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March 16, 2017
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So the new god has been dropped on live.

AND OH MY GOD HE IS WONDERFULLY GOOD! To be fair he does has his flaws which I shall talk about later but he is actually pretty well balanced. Sure, he needs a few tweaks here and there but for a hunter/jungler he is pretty solid.

Let's start off with his passive Heavy Glaive now first of all hi-rez is completely stupid in not doing historical check-ups since Glaives don't get used as a throwing weapon let alone one that boomerangs. But as for the passive it is pretty darn solid. It procs on towers making him quite good at pushing towers and it allows him pretty good jungle clear.

Shifter of Seasons is a wonderful little gem that can get quite confusing. Personally I prefer using Summer over all of them with me using Fall (Or Autumn for us brits) to get early damage off on the tank. The slow from winter is nice if you can't aim and the lifesteal is insane if you shove in an Asi with him from Spring.

Bramble Blast is pretty much standard …
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March 13, 2017
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Hello everyone, Stuke here with a rant that was long overdue. A while back I made a list of gods I hated from Season 2, so I decided to do it again but this time I'll be compiling a list of all the gods I hate from all the seasons. Since Big Daddy Bran decides to make it know how hard I rage at Smite, why not explain why these gods makes me fly off the handle. With that out of the way, lets begin shall we.
Number 10
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Number 9
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March 10, 2017
+Rep | Report

This post is partially in response to Sodsboy's blog, found here.

Not sure how this will be taken, but I wanted to give some transparency to the way I've sort of judged and scored the guides in the last 2 contests.

In the end, you may not agree with how I do it, but I've tried to be fair. That said, I'm also only one of several judges, so the guides I choose are not always the ones that win.

I provided the spreadsheet to the others, but I don't know the extent of its use.

In any case, I want to point out that when I score things like BB coding, I'm pretty lenient overall. Unless it's a gray wall of text, if you've at least linked to the database and have enough separation of information to give it clarity (e.g. Put in at least some minimal effort), you're good in my book. Maybe you'll get docked one or two points, but in the grand scheme, it's not much.

Why? It's the content that matters...the build quality, the build order, explaining options that give enough info to help b…
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March 09, 2017
+Rep | Report
So. Let's begin.

After seeing the announcements of the S4 guide contest winners I thought to myself. "Huh, wonder where I went wrong." So I went through both my Sun Wukong and my Rama guide (Just saying, they're really both good so y'know go check them out.)

And I can understand where I really go wrong, the amount of BBcoding I do isn't on par to what the winners did and to some extent the detail wasn't as good. But this can be explained.

Normally I do my guides in school when I have nothing else to do (Just like now were I'm writing this blog in biology since I just got my controlled assessment done.) And I normally only have an hour tops to get them done. It's kinda annoying to some extent that I don't force myself to sit at my gaming PC and get it done were I could properly code it all to a fine-art practically.

But then it hit me: I don't really need to do it to that extent. My guides are my take on the god and I wanted to make it as casual - And informative - as possible whi…
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March 07, 2017
+Rep | Report
So looks like i'm on the "on" part on my on-and-off Smite cycle :3

I've been playing Nike quite a lot recently. I can't, for the life of me, tank as a warrior, so having a warrior god that works well as a damage dealer is a nice change. (The other warrior i enjoy would be Priva Tyr).

Unfortunately, people just sometimes don't think the same way. I typed in chat, loud and clear, "damage nike", but people would just then pick another 2 assassins. Or a hunter and an assassin. You get the idea. In which afterwards, being the responsible player i am, switch over to a support. Nevertheless, when i do get the chance to play Nike, games tend to be fun and the teams optimal.

Also, can someone enlighten me on how the season 4 pass work? I've heard that are no longer season long, and are instead divided on the splits. It's more expensive than previous seasons, too. Thinking of getting it only because it has the Nevercake announcer pack. Do you think it's worth getting?

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March 07, 2017
+Rep | Report
*ALERT* This is going to be long, and there will be some parts in portuguese. I'm expecting this to be around 200 lines or so, maybe more.

So, to start things out, I promised I would do this :

If you participated in the guide contest/wants some north/directions for your guide, please PM me so I can give you a more detailed and "personal" review (Cuz in a PM I can be more bold cuz you asked for it ;)). I can give advice from on almost pretty much everything, except how to write, cuz that's yo teacher's job.

Now, before we start the 2nd reason for the publishing of this blog....

If you want to follow me on Twitter/Instagram (Won't share my Facebook cuz I don't post much stuff there and it's more family-related and I won't post english **** there cuz everyone calls me a show off when I do) , @ThePerfectPrism and leolara_08 . I post more english-related stuff over at Twitter, but on Instagram you can follow me more up-close I guess lul. (ALSO, BEFORE SOME JUDGE MC JUDGES *BRAN* START C…
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March 06, 2017


Views: 2227 Flaze249
+Rep | Report
Smite has been fun and all but I've gotten bored of it. The guide creating was fun and it was great to have such help from friends like Technotoad, Branmuffin, Zilby, and other nice, great commenters. I will keep the guides up and maybe finish the Freya build if I see it as any use to other. But farewell for now and have a great day/week/month/year/life! C: <3

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March 01, 2017
+Rep | Report
I've been trying for a good while now to get used to Bellona I touched her briefly in S3 and took her for a spin in Season 4 where I'm saying she's falling drastically. It's a shame that....She's being forgotten....Again. (PUNS!)

But for the most part the problem I see with her is that she wasn't the "I can box you for days mate!" With crit being so prominent she cannot box many people and Hercules being herc then what's the point?

Another major issue I'm coming across is her Bludgeon takes so long to wind up and it's rather annoying. The fact that it takes like 1-2 seconds to secure bot forms of damage can be quite annoying and if the enemy has got CC then good luck landing the slam.

And her Scourge Oh my word...Can this be anymore pointless. Oh yeah, 50 health. That'll help you in a boxing situation. Sure we can consider the 2.2 second disarm rather useful and the damage is rather nice but it's less then her Shield Bash so I wonder at times whether I should just max her 1 ove…
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February 28, 2017
+Rep | Report
Ignore the title, it's just clickbait. This comic is basically a ****py experiment with green screen/chroma key effects where I complain about my lot in life.

click for memes

Technotoad64 wrote:
thx u 4 reding


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February 28, 2017
+Rep | Report
The title says it all. I am currently Plat 4 and wanting to make a team. Message me, nR Visions, and we can play some ranked joust. Must be either Gold or Diamond tier, since we can only be one tier apart.

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