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Hi Everyone.
I now have Geb at around 2800 followers (almost have my 2nd star)
If you'd like to add me on Xbox, I'm Mythicael
Geb is my fave god because he can take it, because he's not a hero - he's a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a massive blummin' rock.
I'll show you the core items for the ideal situation, then the situationals for your 5th and 6th choices - something I've finally ironed out with experience.
I'll also go into how I use Geb - how I believe he's meant to be played, as the #1 sheriff of Support Town.
I always appreciate feedback so please let me know if the setup I'm about to go through could be made better. And if you found this useful, I'd love to hear from you.
Stone shield is OP
Great true support god
Hard to kill
Crit-softening passive
Snowman skin has one of the best voice packs in the game
Fun to roll around (or fly with the robot skin)
Good area control
Not going to 100-0 someone
No built-in heals
Doesn't have a meatball skin (he should)
You shouldn't need to change much at all here. Of course, if you want to swap an item out, go ahead. Hey, you may even be able to improve this build.
As it is though, it's very useful.
Core items:
Always start with Guardian's Blessing
Geb isn't clearing the waves so standing near your ADC as they clear the minions grants you xp and gold.
Let your ADC get their stacks and save your abilities for enemy gods, should they approach (and they will)
You should be near your teammates as much as possible so using this item as they clear minions is very beneficial (Later on, you'll be sharing waves for your own benefit and will sell the blessing)
Gauntlet of Thebes
This is the true support guardian's core item. We start with an initial 275 health and 15 HP5, then the stacking starts. Every assist on a minion gives you 1 physical and 1 magical protection. When you get 50 stacks, you have 50 physical and magical protections, just for being near dying minions! Not only that, at 50 stacks you gain an aura that grants you and your allies within 70 units 10 phys and magical protections. So for simply owning the item and sticking with allies, you get 275 HP, 15HP5 and 50 protections, while you're giving your allies a free set of damage absorbers as long as they're nearby.
**Note on Gauntlet of Thebes**
Though I have said it's a core item, you shouldn't always build it. It's extremely valuable in many games, but there are instances where it isn't quite so integral.
If you're falling behind in lane early on and kills/assists are scarce, how are you going to stack it quickly? If you feel like you need protections and health rather than building health and waiting for the protections to stack, don't take the gauntlet; sometimes getting Sovereignty will be much more suited to what's happening (ie getting ganked frequently) or
Heartward Amulet or
Oni Hunter's Garb if you have a severe magical threat.
Simply put, before you consider buying or finishing Gauntlet of Thebes, look at the likelihood of stacking it and how helpful another item could be. You can always get it 3rd or 4th if you want it, or even finish the item into
Stone of Gaia instead as a late item.
Shoes of Focus
My choice over Traveler's Shoes due to the 250 mana and the really useful CDR boost. Movement speed from Traveler's is nice for other Guardians but we're going for decent CDR (at least 20%) so we need the mana. Oh, and
Roll Out gets you back into lane more quickly and help rotations, so we don't really need the quicker boots.
If you're up against a heavy CC duo or they have DoT abilities, it's good to choose Reinforced Shoes instead and get your CDR from other items later.
As your enemy ADC is doing more damage than their support, your own carry will benefit from your physical protection aura and the HP5. It's likely your enemy jungler will be an assassin too, so more reason to start your auras with physical protections.
* You can choose this before Gauntlet of Thebes if your duo lane enemies are both physical damage gods (I've seen this enough times to warrant mentioning it)
Heartward Amulet
If your enemy support is doing a lot of damage (nod to Ares,
Ymir feel free to pick this up before
*You can pick this up before Gauntlet of Thebes if your duo lane enemy comp is a Guardian and a magical ADC like
Freya or
Those are your core items. I know, I know, 4 core items. Not much room for changing things, but we won't normally need to.
Next are your situational items. Add these to your custom build page.
At the point of buying your 5th item, you'll know who you're up against, who's doing the most damage to the team and who's most likely to kill you and your allies. The items below are all worth considering for the last 2 spots in your build.
Other Items:
Spirit Robe
10% CDR, 40 of each protection and a valuable pick if you're getting hit with CC often. Every 30 seconds, you can brush off an extra 15% off the damage whilst under CC.
Combine this with Winged Blade for damage mitigation and an escape.
Breastplate of Valor
Removed from item options. I don't see value in this on a Guardian any more. You get a better passive from Sovereignty and you'll get your CDR from Spirit Robe, Mantle and others. If mana is an issue, get mana pots early and watch what you're doing with your abilities. Plus there are MP5 items in this list so grab a couple if you want plenty of mana.
Genji's Guard
Removed from list. Oni Hunter's Garb is so much better because of the passive and CC reduction.
An alternative to the popular Bulwark of Hope. With 80 magical protection and 200 health, pick this is you're after some more magical defence and the enemy team have healing gods or they're building lifesteal (regularly check the scoreboard to check what they're buying)
This is a very useful item - add it to your custom items screen ;-)
Hide of the Nemean Lion
This one is bought when you're being focussed by hunters and assassins. If you're doing well, they might choose to build protection or HP shredders like Titan's Baneor
Qin's Sais. Again, check what enemies are building and counter-build accordingly.
Hide of the Nemean Lion gives the attacking hunter or assassin 25% of their damage back and can be a solid deterrent. It's also good against gods with basic attack stims.
Winged Blade
Are you getting hit by slows regularly? There are so many in the game right now and while not all pose a threat to Geb, if the enemy team is capitalising on a well-timed slow and you'd rather not have the hassle, pick up the blade. The health it gives will push you over 3000 HP if you're not there already.
Relic Dagger
Health, movement speed and importantly for Geb, cooldown reduction. If you're needing more frequent access to your Magic Shell or any other relic, there's room for this item.
*If, on the rarest of rare occasions, you find yourself wanting this as well as Winged Blade you should sell your boots; you don't need all that movement speed and the space can be used for a defensive item
Midgardian Mail
Don't think of this as a selfish pick. Yes, you do get the benefit of the protection and the health, but the passive isn't just for you. Picture your ADC or Mage bumping into a particularly hard-hitting enemy hunter or assassin. You manage to get in front of your ally and take the hits for them and Midgardian Mail procs, the attacker is slowed for 2 seconds. This 2 seconds can give your ally a window big enough to do some heavy damage with less coming back at them. Also, more selfishly, as
Geb has an anti-crit function in his kit but nothing to stop penetration, this can help.
Celestial Legion Helm
An interesting one here, and not one you see in every support guide. It's not an aura item but we'll have enough auras flying around that we can be a bit selfish now.
It kinda works like this: After 5 seconds of taking no physical damage, you start stacking physical protections. When you eventually take physical damage, the stacks absorb some or all of the damage and then disappear. Worth getting late game if you want some anti-hunter/assassin kit and don't fancy Hide of the Nemean Lion
Mantle of Discord
Geb's going to be in the action more at this point with the mana and health he's built up so a 10% CDR is very nice. More protections too with an impressive 60 of each.
A good item to take if you're looking for more defence and have a mixed enemy team.
And why not add another fruity passive bonus - if someone takes your health below 30%, you let out a shock wave stun not too dissimilar to Cataclysm. Two ultimates? I think yes pls!
Stone of Gaia
This is a really nice one, not usually mentioned for Geb but I'm finding it an amazing addition when up against certain gods.
A whopping 400 Health? Check. MP5 and HP5? Check. So not only is Geb now harder to kill, he'll regen mana and his health will reappear at a disturbing rate. And there's more! The passive regens 2% of your health every 5 seconds, so at this point, Geb can potentially have 3500 health which means he'd regen 70 hp every 5s - that's 14 health per second and I reckon that's pretty snazzy.
Oh and there's a second passive too - the reason you will want this item:
Has Awilix been knocking you up? Khepri's pulling you around? Or has
Fenrir shown a liking for running away with you? Nah m8 - our new passive turns knockups, grabs and pulls into even faster HP regen: 15% of your maximum Health over the next 10 seconds
*add - I found this works with Ares' ult too.
So if you have this AND Magi's Cloak he'll usually leave you alone towards late-game unless he's having success pulling you into his team.
A solid defensive utility pick if you have more than one Hunter, or Hunters and a Freya or
Shogun's Kusari
Let's start with 60 magical protections and 10% cooldown. Not enough? Have 20% crowd control reduction and 20 MP5. That's nice, isn't it. But you want a passive. You want a passive that turns your hunter's and magical aa gods into gatling guns: enter the 20% attack speed for all allies in 70 units of you.
Your hunter will be able to forget an attack speed item and go for a power or crit one instead, knowing they'll have the attack speed for free!
When I play hunters, I always check if a guardian on my side has built this and if so, i buy power and stick to them like glue.
Attack Items:
Removed. Don't build damage on Geb unless you're way ahead and want to meme.
Magic Shell
Though you can (and I sometimes) buy Meditation Cloak, I prefer Magic Shell as it acts like a second
Stone Shield whereby you cast it on an ally as they're about to take lethal damage and they get, well.. a shield. It doesn't need aiming as it covers all allies in close proximity. I prefer this over the cloak because (correct me if I'm wrong) Meditation Cloak has its healing reduced by anti-heal items, which are common in season 5. The upgrade to the shell gives 2 stacks of block against basic attacks to all allies in range too, which can be so useful later on, especially if you have
Relic Dagger
Blink Rune
This one depends entirely on how you want to play Geb
There's a lot to be said for Geb's Blink==>Ult combo and if you time it well (with your allies aware you're doing it), you can set up a team attack. I suppose you can use it to get somewhere else more quickly if you really want to but you'd mostly pick this up on Geb if you wanted to initiate.
*If you're not getting much response from team mates, maybe you don't put yourself in danger by blinking in, only to find your guys didn't follow you in.
Phantom Veil
For those Odin spears only, IMO.
Don't bother getting it just for Ymirs wall or
Cabrakans thing; just try and help out with your shield and some CC.
Horrific Emblem
This would be picked as your second relic if you're up against a particularly troublesome god building attack speed.
You can use the emblem to slow them right down and give their target (your buddy) a chance.
It's also very handy for slowing an escaping enemy for your allies to catch and delete.
*This one is great in a big team fight
So that's my set of Geb items to choose from. I do find I die a couple of times now and then but that's mostly down to my own decisions, pushing when I shouldn't, jumping into crowds to save my allies or when I'm not tough enough yet etc. And (why am I telling you this?!) accidentally pressing my blink and diving into a tower and being blocked by minions and dying.
However I'm more than happy to take a death if it means keeping my more dangerous allies alive so they can finish someone off.
Geb's (unofficial) mantra: 'Body-blocking for my peeps and taking a fall for them is better than hanging around while I wait for them to respawn'
If you find this useful, let me know, and if you can offer an improvement, please tell me.
Geb's tools and how they benefit him and his charges.
Passive - Hard as Rock - Crits only do +25% damage to Geb, rather than the normal +100%.
Hahaha, go on, build your crits up. Geb doesn't mind.
With crits being in fashion right now, this is an amazingly handy perk.
*You also need not worry too much about that little pig-tailed girl running around the place with her water pistol.
1 - Roll Out -
There are a few uses for this, two obvious, one maybe not so much.
Leaving the fountain and want to be somewhere quickly? Roll out! It's a bit like Jing Weis passive and gets you into lane more quickly than just walking, but can be used from anywhere to help your rotations.
*No excuse for not rotating for your team - this is only second to Athena's ult in terms of quickly moving between lanes.
It's also a decent escape if you get into trouble or a quality peel for an ally, if you aim it right.
Tip - Fancy separating an enemy from their team and getting them rekd? It's not easy to do due to positioning, but you can roll out behind an enemy and knock them towards your allies. You can initiate a very quick God kill by doing this, especially followed up with your 2 to punch them further into your team. Be careful trying this as Geb drops out of the ability when he hits the god, so if he's at the front of a group, his allies will target you (think of a missed Sobek grab)
Build this last
Another tip - It's amazing how many enemies will launch abilities at you as you roll across their front line. Simply rolling across no-man's land before a team fight can be all it takes for the enemy to waste a couple of useful abilities and your team to spot an opening.
2 - Shock Wave -
This is pretty good for slowing the enemy team a little and can be used when trying to prevent an ally from being chased or to knock an enemy up to escape. If nothing else, it provides a reminder to the enemy team that you're always there, slowing their attack and getting in the way.
Use straight after Cataclysm for extra knockup, silence and annoyance.
Build this first or second, player's choice
3 - Stone Shield -
Geb's life saver. It's what he does. It lasts up to 5 seconds and with a lvl 20 Geb, can potentially provide over 600 health for its duration, something your allies will love you for when they're about to die. It also wipes any CC from them, allowing them to run away from nasty things like a Hades Ult,
Poseidon's pool or a
Xing Tian roundabout.
You shouldn't need to use it on yourself much at all, so always keep an eye on your teammates and have a shield ready for them. Your mana and CDR will help you provide shields regularly but don't just throw it out when it's up - watch your team and try to keep them in range so you can prevent a death.
You know when you just miss out on killing that fleeing enemy? They just make it out of range and you're all like 'that's too bad'? Well the enemy team is going to experience that a whole load with Geb's shield used properly :-)
Note - from time to time, you'll be near a boxing match and both gods are dying quickly. Your shield can give your buddy that confidence to stay in the fight and get the killing blow before they take one themselves.
Build this first or second, you choose
* Ultimate * - Cataclysm -
This is a gr9 ability, providing a bit of damage and a stun. It's great for silencing the enemy for a second during an intimate team fight or dropping when protecting an ally; that second of stun (and over a relatively large area) can change a fight for your team as well as initiate one if you spot an opening. Rally your team and use a well-timed Blink Rune &
Cataclysm combo for a guaranteed 'nice job!'
Mid to late game, your team will get confidence from seeing a full-health Geb standing by them and will happily follow you if you decide to start something (make sure to call your actions out, don't just run in and hope your team follow)
Early game Geb -
You're not a brick wall yet so don't rush into battle, just provide a deterrent by being there for your ADC and use your shock wave and shield. Always keep your eyes on your ADC - if they know Geb, they'll want to attack a low-HP enemy and expect a shield if they want to push that little bit further than normal. It'll also help them get to the safety of your tower if being chased.
Hold waves for your ADC when they're not in lane; they benefit from the stacks more than you do at early game and you want the assists to stack Guardian's Blessing and
Gauntlet of Thebes You'll get the gold and xp you need so don't worry about the minions; they're not for you.
*Note* - Watch your level. Yes, you'll level up more slowly than the others but don't fall too far behind. If you're still at lvld the rest of the field are on 8 or 9, you need to get farming those camps. You should be involved with everything you possibly can be at all times (always being of use) so this shouldn't happen much, but if it does, tell your team you're going for minions, buff camps etc til you're fat enough.
Warding - Do it and do it often. Your ADC won't likely buy wards and your mid-laner may rely on the jungler to do it for them. Bear in mind that if only you and your jungler are warding early on, that's only 4 wards. Your jungler will ward to the left and right of the mid lane. Your wards both go in the duo lane jungle - preferably one at the junction just below the Gold Fury and one just above it, or further in towards mid lane. Basically at any junction the enemy jungler will pass through to get to your lane.
*you don't have to buy wards at the very beginning of the game. It's sometimes better to buy potions as not all junglers will be ganking the duo lane in the first few minutes.
Typically stay with your ADC and hold lane when they go back to the fountain. Take the purple buff when possible (look to steal the enemy purple and gold fury when you can too) and keep an eye on your mid lane and jungler; if the jungler is helping solo lane or is in the fountain and your mid laner could use a hand, feel free to rotate or help them get the red buff, whatever you can do to help. Your solo-laner will usually be fine on their own and with occasional help from the jungler.
Mid game Geb - Now you're getting more involved and finding your shield is used a lot more often, so you'll need to be present. As you get more health, protections and mana, you'll be out in the battlefield more often and you need to make yourself known. Always try to be with an ally; there's no reason for you to be on your own anywhere except in the fountain.
If your ADC is ahead of the enemy carry, they should be able to manage their lane alone, so you can roam. If mid-lane is ahead, they will help out by rotating too, and your jungler and solo-laner should now be seen a lot more too.
If a lane needs help, go and help. Don't feel pressured to be everywhere at once and don't blame yourself if you rotated to help out and your carry died while you were gone. Yes, it's your job to protect them but you can't stick to one ally the whole game (the enemy team will notice you're not present anywhere else).
You're now grouping up more, seeing more of the other lanes and helping where you can.
*Wards - we need wards. Put them where the enemy is likely to go and if you can, place them near the Fire Giant and Gold Fury (which your team should be going for in mid game)
If you hear the Gold Fury drop and you know your ADC is in his/her lane, warn them immediately that enemies are incoming and get over there to help in case they don't/can't retreat.
*Be the front line tank and remember that it's better to die yourself and save an ally than run away, letting them die and miss out on gold they need to attack late game; you're there to keep your team in the fight, not wander around while you wait for them to respawn ;-)
Late game Geb - The wall.
Geb is no longer just a deterrent, he's an obstacle and a damn big one. Your team will now know to stay near you and that you're watching them, but the enemy will always have one eye on you as they try to make their assaults - because by this stage, they really dislike you. Prepare to be focussed down if you're having a good game and take it as a compliment.
Wards - If you have the gold, grab a Chalice of the Oracle for three wards every time you visit the fountain. Keep warding where needed:
If your tier 2 tower is down, the Phoenix is going next so place a ward where you'll see an enemy approach (and call it out to the team)
If the Fire Giant is up or nearly there, you want that warded too.
Stay with your team and remind them to 'group up'. They're doing the damage and you're keeping them alive. Don't get carried away and try to solo anyone or take a tower down alone - you need your team as much as they need you.
If you have the gold and your kit is finished, consider if any of your earlier items could be swapped to counter the enemy more efficiently. If not, upgrade your relics.
As I said earlier, don't worry if you die whilst protecting your team. Your KDA at the end isn't what makes Geb (or any support), it's how well you protected your team so they could get the objectives down. You aren't a hunter or mage, your role is to assist your guys by helping them fight longer and not spend time in the fountain waiting to come back to life while the enemy takes advantage of a quiet map.
OK, your team will know their roles and get kills/objectives anyway, but they'll always appreciate a decent Geb having their back. Get ready to hear 'Thanks' and 'You Rock' a lot. *thanks, guys. You rock too, now let's attack on Titan!
A few quick ones to finish (nearly done, I know I wrote a lot)
*Don't be disheartened if you go 0/7/14 if you know you did everything you could to protect your team. If you win and you played as well as you could, your stats don't matter (Ask the pros, they'll tell you the same)
*Don't get down when you save a team mate from certain death and you took the fall so they could escape - and they didn't say 'thanks'. Some players don't use the emotes, some don't know how to and some just don't realise what you just did for them. Support is the under-appreciated role but ironically, everyone knows that, so hey - don't worry - you're doing a good job and your team are lucky to have ya ;-)
*If you see an enemy move from a lane into the jungle, tell your team! It's easy to think 'ah cool, the jungler left my lane and is going somewhere else'. Where are they going? Likely the buff camps and then mid lane. Send out a quick 'enemy in the jungle', 'be careful middle'.
Also, if you see your enemy duo or mid laner leaving their lanes, and you can follow them, do so; they're likely ganking.
Get into the habit of calling out enemy movements that can help your other lanes.
* If you notice one of your team dying frequently (and they're not intentionally feeding) it's OK for you to offer a bit more support to them so they can catch up. We all know how hard it can be to get back in the game when you've had a poor early game or you're up against a well-drilled enemy and just can't match them. Just make sure your ADC will be OK on their own before leaving them (and always watch in case you need to rush back and help them)
* Don't blame teammates for your deaths. If you died, what went wrong? Was it your positioning? Should you have a counter item already? Is there anything you can buy or swap to stop it happening again?
If your teammate made a mistake and you had to die to try and save them, it's OK, maybe they're having a poor game or maybe they're new to the game. However... Don't continually sacrifice yourself for the same player if they're having a shocker. Sometimes you might have to let them run off alone and die again. You're a support, not their constant savior.
*Don't react to negative in-game calls like 'you rock'>'cancel that' or a sarcastic 'nice job' when you die. Focus on your game and keep going, adapting to the game. Oh and try your hardest not to respond if you get any negative PMs :-o
If you are seeing negative language amongst your team, be the one to say 'no problem', 'have fun'. It's amazing how much a simple emote can spoil or energise your performance.
Thanks for reading, I know that was a lot but hopefully this has helped or offered some kind of idea for your own build.
Let me know how I did :-)
Thanks for reading.
Good Luck
Bastet Conquest -
Xing Tian Conquest Support -
Kuzenbo 4,000 HP build -
Kuzenbo Reflect and CDR build -
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Guide looks aesthetically good.
However, branmuffin and i think gauntlet of thebes is in the build too early. Youd benefit more from boots followed by sovereignty.
Why not focus on one skill at a time? Yoir skill order looks a bit all over the place.
If I'm up against a standard Hunter/Guardian duo, it'll always be the Gauntlet; I like to get the stacks as early as I can.
Geb has a trick to get into lane more quickly than other guardians anyway in
And skills-wise, i get you - it does look all over the place, but I've found Geb's shield and 2 equally important, with the damage and health respectively, whereas roll out can wait to be levelled.
As always, appreciate the comments guys, keep 'em coming. Always learning.
*and yep, huge Fallout fan. F3 is IMO the best game ever made.
*and yep, huge Fallout fan. F3 is IMO the best game ever made.
Blasphemy! It was New Vegas and you know it. :P
Anyway, boots are for more than just getting back to lane quickly: they also help you juke incoming enemy attacks. And by getting Thebes so early, you'll need that extra movement speed because you're not very tanky until you can get your stacks. But if getting boots second works for you, then I say go ahead and do it. But you may want to make a note that it isn't always the most optimal path.
I get your boots point and to prove it, I will start with boots first for my next few support matches and see how I go. I might even go for the reinforced ones like I usually do with Athena (then get Breastplate later for CDR)
And I'm currently replaying FO 4 because some new mods came out and others were updated. That and I never actually finished it, so I think it's time.
Geb is a passive support in most cases. He's not used for initiation except for Blink ults or surprise lane ganks with his roll perhaps, so he will often sit back more and can situationally afford to get gauntlet early and rack up a few waves for stacking.
Depends on match up I guess. If you had a good early ADC and jungler, you could then go for stone of binding with geb (easy knock up application for the passive) instead of Gauntlet or Sov.
Skill leveling is a bit wonky, but I can see this being fine if you were to level like this in-game. The Shield gains more health with each level, but you still want to be able to deal decent damage to the wave and enemy gods...but leveling one of them to max before putting more into another means either damage or the shield will suffer, and a balanced
Also, I like the guide creator's mindset...true tank/support thought process and a team player. +1
Thanks for the feedback and positive comments. Much appreciated.
The skills are a bit wonky but tbh, I (as you say) like Geb to have the option of shield and 2 being available at higher lvls equally.
However, as we all know Smite as we do, we know there could be a need for the shield being maxed asap, so I'd normally level as needed in-game.
Again, cheers for the comments.