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Technotoad64's Blog
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June 10, 2016

Why I hate running out of ideas.

Views: 1120 Technotoad64
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Boring  |  Camping  |  DearGodWhy  |  I'mSoSorry  |  Memes
Have you ever people say that to write a blues song, you have to have the blues? Well, to make a rage comic, you need to have rage. And it's hard to feel anything negative when you have this outside after pitching a tent.
So pretty it looks Photoshopped
So, I'm completely out of ideas.

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June 06, 2016

Why I hate being on vacation.

Views: 1305 Technotoad64
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Camping  |  CannedMeat  |  DearGodWhy  |  FrontPage
Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but in case I'm not, I'm so so sorry I made so many comments. I just wanted to get things in that I had been meaning to say earlier and might not get a chance to for a long time. I would have spread these comments out between yesterday and today, but the library is closed on Sundays. Oh well.

Here's the comic.

I don't know how long the camping trip is going to be, and I might be mistaken on when we're leaving. I might even still be here tomorrow, in which case this was all for nought. Even then, at least I got in my weekly upload.

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May 30, 2016

Why I hate going on vacation.

Views: 2133 Technotoad64
Ordinarily, I avoid making comics with too much text, but this time I made an exception. I figured I might as well illustrate what I was going to just type regularly. So, as you can tell, I am going to be leaving SmiteFire temporarily, as I will not have steady access to the internet.
Click for personal update

Hopefully, I can at least comment on a few
every once in a while/whenever I find a hotspot.

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May 24, 2016

Why I hate kit reworks.

Views: 1691 Technotoad64
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3DayDelay  |  Inglip  |  Memes  |  Overdue  |  SaveOldRat
Sorry this is so far behind schedule. I usually try to post one of these every Saturday, but I've been working on the Zhong Kui guide and I've also been study for my final exams. I have to do my English final exam tomorrow, wish me luck. Anyway, so patch 3.9 hit live servers today, and I had time to try new Ratatoskr in jungle practice. It was, I'll just say, disappointing. He's op as **** because of his excessive cc, and he's not even fun anymore. However, maybe there is a chance that the next god will have his old kit? Probably not, though. This seems more like a Nox and Nu Wa situation than Ao Kuang (became Kukulkan) or Sun Wukong (became Hun Batz) situation. Anyway, so I decided to invent a new god to get Rat's old kit, just for laughs. And who else is more deserving of it than the god of Reddit? Anyway, here's the comic.

Hail inglip

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May 15, 2016

Why I hate solo queueing.

Views: 2186 Technotoad64
Well, people seemed to like the first one, so here's another. This one is just a short two-panel, as I didn't have time to make anything longer. The jokes here should be pretty obvious, but I'll explain it if you tell me to.
Still kind of new at this.

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