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Zilby's Blog
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April 06, 2016

Streaming Tests

Views: 2093 Zilby
So, I've been considering getting into streaming smite, mostly during my hiatus when I was streaming some smash bros and Distance footage. And so, the time has come where I've begun testing some streaming stuff. I'll likely use my computer's cam if/when I stream with my own audio but since this was late at night, alone, with a roommate, I just left a bunny where my face would be. A video of the test stream can be found here here (first link was an older stream, updated this to the most recent). Let me know what can be done to improve and make it awesome :]

Thanks peeps

**bonus: I just finished modifying an overlay for myself. I can even change the color to green or red on the fly! How cool is that?!?


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March 31, 2016
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full guide

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March 24, 2016

Return-ish. Also modding!

Views: 1927 Zilby
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The return! Ish. So I've decided I've been good this week (my sleep has been pretty good. I haven't worked out all that much, but I plan to tomorrow) and can reinstall Smite. I will be limiting myself to a two hour max per day on weekends, and will try to avoid doing so two days in a row so... yeah basically trying to keep it casual for now. If I find myself obsessing over the game I'll just go straight back to uninstalling it, so restraint is a virtue.

On another note, I decided to mod my xbox one controller that I use for pc games to match the rest of my setup. Got some parts on ebay and swapped them out, which was pretty fun, and the end results are great!

pretty pretty

So... yeah! That was fun. If people are online this weekend I'll try to catch a game. Just take into account that I haven't played since pre- Raijin so I'll be a bit rusty.

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March 17, 2016
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Hey Smitefireans. So I've put in a lot of thought into my relationship with Smite, and at this point believe that once I get just a few more things back on track (most notably sleep/workout schedule), I'll allow myself to once again perhaps rejoin the community/game.

Of course, I'll be avoiding obsessing over it to the same extent. I think I'll be banning myself from the smite Reddit (spent WAY too much time there) and still limiting my activity on smitefire and other such sites. I also will try to limit extended play times, I may try capping myself at 2-3 consecutive games.

Still, there are a few things I'm interested in pursuing in regards to Smite right now. My guides have been neglected for quite some time, and that's in part because maintaining them is quite frankly a pain in the rear end. Making a release guide is fun, you theory craft good release builds, get hype for the new god, come up with unique strategies, etc. Updating a release guide 5 months later is NOT fun. Strategi…
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March 01, 2016


Views: 2298 Zilby
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So it's been ~3 weeks so I thought it was about time for an update. Still not planning on getting back into smite for at least another couple months or so as I have had a lot more time to work stuff out without it. Haven't really been doing that much as of late though to be honest, I was kind of too bummed out to work on my social life a whole lot (as I wasn't socializing as much before compared to my normal amount due to the problems I was having as described in previous blog posts), so I've mostly just been focusing on schoolwork which has been going well enough. My sleep/workout schedule is still kind of wonky, but overall I'm doing fine.

For the last few weeks I've been avoiding all smite related content and have been trying to limit just how much time I've been more or less wasting on my computer, between only allowing 2-3 steam games I actually enjoy playing installed in my library at once and using StayFocusd (a chrome extension) to block websites like youtube and facebook afte…
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