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Raventhor's Blog
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February 17, 2014

AND AT 3:13 AM, 2/17

Views: 1524 Raventhor
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Sorry for the empty, useless post, but I"m so happy.

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February 12, 2014

Nemesis Guide In Progress

Views: 1146 Raventhor
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Guide  |  Nemesis
Just writing to mention I'm finally going to write a guide again, after being a little wary with the newer gods. I'll be making a comprehensive Nemesis guide, involving Jungle, Lane, and Arena Nemesis, built as an Assassin and a Bruiser in each role.

If anyone wants specific tips or questions answered, I'll include questions in my guide under an AMA/FAQ section that I'll answer and credit :)

Until then, look out for it!

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January 08, 2014

Playing With Streamers. Again

Views: 1365 Raventhor
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I seem to have a very odd ability to find myself playing in matches with Streamers. Recently went into a 3v3 Joust with Zurple (Fill in for Squiddish, who took over for Inuki, in the 4:00-7:00 AM EST slot). Played Sobek, he played Artemis, a 3rd played Isis. He went 7-6, I went 1-3-9 with more damage than the isis ;_;

We lost, but it was fun, and that guy is an AMAZING person. He's so relaxed and colloquially friendly. Love Zurple!

Anyway, sorry, just had to get out the giddiness, love appearing on streams ;)

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January 01, 2014
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Etc  |  Personal  |  Promises  |  Smitefire
Happy New Years!

Just want to wish everyone well and offer, I suppose, a personal update with how things are going, and promises for the new year.

I start College again on January 17th, then finish in late May. My schedules look good - packed monday, easy tuesday-friday, with completely open Saturday/Sunday. If anyone wants to game, I do it pretty much every college night, as it's a good time fill.

Otherwise, nothing really anyone would want/care to hear. Same ol' same ol' for any average adult-teenager!

For guides, I plan on thoroughly reviewing my Chronos and Tyr guides to keep them up to date (My god, Chronos still has Book of Thoth as a core item instead of, now, a possible at best. >.>)
My Glass Cannon Ra will be updated to not be a gimmick build, but include a full guide with that as it's premier, including Support/Healer Ra, Mid-Lane Mage Ra, and Tanky Ra.

Oh, now's a good time to bring that up! Remember that random time I said I was going to make the introduction to smite …
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December 07, 2013

New Guides

Views: 1747 Raventhor
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Advice  |  Community  |  Guides  |  Hate  |  Nu Wa  |  Smitefire  |  Toxic
Ok so there's a lot of controversy and argument over new guides, so I figured I'd weigh in.

I'm tired of new, horrible guides flooding the website with no quality whatsoever. I also think people should be allowed to make a guide, no matter how horrible it is, because it's a guide website that allows anyone and everyone to contribute.

I'm not going to make this one a rant, even though I very well could. I'll simply provide three points:
1) Don't be a toxic player to people with bad guides. They're trying, they're failing, but they're contributing. New guide makers for brand new gods should not be treated any differently from others. Offer Advice and criticism, not hate.
2) Try to make sure your first day guide is at least a quality guide. It doesn't have to be the best, but actively try. A general rule of thumb: if it took you (literally) less than 10 minutes, work on it more.
3) If you want advice, ask someone! People on this website, especially editors and veterans, have actually no…
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