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Input On Unconventional Nike Build

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Forum » Build & Guide Discussion » Input On Unconventional Nike Build 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by gr1ndh0use » May 30, 2017 1:46pm | Report
Recently I've been getting bored with my usual pool of gods I play (mostly mages) and decided to branch out into the selections of melee and more guardian/warrior types and I absolutely fell in love with Nike.

Problem(?) is is that I apparently have been building her completely against the grain.

My build for her is Void Shield first, Ninja Tabi second, Witchblade or Hastened Fatalis third depending on enemy team, Ichaival or Silverbranch Bow depending on if mages or melees are giving me more trouble, Malice and Bulwark of Hope or Bloodforge depending on how well im doing.

This build hasn't by any means, given me trouble aside from me just getting used to playing Nike. When I'm on, I'm really on and when I'm off then I'm really off.

So. Im now aware that Nike is almost always built as a more tanky pseudo guardian and Im not sure why seeing as I feel her auto ups her chance of crits nicely because of the aoe on her first two autos which is basically like 4 autos in 2? she also has a great disengage with her 3 and starting up a combo with her 2 and 1 pretty much at least quarters if not halves most gods. her ult combined with either Bulwark of Hope or Bloodforge just seems like a smart thing to do either to be a deadly.

Can someone offer up some advice, feedback, tips, etc?

Much appreciated!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » May 30, 2017 10:24pm | Report
Depends on teamcomp tbh.
If you for example play her in jungle and got a second frontliner in solo. I do not really see a problem with building her damage instead of tanky.

But the reason for building her like a bruiser is that she still deals a lot of damage (because of high base damage) and that she is super hard to kill and super annoying for carries to deal with.

I haven't played her that much though. So you should take my input with a grain of salt ;)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by newbiemj » May 31, 2017 7:51am | Report
I personally like bruiser build for Nike. She is meant to get in and disrupt with Rend and her ultimate. So having high health and protections help in that aspect. I wouldn't get Bloodforge on her (I used to). I get the draw of it cause you gain an additional shield out of it , but you have to get a kill to activate it and it is pricey. Granted the power it provides is really nice. I would rather have Bulwark of Hope instead.

In my opinion, she has a relatively quick attack sequence without any attack speed items, because of that I would say you could get maybe 1 Attack speed item and still fair well with basic attacking. I feel like The Crusher can be nice on her since it has penetration some attack speed and helps a little with her cooldowns. My focus with her is CDR and protections/health.

One of my usual builds for Non-Conquest mode is Warrior Tabi Hide of the Urchin Breastplate of Valor Jotunn's Wrath Titan's Bane and then situational last item. You could put in The Crusher there or before Titan's Bane. It gives you full CDR, some additional attack speed. Heavy physical protections and decent magical with a good amount of penetration. If need more magical protections, switch Breastplate of Valor for Genji's Guard instead. You should be able to box a little bit but also able to use abilities as often as possible as well.

If conquest, I wouldn't get Hide and would move up Breastplate to item 2 if facing Physical solo or jungler. If magical, get Genji's. Then proceed with rest of build mentioned above. Without Hide, you could have 2 situational items or use one of those as protection item then other situational. Take Conquest with a grain of salt, because I do not play it often.

Just my input. (Background- 143 matches for 3.01 KDA on PS4)

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by gr1ndh0use » May 31, 2017 8:49am | Report
Thanks for the input! I will definitely try a few games with this info.

Thanks guys!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » June 1, 2017 4:43am | Report
My preferred build for most warriors is a bit more alternating on damage item defense item. unless I'm not doing well then it's more defensive.
Therefor I'm going to agree with newbiemj
However I would switch jotunn's and valor. as having some pen at that stage can be real good against tankier targets.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by newbiemj » June 1, 2017 6:44am | Report
Devampi wrote:

However I would switch jotunn's and valor. as having some pen at that stage can be real good against tankier targets.

Yeah, you can definitely switch those two items around. If doing well, get Jotunn's, if not, get Breastplate.

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