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Zilby's Blog
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November 30, 2015

Adventures in Ranked Joust

Views: 3639 Zilby
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adventure!  |  Chang'e  |  joust 1v1  |  ranked
So as some of you know (maybe) I've been doing my best to climb the joust 1v1 ladder. I recently achieved platinum almost exclusively playing Chang'e, with occasionally AMC if she's banned (although I'm thinking of switching that to Bastet since I'm not an amazing AMC). In any case, just wanted to share my progress. Some extra stuff:

My first ban is He Bo since it's a bad matchup. If my opponent does not ban Chronos I will then ban him (I personally believe he's the strongest 1v1 jouster in the game, and I don't like to mirror match with him). If my opponent bans Chronos (which is most of the time) I'll then likely ban Hou Yi or Ah Muzen Cab depending on how I'm feeling that day. You might question why I allow Hel through, but I'm playing Chang'e soooooooo.... yeaaahhhhh...

In any case, I've had a 70% winrate with Chang'e in this gametype (it's actually been getting better over time), so I hope I'll keep rising until I'm definitively the greatest Chang'e to ever Chang'e.

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November 17, 2015

Even less smite!

Views: 1864 Zilby
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BOI  |  Halo  |  too many gams
So on top of still going all completionist on Binding of Isaac Afterbirth, I also recently acquired Halo 5.

I shall not be on smite that much in the next couple weeks. That is all. Good day sirs .

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October 30, 2015

Binding of Isaac Afterbirth

Views: 1783 Zilby
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a life  |  gg having  |  not again  |  oh no
Not sure I've ever disclosed this on this site but I play too much of Binding of Isaac. Like I put 200 hours into the game, and finished it to completion. And its expansion just released.

I may not be on smite that much for the next month.
(Except for this weekend because reaping pt II)

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October 21, 2015
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college!  |  learning!  |  midterms!  |  reprieve  |  school!
So I have midterms this week so I won't be on smite until saturday at the earliest.

Since I've been procrastinating to all hell playing Smite and Rivals of Aether I've uninstalled both until said date to prevent my lack of self control from overpowering my brain and playing them.

I should also not be spending time on smitefire for the time being. If you see me comment on something yell at me to go do work.

~thanks peeps

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October 14, 2015

I did the pixel arts.

Views: 3403 Zilby

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