So I got a hexakill (note the best multi-kill was 6) in an arena as bakasura, went 27-6-13, I think I'm starting to get better at assassins. While I love Chronos, Neith, Chang'E, Poseidon, and Tyr, I think it's time to start focusing my skillsets with Bakasura, Loki, Ne Zha, Arachne, and Thanatos.
Also went 13-5-15 with Arachne in an assault, with a triple kill from the grave with spiderlings. That's not skill, but that's hilarious, haha.
Anyway, nothing that interesting. Still working on the Smite introduction. It's (un)surprisingly difficult to make a handbook for new players, be COMPLETELY thorough, yet not become boring. I just had to share my fun little game here. :D
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