Two completely unrelated subjects.
Today is my 5th day of 5 of a customized and clinically studied fasting-mimicking diet, with a very tailored and severely reduced caloric intake. The purpose of fasting isn't for weight loss (though I could definitely afford to shed a few pounds, or kilos for the rest of you non-Americans). Instead, at around the 3rd day, it puts your body into a different state, where it's now realized standard nutrition isn't incoming. It forces your body into a protective state, and allows for cellular regeneration, refreshes stress resistance, removes damaged cells and/or increases repair of cells. Basically, it's rejuvenation for the body's organs.
In any case, I'm definitely hungry, and a bit on the weak side, but feeling pretty good today. The 2nd day was amazingly the worst, where I felt foggy, lethargic, and had a headache. I'm definitely ready to have some normal food though.
As for ALSO everyone knows, Smash Bros Ultimate has been released. I …
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