often. Pick this item up only if you want the full out destroy your face build. The 15% max health on first ability hit is great if you want to go crazy.


Midgardian Mail This mail is good for escaping and survivability, and it is relatively cheap compared to say, Mystical Mail. Pick this up after Polynomicon most of the time.


Mystical Mail This item is very good for getting more damage in while surviving, but it is very expensive and delays your further items. Pick this up instead of Midgardian if you really want that extra damage.


Spear of the Magus If you are playing Ymir with this build, you are generally going to use two abilities then auto attack the opponent you used your stun poke on. The two stacks you get from the spear's passive make you deal more damage with your auto attacks, which is very good.


Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti is the item to end almost every damage mage build. The power and passive it has makes an item that gives insane magic power. This item is last because it is so. freakin. expensive.


Magi's Blessing Magi's is only picked up if you want the full tank set or if you really need the extra beads for a team composed of an Ares, Ymir, Athena, Fenrir, and some other high CC god. Not the greatest item ever, but good if you need that extra sense of security.


Hide of the Urchin The hide will almost always have the full passive benefit, so pick it if you want a lot more defenses.


Greater Blink This item is a staple of Ymir. You blink freeze poke for a secured kill or a teamfight initiator. Once people see you have done this, this generally makes them want to attack the enemy you froze, which leads to a teamfight. This is the Franz Ferdinand effect. It can also be used to escape, if you can. Always buy this as soon as you back after you clear the buff camps.


Greater Purification This should always be bought after you finish your build and blink 3, or if there is an Ares on the other team that has hit level 5. It just gives you a way out of sticky situations, which can be good.


Other items and why you should not buy them

Gem of Isolation You already have slows on every damaging ability. This item looks tempting, but it is unnecessary.


Ethereal Staff This item looks like it synergizes with a tank like Ymir, but this item is just bad. Ignore it.


Obsidian Shard Spear of the Magus outclasses it in every way as Ymir. Ymir can benefit from the stacks because he is up close and personal. The extra pen from the passive doesn't really benefit Ymir as much.


Sovereignty You want to carry games most of the time, and even then, people will be backing to get health nine times out of ten. This is good in conquest, but not so much in arena.


Shoes of the Magi Cooldown is too necessary for Ymir, these offer no cooldown, just buy the Boots of Focus


Chronos' Pendant You have enough cooldown if you have the Boots of Focus and Winged Blade You don't need the full 40% cooldown reduction, so don't buy this.


Book of Thoth You don't have enough time to build all of the stacks, and you don't have very high mana to begin with. The passive won't really benefit Ymir.


Frostbite Frostbite is the bread and butter of this Ymir build. The freeze poke makes your auto attacks do 100% more damage, paired with the Spear of the Magus stacks making it 120% damage, then the Polynomicon making it ~180%+. This passive is crazy good on Ymir and can make your auto attacks do upwards of 300 damage.

Ice Wall This ability is what separates a good Ymir from a bad Ymir. If you are proficient with placing the wall, you are a good Ymir. However, if you are poor at placing it, and tend to hurt your team more than help them with it, you are a bad Ymir. You can use the wall to secure kills but letting you or your teammates get closer to their victim, you can use it to get away by placing it directly on your feet, and you can wall off the enemy spawn door keeping them out to die, or keeping them in the extra few seconds for your siege tower to make it into the enemy portal. You can use this to delay the enemy siege tower from hitting your portal, as well, but this should be last resort. This has last leveling priority.

Glacial Strike This is your main damaging ability. It applies a slow to enemies hit with it. This is almost always used directly after your Frost Breath, but can also be used to finish off running enemies if you are good at predicting enemy movement. It can be used through walls. This ability also has a "charge time" where it takes one second to do damage after it is cast, which is the main reason it is used after Frost Breath. This has first leveling priority.

Frost Breath Frost Breath is used after you blink 9/10 times. A Glacial Strike normally follows this, but your Shards of Ice can also follow it up. This ability freezes all enemies in place, which can let your team kill them, or you kill them yourself. It can be used to escape by freezing chasing enemies, or freeze running enemies and letting you or your team finish them off. This has third leveling priority.

Shards of Ice Your ultimate does awesome amounts of damage. It is very easy to avoid, though, so you shouldn't use it unless you know the enemy has no escape or they are CC'd in place or you just have to finish them off from 20% health. This has a three second charge time before it does damage, similar to Glacial Strike. You can cancel it early by right clicking, but it does less damage, and this is how you finish enemies off. If you really need to, you can use it to kill a siege tower right near your portal or use it to slow enemies chasing your teammates to save your teammates. This has second leveling priority.


Greater Blink >> Frost Breath >> Glacial Strike >> Autoattack
This is your main gap closer and initiate. It does crazy damage and starts your team fights.

Greater Blink >> Frost Breath >> Shards of Ice
This is only good if you can hit multiple enemies with it. It does great AoE damage and can really give your team the edge in a team fight.

Ice Wall >> Frost Breath >> Shards of Ice >> Autoattack
This is your gap closer/finisher if you can't use your blink. Use this if you can kill the enemy guaranteed.

Greater Blink >> Frost Breath >> Shards of Ice >> Glacial Strike >. Autoattack
This is your ultimate burst combo, it can kill a relatively squishy target nine times out of ten. This is not optimal, as it uses all of your cooldowns.

Team Work and General Tips/Strategy

Use Greater Blink >> Frost Breath combo to initiate and start team fights. If there is followup, it generally starts the fight 5v4 in your favor.

Use Ice Wall to save your friends and yourself. If you use it directly at your feet, you walk through and your chaser is stuck behind it. You can also close your friend from their chaser, saving their life.

Use Ice Wall to block minions and siege towers from reaching your portal. This can win you games.

KILL MINION WAVES. ONE MINION WAVE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN A PLAYER KILL. I can't tell you how many games I've lost to teammates completely ignoring minion waves.

Use Frost Breath to save yourself and your friends! See your friend near your spawn with a chaser right on them, and they are about to die? Freeze the enemy and your friend lives!

When you see the buff camp you are doing hit 50% health, start the next one with your off cooldown ability. This saves time on the camp clearing.

Buy Greater Blink as soon as you finish the three buff camps. Back as soon as they are finished. This can catch enemies off guard with a blink freeze so early. I have gotten multiple first bloods from this strategy.

Don't be afraid to "kill steal". It is arena, it is all shared anyways. If you are close to an enemy that is safe to kill, kill them.

Conversely, don't go too far to steal a kill, this is just rude.

"Using auto attack cancelling with abilities, you can sneak in an extra aa between Frost Breath and Glacial Strike. This can boost your damage early game (or at least until Spear of the Magus and Polynomicon are online; it is better to use the poly proc after the 2nd spear has applied)" -Festive1

Proof of Success


Ymir is a great god for a lot of things. He can save lives, finish enemies, secure kills, burst enemies, start teamfights, run away, anything. He is difficult to be amazing at, though, as the wall placement is a key in his kit, and also knowing when to fight and when to back off. If you play this build correctly, though, you will most likely carry your team, and your self esteem will once again be restored. Have fun playing Ymir, fellow Ymir-ers, and remember to squash your enemies.

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Hallbjoern | March 23, 2016 3:28am
Nice guide and pretty easy to picture how to put this into practice, which is a rare thing reading guides - unfortunately its outdated since quite some time and I'm struggling now thinking of possible replacements for some items or keeping them regardless they got nerfed. Would you mind sharing your thought on that with us and updating the guide?
NinjaMelon | November 17, 2015 2:11am
Hi there!

As a fellow "Ymirer" who mainly only plays Ymir as a support, I was a little inquisitive on the guide. I think it was pretty good, but I was thinking that since Shoes of the Magi now give Pen and increased power, they are better for a hard-hitting guardian like Ymir. The mana is not really necessary, as it is arena, and also, CDR is easily obtainable through items like Spirit Robe, Winged Blade, and Breastplate of Valor. I was thinking you could pick up Pen boots, then for YMIR CANNOT DIE you could instead get Breastplate of Valor, and have 35% CDR. Another option could be to skip Winged Blade if the opposing team doesn't have many slows, get Breastplate and Spirit Robe for max CDR and some magical defense with Spirit Robe. Also, you could sell Winged Blade later into the game.

This is all just my suggestions, so please take it as constructive criticism! Great job overall!
brills | May 1, 2015 8:21am
Ethereal Staff This item looks like it synergizes with a tank like Ymir, but this item is just bad. Ignore it.

I agree that this looks like it works REALLY WELL with Ymir with his high base HP. Please elaborate, WHY is this item just bad?

Otherwise this is a nice guide, I think you've done a good job with a different take on Ymir builds!
festive1 (14) | March 27, 2015 7:14pm
waeKe wrote:

Thanks for that, I will quote you in the guide with the earlygame autoattack cancelling. I don't really think of putting that in my guides because not every god can take advantage of it, but thanks for pointing that out. :D

No problem, just helping out a fellow Ymirer (Is that a word now?)
waeKe | March 26, 2015 3:13am
festive1 wrote:

Overall a good guide and I love the fact that you put so much emphasis on winged blade (I think its a great item and needs more use). I'll just point out a few things though:

Using auto attack cancelling with abilities, you can sneak in an extra aa between Frost Breath and Glacial Strike. This can boost your damage early game (or at least until Spear of the Magus and Polynomicon are online; it is better to use the poly proc after the 2nd spear has applied)

In both combos using Shards of Ice it is typically better to use Glacial Strike and Frost Breath before Shards; the spear stacks can be applied and will overall give on increase in damage.

Anyways, a good guide, Upvote from me.

Thanks for that, I will quote you in the guide with the earlygame autoattack cancelling. I don't really think of putting that in my guides because not every god can take advantage of it, but thanks for pointing that out. :D
festive1 (14) | March 26, 2015 2:13am
Overall a good guide and I love the fact that you put so much emphasis on winged blade (I think its a great item and needs more use). I'll just point out a few things though:

Using auto attack cancelling with abilities, you can sneak in an extra aa between Frost Breath and Glacial Strike. This can boost your damage early game (or at least until Spear of the Magus and Polynomicon are online; it is better to use the poly proc after the 2nd spear has applied)

In both combos using Shards of Ice it is typically better to use Glacial Strike and Frost Breath before Shards; the spear stacks can be applied and will overall give on increase in damage.

Anyways, a good guide, Upvote from me.
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