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Branmuffin17's Blog
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January 30, 2017

Bran's PS4 Adventures (Elo Hell?)

Views: 4368 Branmuffin17
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Elo  |  PleaseHelpMe  |  PS4 can I increase my PS4 ranking with

And in that (last) Ne Zha match, we almost pulled off a 4 v 5 win...our only magical god was a no-show.

Now let me explain. Yes, I realize we have 3 assassins and 4 physical gods. I'd called Jungle, and then the Loki guy chose but (so nice for once) didn't auto-lock (OMG wow!) I stayed as Ne Zha because F him, and waited to see what else would transpire.

Poseidon chooses and locks. Then nothing for a while.

The time's ticking down, and Anhur chooses, but the "Glad" person is still blank. So I start thinking, hmmm, maybe I'll be saved from this match (like another match isn't going to have autolockers and whatnot, lol to me).

Lo and behold, in the LAST FREAKING SECOND, Serqet chooses and locks in. I have ZERO TIME to choose another god. *sigh*

And see, it's sort of nice for a change to play a jungler. When I play on PC with the clan, everyone else usually chooses damage gods, and I get stuck with tanks…
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January 16, 2017
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Conquest  |  Freya  |  PS4
So I can confirm... Freya is




A nice, simple setup with my most comfortable god works well even with my somewhat janky aiming. In that first linked match, it's good to see I can do well (57k dmg lol) against regulars (level 30s with 50% or higher win rates)...but holy **** if I still can't carry a team...that 3rd match (Conquest) was a surrender (the other 4 voted, I didn't, *sigh*).

I looked up at a certain point and was like "16-1 Ratatoskr WTF?!?" Fed to all hell. 3 teammates at levels 9 and 10 by the time I hit level 20...

And of course, I have other games like these (sorry, newbie). Seriously no consistency. Oh well. I'm a quarter through level 11 now! (Slowly but surely)

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January 13, 2017

Bran's PS4 Adventures (Savage!)

Views: 1914 Branmuffin17
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PS4  |  Savage
SAVAGE. Aptly named, as it destroyed whatever controls I was starting to get used to. My god. I don't know how many times last night that I scrambled and hit a stupid relic button when meaning to use an ability.

I don't know how many seconds it added while I had to remember how to level a skill.

And why is relic #1 X, and relic #2 square, where in the standard setup, skill #1 is square, and skill #2 is X? KEEP A CONSISTENT ORDER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, HI-REZ!!!

I know it'll take time, and I know it's the better control option. But I don't have to like it right now.

So other than that horrible Assault match as Terra (and oh hey, check out the teams... 4 level 30s w/ a 5 man team and an average SGS of ~2,500 vs a variety of mostly under 30 miscreants averaging around 1,600 SGS...yup, good matchup...and hey team, you should STAY in my circle, cuz you HEALS you, and you're HURT...

Anyway, OTHER than that, my Medusa Conquest match saw me go negative K/D because of fairly dece…
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January 10, 2017

Bran's PS4 Adventures (Part I dunno?)

Views: 3805 Branmuffin17
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So, things have been going well so far in my PS4 adventures. I use the term "well" loosely, because other than playing some gods I don't normally play, I don't think I'm honing my skills much.

Stepping a bit outside my normal comfort zone of only queuing Conq with friends, I played 3 conquest games in a row last night (after getting off of PC Smite cuz Zilby had to sleep). Played the first as Sol in Mid. I did fine, played pretty intelligently (looking to win lane, rotate when opportunity knocks, etc.), but our team was hard-carried by Apollo (countered by our Serqet, who I don't think really did ANYthing). Geesh. That said, the game really shouldn't have gone on that long...but every time we'd wipe the team, I'd try heading over to the Fire Giant but damn if that PS4 VGS system is not familiar to me...people seriously ignore the GF and FG, and no one ever even attempted it. So it took us an absurdly long time to finish, and at one point got somewhat close to losing. Just couldn't …
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January 07, 2017

PS4 Gameplay =/= PC Gameplay

Views: 1519 Branmuffin17
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PC  |  PS4
So, I'm now level 8 in SMITE on PS4. I couldn't handle the limited selection of gods, so I ended up buying the god pack, since it was on sale.

That said, I knew there were differences, obviously, due to the general user base, the control scheme, etc. However, I'm feeling the differences more and more, and gaining respect for those that have better honed their skills on console.

Not only do I feel handicapped when using a controller (key, but there are also some gods that are just better choices than others, due to the requirement for analog stick precision. Some of my favorites, like Medusa, Bacchus ,and Freya, are mostly able to play the same way, abilities that have more aimed effects via distance (using the Y axis) have been hard for me to adjust to...

Due to this, I want to point out something specific I'd commented on earlier. newbiemj's Serqet guide had him proposing a tanky Serq, to which I had some doubts (though GGF said he was once owned by a tanky Serq). Well, last nig…
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