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Technotoad64's Blog
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May 14, 2016

Why I hate Ao Kuang.

Views: 1809 Technotoad64
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AoKuangOP  |  Memes  |  PlzNerf  |  RageComic
After seeing posts about "Most Hated Gods" and about early experiences in conquest, I decided to make a post about both of mine. However, I then thought to myself, what is SmiteFire missing? Memes, of course! Starting now, I will post rage comics more or less every saturday.

Made with

Click for Memes

It's my first time making one myself, so don't judge it too hard.

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April 30, 2016
+Rep | Report
 |  Can'tBreathe  |  DearGodYes  |  FrontPage

Yes! Yes! Thank you all so much! I may be sick, but if people care enough about my guide that it made the front page, I'm Working Through The Cold! Expect to see a decent amount of progress on the matchups section today!

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April 29, 2016
+Rep | Report
 |  100.5Fever  |  Can't Breathe  |  DearGodWhy  |  WaterfallNose
After my computer virus was finally identified and corrected, I got an IRL virus. My ping is totally fine now, but:
  • My mucus is as thick as toothpaste
  • I cough a ton
  • My tonsils are inflamed
  • My ears ache
  • Tiredness is slowing my reaction time
  • I still have to go to school
  • I'm using this school computer to type this, and it's going to get somebody sick

Hopefully, I'll get better soon. In the meantime, I managed to do some guide reformatting.

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April 26, 2016
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 |  1000+Ping  |  5SecondDelay  |  DearGodWhy
So, yesterday, I was trying to play a match of Conquest. Just a casual match for something to put in my guide. As I had hoped, they gave me mid, and I went with Zhong Kui. Suddenly, yellow letters appeared on the side of the HUD that I had never see before. The one that I noticed first was a number proclaiming, "ping". I looked it up when I backed, and apparently it's the time it takes a packet of data to get from your computer and back, in milliseconds. I spent most of the game at 500 ping. 100 or less is average, I hear. Every single time there was a team fight, it climbed up past 1,000. That's a full second of delay for each packet, and, needless to say, the lag was really really bad. I couldn't hit so much as Exorcism. The really annoying thing is that this happened in two different games, and first I was against Chronos and then Ra. They both have really small areas for their main damaging abilities, and I could've just juked all their poke, but instead, it was surrender at 20,…
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