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Raventhor's Blog
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December 03, 2013
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Arena  |  Bakasura  |  Hexakill  |  Whoa

So I got a hexakill (note the best multi-kill was 6) in an arena as bakasura, went 27-6-13, I think I'm starting to get better at assassins. While I love Chronos, Neith, Chang'E, Poseidon, and Tyr, I think it's time to start focusing my skillsets with Bakasura, Loki, Ne Zha, Arachne, and Thanatos.

Also went 13-5-15 with Arachne in an assault, with a triple kill from the grave with spiderlings. That's not skill, but that's hilarious, haha.

Anyway, nothing that interesting. Still working on the Smite introduction. It's (un)surprisingly difficult to make a handbook for new players, be COMPLETELY thorough, yet not become boring. I just had to share my fun little game here. :D

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November 06, 2013

On Moving Up

Views: 1368 Raventhor
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Editor  |  MovingUp  |  Sappy
Before I start, this is going to be a small reflection on my smite history, and gratitude, so if you're looking for something mechanical or numerical like you might be used to me giving, it won't be here. This is, actually, just a reflection on my progress here in Smitefire.

As Mowen posted on the mainpage, I was, with TormentedTurnip and RazeMage, promoted on Smitefire. I'm now an Editor instead of a User. While I may not be a veteran or moderator, administrator or owner, to put it simply, it feels great. I've been playing for a good while, despite only being on Smitefire since late July. It's always been an honor to be able to provide logical, numerical, statistical, or theoretical insight into people's guides, posts, the balance of the game, and the game in general. Post after post I've either tried to provide advice or an insight, or shown my personality more and more through messing around with the various other posters on the site, from the most infamous, to the most benevolent,…
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July 23, 2013

Playing on Streams

Views: 1251 Raventhor
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So just needed to keep it archived, but this morning I played on a total of three streams through pure luck. First, Inuki invited me to an arena game, where I played athena, going something like 4-2-32 to his 15-1 hun batz. After telling my friend, he wanted to play, so we queue for an arena, where by chance we see that Mezmoreyez and Daemon are in (who were both streaming! Mez on his own channel, and Daemon filling in for Chixi on her stream slot), and ended up like 17-7 on Loki to mez's nearly even Anubis and Daemon's positive chronos.

Sorry for the useless post, just feeling a little exuberant over being on three streams and actually performing very well. Maybe I'll consider streaming myself!

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