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You ever see a gun this big? 2.0 - Complete Danzaburou Guide (OB 5)

Multi-Roles Conquest
7 1 4,416
by xmysterionz updated March 17, 2025

Smite God: Danzaburou

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Danzaburou Build

Standard Start example

Notes Standard start for the standard build


Standard start for the standard build

Build Item Leather Cowl Leather Cowl
Build Item Axe Axe
Build Item Health Potion Health Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Standard Build Example (No crits)

Notes Average build for most matches. Deals great damage via basics and good damage on abilities plus melt tanks and can quickly kill squishes.


Average build for most matches. Deals great damage via basics and good damage on abilities plus melt tanks and can quickly kill squishes.

Build Item Hunter's Cowl Hunter's Cowl
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Bragi's Harp Bragi's Harp
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Qin's Blade Qin's Blade
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow

crit Build Example

Notes Build using crits to an insane dps late game against squishes that won't have Spectral Armor. Also melts objectives and can do good damage to tanks.


Build using crits to an insane dps late game against squishes that won't have Spectral Armor. Also melts objectives and can do good damage to tanks.

Build Item Hunter's Cowl Hunter's Cowl
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Musashi's Dual Swords Musashi's Dual Swords
Build Item Qin's Blade Qin's Blade
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer


Notes Possible starts you can pick. See itemization.


Possible starts you can pick. See itemization.

Build Item Leather Cowl Leather Cowl
Build Item Gilded Arrow Gilded Arrow
Build Item Death's Toll Death's Toll
Build Item Bumba's Golden Dagger Bumba's Golden Dagger

Good itens

Notes Possible items you can pick to your build that are great for you. See itemization.


Possible items you can pick to your build that are great for you. See itemization.

Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Bragi's Harp Bragi's Harp
Build Item Dagger Of Frenzy Dagger Of Frenzy
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Sun Beam Bow Sun Beam Bow
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Qin's Blade Qin's Blade
Build Item Odysseus' Bow Odysseus' Bow
Build Item Serrated Edge Serrated Edge


Notes Crit options for you.


Crit options for you.

Build Item Death Metal Death Metal
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Musashi's Dual Swords Musashi's Dual Swords

Situational Itens

Notes Possible items you can pick on some specific scenarios. See itemization.


Possible items you can pick on some specific scenarios. See itemization.

Build Item Lernaean Bow Lernaean Bow
Build Item The Reaper The Reaper
Build Item Hastened Fatalis Hastened Fatalis
Build Item Avatar's Parashu Avatar's Parashu
Build Item Brawler's Ruin Brawler's Ruin
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane


Art by Hadassa
My name is x MysTeRioN z, a majority Xbox Player but sometimes I play on PC too. I'm a Brazilian nice guy who likes to play FPS, Racing, Plataform and RPG games. I like to study and read when I'm not playing and I'm also studying to be a lawyer. My xbox gamertag is the same as here: x MysterioN z.

I'm here to bring you this guide to play with Danzaburou. I will tell you everything you need to be a very good tanuki in battle. So, with no tricks, let's go

Credits for HiRez via Youtube

Why don't you join me? - Danzaburou

I want to tell you everything you need to know about this cute little raccoon tanuki so you can play with him as ADC on conquest. I personally love this character because he is fun, funny and his kit is so well made that is impossible to not fall in love with him!!!


Health: 587 (+77.55)
Mana: 296 (+42)
Speed: 430 (+0)
Range: 55 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+1.5%)
HP/s: 1.7 (+0.2)
Mana/s: 2.25 (+0.25)
Magical: 26.7 (+1.46)
Physical: 18.4 (+2.76)
Basic Attack
Damage: (+100% of your STR + 20% of your INT)
Progression: None

Pros / Cons

  1. Taunt without DR
  2. Good Burst Potential
  3. High boxing potential
  4. Clones are useful vs structures
  5. Great self peel
  6. Good gank potential
  7. His aspect makes him a one man army vs objectives
  8. Very funny tanuki
Art by Bomine via Artstation
  1. Very Squishy
  2. 0 Attack Speed buff
  3. Your escape can be easily shutdown
  4. Your taunt can be easily avoided
  5. Clones are very unreliable if building default STR ADC build
  6. Aspect danza relies on his passive to deal damage
  7. Clones are very dumb.


Dishonest Duplication Dishonest Duplication
Type: Passive

Every time Danzaburou hits an enemy he may spawn a clone of himself that will attack with basic attacks the target.


Fool's Gold
Type: Projectiles
Cooldown: 12 secs

Hit Damage: 95/145/195/245/295 (+90% Strength and 65% Intelligence)
Explosion Damage: 30/55/80/105/130 (+20% Strength + 40% Intelligence)

Danzaburou rolls out 3 money bags that pass through and damage Enemy minions, but stop on Enemy gods. When a money bag stops moving or hits a god, it reveals to be an explosive, which detonates after a short delay. Gods hit are damaged and intoxicated, dropping a gold coin that both Danza or any ally can pick up to provide him 10 gold.


Subsequent hits of the money bag or explosions deal only 15% of its damage.

Alluring Spirits
Type: Ground Target
Cooldown: 16 - 12 secs

Healing: 15/20/25/30/35 (+5% Intelligence)
Damage: 90/140/190/240/290 (+70% Strength + 40% Intelligence)

Danzaburou takes a swig of his sake bottle, gaining health, before hurling it in front of him, dealing damage to Enemies in the inner circle. The bottle of sake applies stacks to Enemy gods in the area slowing, and upon reaching 3 stacks, taunting (with no diminishing returns) them towards the sake bottle.


Enemies that take more than 30% of their max. Health while taunted are broken out early. If the enemy is a jungle camp, it takes extra 40% damage from this skill.

If you activated the aspect this ability will only heal you and create 2 clones.

Tanuki Trickery
Type: Ground Target, Self buff
Cooldown: 16 secs

Damage: 20/30/40/50/60 100% Intelligence + 55% Strength)
Movement Speed: 20%
Leaf Movement Speed: 30/32.5/35/37.5/40%

Danzaburou creates a field where he moves faster, is slow immune, takes less damage, and has no basic attack penalty, plus doubles the chance of creating a clone (pretty balanced). Enemies in the field are slowed by 20%. If Danzaburou leaves the field, it fades, turning him into a leaf with other decoys that mimic his movement. As a leaf his movement speed is increased, he is slow immune and can pass through Enemies. Now this also does damage upon creating the field.


Any hit from Enemy gods or if Danzaburou himself attacks, he will be reverted to normal form.

Uproarious Rocket
Type: Projectile or Charge
Cooldown: 90 secs

Impact Damage: 300/360/420/480/540 (+100% Strength + 70% Intelligence)
Explosion Damage: 225/270/315/360/405 (+50% Strength + 80% Intelligence)
Stun Duration: 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4

Danzaburou summons a magical leaf that transforms into a large bamboo rocket! While preparing, Danza can aim the rocket within 180 degrees to lock onto Enemy gods, or he can refire this ability to become the rocket, also becoming untargetable. Once fired, the Rocket will pass through and damage Enemy minions,stopping on the first Enemy god/wall hit dealing the impact damage and stunning them while dealing the explosion damage to a the area around the impact.


You have 2 seconds after fired to choose if you want to go with the rocket or not. You can calce this ability inside the rocket to jump out of it (it will keep going in a straight line after that).

Abilities combos

Art by Bomine via Artstation
Wave clear

Attacking and Enemy (Far away)

Attacking and Enemy (Close)

Aspect Danza

Self-Peeling/Run away

How to play

Early Game

Key parts of early gameplay: Farming, HP and Mana Care, (Moderate) Aggressive playstyle, Attacking the tower, Wards, Ganks, Positioning, Fighting, and Poking.

early game in details

Mid Game

Key parts of mid gameplay: Keep the Farming, Staying alone at lane, Aggressive playstyle, Rotating, Wards, Objectives.

Mid gameplay in details

Late Game

Key parts of late gameplay: Farming Occasionally, Grouping Up, Self Peeling, Wards, Objectives, Late game Teamfights.

Late gameplay in details

Aspect Danza

What changes?


How to build

Now I will talk about how you should build the little tanuki boy properly, what your build must have to be decent and viable.

how to build


Traditional Danza (No aspect)

Aspect Builds


Start Items (Traditional Danza)


Good Items (Traditional Danza)


Situational Items (Traditional Danza)


Good Items (Aspect Danza)


Situational Items (Aspect Danza)


Random Facts


  • Danzaburou was the last god release in 2020 and in Season 7.

  • One of Danzaburou's other jokes, "I once hid as a tea pot, but someone took me and locked me away for a year. Never again." is a reference to the tale of Bunbuku Chagama, which tells of how at a temple called Morin-ji [ja] in Kōzuke Province (now Gunma Prefecture), the master priest (abbot) owns a chagama (tea kettle). When the priest sets the kettle on a hearth, the kettle sprouts a head and a tail (or legs as well), and turns into a half-badger, half tea-kettle creature.

  • The Danzaborou Ascended Skin card art makes a reference to the myth of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons. In the skin full card art there are the following yokais Gashadokuro, Rokurokubi, Chochin-obake, Kasa-obake, one of Kuzenbo's Kappas, and Kitsunes carrying the platform where Danzaburou is standing. You can see them all only on the full card art.
Art by Charleyfox via DeviantArt

Art by Bomine via Artstation
  • From all the season 7 gods with an Ascended skin, only Danzaburou and Mulan don't use a red color scheme.

  • The sake bottles that are hanging around Danzaburou's waist are an allusion to how Tanukis in their myths are depicted with large testicles.

  • Danzaburou's joke line "Do not compare me to a kitsune! We Tanuki are the best, don't you forget it!" is a reference to his hatred towards Kitsunes.

  • The name of his recolor is a reference to the "full name" of the yokai Bake-danuki.

  • The Kero Kero skin changes Danzaburou from a Tanuki to a Frog and its name is possibly a reference to the "ribbit" sound on Japanese language (I guess?).

  • Danzaborou was the first god to receive a skin above tier1 (recolor) at the release (he was launched with Don Zaburou skin).

  • Don Zaburou is the only skin where the entire name of the skin sounds exactly like the god's name itself, except with slightly different spelling and two words.

  • On the that Skin Danzaburou is a common Raccoon. Although both animals are similar, to the point of western media translating Tanuki to Raccoon, they are in fact not the same. This skin shares its theme with Crime Boss Kuzenbo.

  • One of Danza lines on Uproarious Rocket on his crime boss skin, "Say hello to my little friend." is a reference to the movie Scarface. Crime Boss Kuzenbo, which shares its theme with it, also makes the same reference to this line when firing a Nene.

Final considerations

"So there's many powerful gods, all warring against each other. So you call on me. The magical raccoon dog. Interesting decision."

Art by Bomine via Artstation

My final considerations are that he is incredibly fun/funny to play and is one of the best ADCs ever. He is not the easiest hunter and might take a while to learn him, but he also isn't the hardest.

If you follow the tips and the builds here I'm sure you'll be THE TRUE LEGENDARY TANUKI and will kick everyone's butts on your game!!

Check my other guides:


Art by ...

This guide took me a lot of efforts to be made so let me know your opinion and if you liked it, don't forget to leave your comment and especially your upvote ;)

That's it, thank you for reading my guide.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author xmysterionz
You ever see a gun this big? 2.0 - Complete Danzaburou Guide (OB 5)
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