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Technotoad64's Blog
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August 09, 2016

Some art if interested.

Views: 1100 Technotoad64
So, I was messing around with Pixlr. These are the results of a four-step process I came up with.
  1. Put the four ability icons of a god tiled together in one image
  2. Polar coordinates> Rect to Polar
  3. Kaleidoscope> Size=32
  4. Polar coordinates> Invert in Circle

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August 02, 2016


Views: 1704 Technotoad64
+Rep | Report
PlzFix  |  Update
No, there's no rage comic. I don't do those anymore. I'm just typing this to quickly call to attention how pathetically broken this update has made Smite. And no, I don't mean broken as in over/under powered. Terra is actually pretty balanced. I mean it doesn't function.
The main glitches I've encountered are, from least to most problematic:

Animation of Demons being captured by Zhong Kui does not play

Using Exorcism on a target marked with Expose Evil still adds to the passive, but the animation of the demons entering the bag does not play. This is a problem because it makes it hard to tell exactly how many demons have been caught.

When playing as Terra, with bracket targeting, Standing Stones erected by other players are shown as targetable with Force of Nature

This was mostly a problem in the Match of the Day, where everyone is Terra. I kept trying to break my pylons for some damage, and could not keep track of which were mine.

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July 07, 2016

Why I hate 3.12.

Views: 1434 Technotoad64
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AnubisStillUP  |  Memes  |  Ragecomic  |  SaveNewRat  |  Update  |  WayOverdueAgain
I can only use the internet sparingly now, since we're running out of data at our house. But it has given me a lot of time on my hands. Enough to make MY LONGEST RAGE COMIC EVER. The third-from-last panel has a thing in it that I put there on purpose.
Here's a hint:Switch A and Z.

What does the scouter say about this image's height?

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June 25, 2016

Why I hate server restarts.

Views: 1861 Technotoad64
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Memes  |  RageComic  |  That'sAllIGot
No lengthy introduction this time, because I couldn't think of one. Also, I'm going on another camping trip, so I'm putting all my images in spoilers now. I've been putting it off forever.

Click for Memes

Yeah, my drawing wasn't so good this time. I should probably clean my trackball, it's been getting stuck. I couldn't play much Smite today because of the servers going down, but I still have Homestuck to keep me entertained. I'm probably going to use a Doge in the next one, but don't count on it.

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June 20, 2016

Why I hate Anubis

Views: 2500 Technotoad64
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AnubisUP  |  CannedMeat  |  FaceLasers  |  Memes  |  RageComic
In case you don't know what a Skill Gate Character is, here is the definition, courtesy of my second-favorite website.

But First, a status update

Now here is the comic.

Click for Memes

Yeah, I ran out of ideas for a while, so I ended up just posting status updates for a while, then I ran out of that and made a ****py filler post. Now, I'm trying to go back to my roots and maybe get into some kind of basic formula. I'm thinking of making my comics about personal experiences I've had with gods I think aren't balanced. I saw some blogs about other games people are playing instead of Smite, like Overwatch and The Witcher 3, and considered making a comic about other games I'm playing. But the only other games I've been playing recently are Minecraft (which has no story) and Undertale (which has such a good story I don't dare spoil it). Also, sorry for lying, Ducksrock. Your suggestion was great but I'm to dumb to use it.

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