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Zilby's Blog
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June 06, 2016
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So apologies to those I normally play Smite with for not being online as of late, Overwatch has taken over my time spent gaming. This blog is mostly just here to assure you that I will still be on Smite from time to time, mostly after I get sniped by Hanzo 15 times in 1 game.

Also I got this icon yesterday. Previously I was using the Anubis icon in Overwatch as a cheeky reference but I think this is better.

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May 16, 2016

Other Games Hype?

Views: 2467 Zilby
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So, let me preface this by saying that just because I'm playing other games doesn't mean I won't also be playing Smite :P

But is anyone else hype for the fresh wave of games lately? It's been a very long time since I really enjoyed a multiplayer FPS. To put this in perspective, the last single player FPS I enjoyed was Wolfenstein, but I haven't extensively played an online FPS since... I think it was Halo 4? Which was 4 years ago (and even to that extent, I still played that game less than Halo Reach). Recently though I've found myself taken by them again!

Overwatch Beta came out close to a week ago and I immediately found myself struck by just how good it was. I've never enjoyed team based shooters (I still dislike my experiences with TF2 to this day, no offense to any of you who enjoy it) but Overwatch just seemed to have everything. I had pretty low expectations for Overwatch, but I was stunned when I found that I enjoyed every class, every character was well thought out and balan…
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May 04, 2016

Twitch & Returnish

Views: 1238 Zilby
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etc etc  |  hiatus  |  twitch
So update-ish on my current status. I reinstalled Smite recently, as I've had more time to play in recent days. Idk how long this will last, or if I can manage my time better with it but for now I guess I'm playing with some limited regularity. In this time 2 things have happened.

1) I've started to further establish my stream (twitch/theZilb). During these streams I've been trying to either fill the time with curse discussions with friends I play with, or with commentary about the games I'm in. Generally my solo commentary is focused on why I'm doing what I'm doing, the choices I'm making or just whatever comes to mind. I'm hoping that maybe it'll give some insight into my head as I play Smite and might help whoever so decides to watch it, or at least give some context. (I also put a smitefire logo in my overlay so show my support to this community <3 ). I would give an example stream of this commentary except I realized after watching a couple that my microphone volume was way too l…
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April 18, 2016

Return of the Hiatus

Views: 2138 Zilby
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I don't feel like getting into the fine details. Summary of timeline:
  • Events transpire, personal life goes to ****, I take a reprieve from smite for a minimum 2 months.
  • Situation improves, start picking up the pieces, steadily getting better.
  • Start playing Smite again once I deem myself in a good enough position.
  • Maintain stability in my personal life for a bit, then steadily worsen a tad.
  • More events transpire, situation worsens more quickly.
  • *Current time*
I'm not at a new low, or anywhere really close to where I was when I initially went on hiatus, but from what's happened so far I can see that my playing smite for the time being is pretty easily connected to me being unproductive in improving my situation. Idk how long I intend this hiatus to be, right now I just know I don't want to keep going on the track I'm on until I'm in the same state of disrepair that I was in before.

*Also I apologize to my team in my most recent games when I was going Loki support and Ymir mid, I did…
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April 12, 2016
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athena  |  hou yeezy  |  wai
So I was streaming for a while today and just had what I think was probably the most frustrating game I've played in a long while. Just thought I'd share it because it was both infuriating and in a way, hilarious at the same time.

Summary: Choose Raijin because I want mastery I. The rest of the team chooses a hunter.... and another mage... and another hunter. *Off to a good start*. So I swap to Athena, don't feel like getting slaughtered because our composition is terrible. I play Athena well for the rest of the game, ending with a score of 6-2-20, having built almost all defense items (the exception being Gem of Isolation which I mostly built for the added CC and Obsidian Shard which I later sold for Mantle of Discord anyway). I got bm'd. The WHOLE game. Blamed for every death, there was nothing I could do right. And then they surrendered! After THEY get wiped while I try to protect them, and only I end up surviving they STILL blamed me and surrendered.

Here's the video of the…
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