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Let's Make Patch Notes - Guardians

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Forum » General Discussion » Let's Make Patch Notes - Guardians 98 posts - page 9 of 10

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Geb's Shield
Ares' Uselessness
Hades' Uselessness
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » February 5, 2014 3:35am | Report
HiFromBuddha wrote:

I'm really sorry, but I'm finding it really hard to word this nicely. It's just a mix of can't be bothered explaining why your suggestion is bad and pointless, and a mix of how irritated I am at how 'blind' you are.

The problem with Ares' ultimate right now is not the fact that it is hard countered by Purification Beads, but more so if you don't have Purification Beads, you are just ****ed. While it may not be TT's original intention, I see this change as still keeping Ares' effectiveness but making it so Purification Beads is not detrimental.

I'd also like to say that, I don't know if it's just you not reading carefully or whatever, but the minimum duration of the ultimate is 4 seconds. Purification Beads lasts 3 seconds at max rank. That means that even if you do use Purification Beads, you will still be pulled once, it just won't be as bad if yo don't have beads.

Now please don't try to argue this, because I swear that I'm going to snap if this argument goes any longer. I'm already irritated that I'm spending my time here talking about something pointless when I could be doing something else that I could actually be having fun with or being productive.

I see what you are saying. I went back and re-read. I overlooked how beads would effect the ult in this case. :/


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » February 17, 2014 11:52am | Report
Okay: I know I'm necroing. But I thought it better to slightly necro something then to make a brand-new thread about it.

It's really just my ideas for a Hades rework. Here I go:

Blight: Make all blight affects mandatory; new passive, (level/4)*(amount of protection items) protection debuff aura within 20(?) feet.

Death From Below: increase slow by 10% at all ranks; lower damage scaling.

Shroud of Darkness: Increase fear scaling; if any god hit has an ability on CDR, add 1/2/3/4/5 seconds to it (cannot exceed base CD); if an ability is being used when this is applied, it is put on CD (I'm looking at you, World Weaver).

Devour Souls: any enemies hit are stunned for 1/2/3/4/5 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 OR 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 minutes seconds; Increase healing; remove scaling on healing.

Pillar of Agony: Make Hades invulnerable; give it cripple; increase radius by 10 OR 20; remove all damage; maybe change the duration; have it pull in gods faster(?).

Basically, I want him to be more gaurdian-focused:
Blight: rank 1, 0.25 protections removed. Rank 20, half build (midas doesnt count as a tank item), 15 protection debuff aura. Full build, level 20, 30 protection debuff aura. Might need a slight nerf?

Death From Below: The slow was kinda underwhelming, and saying you probably aren't going to upgrade it first, to have the slow still be useful earlygame.

Shroud of Darkness: One of my friend's favorite arguments against Shroud is that "So you pick Hades because you can interrupt Guan's 3? why not just pick He Bo or Hercules, who can do it as well, and are better choices?" This is basically making it worth something, and add a lot of defense to a god that honestly lacks it.

Devour Souls: Hades needs hard CC, can be tanky and still be able to heal, and still has the earlygame damage that lets him be so aggressive.

Pillar of Agony: From what I've seen, this is such a gamechanger because of the pull, not the damage. But if I remove the damage, who's to stop them from focusing Hades? so, I made him invulnerable. The cripple is to keep his ult from being useless, and the increased radius is to hopefully make beads a less viable option, though that might be a tad much.

So. What do you guys think? this is really my optimal Hades, though I could understand some small nerfs/buffs.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by alphacar » February 17, 2014 4:53pm | Report
The invulnerability seems a bit much. The invulnerablility would make him be ignored since he don't do damage. Maybe we should double or triple his protections so the enemy team can at least try to burst him down.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 17, 2014 7:11pm | Report
Tal, I like your ideas, but I think Hades' new Blight can be simplified to simply -20 protections, or -15 protections, etc, since supports are mostly about the early game anyway.

But I dislike your changes to Shroud and Devour Souls. Why?

Firstly, Shroud already gives a CC comparable to Confound and Frost Breath, with a lower cooldown. At max rank, it has a cooldown of 11 seconds. In fact, I think in light of this, the fear duration should be toned down.

Secondly, your changes to Hades have already given him a 50% slow, and a fear with a short cooldown. He does not need a stun, since I think that would make him the most overpowered support in the game.

But your ultimate idea is amazing. The problem with adding cripple was that it caused unavoidable damage, but without the damage, it becomes very balanced. But I would not increase the radius, and I hate Chaac enough that I would dislike the invincibility. Instead, why not have it grant protections (which it already does), and give it a nuke effect at the very end? It adds some counterplay options (kill Hades? Beads out? Aegis the nuke?), and the nuke can still be support-like, perhaps by healing. It also fits in well with Devour Souls, almost like a giant version of it.

That's my reaction, at any rate.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by arka222 » February 17, 2014 8:18pm | Report
Few points on Hades: He definitely needs skill rework

- Making him invincible on ulti and dealing no damage on it, gets to two too extremes!. Every
god must have skill utility even in a solo scenerio. Keep cripple for first half of the
ulti and make him invulnerable for the last second. This can help him escape out using 1.
Don't increase the radius but make him deal damage.

- His passive should be connected to his basic attacks too. Some kind of progression on basic
attack speed with successive blights.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 17, 2014 11:51pm | Report
Crippling while keeping the damage, as I stated previously, would be too strong. His Pillar of Agony deals 840 + 240% of Hades' magical power, 420 damage + 120% is too strong when it is unavoidable, not to mention by the time it no longer cripples, you'd be blasted by dozens of area attacks from his friends. I think there are already enough Beads-Or-Die ultimate in the game.

I'm personally kind of split about his basic attacks. Yes, he is a ranged support, but let's face it: his entire kit is in melee range. I guess buffing his basic attacks via his passive could give him some unique utility for a guardian, but it just clashes so much with his kit, it might make another Poseidon out of him.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by arka222 » February 18, 2014 12:11am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Crippling while keeping the damage, as I stated previously, would be too strong. His Pillar of Agony deals 840 + 240% of Hades' magical power, 420 damage + 120% is too strong when it is unavoidable, not to mention by the time it no longer cripples, you'd be blasted by dozens of area attacks from his friends. I think there are already enough Beads-Or-Die ultimate in the game.

I'm personally kind of split about his basic attacks. Yes, he is a ranged support, but let's face it: his entire kit is in melee range. I guess buffing his basic attacks via his passive could give him some unique utility for a guardian, but it just clashes so much with his kit, it might make another Poseidon out of him.

That's very fine points you made. Guess, he needs total rework and can't be fixed with minimal patch work. His passive and basic attacks should be fixed first, then we can discuss on the ultimate.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » February 18, 2014 9:45am | Report
Okay, yeah, my previous idea was a *tad* overpowered. So here are some nerfs to the idea:

Blight: protections debuffed are equal to Hades' level. 1 at level 1, 20 at level 20. (possible idea - give Hades all stolen protections? no, that would be overpowered... maybe from only one god?)

Death From Below: keep it as it is for the current Hades, with the slow mandatory ofc. Still 20/25/30/35/40.

Shroud of Darkness: Remove the strange CDR thing. It should still put the channeled abilities on CD tho - like, if you Shroud Anubis during Plague of Locusts, he'll be feared and the locusts will be put on CD. Things like Fearless and Taoulu Assault, too.

Devour Souls: Either make it a Mesmerize or remove the stun. Keep the healing buff and removal of healing scaling, tho.

Pillar of Agony: Remove invincibility. Keep cripple, and remove the damage. Prot. shred still stays. (yes, ik it's still a BEADS OR DIE ult, but now that his kit is stronger, it should balance out somewhat). No need to add extra protections - you're gonna be building tank anyways.

That should fix things.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 21, 2014 11:48am | Report
I think we're good for Hades.

Hades Specifics: He wasn't really much of a support, and we tried to make him more like one.

MadDanny's Proposal

Talenheim's Proposal

Sub's Stuff

Now for Geb-Geb. Some say he's broken, others say he's not. I played him as a support tank, and honestly, I think he is balanced during the laning phase. Either that, or I don't know and other people I've faced don't know how to play Geb.

I think the biggest design problem is in his Stone Shield. His Roll Out is strong, but laughably easy to avoid, and his Shock Wave is an odd ability, but I think it works. But his shield gets overpowered late game, where it essentially makes someone invincible.

I propose reducing Geb's late game power and increasing his laning phase' power by altering the numbers on his shield. From 0/50/100/150/200 to 100/150/200/250/300, and lowering his contributions from 18% of his maximum health to 15%.

At 3500 health, this change will only lower the shield's amount by 5. But it will be a nerf to those who will be inevitably get Gauntlet of Thebes on him, and a small buff for utility Geb-Gebs.

I have another unrelated proposal that seeks to add counterplay to Geb's shield, as well as more utility. It no longer cleanses CC. It is destroyed when the target is hit by a hard CC effect, but the hard CC effect is negated. I vastly prefer this shield over the old one, as it is now possible to counter it, but it doesn't really affect the usefulness of the shield.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » February 21, 2014 12:43pm | Report
I'm not sure if the shield is affected by the target's protection, but I think it is. In my opinion it Stone Shield should be health increase without protections. True-damage shield, if you will.

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