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A Question About Starting Items:

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » January 18, 2014 4:04pm | Report
I used to love buying DT + boots (asi on artemis)+ 1 health pot + 1 mana pot (except neith, cupid, and maybe AMC, 2 mana pots). And I never use skill to clear minions except being outpushed. It will kill my escape most of times and too dangerous to run out of mana. I think now I will start with DT+Asi+Pots


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » January 18, 2014 4:22pm | Report
Raventhor wrote:

1) Oh Talenheim, I was just stating my opinion to Ghraf, I didn't even notice we agreed :D

And Ghraf, Ymir may clear a lane, but not all supports can, and I can commonly (on Neith), use a spirit arrow and finish them off with basics. I do not get pushed to my tower, either. Blue buff certainly helps early game, but remember it restores HEALTH, too.

It's a little erroneous to say skills will always clear a lane 100%, and the sustain is what puts you over the top. There's a reason those pros use it. Especially Zapman never leaves without it, being in the top 5 (last I checked) in solo queue and (I think) his 5v5 team in Conquest League.

Sobek and Athena can clear lanes too? Bacchus is the only META support without a "lane clear" skill.

And they don't have to clear it 100%. If you only have to use four or five basics to put down the rest of the minions you still are barely getting any benefits from DT.

With Devourer's Gloves, health is covered more than with DT, also.

And, according to BME's post, you see basically no ADCs have DT at the end of a match. It's a stepping stone item for level 1-5 at most.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » January 18, 2014 4:28pm | Report
Of course no one has death's toll at the end of match, but the pure stats it gives are better than any other item early game. That's why in LoL people get Doran's Blade. Of course it's not as good as a late game item but it assures lane dominance over someone that doesn't get it.

And 4-5 basics per WAVE, plus any auto attack harasses on the enemy, is more than enough. You'll easily end up with hundreds of bonus health and mana over the course of a moderate, at worst, amount of time.

Also, sure, Sobek and Athena have AoE damage, but they don't have waveclear. Sobek's Tail Whip shouldn't be used on minions, and his cone attack doesn't do *that* much, even when you max it first (as you should). Athena's Shield Wall/Dash will do well, I'll give you that, but she doesn't have the mana to keep up with that.

In the end, we're just arguing viewpoints that won't change. If you do well without it, then there's no problem with that. You don't HAVE to get Death's Toll. I use it for my early game dominance to snowball me, but sometimes you don't need the item to do well. To each his own, I suppose.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » January 18, 2014 4:52pm | Report
Raventhor wrote:
Especially Zapman never leaves without it, being in the top 5 (last I checked) in solo queue and (I think) his 5v5 team in Conquest League.

Well Dignitas is currently the only Smite team that gets paid to play Smite, so you can say that Zapman is one of the 5 ppl in the world that play Smite professionally.

And other than that, when it comes to abilities etc for lane clear, you do not always even want to use abilities for that job. Sometimes it is better to save them for the enemy god, a good example could be a Ymir Neith lane.

You might want to save your Spirit Arrow to chain it with a Frost Breath or Glacial Strike :)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » January 18, 2014 4:56pm | Report
Ghraf wrote:

Sobek and Athena can clear lanes too? Bacchus is the only META support without a "lane clear" skill.

And they don't have to clear it 100%. If you only have to use four or five basics to put down the rest of the minions you still are barely getting any benefits from DT.

With Devourer's Gloves, health is covered more than with DT, also.

And, according to BME's post, you see basically no ADCs have DT at the end of a match. It's a stepping stone item for level 1-5 at most.

And to add on that you should almost NEVER wast mana on wave clear when you are playing support.

You need your mana for initiating, counter initiating and for when you are rotating mid camps.

I see this over and over again in bronze (Yeah I got demoted because I didn't play last seasons FML), the support is wasting all his mana and CD on wave clear and ends up costing the team a ezy kill or even giving the enemy team a kill because he/she can't protect the carry...

Just buy DT.

It is a must have, not buying it is like getting FOG on a support.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Creationism » January 19, 2014 10:36am | Report
I play tanks.
Just to give you my own start, if I'm laning with someone who last hits minions, I get watcher's gift, and I don't need midas boots. If I lane with someone who can't last hit. Mark of the Vanguard into Midas.

After my start item, I buy HoG 1 and Eye 1, or just HoG if I'll need beads later. I compensate by getting two wards instead. after that its potions and such.

BTW, why do tanks ever get anything other than HoG 3? FoG is worthless if you already have a taunt, stun, or throw.

I feel like maybe warriors with no stun (Odin) should definitely have FoG though. Sun Wukong is also a good choice for FoG if he needs to save his escape.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » January 19, 2014 10:39am | Report
Creationism wrote:

BTW, why do tanks ever get anything other than HoG 3? FoG is worthless if you already have a taunt, stun, or throw.

Exactly, FOG on a support just kills me a bit inside :P
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Creationism » January 19, 2014 11:19am | Report

Exactly, FOG on a support just kills me a bit inside :P

Its good in Bacchus, but only because his stun is delayed and bad. But on any other tank its worthless. Hades even has a fear that lasts as long as Athena's taunt.


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