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Zilby's Blog
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February 03, 2016


Views: 1888 Zilby
Do you ever have one of those moments where you just stop and think about what really matters? What people you care about, what things you actually care about and how much you're just going on autopilot through your life, not really processing what's going on but responding automatically; just doing the same things day after day.

Ever just take a pause and realize that you're unsure of what really matters to you anymore? That if you took everything away, got flown to a different continent with no history of your past self, do you really know who and what you would miss most?

I'm just having one of those moments where I'm not sure what really matters to me anymore, and whether I'm doing the right thing day to day, or if I'm ignoring what's really important to me. I guess I'm just writing this down because... I don't want to just forget about these thoughts again, go back into automatic mode where I might not be paying attention to what's paramount to me, but rather what seems most imp…
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January 22, 2016

In Case You Were Wondering

Views: 1322 Zilby

That is all

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January 13, 2016


Views: 3324 Zilby
So for those who read my previous blog post, I finally got things sorted today. Apparently one of my online homeworks for Fundamentals of CS was eaten by the system but I could show that I submitted it, so that hw was enough to raise my grade the one point I needed to be able to pass *thank god*.

So I'm pretty relieved, finally I can progress through college as intended. In other news, I tried ranked joust again today.

Oh smite, you rascal you

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December 19, 2015

Happy Holidays!

Views: 1855 Zilby
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Happy holidays everyone! Just here to wish everyone a good time over the next few weeks! People are on vacation, finals are done and it's finally to just sit back, relax and play some smite in our free time :]

For those that normally play with me, my playing will be intermittent at best. Unfortunately, I will not have access to my wonderful college, lagless ethernet connection and will be entirely reliant on my home internet connection. Thus, don't expect much better than 400 ping if you do play with me. I also lack my mic sooooooooo... yeaaaahhhh

So.. yeah! Have a great holiday season peeps!

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December 14, 2015
I've been promoted! Was stuck on plat I for a long while but I finally reached diamond V! Thanks to Greenevers for the joust tips :] Hopefully I'll continue to go up, but in the current meta, I'm content to sit at diamond if I'm to play almost exclusively Chang'e with hunters being so strong.

I did finally beat an Ullr *success*. My build of Divine Ruin -> Breastplate of Valor -> Shoes of Focus -> Hide of the Nemean Lion -> Obsidian Shard -> Rod of Tahuti proved to deal enough damage to Ullr while making his basics hurt him rather than help him against me. That combined with obby's objective push secured the win (another thanks to Greenevers for that tip).

Unfortunately my promo match ended on a bit of a sour note, despite it being a victory in a Chang'e mirror match. I started a bit weak, having gone for red buff + power pot and dying with my opponent at a sliver of health ~3 min in, I went for the late game approach. My opponent did not take well to this. Once I started …
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