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ThePerfectPrism's Blog
Blog Posts: 65     Views: 142880     Comments: 534
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December 26, 2016

The Winner of the Christmas Challenge !

Views: 1412 ThePerfectPrism
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We don't have one ! Cuz whoever won didn't send me a PM ! So I don't know what to do.

Should I try to look for this person, or give it to the one person I know got the 2nd highest score first (Ducks) ? I need your guys' opinions...


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December 24, 2016

Prism's Christmas Challenge!

Views: 1291 ThePerfectPrism
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So I'm here minding my own business when it came to my mind :

"I should do a christmas challenge on SMITEIFRE!"

So the christmas challenge is the following. Answer the following questionare and PM me your answers IN A SCREENSHOT (send all of them in 1 msg or the first ones will dissapear and you'll be unqualified.) of each answer. The one with the highest score wins ONE OF THE FOLLOWING PRIZES !

- The Howler
- A RPG of MY (ThePerfectPrism) choosing.

Also, it's through steam, so leave me your Steam name on the PM so I can make sure it gets delivered to you.

Also, I do not promise this can work. Mostly cuz I don't think Steam allows brazilians to buy gifts for non Latin-America people. But if it allows, YOU'LL WIN A BRAND NEW CHEAP GAME CUZ I DON'T HAVE A LOT OF MONEY ON MY STEAM WALLET RIGHT NOW !

Also, if someone does 8/8, the survey will still continue, but we'll already have a winner.


May the odds be E…
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December 13, 2016
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ez  |  gg
So to start off, I wanna say I'm not a complete noob. I've been watching streams even before the Nurse Update rolled out. So I came as no shock that I'm already this high-level.

In 6 hours of gameplay, 2 of them being of just trying to find the better graphical setting (everything on low, turning off V-Sync and stuff) and I'm in a 40 FPS zone, which is quite good cuz I can at least hit skill-checks. If I had 50 FPS, I bet my miss rate for Skill-Checks would go to like 20% instead of 35% ish.

I'm already rank 18 ! Here is a pic to prove.

Now, how many of you have the game ? If you do, or have watched it, you know that it's really hard to "Double-Pip", getting A LOT of points to get 2 rank progressions. I got a double pip already, and I have the Perfect Escape achiviement on steam.

I just love this game so much lmao.

Have any of you played it ? Watched it ? If you play it, leave your Steam name here so I can add u ! <3

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November 08, 2016
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So 99,9% of this blog post IS TO COMEMORATE MY BDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH !

I noticed no one else does this, so I decided to keep it a tradition of mine cuz it (At least it DID) reunites most of the SMITEfire people to leave nice stuff cuz it's me <3

Ok so I decided to divide this post in 3 sections

~Section 1, History Time~

Section 1

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August 24, 2016

Ode for the Olympics

Views: 2123 ThePerfectPrism
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So, since I'm brazilian, and the olympics are over, I'm gonna post here the translation of the most "world known" song from Brazil, which is País Tropical. A.K.A Tropical Country.

In this instance, it's one of the most famous varients of the song, a Mash-up made by Ivete Sangalo, with 3 songs. Pais Tropical, Arerê and Taj Mahal

PS: For some reason I can't link it to the youtube video, so just click this link
In Portuguese...
Num país tropical,
Abençoado por Deus
E bonito por natureza (Mas que beleza!)

Em fevereiro (Em fevereiro)
Tem carnaval (Tem carnaval)
Eu tenho um fusca e um violão,
Sou Flamengo e tenho uma nêga chamada Tereza

Num país tropical,
Abençoado por Deus
E bonito por natureza (Mas que beleza!)

Em fevereiro (Em fevereiro)
Tem carnaval (Tem carnaval)
Eu tenho um fusca e um violão,
Sou Flamengo e tenho uma nêga chamada Tereza

"Sambaby", "Sambaby"
Eu posso não ser um Band Leader (Pois é)
Mas assim mesmo, lá em casa o namorado, o gato,

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Prism's Life FirstBlog NothingMuchToSayReal Athena Hooray ! Answers Bad Juju Why Aphrodite Congrats! Ratatoskr Nike IamPrism IamTooGoodForTheDevT IamRockstar Pleasedon'tlookintom Solobek Taleniscute BaRRaissupercute FemFatalisthequeen Zilbythemysteriouski femthequeen zilbythesexyking wolfmanarachne IISROCKSTAR YesImcopyingWolf Idfc I<3aphro femimissyou ucute Taliscute aphro ode whynot sure whatevah BritSpearsCircus Iwon'trun outof tags P's Science Club Shamelessly #stolefromzilby imissyoufem IamRockstart Ducksrock god concep hybrid mage support I thank you Godpack tomorrow bby RIP yaaay Hi ZilbyPlea PlaySmiteWithMe StukeTalkToMe DucksIsSickT_T FemIsMIA ButImMaking ANewGuide !!! PleaseNoHate SeriousBusiness LoveYouAll YAYME GodWillHelpYouAll HaveFaith TomorrowIsABetterDay Must You Downvote My Chiron Guide Other Makers ... Yay random max level lol ThankYouAll LoveForBaethena MyYoutubeChannel HALP ACandleInTheWind E=MC² YuGiOh Paladins Gmod Stuff ._. IWatchHPSince1999 wow JustNoticed Wow. ThankYou IfIWasAGurl HAII ILoveStarWars Imeaaaaan welp HalpPls APHRODITE MY BAE aphrosolo HOOZAH amazing love zilbking I'll#Everything ohhaio FINALLYYYY Nov8th ez gg tryandrun zoom sadasasdgdsgasd PersonalStuff Sowwy PleaNoHate LuvUAll yus reasonception Healing rant trend smf meme trollingbran hibran himom omg personal writing community spotlight NOT A SINGLE PRINGLE alive well college guides update prism pris matches hera cerb ama guan poems translated busy so busy much busy please excuse me i miss ya'll rpg ttrpg elatus yeah

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